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p ."ip,71h' . .. r.•Ft•} :,'.dy� . ,.��.,'i'�i},�-:�.`�:7^^• n h��n ,�},,,tax. :Yr�i <br />. ..111;TA.�,�rh+�:L. . . ��S_ �. .. . , Q\):f:w++Svn.en.t�A:l�.; '} �.,. <br /> ,l"._,`i1 `,• <br /> - q..,,. '.�i++..�. . . . . . .���_-.� •' ",.�`4-s+.,.ww.a�.w-ah.•� - <br /> .� <br /> - � ;, . .. . ''!4� � c' . <br /> .. . , ,.......wa..xr... .. <br /> � <br /> .. <br /> � � . � .. ., { .ii n , . . . .. _ . . ._._ ri1V'nr _._ <br /> N�t t •: � � . ..�..... <br /> ' .� ��a'n.��_.�. ��. <br /> � , t� d�a JtiE"i ':'r ,1 _ _ �.ra��m�r�� . <br /> . .....,._ <br /> .. � ! ' '" _.__ . .._ - �,j�i�lP� <br /> s <br /> � �--- ._.�,._.•�� r�-n���..:,.—a---.,.�.-.,., ,,.,•:.-.�.�a�. �r�rr�w.�+F-��r_ �,..•.- --.------.-------- <br /> - ��r.....,.."_�.......�S_°.w_�.1�.:�^..S1L_ -_..+Z..v'_"'._�t_ -.7 _. _T!ii_ ._ _... <br />:K.-a�:�_:�;c�� C�t:-tiF��3��l�F 1� -_-- <br /> �} �/,��- �,(,t I11 1 �)�/ �,_.;_ <br /> , . .,� . � s�.:l�u' �11.�1Ji't.�;��lZ'C���N eJ��1` ' (O (.l�c"oi /"`�� <br />".;.__ °-k:�� 1. L��lyii1C1111±Y��i'IfiPI�!:ily lutet'sst:ictd �.ntc Q:I�ni•g�:. f�uy�rowc:sDall pay�vhcn Qic�rinci��al of,eui�iut.�cst un. a.,,.__ <br /> -'�'`�°"""" the det�t r.videnccd by Ute Nute and l::tc ctiar�;c�i due under tl1�Natc. -- <br /> �=�`���°�^"� 2. l�ionthly ganymc�lg of'li�xcs,Insnr.nnce unt Other Cf+�a�•ges. [3orrawcr six�ll includc in cach n�onthly�:�yment. �__. <br /> _ - together with the�rincipal and interest ns rct fonh In the Note and.uiy late charges,an insiallment af nny(n)taxcs t�nd <br /> .�,�:;�,�:,;,;::,,�.�s:_T� l;p::cinl nsscssments le��i�d or to bc levicd agninst th�Propcny,(b)12aschofd�ayment.,ar ground re»is un dic Propctty,:�nd _ <br /> _.. <br /> -=, <br /> �-�--------�--...-..__. .._ (C�ji�2iiillliil9 ftiY Ii2Stii�iili:C f�i�jUti-GJ by Pui"d�..iYil a. <br /> Bach monthly installmcnt far items (a).(b) and (c) slmll equal one-t�vcifth of the annunl nmuunts,as re:►sanably - <br /> --- estimnted by l,ender, plus an nmount sufficicnt tu maintain an additinnal balancc uf not more tlmn onc-sixitx of tha <br /> estimated an�ounts. The full annual ama�nt for each item shall t►e nccumuluted by Lender within e►periud ending one <br /> -� month befurc nn item would hecomc delinyuent Lcndcr shall hold the amounts collccted in uust to p�y itcm�(n).(b)and <br /> — —-- (c)beforc thcy bccomc dclinqucnt. <br /> -- = ff nt �ny tlmc:thc total of thc paymen�5 held bq ll,cnder for items(a},(b)and(c),tagether viith the futun;monthly <br /> ------ -- <br />---.-------.° p�yments for such Items payable to l.ender prior tn the due dates of such iterris, exceeds by more than onc-sixth ►h� <br /> -- estirnated amount of payrnents�quired to pay such rtems when due,:�nd if payments an the�1ate ane eurrent.then Lender _ <br /> ��� �a shali either n:fund th�excess over one-sixth of ihe estimated payments or credit the exeess over one-sixth of tlu esttmated <br /> --�-�� p;►yments to subsequcnt payments by Borrower,at the option of Borrower. If ctie total of the pnyments made by Borrower <br />._-_���� for item(a),(b),or(c)is insuf�cient to pay the itcm when duc,then Borrawer shall pay to Lcnde�any umount netessary to __ <br /> -_---- = make up the deficiency on or before the dflte the item becomes due. <br /> ----=---= As used in this Security Instniment,"Secretary"means the Ser.retary of Housing nnd Urban Development or Nis ar her <br /> - - designee. In nr►y year in which the I.ender must pay a mortgage insurance premium to tha Secretnry.each monthly payment — <br /> ----°_- shall also include either: (i) an installment of thc a�uival mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the _ <br />-�sr�'�,;�er�i±�,� Secretary. or(ii)a monthly eharge instead of u mortgage insurance premium if this Secuaty lnstcument is held by the �_r <br /> -----`---°° Secretnry. Ench monthly instal(ment of the rrtortgage insuranee prti:mium shall be in an amount sufficient ta uccumulate the _ <br /> - '""`�•`��] full nnnual mortgage insurance premium with Lender one month prior to the date the full annual martgagc insur.nnce `. . <br />-��=���:•;.=..�;s�rs��,1 premium is due to the Secretary;or if this Security Instrum�nt is heid by lhe S.;cretary,each monthly charge shall be in cu► ��:_ <br />_-p�,:,;f�=�`;�i�� amount equal to one-nvelfth of one-half percent of the outstanding principal balance due on the Note. --- <br /> If Borrower tenders to Lender the fuU pa�ment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument.Iiorrowers account �F,-: <br />��:.-�., ;%:_..a�i.e.�i �=t-:-. <br /> `-�+`� s:*. shnll 6e credited with the balance remaining.or all installments for items(a), (b) and (c)and any mortgage insurance <br /> _.t-rt�i°:>sy:.. � <br />'�;r '•• �� premium installment that L.ender has not became obli�ated to pay to the Sec�+etary,ancl Lender shall pr�mptly nefund any _,- <br />--;���'�`'`�^ excess funds to Borrower. Immediatel y priar ro a foreclosum sale of the Property or its ucquisition by Lender.Boirower's - <br />--�'1�is"�;,:��.,�;, � account shall be credited with any balance remainins for all installments for items(a),(b)and(c). �t:` <br />.ry.<<.T�r , �. <br /> ,,,,�4-�,;, ,. ..� 3. Applicat[on of Payments. Atl payments undcr Par.►gr.iphs 1 and 2 shall be applied by l.ender as follows: �ti` <br /> _.•. -:• - �fRST,ro the mortgage insurance premt um to be paid by Lxnder to the Secretnry or to the monthly charge by the +_,. <br /> , Secretary instead of the monthly mortgage insurance prem�um; � `� <br />- ,. - • �++��: SFCONp,to any taxes,specia!assessmencs,Iease�toid paymenw or�w�u�r�ita,a��d�r.�:o:,�:.r�aLh�:h:zar� ��'" <br /> `���.�.�F'.,l � insurance premiums,as required; "`�� <br />`�`�`{}"`'1`.` ''. i�f�2D,to interesY due under the Noie; rJ_� <br /> .t::� ,c.,,..t � ��. <br /> s"^ �x�'� •: FO 7RT ,to amortization of the principal of the Note; k'��' <br />-�',;:-•:� • .• o� <br /> f �u:�•• ; . �,to late charges due under the Note. ° <br /> ��:� �r�° `' 4. Flre,F[ood a�td Other Hazard Insurunce. Bo�rower shall insure all improvements on the Property,whether now �:Q�_, <br /> �,�.;::� ,. <br /> '':�-,.,: i°• "+ ° in eaistcnce or subseyucntly erected,against any hazards, casualties,and conangencies, includin�fire, for which Lender ��': <br /> •��';=; <br /> -�=!-•�_•';:.�,�_;f__ requires insurance. This insurance shnll be maintained in the amounts and for the perioJs that Lender requires. Borrower �.ry <br /> " '�'T'�"""" shall also insure al!improvements on the Properry.whether now in existence or subsequcntly erected,against loss by floads <br /> `'"�'�di',''"��y'" to the extent required by the Sccretary. All insurance shall be carried�vith companies approved by Lender. The insurance � <br /> - � ��'"�'��'`• policies and any rene�vats shull be held by I.ender and shull include loss payable clnuses in favor of, and in a fo►an <br />'1.`,�-`;f:,.dS,�ti.E;.�._. ,. <br /><«.M1.:;�� ��f�c�� r' acceptable to,Lender. <br />° '�'�" °' "`� In the cvent of loss,Bo�rowcr shall give L.ender immediate notice by mail. Lender may make proof of loss if not <br />=:=�:,;:?���+ <br /> -_.__���y�i made promptly by Borrower. Eaeh insurance compar��concemed is hereby authoriud and directed ro make payment for <br />, � _'�'"�'y such loss dinctly to Lender,instead of to Borrower and to Lender jointty. All or any part of the insurunce proceeds may be <br /> _�r-c:' _::° _ M• npplied by Lender,at its option,either(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness under[he Note flnd this Secunty Inst[ument, <br /> -��y„-�tk�r���-."� fir�t�o any delinquent amounts applied in die nrder in Pangraph 3,and then co prepayn�ent of principal, or(b)to the , <br /> r�;,;�:=r`=;-'' resiosntion or repait of the dnntaged proFerty. Any applicstion of the proceeds to the pnnc►pal shall not extend or postpone <br />-�=`-:"�, � the cl�e date of the monYhl a ments which are refemd to in Paragraph 2,or change the amount of such paymenu. Any <br /> ; . "_�"���;.`. Y P Y <br />:^�;Y;}�` �Y,.• .;� excess insurance proceeds over an amount required to pay all outstanding indebtedness under the Note nnd this Security • <br />__ Instnunent shall b�paid to the entity legc�lly ennded themto. <br /> ����`.::.� , an the evcnt of foreclosure of this Security Instrument or other transfor of title to the Properry that extinguishes the <br />-�=:�=,�°�s.;�-:,�;;: �.�. indebtedness,all right,title and'anterest of Borrower in und to insurance policies in force shall pass to�the purchaser. <br /> -� ! ' "" 5. Occup�ncy, Preserva�inn, Main�auence and Protection of tlie Property; �orrower s Loan App1[cat{on; <br />_=f;�V � �' Lea,eholds. Bon•o�ver shall occupy,est��blis6,and use the Property as Borrower's-principa! residence within s�xry days <br /> ;� aiter d�e execution of this Security Inswment nnd shall continuc to occupy the Prope�ty as Borrower's principal residence <br />�„�� ,. for at le.�tst one year nfter the date of uccupancy,unless the Secretary determines this requirement will cause undue hardship <br /> - , fos Bosrower, or unless extenuating circurristances exist which are beyond Borrower's cunual. Bon•ower shall notify <br />- ' Lenders of any extenuaring circumstances. Borro�ver shall r.�t commit waste or destray,damage or substaatially change <br /> ~_= �.� " � the Property or allow the Froperty to deteriorate,rc�sonable«�ar�r ur►d tear excepted. Lender may mspcct the Properry ef tfie <br /> , ' Property is vacant or abandoned or the loan is in default. L:�nJer may take re�sonable action to protect and pmserve such <br /> � � vacant or abandoned Property. Borrower s�all also bc in default if Borrower, during the loan application process, gave <br /> ' � tnateriully fnlse ur inaccurate information ar statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with any matenal <br /> � " infannation)in connection wid�the loan evidenced by the Note,including:but not limited to.representadons conceming <br /> ' ' Boa�wer�s occupancy of the Property as a principal residencz. If this Secunty Instrument is on a leusehold,Borra�ver shall <br />� • . comply with the provistons of the lease. IF�otrowcr acquires fee title to thc Property,the lcaschold and fee titic shall not <br />�?•�:-.� " be merged unless Lender ngrees to thc merger in writing. <br />-_ . 6. Charges to Borrowcr nnd Protection of Lender's Rights in tt�e Property. Borrower shall pay all govemmental <br /> or municipal chv-gcs,fines and impositions that arc not included in Paragmph 2. Borrawcr sh�ll pay these obligauons on <br /> -- _-.- -. _- � time dinectly to the endry �vhich is o�ved tlie payment. If fnilurc: to Pay�vould adversely affect Lender's interest in the ( <br /> __ ProUerty,upon LenderS request Borrower sitiall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencmg these payments. I <br /> _� ., .�r_�.. ..e.s „t�. <br /> ' ---- - -- if Horrower fails to make tttesc paymen[s or me paymenis�eyairz,;�y.�.va�.ap�. ...�. �W.�:� ,^-.�^°=".; .-- <br /> � :>r' covenants and a�ements contained in this Secu�ity Instrument,or there is a Iegal proceeding that may signifcandy affect <br /> Lender� rigttts in the Property(such as a praceding in bankruptcy,for coridemnatton or to enforcc laws or regulations), <br /> ' then Lender may do and pay whatever is neccssary to prota:t the value of the Property and l,cnder�rights in thc Propen}•, <br /> includin�payment of uixes,hazard insur.uice and other items mentioned in Parabraph 2. <br /> �� My amounts disburscd by Lendcr mtdcr this Para�aph shall bciome an additionul debt of Borro�ver and be sccured <br /> „ by this 5ecnrity Inswmcnt. 'Ihese amounts shall bear inte�st from the date of Jisbursement,at thc Nate ratc,and at the <br /> ,, ° option of�all be immcdiately due and payable. <br /> 7. CondeEUnatlon. 'I'It�proceeds of a.ny award or claim for dnmages,direct or comequenti;il,ui connection with any <br /> �' " �� condemnation or other taking of nny part of�he 1'rop�:ny,ur fnr conveyance in place of condemnation.:ve hemby assigned <br /> � " :uQd shal!tx paid tu Lcnder to the extent of the full amow�t of the indebtedncss that rcmains unptid undcr thc Note;u�d tltis <br /> S�curity Inswment. Lender shall apply su�h proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note:u►d this Security <br /> :..�� ,~. Instrument, first to any delinquent :unounis applied m the o»dcr provided in Par,i�raph 3, and then to prcpayment af <br /> •a .," '� principaL Any applicatian of the prQCCed�to thc principal sha�l not extend or postponc thc due date of the munthly � <br /> ',. � .' , . <br /> � . ° � �fwgr:�Jd�ra.eeal I <br /> .. „ -------- --"� --. ._ - __ �..�-o�mwwnmcr..=�.-"_---_-��.---__-- -- J - <br />