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�. • ..���li�'t�-,�A'trN;l,� tl4;f? � F � ,. . `f ..�..�..,..�.-::� �.: ... , <br /> . � ii�1_1 `�j��j.. t� �}�` .t�.,ft;, �' , �� ,i, u�an..;kAr n1'�,r.I�.�wwrus,?�''%i)��:.i !,�•;1:' . <br /> i�'.�j�+.wu� � .. lr. , .- . :t�j„n„R.,v.��►�7�f.wwnpl�wtw,;.:v..:;�i� . • . <br />. - i . ...I.i.eJ;' i.,� . . �, ���r� • . , ;. <br /> . <br /> i . . ii <br /> . • <br /> . . . 5 . <br /> .� ' – ' '_ ' _ . -. <br /> . . .u. Mrer.�F,rqrr ...-..m. � r�s :{j77fi� � 3 ,i.;,%ir"�'""�"r.-/1' „„„ — - <br /> . _ � ua�!"���,•il.� S Y;'£r-����° ----- °��Y��J'i•' __—�. <br /> ' �. _..,,..:��� , ,r `i1. — — �'_°-- --- — -- <br /> -- - -- — J � N 1h:ator I��{�rtn�w�eh and the Intr�ceet o1i��inaei pu�.rttr tem�k��tea,u esaiflrt�!or W�f4lhr�tl,"tii h�W�t�i�w1. ^_. <br /> _x:;...•,��.�r���.,� , . � . t� � W .. <br /> ..::t�t:::-°�r�� .�j c��-�:��y:�, �tf tha'1'�BiMla at Tnas�tHe t�t n <br /> _� . cr ti'�ia�:_t�a n c=:;,:,...:.:i r.'!n�.:� �::;��C:�ti•�:.:;�c-:��c:;'�c'�.. .- , �- , <br /> ` .;4: 6��� <br /> L:�:.9 r.:.^.t;�.:�h n c.';;..:;,��c?c.:.;�c.7 f��l'_�.�:':r,::!t.::::.:=1 c Gr ,._; �.r � <br /> F <br />-' #+r_r��;�:;�. � �:� � F�1l.1. �G�(FPZ�f�VA!'���: �Fwd, up�n w�iY4e+� �a�aeat ct Cie�ntfii:.3a�y �Misr� it�KT s� sua:a c;:z�:..:� I�c;;:L;t t:<.�� 4�_:� (��.f �:::1 ��] �.;:�_,_, <br /> �_�° r':'-v���-�-�. omwci,Tnaot� Rh�N r�,:csnvr wqhaui wamuity, the pwpaety thRn lsaM haraundsr. - <br /> :�±a+:�^�,�,;.r�;.1� oU119�tbni sra�rad hK�y hAV�b�en sxtbiac�torfrj pwF !� <br /> °"£�'=,;'�1::�-��-,�;�cau Th� rw,it�lr h� �uch rpcanvay�u �! ary m�riwa ol 1�ct eM�A be casdu�ko prozi ct th� truthl��e�co tAweof. 7tse Qmtoo In �uch <br /> -= r�onnv�nxy p�de�ipr�etod a� •tha p�rson or p�nons fpMNy mtltl�d tt�vrnto'. 9uch nquw��nd noorw�yrna d�alM opKw�� • <br /> -.-�::--M�=.,��:�-���� re,,••l�rntne ot t'ne�nte�lnca�w,lasaos w��i protfta tardnbato�a assl�tsfl t�ihn 9wtie�l:;ary, — _ <br /> ------,�.'T�ttz t�1�� (A'�NtI01�h��W1lh0UA 1�N CO�Ii�f11 d1 Ed1QAC1Nyl.orenx�a oona�nt t9 th��tbbThhmK►t ol�dhMc1 whbh t►��t t��povr�►e, <br /> _"u�:,=;��� <br /> =:�..,,�.�� <br /> _-:;_?����:."r.e , ACCELEFIATION UPON DEFAULY� AODITIONAI. REMEWES: In th�w�nt of�ny d�ik h�nundK, e�na4dary no�y�+t <br /> -�.�;��-���:.�;,�r ,�; k�opUott: <br /> .�'.r'�:.' .,.i z;o• �► <br /> :i5tt�:"�� �•t,..�Y' <br /> -•s3a_•�;.�•. ti (4)Ter��v.'i�pddlilon:l adr:nc:a� H er►��m.��e unc�r�p�!set!nt t�tha Fremlaaory Nat�or�ny buildki0 loan�yre«rwnt;ar _ <br /> :...,y.����,=.:�i <br /> ti�s:•�' <br /> ,+������. '_:''t,.��,! (b) Declue �ny aum secured h�eby in�nxdietay du� �nd pay�bl��nd ih�suna�hdl there upon become dva�nd p�y�W�withaut <br />�,�'';�; . . .. � �ny presentma�t, denund,proteot or notice oi any{ckid; or <br />� `�,'•.:.,,'.;, �� � (o)A1t any tkns,wkh�x wkhout naike, efther In pereon,b��apa?t, a by reicaNrr to Ee eppofrit�d by ths Court witho:it royirrd to!h� <br /> =,�''.•',:,. :.,�. adoQuaaY of�ny eacuriry ior the Indebt�drsesa secured hKeby�enter upon and tak�possasalon of such pro��ty a u►y pw!thenof, m�da, <br /> �.. ; _ , <br /> �ncel,enierce�m�!ti1y lNaee; abtnln end eiect tenanta,set a modity reote; in Re own nartN sue or othrrwi�a collai the ronts,k�com�, <br /> !' . Issuea end proRts thereot, !nd¢dk►p thoso paat due end unp�ld; �nd �ppy th� �me, {eas coate rnd expencos ot op�ntbn� M�dudin0 ___ <br /> ,r=�• ' � reQaonabb attomey's tees, upon any inde6tedneda aeeured hereby u►d In wch adK �s BaneflciW m�y d��nr�in�, ar�d �ccpt fa►wch <br />- : �ppYc�Uon, B�nc�Rciary eh�ll not 6e Nab{e to any person lar the coNectlon or nancollectbn ol any rents,k►r.wne, isaues o►prolit� iur ihs _ <br /> fl <br /> }�• hAun to assat or aniorce u►y ot the torepainp�tyhta,nor ehatl OeneRdary be charged wlth any of the duUes end obi►yoUona of a anwtq�gs� <br /> ` In possessbn. The enterk�g upon and telJng pos�asslon oi euch propctty, tha collection of such ranta,tncome,Isau�a M prafk�,th�doiny <br />= + . ot other acta hereln wthafaed,�nd the appltcaUon ther�eol as atoresud, shaN�o!cura or waNe any dvfauft or noi)¢fl of detauk hereunder a <br /> ' "' " Invaudete any act done puceuant to such notice;or — <br />- (� Cauae to bo Ned on record, �written notice ol defeuft end elecUon to seN such property. Atter 4he lapse of such timo�a then _._. <br /> • may de requked by law toi{awlnp recordatlon at euch notice ot detouk, and notke oi eaie havinp been pNen a� requked by I�w,Tn�ste� <br /> wHhout demend on Trustor shaq seN such proparty,either as r whok or In ssipante percels, and in such order sa R or BenMdary may <br /> � - rtntannlaa at QubUa wcUon to tha highest bldder. The Truatee mty poatpone the sale of aN a eny portlon o1 such pro{xtiy by puWb <br /> � announcanent at the Ume oi nate, �nd hom tkne to ttrm there�fta,may poat�one the eaie by pubro announcameni Ri ihe ume�mo Pi:w <br /> fixed by the preced(np postponement. TNStee ahall deliver to aueh purchtser Ns deed conveyfnp the property eo aold,wRhout�ny covenant _._ <br /> " , or wenanty, exprese or Implied. The recltal In such deed of eny mattero ot tact w otherwlse shail be concluehre proo!of the lruthfulness <br /> the�eot. My pexaon, Inctuding Truator, Truatee or Benetfdnry,may purchaae�t eatd sala. Yruatea may also aeU nt eny auch eals and�a• _� <br /> : part thereoi, eny shares ot corparate stack eucudnp the obUgaUon secured heroby, end Trustor wahres demand end noUce of such ea{e. __ <br />_ (BeneP�clary at fts optlon may atso torecloso on euc4�eharus by fndependent ptodye sate,and Tr�stor wnlves demand ot not�e of such aale.) �-, <br />- •. After deducting ali costs, tees and expense9 of Trustee,and of ihis Uuat, I�cludinp cost oi evtdence oi title In connection wfth auch ea.b, -v <br /> Trustee shall flrst apply the proceeds ot sate to tho puyment ot eY sum� expended unde►the terms hereof, not then repaid, with�cau�d __ <br /> Interest at the r�te then payabte under the note or notma aecured hereby,and thc�n to payment of ell other sums aecured hereby,and H the �'` <br />�• �� therenfter there be any proceeds remalning, d(str(bute them to the person or persona IeQaly entiqed thereto. ' <br /> _ `.•.:'- <br /> It thla De�d o1 Trust or any note eecured hereby providea tor any charqe tor prepayment o1 any indebtedness secured hereby,Yrasta npreas �;�? <br />= to psy sxld charge,H nny of said indobtedness ahall be patd pdor to the rtatu►ity date thereot etated in eald note or thla Deed ot Trust,even ���; <br />- M nnd notwiihetanding Tn�ator shel! have defeulted In peymont thereof, or In pertortnance of any agreement hereunder, and Beneflduy by <br />' reason thereof, siiaN have dectued ell sums secured hereby knmedlately duo end payablo. <br /> ,, �CHEDULE OF LEASES: Wilhfn ten (10) days afler demand, Tn�stor ahall tumish to Trustea or Beneficlary a schedule, cc�tHfed by <br />° ' Trustor, selting torth afl leases of such property. Induding, tn each cese,tho nama of tho tenants or occupants, a description of d�e spaae <br /> „ occupied by sush tenant and occupant,tho rentsl payable for such epace end such other Intormutlon and documents with respect to such <br /> leases and tenancles as the Truatee or Benetidary may request. <br /> COVENANTS OF TRUSTOR WITH RESPECT TO LEASES: Without tho pdor wdtten consent of Truetee or Beneflclary,Trustor <br /> ' � shall not, directty or indirectly,wkh respect to any Ieasa of apsce In such praperty,whother such lease Is not or hereafter in oxistenco: (a) <br /> � accept or pertnft eny prepayment, discount or advance payment or rct�t thereunder; (b) car�cel or tertninate the samo, or aceept eny <br />- cancellaUon,terminaHon or surtender theroof, or permit eny event to occur whlcti would entitte the Iessea thereunder to terminete or cancel <br /> . the aame; (c) amend or modiy the same so es to reduce the tertn thefeof, the rental payablo thereunder, or to change mny renewal <br /> provisions there(n con4�ined; (� watve any dofault thereunder or breach thereof; (e)give any consent, woNer or approval thereunder or tako <br /> � � any other sctlon in connectton therewith,or wfth a lessee therounder, which would have the etiect of Impafring tho value of lessor's inte��est <br /> thereunder or the property �ubJoct thereto, or ot ImpalrNg the position or Interest ot tho Trustee or Benaflciary: or(� aell, assifln, pledgo, I <br /> mortgago ot othervvise dispose ot,or oncumber fte Interest in nny sald lease or any rents. Issues or profits Issuing or risinp thereunder. <br /> DUTIES OF THE T€iUST�E: Truator sgroos that:(a) the duties and obliflatlons ot Trustco shnll bo detertnined soleiy by the oxpresa <br /> provisl�na of this Deed oi Trust and iho Trustee sheY not bo Ilablo oxcept tor the periormanco of such dutlos and obligattons ea are <br /> apecflicalty sot iorth herein, end no imptlod covenants or obllgaUons shalt be imposed upon the Trusteo; (b) no paR ot this Deed of Ttust <br /> shall require Trustao to expend or tisk ita own tunds, or othe+wtse Incur financial obligaUon tn the perlortnance o}ttny of its duties hereunder, I <br /> - ' or In the exerciso of any of ita righte or powers, If it sh�l havo grounds for bcliavinp that the repayment o1 such tunds or sdequnte Indemnity I <br />- -,.--- - aastns!cuch dsk or Uabilily Is not reasonably easured to It; (c)TruatQe may consutt with counsel of its own cfioosing nnd tho advice of such <br /> __�___ _: ___ _ <br /> oounsel ahali bo tull and complete authorizaUon and protecUon in the respact ot any ac[ion caicen or surtered'oy �i 6��,����� y�+ .a�.�� . -- <br /> � and tn rel;�nco thereon; (d) Trustee sha�not bo Itable for any actlon taken Cy tt In gand tnith and reasonebty belfeved by It to bo authortzed <br /> i <br /> � <br /> or within tha discretion or rlghta or powere conlerred upon it by this Qued o1 Tnrst <br /> TRUgTE�'S FEES: Trustoc exprossly covenonte und agrees ta pay nnd dfschargo ail costs, tees nnd expenses of this Oaed ot Trust, <br /> � inctuding In tho event of snlo by tho 7rustce ul such properry, tho 7rustco'a costs,expensos ond fees,whlch teea shnli not exceed 5500.00 , <br /> ,` plua 1/2 ot 196 of tho amount seeured heraby end remalning unpnid. <br /> � , <br /> � Fa2e.una ca�� .''apo 3 ot 1 <br /> _ 103 � <br /> 1l� <br /> .. � <br /> . <br /> - <br /> �---- --- -- <br /> � - —��_�_:._W��_�.,�_.._.._..........o.�a,,...- .----_-- <br />