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- ::.t.,- r o� �.r _' _ ' ' •rt,—.� � --�- l� ' ' . �.h [��C, b ��i'"i .':I���,. <br /> � �, _� . ,�tuYai+�ikw�ws� ' ...�� . " � e` "�,,!��t��� 'bn .���- � . <br /> , � 1.r�A <br /> - . .. .� ,:>..�v.,cs.�.v..... , a.nsaA'l�kt(q6�F.�,4i�111Y�MYUyy „ , <br /> - . . � •_':r.:c:=, -wa:r,c��.:v,��...r,:.� <br /> =..=i-,���.. [..... :L.. <br /> .. �.w. �...t++u�,i... -• -- •� �j.� _ - � - -- .. . <br /> . "J '�"'t���t7Atc`� - •, Y�����' i'L -- .. <br /> � ��• J� . tr.r�=rt ^rrz - .. --..- <br /> , , � . <br /> . . ,.i.w.A-+,..,rt�.,.n,i) , <br /> - '• i • � � - ., _ _.. r— -�....o.__",__ <br /> , . . _... . ... � ,r <br /> M � a ��.." . !! .�-.s�.s�� u.�.r—•__.. ..� ��.�� <br /> _..___—__._��__.��.. l� — _ —_ � _ � � <br /> -__ ,. . ;v�:'7�".�F?�±� , � .• - <br /> - -�•. �. ��., <br /> _�___�':'�.�r:� - r_�7.,`°' � f'#FYeD V►Y N'/Y.N�Ri11�� ki.f'9•%•Ili A�N R7MiNQ ��c�/�'_`... . 1��ll�i•.��J<.�-,o��) <br /> � -� <br /> ""'�' �r,� (I Vca� 'Ircn�u�y �ade!�-»Ib�ic (:npeM-I�Ixed I�.nlc �unvcrvinn UpUoo) ° <br /> i��.,..t_i.....,.""7�tE' � �:%`_?-- <br /> --A,�.��.�� �ri us nu�usi'AULI?IIA�r�niuui� i����nae�ni, 2ath �iny ar septcrrber , <br /> !.::�,:::o. .._.., . �:;;.,-� <br /> - _..= r_,-�� I�J ^S �nuc7 Is loieo:��ataler.i iul� nicc�shnll b� dcented fc�rrr•.ut� m�el ait���ilen►e►il Il�t Mo►leane, heed n�'0'eu:l t _- <br /> nr Seci�rlly I)eecl�li�e"SetiitNy•Iu�Uuutc�il"1 uf Ihe�nme dete Klven bp tUe unde��l�ned(11►e"Ifu� uwer")lo aecu�e �.-- <br /> - ��"+�`s+i Di11tU�Vlf''J AO�IIHlOVIO IZlIIC NUI! (IIIC��Nnle"�((1 °� <br /> _.�-���:�"Y�'�� OOLI�IJS FEDERAL SAV I NQS BAf�M( (lhe"O.cndci") of li�e !�-'-� <br /> �"`-,{5;.°'�`•;:-,�.�• sEUne daie nnd coveriug tl�e prope�ly desc�lbcd h� the Scetntly lusirtmienl�e��d lucnlac) nl: �.-: <br /> �.`- <br /> �„��:a.,r . _-::-.- <br /> __-==;t.��,:.':::�+��'pz:.�� r-j:- <br /> _^ "h"j. <br /> .a-25.N_' � <br /> _-_:.� =ti-:-::�.' 1312 Pl K�� AVEt�t.lE CiRAPjD ISL�iD� t�c 68803 �_'-:�_ <br /> .,,��..'��a Y_.:F.,'� (IhupeityAddies�) <br /> ;�" :.'R, <br /> �„"'� ti 'r� TFIE NOTE CONTAINS Pt{OV1910NS ALLOWIN4 FOR C11AN("aE6 IN THE INT�/IESt iIATE � .— <br /> � �*�';. �- <br /> z':_,; .� AND T41� MONtNLY PAYMENI'. THE NOt[ LIMIl'8 YNE AMOUNT TIIE 8011ROW�li'8 — <br /> --"-_`-��,.�4.._. ��:.. ." • � <br /> ���,�.,,_,; ,.„t., „ •• �OJUSTABLE INTE11E37 11A7E CAN CHANOE AT ANiY ON� 71M�AND 7NE MI�XIiV1UM ur <br /> _•;-:-�;-.,'.;-:-•�`. �I1Q17E THE BO(iliOWER MU8T PAY.TNE NOT�ALSD CONTA(NS 1NE OPtIQN TO CONVERT <br /> ;� t1iE ADJUS'fABLE IlA7E TO A i�IX[D ilATE. ���-` <br /> � �,_:. <br /> i �..�.'s�. . • A pUf T1UNAl.CUYLNAN'1�9. In E�ddillun Io Il�e cuve�uu�i9 nivd n�icc�ncnls wade hi Ihe Secuilty InsU un�cnl. _ <br /> - ��, Ilorru�ver nnd I.ender fu�llrcr cavennnl �nJ ngrcc ns Cnllu�vs: ��'� <br /> , ---i <br /> - :.'�� .. � ' A. AUJUB'1'Atll.l's ItA'1'L ANp MQ.1N'i'III.Y 1'AY(►11,N�1' (;IIANt:I+,S �. <br /> '1'I�e Nole nro�idee for nn I�dtlnl liilere�l tAle of 7.625Q ole. '1'I�c Nole pr�vldes fnr cUnnges -- � <br /> � .� In tl�e ndju��nble Inlcrest tale and �I�e nwnihly paymen�e, ns fniio�va: �"''�' <br /> " A. AU.IVS'''AIILI's IN'ICt1GS'1'ItA't'1's ANI) MUN'1111,V 1'AYI1fI'sNl' CIIANCI� �'� <br /> .. � <br /> (A) Cliange I)nle� • <br /> .. . - . - - 1 U�FIpJUSIQ�IC t1t�CICSI ffllC � �vi=i jinj iii&j�C=iiii�c i3ii ==it S�ia: 4�)8t �CtO�EY� _ : �'`': <br /> � 19 95 ,and mi Uic�t clny every IZ�h nwn�l��hereniter.Ench Jn�e on widd�my ndjus�nble lide�est rale cnule!change �y; <br /> :�`�'�' is callcJ n "Chnt�ge 1)ale." ��__� <br /> jti� <br /> . (If) 'I'6e Indea .''. <br /> 'a: <br /> — Ileghtning wflh llu flrsl Clionge U�te,my ndjus�oble Interest ra�ewill be bnscd un an h�dex.'1'I►e"Index"le the � �: <br /> weekly averegc yleld on United�lnles'1'tcosury securilies adjusled lo acanslnnl malurtly of 1 year, A�maJe nvallnble <br /> � , by Ihe 1'ederal Reserve Uonrd.'il►e most recent Index Iigtne t�vnil�ble ns ot Il�e dnle 45 dnys before encli Chnnge Uale j,,_,, <br /> � is cnlleJ Urc"Currenl Index." . <br /> I('ll►e h�dex Is no Ionge� nvnllnl�le. Ilie Nole IInIJer will chuoscu nev+ Dnlex �vl�icl� i� bns�d upun cennpnrnble <br /> •• infornmtivn.'t'he Note Ilolder wlll give me nolice nf Ihis chv�ce. <br /> '�,f�'• ((;) Celada�lun nf Cimn�ee <br /> ►�dore encb Clinnge Uate,lhe Nole 1 lolder will cnkulple my new 6ileresl rnle by aJding <br /> ' � � 2.8750 nerceuinge polnla( 2.8750 si) to liie Currenl InJex. <br /> ` •.;J.,.-' <br /> � 'i'lic Nnle Ilolder will then ruund lhe tcsult of lhis ndd�l�on lo the ncn rest nne-eighU�of one percenlAge nohit(0.1234'i). <br /> ' � Sub)ecl to U►e liudla steled b�Sectlooi 4(I)) bclow, this rounJcd emou�U+vill be my new hileeest rale unlll Il�e nexl ! ' <br /> �� • Chaugc Uc�1e. � <br /> ' 'i'Oe No1e I lolder w1U then determtnc�I�c nmvunt o�the nronihly��nyu�cnl thnt wou1J be su�ficient Io repny the <br /> m�pniJ prli►cipc�l U�et 1 am expeclecl lo owe �l ll�e Change Unle In tull on llie malurily date nl n►y ne�v interest r�te <br /> h�euba(enlinlly equal pAymenls. 'i'he resull vf th�s cnlcul�lion wfll be Ihe new Anrounl of my monlhly pnymenl. <br /> - , (U) Llnill�on Inlereel Rale Cbau�ea 8.6250 oJo <br /> . . 'l lu inleiesl raie 1 n�:��ecl tc�pt�y nl Ihe fi�51 Chrnge Unle�vNi nol bc�ienler Ihnn �.:r <br /> '�_ .� ut less tl�nn °lo.'!'I�ereaher, my nclJustebl einleresl rnle w{II uever be incrensecl or decici�sed �� • <br /> ;'��- . , un s+�y single Chpnge Uate by moie Il�nn oste I�crceninge poinl (I.Otib)fro�u II►e r�c�l��l�lc�est 1 hnve bcen �+nying <br />� ' _ ` for Uu preceJf ng I Z�nonQi�. My loteresl inle will uever be grentcr 1 imn rye, �vhich fs cnl{cd �,. <br /> .. ; the"Mnxlmum Rnle". �;.�� <br /> ` � (1;) L(ferllve 1)nle of Clmnaes <br /> My new Inteiesl rate will become e��eclive on ench Chnnge Uate. I�vill pny Ilie amounl of my ue�v mnnlhly�inymem <br /> _ " . . beghming nn lhe fltsl monlltly pt+yment Jole nflcr U�e Cl��nae 1)nie �wtil Ihc nu►an�t of my n�vnlhly pnymc��l chnngcs <br /> �:.�, • agnb�. <br /> :�.. - _-- tl�► Nullce of Cl�m+qeq <br /> � '1'he No1e I lulder will dellver or mail Iv mc a nn�ire of xny rinn�gc� inn�y adjuc�nble Iulerexi r�ic nncl Ihc aiuc+uui I <br /> =i.• •�� o(n�y moull�ly pnymenl before Ilie effecllve Jale of nuy�I�nngr. I'�u notice �vill incluJe inf�rmntian tequhecl by low <br /> . <br /> ,�. -_ - - In b�given me nnd also Ihc IIUe nncl ldephone nuinbcr of n�uison�v6n �vill nns��cr miy qoesilvn I nuiy hnvc�egm ding i <br />_.�� ., . ---, Il�e i�oUcc. <br /> . Il. 1�IX1;U IN'1'IrItlrS�l' 1!A'1'1:UI''l l(/N � <br /> I <br /> ; ' •� 'i1�e Nule provldes Lor Ihe Uoi�o�ver's r��lion Io convett frnu► nn i�JJusinble luleiesl inle w{II�inleresl �utclhnils � <br />— �; tn� flxecl Inleres! rnte. as followx: i <br /> I � S. FIXCU IN'1'I;ItI',Si' ItA'1'�CUNV�;IISIVN UI'I It?N � <br /> ' � (A1 Upqdm lu Cnnverl 1�� 41Aed ItNc <br /> i <br />�,i , � 1 lit�ve n Convcrslun Oplfon Ihnl !tnn exetdsc auless I �w indefeull ur �hls 5ecllon S(A) wll) nol ��crroil �nc <br /> lo elv sa.'fhe "Conversfnn�plin�o"Is iay optlnn In conve�t Ihe I��lirest i�te 1�m iequlred lo pny l�y Ihis Nnic hu�n <br /> � mi nel)us�ablc rate wUh Imeres� rnte Ihnl�s �o �I�e �ixed rn�e cnlcuEo�ed uodcr Sec�ion i(Il)belo�v. <br /> ' . ° 'i'I�e conversinn cnn a�dy Inke pl�ceo�� n Jnle(s) ��►eciflecl by �lie Note Ilolder durbig Ihe pe�luJ bcginning t►n ' <br />-� Ihe�irsl Cl�ange Unle�nd enJing on Ihe tlh h Clionge Unle. L�och dnle on which my nclJusloble tiileresl�nle cnn converl � <br /> __.I , lo U�e ncw fixeJ r�te is calleJ Il�e "C�nvc�ston �ale." <br /> �� MUL1181A1F AbJtIPtAOLG 11AtG fifDBi1-I1f1M f��AN C1—Slnqle Pmnliy-0'n�u+ln Mnn Unllouu I�qin�meu! �an+ 911p 1?.IUi ' <br />�ii� ' i�,+� <br />':4.� �L�!�, R45�m•�fl �IUl1'�l�'7�". v��r�Unrnenrrn��R+g • �]Uqmnir,o• �Om�C7�1f91 ..... <br />