tf r�apc'!. � ' , �:�ll��t. � \'�;1ii��+l i: _t. .+ r �`5� rr. - n•41���. ,I � 1( T '�i�V,f��'��,vi�� � +)r . . ' 1 lr:` 1 :ifd'Jdl+rh `q: �.
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<br /> j•r �; l�� , �.. �,. .,��. . i.� , � ....t.�•1���!'SMNMI�D�n'v�IRfrdS.lf�bN'1�e�t��W3iryj�'.kk1- �e,;�ar �-.^^+_^-r , r^. .
<br /> � �1.�.,..,�..-• �YUa..W.i.:�.v.ri.v:,r.wv.av -...[•� - °.P..r_�!9yiJ;'-�'�'tuA'�'2e�.-.�...�__�_.
<br /> _ _ � ! •� �?�1�: r'` '�.��u�..
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<br /> ,._—._..___�.__—_� -----------...—_ . _
<br /> —k-°-- 5 . �+ --'----°----.._._..
<br /> �a..�.....--«����................._�.._.�_�_��..`.:=_�... .___..._.__.._�. ,�r�..rca�»....:.---.._ ..
<br />. _:�SN-P�.1SJF..�.
<br /> � rr�adm. ruc�aut�d a dNivKV.t,to L�nd¢�a lo l.ond�r'�d�signno�and wtNn r�yuyYt�3 by Lsn�r,c��sa�to 8r f11eQ, �ocadsd,rsAIW,or - „- � _
<br /> u�d
<br /> r�uJCOrdW,u IHe caw may bp�ol such Nmtia and In euch ofi�ee and pincas as l.enclw m�y da�m�PproWrltt�,ony an�!�q Iuti1 motk�w4w� `. '-.°;""f,���;9--
<br /> d�ls ol lrutl,wCUAlY dwd��NcuritY Wr�fmsnN�1ln�rx+k�p tybrrNnb,cnn�nwNOn tt�lom�nb,Mt�um�+�b d fuAt��uru��owWbatw� a..�:=:� ---_-'
<br /> ' . •� nnd otMr dcscumenh u mey�In Ih4 tok oplrNon of I.rndK�tH n�wss+ry a dKk�bM In orcNr to Ml�Ctua7��caMs�Mr,P«No�oo�MMx�,a -- —
<br /> �iti�:�:�7 (F1)li.a C:°.�«�;.7 CT YfC_��`f LRt'�f IPt�kRt�,Ih!�E)eed ol�r�y1,�nd lhs Rola�W DoCUt�rtb,and (b)lhe e�rh and Pe�cwiM InlerasN R� - ? - -----
<br /> ' � cn�Md by ihN�d M Yruol�e IInP Mnd p�or N�rn ca IM Prop�rty,whNl►w now own�d a hxMflK�cQu+ra�Ay Trw1a. UNNS P�'oF�ioii�d br ,�,:: --
<br /> �:.�_
<br />-. ° . I�w or�prwd b tM oorik�ry by lsnd�!n wrlMrp�Tn�elo�I�MN tMmhurM L�nda kx�II cc�b�nd�xp�rNM incurnd In ca�eYon wNh tM �fT,._�,�,.m.__
<br /> mRN�n nN�nrb Ic M th1�pw�yre�ph. '"" -,��`.._._
<br /> � ° �� Aflorrny�tr�iACt H Tru�la 1a1410 Oo�ny ol fh�thlrq�rN�rt�d to Fn Ihe Pr�c�drnp p+uWnPh�LendK mRy do w lor�nd k�th�nam�ol � r�y -�---
<br /> • , ^ TruilAr�ttd 1d FiultoP�s��, For�tt�h ptxpo�a�Trwta ha�by fmwoctbM�PAant�LandM u 7Ytxtor�attan�y�rr�hcl loi ihP Qw�Pa� - . ',. �.`� -,���--
<br /> ol maklrp�rx�c:iYn�l�dWvertrrp�IWn��ncadtr►Q�and ddrp�II Attw fMnps u may be n�ssary or d�sinbb�In Un�'�wM oQlnlon,to ; F 3���,la.-�,,;��w,__
<br /> �aompNsh ttM rtwlNrt r�l�rr�d to In thv pno�rll�D Pu�Qr�pA. 1:•-;=�"�.rr.:.�;z`--
<br /> _ . ,t��.��e;_
<br /> �� Ft�.PERFORMAlICE, H T�wta pay�oll th�Ind�bledn�wh�n dus�and ottiarwls�psrtams aM fha obNp�tloiu Irc�os�d upon Tn+�lar undw i� .:,;, f;,;rn.�•r....._ --
<br /> 0»d ot Trusl, L�ndK th�N�oceCUto md dMhror to Yrusts�� nquott la(ull r�convay�nca arod thtM uc�ut� snd dMiwr to T�u11a�u11�b1� . •,<i;,,• "-
<br /> .' '��°_W,-
<br /> autemonts d lxenlnalbn ol�ny Ilnanciny sttMrt�M on fib evid�ncirq l�nde's sacurity Intenst I�lh�Rsnto�tnd Ih�PKaarW Prop«ty. My ..,�:. r�t:=.,_
<br /> nconwyanc�kM nQuk�d by lew�shab b�pa!d byTrustor�If pKmfH�d b�►�PPlbabl�t�w. . ..,,���..;�;.•...r;.,�'.�;,'3:�_--
<br /> DEFAU.T. Esah d lM tetlmvfrx�,et ti►�c�qupn d Land�r,ehaN cons6tuta an svant ol detauN('�vent ol DetauK')under this De�i dTrutt: ^ � s�-+..��`l;;K�;:_
<br /> WfwN oe IndsbqdMa. FaWUro W Tnata to mtk�nnY paYrtwnt wtwn dw on Ih�IndM�t�dn�se. , ,._=*°:==_—_
<br /> � Wfwt�on Oft�Baym�nta. FaNur�ot Tnnta wlthin the HrtN requksd by Ihte Oeed W Trust to rnAks anS�payrtNr►t ta tax�o►IrKtxtna,a _ ;.';;j;�--
<br /> . " eny other p�Ymenl rao�asarY to prsv�eM fiHrp af or to afiecl disciiarpe oi a�y ilsn. "- •.��W�
<br /> � Comp�i�D�lault. Fdture to compty wiih any other te�m,obllp�8on,covenant a conditlon contained In Iht�DsecJ ot Tnat, the Nol�or in � "�"�'��'""'"
<br /> ,:-.---
<br /> eny ot Ihe Relttcd Dceuments. If cuch a hNUre b curabb end H Tnntor Iws not bs�n plven�notia of a bnach uf tM sartu prmMFon al iNs , _ �M
<br /> Deod ol Tnist wlihln the prucedinp Meivo(12)months,it may ba cured(and rto Event o1 Def�ult wHl have occurred)if Tnnloc,�tlw L�ndu .`��°;,;•,�•_,.
<br /> �, ,•-' ••--
<br /> . sends vrritl�n notla dsmandirp cure of auch faflure: (a)curb ttw hifuro w�thin flReon(1G)dsys;or (b)H ths curo requkae mon lhtn INle�n J M„�:.�_
<br /> �� (16)days,Immedlatety InlUates steps suffidant to cure the taNure Qnd ttareafler continues and compbles�1 rs�sonabla and netyasvy�Mps r �-.:k___,_ ,-_
<br /> sutAdenl to produce compliance iu soon as reasonabty pracllcal. '"�.'���_
<br /> � .����y��
<br /> FY�e StatNMnU. Any warrenty,ropresenlaUon ar statement made or tumished fo Londor by or on behaH of"frusta undw tl�ks De�d of Tnrst, ka�.�_
<br /> tM PWto a th�Reiated DoCUrtknb fs falsa a misleadirp In any malsrlal respect,eliher rtow a at!h�Ume made a tu;niShod. �� �•':�.-
<br /> Oe�th o�ln9oiv�ncll. The dea►h of Trustar or the dissolution or termination ol Trustor's exlstence as a pdny business,ths I��cy ot ^� _
<br /> Trustor,the appdntment of a recelver fot any part o}Trusta's property,any essipnment tor the 6enefll of credltors,any lyp�d cradita wakout, _�
<br /> : or tho commencement of uny proceediny under nny bankruptCy or lasdvenay laws by or epalnst Trusta. '� . ��
<br /> �_..•. Faeckwro,Fexteituro,ete. CommencemeM of lorectosure or forfeiture proceadinps,whether by Jud�lai proceedlnp,seft-INip.npossassion � ;� �
<br /> ---- .
<br /> --;:...,.: �--•--- �y �
<br /> a any other method,by any Cr80itol 0f TNStor or Gy 8ny povemmeniel aQerwy ayenw�u���'v�Yt'p`r'PCv"�"'='s. �"��'�-='.�°-'�=---°"H'=-'!`-�70—�""� -
<br /> eppty In lhe eNnnt of�good faith dispute by Trustor as to the validity or reasonableness of the clalm wh�h ts tAe basls of the taa�osun or �" ._
<br /> taefeilure proCeetNnp,provided Ihai Trusta plves Lendar w�lften notice of such cbim and turnishes reseeve3 a a surety bond for thY clatm ,
<br /> saUsfactory to Lender. . }
<br /> &each ot Other A�reetnant. Any breach by Tnuta under the temis oi any other agreement botwffen Trustor and Lender tNt is not rem9dled � ti
<br /> within any prfloe perlod provlded Ihereln,Includiny wlthout Ilmllation any apreement concerning any Indebtedness w olher obYautbn of Tnrstor ? ',..
<br /> �. '� . ro Londer,whett�er exis'dr�now or teter. „
<br /> '' �'� Eventa Atrecunp(iwr�nta. Any ot lho precedlnp events occurs with respoct to any Guaranta of any ot the Indebtedness a such Guorantor _,
<br /> dios or bocomes Incompetent. Lender,at fls option,mny,but shNl not bfl roquirod to,p�rmit the(ivaranta's es4ta to assum�uncondWonUfy n ?'•
<br /> � the obllpeUons ar�lnp under the puarenty In a maoner satf5tactory to Lendar,�n�.In ddng so,cure the Event of Defautt. ,,�� + ;
<br /> In�curity. Lender In yood fatth deems Itself fnsecuro. " ., �
<br /> � � RIGHT6 AND REMEDIES 0N DEFAU.T. Upon the occurrence o1 any Evont uf Default and at any Ilme therea8er,Trostee a Lender,ef Hs oQUOn, ���"��.
<br />- may exercfse any ons or more of tl�e fdlowing rights Nnd remedies,In addition to eny other rights or remodies provlded by law: �� � ,.�
<br /> Accelerotton upon Defeult;Addltiortal Remetlleat If eny event of default occura whlch Is not cured within fifteen(16)days aAer notice,as per „� �
<br /> ' Ih9 tams of the Note securod haeby,Lender may deelare all Indebtedness socured by ihls Oeed of Trust to be due and pey�hie and the same '� ' �
<br /> shaB thore�tpon beCOme due and payable without any presentment,demand,protest or noUce of any kind. ThereaRer,Lenclet may: i����,�'•F�� .
<br />' te) Either In person a by egent,with or without bdnginp any action or proceodlnp,or by a rece�ver appdnted by e courl e�d without ,}• �'�-
<br /> repard fo lhe adequecy of ib security,enter upon nnd talce possosslon of thD Properly,or eny pflrt thereof,In its own name or ir�the nama ,,' , y_c_
<br /> � of Ttustea,and do any acis whlch tl doems necessary a'deslrablo to prosarve the value,ms�rkeffibility or rentabf�ty of tM Propsriy,or pout :� �t
<br /> �• ,.,:�,.
<br /> c}the Properly or Interest lo Ih�PropeAy;Increas�the Income hom the Proporty a proteCt the securiiy of the Propa�ty;uid,with or wNhout . : �
<br /> takinp poasession of the Propeily,sue for or otherwlse Cdloct the rents,Issues and profts ot!he Property,Includlnp Uaso past dw and .. • •. �•
<br /> unpeld,and appty ihe same�less cnsis and e�rensos ot operat(on end collectlon,Includinp attorneys'feos,to any indlbtednssa 6eCUred , %?�-��'��
<br /> by this Dead of Trust,ull In euch ordsr as Lender may dntermine. The e�teriny upon and taking possetslon of 4tq Property,ths coMsctbn ;�� � - ,
<br /> ` of suCh rent9,Issues and proflts,and the appllcafio�thereof shall not cure ot waive any defdult or notice of dei8ult under lhb Doad ot Trust , ���i:
<br /> ' : or fnval!daie nny a�i done In response to such dofuult or pursuaM to such notice of default;and, notwilhstandinp Ihe cor�tlnwnce in � .
<br /> ppssesslon ot the Property or ihe cdlectfon,recolpt and application of rents, fssues or proflb,Trustee a Londer shal!be entltled to
<br /> ' exercise avery ri�7ht prav�doC fcr In th�Nata cr th�Rclated Documents ar by tuw upon the occurtsnoe ol any ovcant of dafauN,indudinp ihe -
<br /> R:__
<br /> ripht to oxercfse Ihe powcx ot sale; . ;•.� -
<br />� 1 (b) Commence an acUon to faeclose thls Deed of Trust as e mortgage,appolnt n rooelvor w spaclNcalty enfaca any of fhe covanenb ,��:'
<br /> '.. hereoh,flnd 4
<br /> (c) DoGver to Tn�stee a wrillen declaratton of default end demand�a snte and a written not�o of dofnult and election lo cause Trusla's �,r
<br /> Interest In the Property to be sNd,whl�h notico Truslee shull cause to be duty filad tor rocord In the epprop�laie offices of Ihe CouMy in . .'
<br /> ' wh�h ihe Property Is locnted;end I , fi'
<br /> (d) Wilh respect to all or any part ot the Personal Pr�perlyr,Lender shall havo ali the rights end remedios of a seCUred party under the ��Y
<br /> Nebresk�UNtorm CommercJal Code. j _
<br /> Foc�cbwn try Pow�r of SMS. Ii Londer elecb to toreclose by exerclse af the Powor of Sate hereln contained,Lendor shal nollry Tn�tee and �°
<br /> �� 6haf1 daposit with Truste�this Oeed of Trust and the Note and such recetpts end evldence ot expenditures made and seCUnd by lhte Dsed of �;.�-
<br /> - �� Trust t!Ttuslse may nquire. .,,.y -
<br /> (a) Upon reCelpt of such noltce ham Lender,Trustee shali causo to bo recordod,publtshed and deifvaed to Trustor such IVoUce W Defautt � • y
<br /> ---- o�nieum of Snl�a�then renWred by law and by thls Daed of Trust. Trustee shall,without demand on Trusta,after such tlrt�es may ':' S
<br /> _ - - .�. ._.,--'-----`----
<br /> .._..�.�...�.......n _ •1
<br /> � Ihen be requlred by Inw end att9r recadation of 6uCh Nonce ot vetautt and aner rvonce m aan,rwv,�nd voo����.o�..���v���,'�^�^^ ' - _ -
<br /> � I Ihe Property at thu tlme and place of cale fixed by II In such Nolice of Stib,olther as a wholo,or In soparalo lots or parceMs or Items as � _
<br /> 1 Trustee 6haB deom expeQieM.end In such wder as it may dotormino,nt public auclion lo Iho hiphesl bidder fa cash In lawt�l money of
<br /> I Iho United St�te�peyabb el lhe Ume oe saf9. Trustes shall detivsr to auCh purchsser or purchASers lhereof Its yood and sut�clent deed or
<br />' , � dgeds ConvAying ih0 propdty eo sdd,bul withoul eny covenant a warrflnry,express or Implled. The recitels In Such d6ed ol�ny maltere ,
<br /> � I or facb sha9 bo conclus,lve proof ot ihe truthlutness thereot. Any porcon,IncludinQ wllhoul limllelton Trustor,Truslee, or Lender,may �
<br /> - purchese d such saW.
<br /> � � (b) Aa may be perm�tted by law,sftet deductin8 ell Costs,foos end expenso3 of Trustee end of this Trusl,Includinp costs of evldenco of
<br /> title In connscUon wilh sate,7ruste8 ehail oppty the procoed9 ot cab to payment uf (I)a�l sums axpsndod undor tho tttms of thb Desd of
<br /> i , Trust w undBr the terms of Ihe Note not tAen mpald,Includirp but not limfted to nCCruod Intarost and�ate charpes, (111d1 other sums lhen
<br /> � securad i�ereby.and piI)t1�e remalnder.It eny,to Iho pason a porsons IeQaty entillod Ihoroto. ��
<br /> ' � (c) Tnntea may in Ihe manrter provlded by law postpono sab ot ali or eny poruo�of tho Properly. �
<br /> ! � Remldles Not E�tCtustv0. Trusloe flnd Lender,end aaCh of thsm,shall bo enlilied to enforco payment ond pedormance ot any Irtdebtedness
<br /> , a obligations secured by Ihls Deed of 1'�ust nnd to exercise nli rights end powers under this Uoed of Trust, under the Nate, under nny of the
<br /> I � Retated OaCUmenLa,or under any olhw agreemont or any laws now w herea8or In torce;notwithstandinp,some or ctll of 6uch Irtdebted�s
<br /> and obi!f}s6ons sccurcd by this Dcad ot Tru�t m�y nOw Or her�fllter be Oth(►nvlso 5t3CUfE3d,whethor by jnorfgagc►.desd ol trusl,pledgE.
<br /> I°1 !
<br />'I�r -- [�_
<br /> �s�� -----
<br />