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And Intere�4; �ttrnt und La�te Chx 6onower eh�ll rom r1 a whett due the _ <br /> _-�,,�•:,, Y P� �Y �• p g y a r <br />---=-°�'�•-�''��-' '��°� pNnc(p�l of and intevcst on tha d*6t�vi4enced by the Note and ony prcpayment and leta charQcy due under thn Noto. <br /> =�-.a�':�;a:.�n.t-��� <br /> ;�;�. ;�:� ., ,.;. ��;,;,. 2.Fu�for T�xea a►nd Inwnnce.Sub�ect to applfcnblo law or to a written waiver by Lender, llorrower ehell pay to <br /> �:�`;��_•,•� -A�Y�,��:r::' I,ender on the dey rtonthly pAymenta�are due und�er tho Noto.until tho Nota i�paid in Il�it,a eum('Fundo')for:(a)yearly <br />""`�:` �• � taxes nnd aaxasmenta whlch may euatn priority aver��is Securlty In�trument A�a lirn an the PropMy;�)yeacty leaeehold <br /> ` '"�`' ' ••��r; ,�� • a mrnu or ound rrnu on the Pro rr lf an (c) y ar! h�zarci or ro er inauranc.e remiume; (d) y y <br />�.:.:'„r•_ � P Y 8� P �Y� Y� � Y P P ry n cad flood <br /> :.�:� . in:urt►nco premiume, tF nny; (ej yearly mortgaga in�urance pti•emluma, if any;and(� any sums paydble by Bonow�r to • <br />'`�"'�" • � Lendrr,in uccordcnce wtth the pravision�of paragraph 8,In lieu oP tho paymen�t of�nortgu�e insurnnce premium3.These <br /> ;,�. �. � � �� itszns nro crslled'Escrow Item�.' Lrnder may,at any time.collest and hold Funds in an cunount net to exceed the maxlmum <br /> i �� amount a leader for a federally related mortgagc loan may require for 8onower'�s escrow account cuder the fcderal Reil <br /> ,. _. ''..:�';,^. Estato Settl�rnait Procedures Act of 1974 ae amended Gom time to time. la U.S.C.Secdon 1601 et eec�.('RESPR�'),unlaa <br />- �• anothar Iaw that applles ro the Furtd�sett n laeer amount. If so, Lendor mey,at eny dme. collect and hold Funde in an <br />-{ �`. ' �,?�. amount ttot to exceed tho les�er amoun� Lrnder may wtLnsto the amouni of Fuads duo on tho basia of currrnt data and <br /> ' ��- , reasonebls�stimetes of expenditure�of future Esceoa Items or otherwlse!n accordanco with applicable law. <br /> z� 'Y1ie Funds shall be held in an insUtution whose deposib ar�insured by a federai ngency,tnstrumentality�or endty(including `-ay <br /> -- Lendcr.If Lender is such an instItuflan)or in uny Fedcral Home Loan Danlc_Leader shall apply thc Funds to pay thc Escrow <br /> !'� . ' Itcros. Lrnder mey not chargo Borrower for holding nnd applying die Funde,anr�uaUy analyring die ncraw account,or _ <br /> , ,. veriijring tha Esaow Items. unless Lender pays 8onower interest on the Funds and nppllcublo law permlts Leader to make s.=--=_ <br /> • such a charge. However,Lender may requtre Banower to pay a ono•dme charge for an lndependent real estnte tax repoiting <br /> : ' servico used by Lcnd�r in conneadon with this loen.unless appUcable isw provld�+otherwisa Utilas an agreement ts made or — <br /> - �� appllcable law requtrc.�interest to be pnid,Lende�shnU not bc rcquired to pay Darrower any interest or earn[ngs on the Funds. -- <br />= Barrawcr and Lenslcr may agree ln writtng,however,that intcra[shall be p$id on tha Funds.Lendcr ehaU give to Borrower. <br /> � , without chorge,an annual accounting of the Funds,showing credlts and dcblts to tho Fwids and the purpose for which each �•- <br /> �- debit to rhe Fund�wa9 made.The Funds are pledged us nddidonel securiry for•rill suma secured 6y this Secnrity Instrument <br /> ' If the Funds held by Lender exceed the nmounts permItted to be held by sppllcable law.Lender shall a�count w Borrower for <br /> • the excess C'unds in uccordance vrith the requirsments of applicablo law. If the amount of the Eunds held by Le¢ic;cr at any <br /> .. tIme is not sutlictent to�ay tho Escrow Iteme when duo,Lender may so aotifj�Bonower in writing,and,in such caise Sorrowctir - <br /> . -. shall pey to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deRetency.Borrower shall make up the deflcIency tn na more than -_ <br /> twelve monthly payment�,at Lcnder's eole dIssration. -_- <br /> _ ° Upon paymrnt in full of ell eams secur�d try this Securiry Instrument,Lendar shall promptly refund to Bonower any Funds —=-. <br /> °� � held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21. Lender shull acqufre or sell the Properry. Lendcr,prior to tho ecquIsidon or aale of �, <br /> "�'�` the Property,sha11 opply eny Funda held by Lender at the time of acquisitlon or sale as a credit agalnst the sums secured by ��. <br /> <: tbie Security Inatn+mcnt �'.�:T <br />- ' 3.A [cation of Pa meRt9.Unless a llcablc law rovides otherwise,all n ient�received b Lender under ara a hs 1 F �� <br /> , 6►P� Y PP P P ri� Y P S�' P ;�,,. <br />- � and 2 shall Ue applled: first,to any prepoyment chargw duo urtder the Note;sccond,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> � Interest due; p+�tncipnl due;fsnd last,to any lat,i+charges due undcr the Note. ����L� <br /> , �._..::_ <br />�. 4. Chat'ges; I.iats. Bonower shall pay all taxes,assessments, charges, Mes and isr►ponidons attributublo to tho Property E.�,_ <br /> - - which may uuain prlority over this Secudry InsUVmcnt,and lcaschold payments or geound rents.[f nny. Bonower eholl pay [;; , <br /> these obllgadone in the ma�er provided in parugaph 2.or if not pald in that manner, Bonower shull pay them on Nme � " <br /> ! direcdy to the person owed paymenG Borcower shall prompdy Nrnish to Lrnder nll noHces of amounts to be paid under this 'f�' <br /> •' � pflrngraph. If Borrower makes these puyments dlrecdy, Borrower shal!promptly fiunish to Lender receipts evidenctng the -: <br /> - p�yments. <br /> _ ' Borrowcr shall promptly discharge any IIen which has priority over this Securiry insuvment unless Bottower:(a)agrees in ' <br /> " wdting to ttte payment of the obl�gadon secured by thc Ilcn in u muc�ncr ncceptnblo to Lender;(b)r.ontests in good fuIUt the Iicn <br /> by, or defends ugninst enforcement of tho lien in, lcgal proccedinge which ln the Lendcr's opinion operatc to prevent thc <br /> � enforcement of the Gen;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordtnadng the lien to <br /> thi�Security Instrument.lf[.ender determines that any part of the Propercy is subject to a Ilen which may atu+in priorlty over , <br /> � thia Sccurlty insuument,Lender moy givc Borrowcr a notice idcntif}ring the Bicn.9ono�rcr shull satisfy the lien or t�tike ono or <br /> • more of tho actions set forth abovo witliln 10 days of the giving of nodce. ' <br /> 5.Hazard or Proptrty Insurance. Borrower shntl kcep tho improvemcnts now exiating on c�rcaftcr erected on thv Properry <br /> - ' insurcd against Ioss by fire. ha•rsrds included within the term'extended covernge' and any othcr h�lr�ls,including floods or <br /> flooding,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained ln the umounts and for the periods diut <br /> - i Lender requires.The insurance cnrrier providing tho insurance ahall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lendor's approval � <br /> 81n��Famity FNtAAfFHLMC UNIFORAI IN9TRUFAENT FORM 302e 09/B0(Pag�2 of 6 Pag�a) <br /> NEBRASlG EC899L Rw.OF1/09181 � <br /> - - - - - --- - ------ --- __- _ _ _ _ _ __ , _ -- -— -- - _-__ -- - - <br /> : i , <br /> �, ..� ' . a <br /> i , ' . � .. , . c� . ,. . � - - <br /> ; ' , . . . �. .. .. .. <br /> . <br /> _ . - �� - . ' ' .. - <br /> I�( „ ,. .. . .. ' <br />._il � <br /> � _ <br />