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<br /> - _ ' '� ff. {sl/1:N�t�or• urr�ui:1'. Any nf ti�e G�II�»vinft cventA ehiill b�dmmcd cin uvrnt uP�fefrmlt h��rr.andr.r: :,_-_
<br /> (n) `i`+«;it,:';ir��l�":_�ve f:�flrl t�i mnL•e�,aymrnt nPru�y inr.inll�ii�tit nf interc:d,l�rinripnl.ur�rriu�•i�r,�l nrri inicr�;t oa�oi�y :::=-=
<br /> + � � o4ir_r i,ni��r.:,;,�•;.�1 ie;r;l�y c,l��ri�li!:;or , �`"" :.
<br /> (b)'a�iu-,•o i�n�R��cuE rc,a:i hrr::rh of ar d:�fcmiz nu�trr nuy tc r�u,covcuc�nt�u;;r::�ucut,cu���liU,ic��1�►•+�vli.i�r,t���•�r,�::��i?-:fb�u
<br />- - . UY�lAI�(lilty C0Y1H•lII1CfI Ill Rily UL�lI4Q Idti)il�Il,`Ji�u�iicnl�a. �.__---_
<br /> � 10. ACC�I.�RA'!'I�JNUP(DNI)I�:I�AUI:P,ADAI7'IONALLtI�;ht��.I11I:y. yl�mdilnncv�ntofil��Rwita�rourR�nefir.SnrJ •„----.
<br /> ' `,. ;: .. o..;� may�lecl.aro all inclebtness r:ecured I���ti•el�y ln he dut�nne!�a.�ynble iui�l the enme ohnU thr.rcupun 6i•i•unie du�.uid pnynl�lo ,.r,;,;,,.
<br /> - -'� °'��''-`'•''�"'`�� witfimit any preeentment,demnnd,Urutrst or n��tic�af nny kind. '1'ltirreulicr Ift�neficiniy may: —`
<br /> _ - . . " (i) l:ither in��cre.on or I�y i�ucnt,�vifii ur tcllltuut I►��ir�;irs;;nny nctiun or pruri�s�ili��ft,or hy n rivrie��r npp�dnlcul by a mu�t y�_
<br />— •t.,F� '� ., andwithoutregnr�itothendequucyufiteNtr•u�il,y.e�itrru�wyi+m�lt�►k��:u:.:c::sil:�na�fthr7Yurt!?utuh�.urnn�'p��rtNi�rrnf',in __
<br /> '`:.'"=. ;.' � -':� ite own nnmo or in the r+mne of'I'ruxti�r,nn�l donnv n�•te which it dceinv�urraHn�:v m•ileeiruldetu pri�x��rvo thnvnlu�,market•
<br /> :�. . .
<br /> abil(ty or��entabillLY of the'1'rust(:ete�tr,ur pnrt thercnf ur interest thcrrin,incrcus�!tl�e income the�refrm�i or nrotect lhv
<br />— secuvity hemof und,�vith nr�vithout Inkina��s:+ensiun uf ttte'lYuet(�:HGrie,xue fur ur nther�vine cullect lhe�i•ente,iesur,e and
<br /> ` profitediereuf,includinqthoeapnetduoondunpnid,nndtippltrthoentne,les.qcustenndex�>ent+esufo4wratiunuudwllec:tlon _
<br /> including ntu�meys'fees,upon uny indebtednces secured herr.by,nll in euch order ua lieneficinry nu�y detarmine. 79ia _.
<br /> � � enterin�upon nnd takinq Possesfliun uf the 7h�el Eetxatk.the cuUcctinn uf ench rrnta,iReuca iind��riafite nud thc applicAtiun _
<br /> thermfanafureauid,ehallnotcurcar�vniveanydefnultornnticr.ofdefaultliercundororiuvalidcitcanyar.�tdoncinreeponKe ` _
<br /> to euch default or Nweuunt W euch notice of defnull und,notwithetnndiug U���continunnce in�xissesxiott uf theTruet�atate _
<br /> or tho collectivn,receipt nnd npplicution uf rente,iseuea or pruC►te,'I'ruatee„r Heneficiary ehnll be�ntitled toexerciae every _
<br /> � , � right provided for in nny of the I.van Inetrumenta or Uy law upon uccurren���of nny event,o[defnuU,includGig the right ta
<br />—� excrcise the power uf eale; _-.
<br /> • (ii) Commence nn action to foreclose thie Ueed of 1Yuet ne a mortRa�e,appoint n receiver,or epecilic:il'y enforce nny af __
<br /> � the cuvenante hereuf; _--°
<br /> (lii) Deliver to'I4uetee a written declesntior�of drfault and demnnd for enle,and n wrttten noHce of def:�ult t�nd elecHon _
<br /> �: ' � to cuuse Trustcyr's inte;est in the'lYust Getate to he w�ld,which nc�tice 7'rustee Rhnll cnuse to be duly filed f�ir rtwrd in the �Y_
<br /> ' £:';: � appmpriate Official Recorda nf the County in which the Truet FetAte ie located. -__
<br /> -�::�...�y . _�"
<br /> ���>�'��. � 11. FORGCWSURG BY POWLR OF SALE. SI►ould Asn�ficiary elect A�farecluse by exe�ti•ir�e uf tlie Power of Sate
<br /> ' ' � heroin oontained,Beneficiary ehull notify Trustee and shull deposit with Truetee thie Dced of'i�ue�und thr Note and suc:h
<br /> � , � r�ceipte and evtdence of expenditures made nnd secured hereby as Trustee mny reyuire. �,�'I'V
<br /> • - (a)Upon receipt of such notice fram Beneficiary,Tru�tee shnU cnuse to be recorded,pub8ehed und deB�•ered ta Truetor ���e
<br /> such Notice of Default and Nutice uf Sale ne then required by Inw and by thie Ileed uf Tru�t. 1Yuetee shall,��ilhout demnnd �tj�+'-.
<br /> on Trustor,after such time ne mny then be rr.quired by la�v nnd after recardntion of euch Nutico uf lle8wltnn d after Nutice of �.;-
<br /> Sale having been given as requirc�d by Inw,sell the 7'rust Gstnte nt the time and plc�ce of eale fixeci by itin such Notice of Sale, - -
<br /> either ae A whole,or in sepnrate lat�or paireele or items es'[Yuatee ehnll dcem expedient,nnd in such order:ie it may deter �,�
<br /> mine,at public nuction to the h(�;hest bidder furcneh in Inwful money of the ilnited StatPS payable at the limc ufsnto.'ISrustee ��
<br /> ehall deliver to such purchnseror purchnFere thPreof ife good and sufficientdeed of deedaconveying the proprrtysosold,but �x�
<br /> without any covennnt or wnrrnnty,expregs ur implied. 'I'he recilale in such deed of nny mntte►p nr fncta ehnU be conclueivo
<br /> " r •--' ' I..a' .. � .. f �f fi� Tnwf�ir'IYuat�wendRrn�ficltil'V.IIIIIVUUiCh[i60 �`�.:�
<br /> � . --� � ---.---- �T(IOY�OfL�18LNthIUIIleR�[itB[ru�. �iuy�ii��bii��ii'�....iSi�..:t l2..1.l:!:.l.R....!7.-.... ---
<br /> at auch sale and Truatar hereliv cmennnts to«nrrnnt nnd defend the tide of Ruch purchaser or purchnsere.
<br /> �. (b)Ae mny be permitted by law,ti4ter deducting'l�uetee Fees in the umount of—�_ ,Trustee ahull apply the �+:-
<br /> procecde of the sule in the following order. (a)to all reaeonnble wats and expensea of the saile,inclucling.6ut not limited Lo, ��__
<br /> • trustee feea of not more thnn 1/2 ot 1'!G of the gtoxs enles prim,reasonaUle uttome,y'R fee.v snd coata of title r^idence•,(b)to all -�,-
<br /> sume secured by thie Deed of'Pruet;(c)W the payment u£junior 7Yuat Ueede,mortgn�es or other Ucn huldcre;and(d)the ":�,�`
<br /> balance,if tiny,to the pereon or persaus legally entitled thereta ,;._�•
<br /> (c) Truetee muy in the manner pruvided by In�v,puslpone sAle u[ull or uny po�tiun of the'IYuat E.stnle. ,=.`
<br /> 12. REM�UIES N(YP I:XCLUSIVI:. 'Cruetee und Bcneficinry,imd ench of them,ehull b�entitled to eufc�ti•ca pnyment m`� �
<br /> and perfurmsnceof i�ny indebtedness nr obli�;iitiuna si�cured hPmby:md tn exerci:�e nll►iFhGq and po��•erri u�•�ler thie Ueed of
<br /> �, � 7�ust or under any i.uAn Instrument or other n�rcrmcnt nr any In«:v nuw on c�reiifter in force,not�vithstan:ing smne or ull �+��
<br /> ' of the such indebtednesa nnd ubligt�tiona secured hereUy mi�y nuw or hereu[ter Ue�dhenviFC secured,�vh�tl��•�•by mortgage,
<br /> deed of truet,pledRe,lien,assignment or�itherwi�e. Ncither the ncceptiuiceof thie Ueed ufTrust nm•itK enfo���einentwhether
<br /> � • by court action or pursuant to the po«•er of 4nle nr other{w�verw herein contnined,ahnll prejudim or in u�)�mnnner nffect .
<br /> • � 'fYuRtee's or Beneficiary A ri�ht tn renlize upnn nr enfi��•c�imy nther qecuritv nnw nr h�r�nfter held bv'Il•u�li r or Beneficinry,
<br /> it being ngreed thut'IYuatce and Reneficiary,imd cfj�•h of them,shnll ht�onlitli�d to enfr:rre this 1 h�cY1��F'lti•u�t nnd nny other
<br /> �• security now or herenfter held b�•IDeneficinr��ur Truqte��in such urder nnd m+inner ns the�•nr either uf I,h�•m mAy in their
<br /> absolute discretion determine. Nn remedy her�in cnnferred up�m or reserved to 9'ruatee��r f3eneticim•y i�•iiitended to be
<br /> exclusive of nny other remedy herein ur by la«•pro��diKl ur Ex rmiUed,but ench ahnll he cumulnti�r nnd eht�ll be in nddition
<br /> to everp other remedy iziven hereunder or no�v or herei�fter exietinst nt l��w or in rquity or by et�tute. I•:very►�owerorremecly
<br /> Riven by any of the I.onn Inatruments to'1'rustee or Beneficiury ur t��whinc�ither of them mnv beuther�visr�•ntitled,may be
<br /> ' exercised.concurrendy c�r independendy,Crom time to time iuid ne oRen iiq m++y Ue deemed expedicnt bv'I'rustee or Bepr
<br /> ! ficiury nnd eithcr of them�nny pur:�ue imm�aiRtent rcm�•dics. Nothin�;herein shnll be rnnatrurd�s prohibitinR Beneficiary
<br /> , from sceking p deficiencv jud�mont nt�ainal the Truxt�n•to thc�Pxtent Fuch�utiun is permittd by luw.
<br /> REQUES7'FORNU7'ICF:. '1'rustorherebyrPqueytsncopyofunynoticrofdefiiultnndihi�tnn�•noticeuf�nlehereunder
<br /> be muiled to it at the addresa wet furth in thc fir�t pnrn{,�rnph �1�LMIH I�PPfI uf'I'ruat.
<br /> 14. I;OVERNIIVG iAW. TIiiK 1)irY1 of Truet tihnll lic tim•f•rned hv thN laws uf the Gtntf�nf N�hrnvkn. In the event[hut
<br /> � any provieion ar eliiuse nf un>•��f the I�u�n Inatrumi�nts cnnflirte�vith npplicrd,lo I+n�•s,such�•�mpictK ahnll not nffect other
<br /> _ .�-! provisione of euch Lu<u�Inatrumen���vhii•h enn b�•�;iven effeet�vithout Uie cuntlictint;pruvisiun,tmd tu lhie end the ptro•
<br /> viaiona of lhe laun Inetruntents nri�declnred to hi�sevf�r.tble. "1'hi�iutitrwnoni cnnnot b��«•aiced,rhi�n�;ed,discharg�Yi or
<br /> . terminated ornUy,but onl��6y nn inNtrum�rot in«�ritin�; si�,mrd hv the pnrty i+tininHt«�hrnn enforcemE�nl af nny�vi►iver,
<br /> � cht�nge,diacharae or terminnti��n ie snu�;ht.
<br /> 15. RI:CONVF,YANC�ERI'TRl1S'1'I:F:. ITp�m«rittrnrcyucstofRenrficiur}�stntin�thntullsumscir��redherebyhave
<br /> heen paid,nnd upon aurmndeY U(1IlIF UMKI n('1'ru�t Emd tlu�Nut��b,�I�'118�C'F�OI'CIlI1CCllttti�m iind ret��ntin:�und upon pay.
<br /> ►nent by'IYustor of Truetce'a f�rN.'1'ruKtn�::h+dl rrcnm�����t��'frutilur,or the�pe�raun or pertionv 1eRUlly entitled�hereto,�vithuut
<br /> wurranty,nny portion of the'I'rust Fvtirie th��n held heri�undrr. '1'he recitiily in auch rrcvm�•evitmr uf iinv mnttets orfnrte
<br /> shnll be concluoive pra�f of the truthfulne�:+themof. '1'he{truntcr in uny r��unveyE�n�r mny hedr�ci ihed•�y"the persun ur
<br /> persons Iegally enlillE�i lhemto"•
<br /> --- - - --_.�...... .... ..._ �>..__,:..:.._.. •rw.o�........�Pr�mfm al��tll lIPI_fYP t0 Vll'P(IY ROI't'1'nn�•n��ticr.rirnuind.muu�st ur
<br /> ------ �— 1(). jV(Jj1LC�7. WIICttC�ra • --
<br /> other nommwiic�tivn���th revpf�•t tn thir•I7ir�ci nf'1'rust.E���rh auch notice,demand,r��c{uest�n'uther cutnmunir��tion eshntl be
<br /> _ � � in w�itinK nnd�haill tx e(Trcti�•i•�ml}•if Ih��yroni�iy d��lic��n�d h�•�x�r��mnl���r�•ice in•mnilt�l h}��•i�rtifird mnil.��u4tn�e prepttid, �
<br /> - . rctumna�ciptre�µ�c�tc�I.iu1J�r��iYlt��thi•,�ddr�•wy���� f��iyhntih��ImRtltllllU7���lF1t:�I)i���dul"1'ru::t.An>•p:irtcnu�y+�tthietimc i
<br /> rh�nue it��iddmtis fnr Nurh n��t i�s��bv di�li�•��rin��a•nuiili�i{�In thr uther purtii��:h��mtu,u;:iifuresiiid.ci nnUic ut sunc�hnn�;e. i
<br /> s . 17. ACCf:I"1'AfJCF: li5"1'Hl'ti'I'h:F:. 'frttstiY�a�ciY�pl�thi.'I'ruvt��•hen thi�I)t��l ut'I'ru.l,dul�•��xi��•��i����;+nd ucknu«�• ;
<br /> , Irdl:ed.iti tnud�n public rnc.�rd n�pru�•id��d bc la«•. �
<br /> IN NI'T1�F:S.S�►'IiI:HE(ll�,�IYu4tur h�i��•xirutr�l thi�U�rd„1..1'ru�l.t���f th��d���•nnc��•car fir�t :�!�..�•c��vittcn.
<br /> � . .PRUS'1'1�.I:. 7'rttNte�• n�•�•�•pt� this '1'ru�t a•h��n thi� I)��od uf 'I'ruvl, dul}• ���cr�•ut��d :tnd ncknn«••
<br /> led�;etl.iN mude n public m��urd n� pr���•idi�J hp lim•.
<br /> .= i IN �VI'1'NI•:tiS IVIIh:Ftl•;l)1�.'I'rustur h:r+i�sirutevt Ihi�I) �d f'I'ru�1 nti„f th�� n'i�n�rsl:iln��i�arittcn.
<br /> _ �
<br /> = ° � DeJ�Curr �> --- --
<br /> � 11 .t���s•.��
<br /> �1 Sharon J. urren
<br /> �
<br />