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<br /> � � � •�ppli4nbte law may ep�cify for rcins��eliient)i�far�Sale of thc 1'roperty pusnua�u �ti u�y°{x�w'cr i'si�nal�.;����0 Du�iil� _
<br /> , SC�ti�lly JIi5i7i1111C111;ar(b)cntry qf n judgment enforeii�g tl�is S�a�rity Inslnimcnt. '[hcise eaEditic►ny um ihat 8c�rmwer: fa)
<br /> b LendCr all sums which then wnuf� be due under thlr 5ecurity Instrur��ent a�d tl�e Notc uv if no ucccieratic,n hnil
<br /> ocumd:(b)c�res eny dcfxuit of any athcr covcnants or ngrccmen�s;(c)pnys nll expcnses incum�l in enforc ing this 5r�:urity _
<br /> "� � .t�sl.a��w„i,1t:c.l�wir�g, but r.o:1l:;�Et:.d to, tccr.an^.blr��rnrr��yn'fces; �nd (�9) t!!M.ev si�c;h ru:ifun tty i.r,�der iu•ry scr�ufi�bSq _ _
<br /> � requiro to nssuc�that the lien af¢his Security Irstn►ment,Lendes�rights in the.I'to�tny end Borcower'�: obfigaAo»to{�ay th�
<br /> sums seeured by this Security Instrument shuli continuc unchanEal. Upao refnst�tcment by Norrower, this Secs�rity
<br /> ----- I�istrument and the obligations serurtd hereby s{iaii rcmain fuily effecd�e as if mo nccclerntton h1d occurred. Haweva•,ttds
<br /> rigt�t to crinstaYe shull nat ayply in the casa of nccclerati�n uncier paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sak of Not�;Cl�nge oi Loan Servker. 1'be Note or a partial intcrest in thc Note(togettv:r w ith ehis Sccm•ity
<br /> ��� Instrument)muy be:soId one o�more times wEthout prior notice to Bonower. A sale muy result in Q change in ttw entity
<br /> _ _ .-._�
<br /> - (knowu�die "Loan 3ervic�e")that collccts monthly Fayments dee ranA�r ths Note nnd thi5 Securlty Ir�suument. 'Iliere also �,___
<br /> may be ane nr moxe changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a chunge of�h�I.o�en Scrvicer,
<br /> Homnwer will be gi�en written notice of the change in nccordance with parugrnph 14 above aad appllcable lnw. Thc notice
<br /> - - will state the name and address of the ncw Loan Sexvic�r and the address to which plyr►eents should be rti�de_ Thc notice wi�l
<br /> also contain any other infonnation required by applicnble lsw.
<br /> 20. Hwzardouv Substwnc�. Borrower shall nox cause or permit the presence,use,dispos;.l,stor�ge,or release of nny
<br /> Hazardous Subst�nces on ar in the Property. Horrower shal! not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anythang affecting the
<br /> -- pcoperry tha!js In violation of mty Environmcnt�l Lnw. The preceding two sentenccs sh�ll not apply to the pnaencc.use,or
<br /> - storage on the Property of sm;►ll quantities of Hazardous Substances thftt arc generaily n�c:u�iicPr]io�e appr�pri�.a to au;mal -
<br /> residendul uses and to maintenunce of thc Property.
<br /> ------ Honower shall promptly�ive I.ender written notece of eny invesdgution,claim.dema�id,lawsuit or other acdoa by any
<br /> ��' �='�-d�'-� govemmental or regulatory agency or private Qarty involving the Property and any Hazatdous Substa�ce ox Environmental
<br /> La�v of which Barrower ha, actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by uny govemmental or regulatory
<br /> =-:�;;�_;;+':�:• autDaarity.that any removal or other remediution of any tlazardous Substance affecrins the Property is necr:sscuy,Borrower
<br /> - shall prompQy take all necessary remedial acdons in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br />---°----� As used in this pnn��aph 20,"Hazanlous Subst�ces"ar�e those substances defined as toxic or haz,�rdous substances by
<br /> - ==:-=--��. Environniental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products.toxic
<br /> '�'��"`= pesticides and herbicides. volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos ar formaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As
<br /> --=,;;.�� used iu this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law"means federal Inws and Iaws of the jurisdicdon whcre the Property is located
<br /> ____�::^�� that relate ta health,safety or environmental protecdon.
<br /> NnN_t ttvlF(tRM c'C�vFtVANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant end ug�+ee as follows:
<br /> 21. Accxlerntlon;Remedtes. Lender shall�ive notke to Borrower prior to acceleration follawing Borrower's
<br /> �'�..�.'�� breach ot any covensu►t or agreement tn thls Security LLStrument(but not prtor to acc�lerntion under paragraph 17
<br />---- �� • u�lrss appltcable law provldes otherwfse). 'A'he notice shall specify: (a)the defuult;(b)the action required to cure the
<br />�J�kt'�'�`�'' "^ default; (c)a date,not less than 30 days from the dete the notice Is�iven to Borrower,by which the detault must be
<br /> �-=��;. `•� cured;and(d)that failure to cure the default on or before the dute spectfied In the n�ilue may result[n ecceleratlon of
<br />�'��`--'��r2r'; " ,- the sums secured by thisi Secur[ty[nstrument and sute of the Property. The notice shu�l iurther tntaam Borrower af �`
<br /> _:_����,�;�;,'�� thc ri�t to reinstate aft�r acceleration and the right to bring a court actfon to assert the non-extstence of a default or
<br /> _x,:,�:�:» �-- any other defense ot Borrower to acceleration nnd sale. If the default is not curecl on or before the date specified In
<br /> `�'Fa�`"`�`�' the notice,Lender at tts o�:ion Qnay require immediate paymenE tn full af AU sums secured by Wis Securtty Luteument
<br />.- �•�+^ . without furthcr demand nnd may invoke the power ot sale and any other remedies permitted Dy npplkable law �-
<br />-__�;y; Lender shall be entitled to collect all expen�es [ncurred !n puisutng the remedies provtded in thic paragraph 21,
<br /> -_------ IncludEng,but not Umited to,eetesonable attorneys'fees And costs ot HUe ev��ence.
<br /> _--==------- U tl�e power of s�le ts invoked.'lYustee sh�fl record a notice of defuu�7t in each county in whtch any pArt of the
<br />_---�-•_�;�re■ Property is loca4ed and shall mail copies of suc6 notice in the manner{�rescrlbed by applicahle law to�orrower and to �`
<br /> �_.:s;'�`'-° the otl�ee pe�sans parscribed by nppiicable law. Atter ti;e tIme required by applicahle law,'ilrustee shall glve public `_ _
<br /> =� - notice af sal�to the persoiis and in the manrer prescribed by appltcable law 'Ilrustee,wtthout dema�nd on Borrower,
<br /> °��L;a�,� s6a11 sell the Piroperty ut public auction to the highest btdder at the time nnd place c►md under the terms designatcd in —
<br /> _--�,;..;�:�-:� the no3ice of sale in one or morn parcels and[n any order'IMustec determines. 'IY�ustee�nay postpone sale of all oc any
<br /> '- `<'�.71� parcei o4 the Prope�ty by publlc unnouncemient at the Hme nnd pluce of uny pmviously scheduled sale. Lender or ity ___.
<br /> . T F t�r; designe�may purctnsse t8e Property at uny s�ile. _-
<br /> gne
<br /> � ::`;�-wK •; U�an receipt of payment of the price�id,Trustee shell dellver ta�the purd�aser 'IFustec'�deed conveyi�cg the �
<br /> "� Pcoperty. The recitals[n the'Itastee's deed shall be prima facte evldence of the truth of Uie afntements rt�ade therein. - :
<br /> °?h�`•''�`�'� 'It�ustee s�All apply the�procee�l�of the sale[n the following order: (a)to all costs anzl ex�►enses of exercLsing the power _ _
<br /> ==::;;.f , '
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