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E=.::� @Cy)�i1:�.L7 C,�l:,'.J 4,'r::1� C'.;::��:;d C,i C��-Z(.. :_..�:--;i }.,,_�.�. <br /> -�'_- �`'�•---�°=`'°':�' hanln� (3)fMn or clu�r{w�ta Rny etatxn�a�t r�gtcrc�{np ths PbY{�tbn atxxHSd hxoE�y hs rr���mosmt dar�ifed bY fia�4fciMy�nu1,ta �ous�aod <br />_-���:3ti,.:';,','::;`rfi' . <br /> - -,.,,.;�� tl+e msxiinum aerount�ifake+d by Ww tfierKore et thm ttmr when sucb r�quoet b n�ds, (A) sssch othw charg��tiw f�uwl7otary neay dwn+ <br /> - rMSa�eble(a t�via� nnd«�d 6y B�nMci�ry�rtd kxnkh�d M tM nquMt ot Tn►�ta rx�ny �ucciwxx'In k►1asN tc►7rualor. (S1 il wch <br /> °. sa <br /> --� <br /> -.,.�.-�_•�:�.r.-._,.�. prc�aty N�clut4s� kr�ahold utata�A!f�xymants�s�d otNiyr4tona reQub�d al the 7rwta or hN auorwu�ror In 7ntanst uc�r th�t�nns i <br /> - ` (Ot1lU1tlM11 rX kltiN�lMllts tXM1117Q WCfi•IMlltehold� (°) � WYntc�r � .. •.-y %�%y%•. . ,�^d� - :j�� G�::.`7 C! C�•�y •••+--•{»v��� <br /> �:._,r,. - 0 � IZIi Wl4 i�iu�iGtir f v�n�i 1 1.�..� 6t _.. �•-r.�� - <br /> --_,�----- �ry dadMr�don af aw�nant��oandhioni�nd nstrkxbn�pMtaink�p to wch prop�ty or a�y modMcation th�wtt (►1 M en�r►p�p�Inwrw�a a <br /> ---��.:��;'�_°_i'��_ quw�nry iw�,P+'rnFums� a chargee o1 my nRtur�pertakiinp to s�cch propsRy. Tni�tor��n to nody BenMfdwy Niwr�f�t�ly upon n�wiPt <br /> _- _u, . <br /> =—=,�,��:� ----- by Yrustoir ol nnika ol�ny inaaaa in the�ssssa�i va1u�ot aueh prc��rty�nd apnss that 6m�y,in th�n�of Truator,rrwy axit� <br /> ""-"�; �'c'�' ' ' 111 CMl1�IQ8 tUGh �f1UAlS�{(1 R690S6(11Mt. - <br />_.._... �"+.t:,���ttY,�. � h8 M(x�� f►ro <br /> �.:..�'4�`_Yn..!��.'✓`L '��l <br /> ��.'... <br /> '``�•`"�'-�"''�:�' !a the event o}ti�e paoanye o1 any kw deduc11n8 tYom the valus o1 real property fa i.he pu�►oaas o1 UuaUon Mny Nen ihKron or�Si h <br />-�r::k�:n�:ru' ..+�: �_ ._.. <br /> --- ,•�,.: �,.�;.�'�:. sn� or lhY tnannar W th� <br /> - _:::�,f ....,,���;a� �ny way the kw�1or Ihe taw�tbn of dtads nt in�at a debta secured by dNds oi tru�t tar etata a Ioc�l purpo <br /> ` �.: �`.;,«,�;{ry.,� �lon ot�u►y such taxee,ao ��to �ttect thla Oeed ot'I�ust,thr hWd�r of thi��aed ot Tiu�t�nd o1 th�ot�NptNon�whbh k��auM thY � <br /> e`�.�.. �-°• - � have the dpht to deckre�71 eums eocurod hareby due as o!� 3aU to 6�s�d by nof ka�th�n 30 d�ys'�wiAUn aoNw to b�OW�n b <br /> �.;r•�': <br /> t'�'' Y'�� �� T�ustor by Benallclaiy;providad, howeva,th�i euch eltcUon ahtll bo inellactNe H Trueta la permRtod by law to pay th�whois d wch tuc In <br /> � � �� �, ad�dtt{on to�fl otner p�yment�roquked hereunder�nd M, pdar to euch a�clM1ed d�te, dooa�y nuch tax tnd i�as to pay�ny awh tuc <br /> __�;`,;:,�:�"':.:�°. :.1' w6an hereaRer{arled or�sae�aed�yalnet much property,�nd euch�gre«r»ni ehaM cana�tute a modMcatlon of thts Dad ef 7ruat <br />_ � " ^e FIiNDS FOR TAXES AND INSURANC�: If Beneflclary sheY so requen,iru�tor�cpreea thet slie�u ah�i be odri� to t:o F:.�� � <br /> ptyment requked to be mada hereurtda an amounY estimated 6y Trustor to be sutflcient Zo enabie T�ustor to pay,�t le�at thMty(30)daye =-- <br />;7� , before deRnquency. eN generd and spaclal taxes,assossmente, ar othar publlo cherpes egninst such property,the Romlasory Hot�, or u�aon =Y__ <br /> - or on account o1 the debt or the Yen o1 thie�eed of Trust,tagother with premiums tor Inaarance requtred to be provlded une�r thl�Uex! of <br /> -r , Trust�nd ell madgage insurence a guarsnty tene, prerr►Iuma a sknikr charpes md no interest shaA be payebM to 7ruetor in rap�ct tMr�of. <br />�fi .. . , Upon demend by T►ustee, Tmstor ehall dailver to T�ustee such addJtlonal s�ima o1 money ma are nocesaary to m�lce up any detic�eney h the - <br /> ameunis nec�ssey to ennbie Trustee to pay any of the toreflolnq ftems. <br /> SUMS ADVANGED TO B�.l1R IPITEREST: To puy immediatety upon de�x+nd any eums advanced ve pa{d by Ben�lld�ry or Trustee _ <br /> � under any ciauae a provlslon of thia Deed o1 Sruot Any such sums,untG eo repeld,sheH be aecared hereby and beu Intsrest iram th� -- <br /> data advanced or pald at the asmo rate aa eet forth In such Promissory Note and ehnM be aecured by thla Qeed ot Truet. <br /> `�...... . - .-_ . _ � �r .� � t� lu. e a �ee4rla fn <br /> ASSIONMENT OF DEPL1�it�: 7ttat as additiortai securiiy o inia oo : i:ur�ouaYi.,a ��an, � tt'�•• s°^•-._ .ss_ --- -_ _-- <br /> Benetictary dudng contlnuance o1 these Tniate,nll �ight,title and taterest to any end all montea deposited by Trusta w depoaked on betuM <br /> ' o!Trustor with any clty, counry, publto body or epency,sanitary disUlct,pas and/or olecUla company,telophone compnny and eny otha be�dyr � <br /> - or agertcy,tor tho Inatallatfon or to soa�re the (nstallaUon ot any utNlyr by Truator,pertaining to this proporiy. ___ <br /> � FAILURE OP TRUSTOR TO COMPLY WITH DEED OF TRUST: In the ovent Trustor shoutd tan ta meke any paymont,or to ��°� <br /> �:- <br /> . ��_� <br /> � , :': do �ny ect oa provided h thla Oeed to Trust, or faN to periorm any obllgatlon aeci:red by thls Deed ol Trust,or do eny act Trustor agnued __.._: <br /> - ` �� '. not to do, BeneEclary, but wflhout obllgntion eo ta do end witho•rt notice to a demand upon Tntstor and w(thout releasing Trvator from any �fi.,:.. <br /> obligaUon hereof nnd without contesting the validity or emount of the eame,may(a)pay,make or do the same In euch mnnner and to such � <br /> _ extent ns R mny deem neceesary to Qrotect tha aecudry hereo}, Beneficl�ry being�uthorized to enter upon such property tor sueh puryosee, <br /> end(b) pay,purchsse, contest u compromise any oncumbrance, charye or Nen,wh�h in fte Judgement la a eppearo to be pr{or to supedor <br /> � hr.rreto,and (o) in exerclsfng iny euch power, pay necesser�/coste,fees, and expenses,employ caunsel and pay councel's rennonabN tees. <br /> . � Trustor aprcea to repay any emount so axpended on demand of 8enefidery. ,� <br /> ' IT I� MUTUALLY AGRE�D THAT: <br /> ,� , <br /> UTIOR710N:Trustor shr�defend this Trust(n any actlon or proceeding purporting to aNaci such property,whotha or not ft atfecls the <br /> security hereof,or purporting to attoct the rightm or powers of Beneflraary or Trustee, end ahail fite and prosecuie ell necessary ckdm� and <br /> actiona to pravent or recovor tor any dnmage to or desUuction of such propertyr, and either Trusteo or Benefidary {s hereby authorizod, <br /> , wlthout obllpatlan so to do,lo commence,appear In or defend eny such action,whether brought by dr ageinst Trustor, Beneflclary or Trustee <br /> or with or without suit, to exefc(se or entoree any other dght, remedy or power availnbla or contertod hereunder. whether or not judganent <br /> ba entered (n eny acUon or proceeding; end Trustor or Benef!clary may appeer or Intorvono In sny action or procaeding, and retain counsd <br /> lhereln; ard tako auch action thereln, es elther may be advised and may settia,compromiso or pay the same or nny other ctaims end,h thst <br /> � bohafl and tor eny ot said purposos, mey expend end advence such eums of monoy es elther may deem necessary. Whether or not Truetor <br /> ao apposre or det�ids,TNStor on demand sha0 pay all costs and expensea ot BeneOclary and Trustee,including casl 01 evtdence oi tNe <br /> end e�tomey's leea In a reesoneble sum, In any s•ach actlon o� proceeding In whlch Benofidury or Trustee may eppenr by virtue ol being <br /> ' made e paAy datendant or othenvise end IRespecUva of whother ihe Interest of Beneflclary or Tnrstee N such propeRy�s d'recty quosUoned <br /> „ by such ncUon, incl�dinfl but not limfted to, any action for the toredosure of, or sale proceedings under, any secondary tten on such <br /> � propeAy,condemnaUon or partition ot such property,and ony suR braught by Beneflcfary to foreclose this Doed to Tnist. <br /> � r� <br /> ' ' CONDEMNATION: All sum3 duo, puid or pnynbto to Trustor, or any succossor In Interest of T�ustor, whether by v�ay o1 Judgement, <br /> setltement or otherurise, (n)tor injury or d:mago to such property, or(b) tn connection with any condemnation tor public usa or In�ury to <br /> � such property or any party thoreoi, or (c) in connoctlon with the transactlon 4nanced by the loan secured herQby or(d) arisfng out o1 all <br /> - cauaes of actlon, whether accruing beiora a after the dats o}th�s Docd ot Truat, sounding In tort or contract,Includfng causes of acllo�tor <br /> ' traud or coneealment o1 e mstedel facl together wHh the sottloments, procoads,awurds nnd dameges. diroct end eonsaqueMlal, tn cannaelion <br /> thorowith ue hereby absolutety end 4revocaby assignwi end ahall be pNd to Beneftelary. benaficiary shail b� entitisd, at ite opUon,to <br /> commenco, Intenrene fn,appear In a�d prosecuto in ito own namo, any action or proceedinga, ar to make any compromise or aetttemen�In i <br /> �-__ _- - -- - .. . _ . . ._ _..__..- -••-� a...i.�.��'�.......e..�. .d anu �mm�a�cntinn nward dam.�ans. �_._ <br /> _-__.._ . ____.__:_. <br /> , !' connecUOn wttn nny eucn ta�ang or Uamage. Itustor aflroaa �v exc�.v�o ouv.. ...�...a. �.....n••••.�.•.- -• -•. --••�-- --- • • - <br /> °i ' dghts of actlon nnd procQeds as BenallciAry mey►c3quiro. � <br /> All amounts �ecetved by Benefldary pursuant to thfa Dood of Trust �mder any ftro or otlier Insumnco pollcy, In conno�Klon with any � <br /> condemnation tor publla uso of or InJury to such property,tor InJury or damago to such hareby aro to ba uppllod at tha option of Benefdary <br /> � ;� - ' upon any Indebtedne�s secured hereby. Tho applicAtion, uso or releaso oi such emounts shnil not cura or�vt�ivo ony defnu:t or notiea oi ; <br /> i ;c det�ull hcroundcr or Invatidato any act dona pursuunt to such notice. <br /> � t " <br /> -�... , <br /> ! ' <br /> -� , W420.LM0(0/94) Papo J of 7 <br /> _��I „ <br />_1(� t67 <br /> '.�� - - —�- .._ <br />