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<br /> , per�ods,that l.cii�lcr i�qui��v. `fiic im,ui�!nec cn��fcr p��uvld�nL ti�c�im;ui•anre slinll h::clu��:cu i�y k�m�+n�1c� sub)cst ta I.cri�lcrL• �
<br /> - npProvnl which sli�ill not be uur.:i�snnn��ly witf�hrld. If HnE-�u�ver fnils to nu�intnin cuvci��ESe dcsc�ih;d al�pve.�.enitLr n�ny,iu k,
<br /> �> °„ Lcndcr�option,UB1C110 CQYCYi1�;C�U�1�UlCCI LCfII�CI'�H Clblli3 Gil IIIC�1'OjlClty 111 QCCOi'1�1111CC WUII�):lY:1SYApI17. :-'-
<br /> • , All Insur+mcc�olici�s n�td rencwids til�ul!i►c�nccept.ibic ro l.cndcr imd shnll includc n stn�tdnrcl�nurt�ogc clnusc. Lcndcr �.
<br />- ,hall h(lVC Illd t'I�,NI W ItOIII IIIC�)OI�CICti LII1lI f1:IlCW(II4, IP l.cnAcr requir�cy,aarrowcr shali promptly givc to Lcndcr all rcccipts
<br /> � , of paid prcmiinn,u�id�•cnewnl nnticc:. In tFte ev:nt of lo:�°,purro�ver s1m11 givc prnmpt noUcc�n the insurnuce cm7ier nnd �
<br /> Lendcr. Lcndcr may mnkc proof af loss it'nW mude p�umE:tly by du�iu�vc:r. �
<br />- Unless l.ender and l3orrower other�vise ugrce in writ ing,insumnce proceeds shnll be nppliid to resaurntion or n,pair of
<br /> the Propeny datnnged, if'the restoriuion or rcpair is ecanomtcully fei�sible nnd Lender� sccuriry is not Iessened. If the =
<br /> resturation m repair is not economicully fcasiblc or I.�:ndcr�security would be Icsscncd, the insurn�tce proceeds shull be
<br /> npplicd to tiic sums sccured by this Security In,trument, whether ur not tlien due,�vith nny excess paid ta �orrower. If
<br /> Dorrower nbandons the Property,or daes not nnswer within 30 day:; n notice from I.end�r that the insurance cnrrier has _
<br /> offered to settle a clnim,then Lcncicr may collect tho insurance procceds. Lcndcr miry usc the procceds to repair or restore =-
<br /> �� the Property or to pay sums sccured by this Sccuriry Instrument,wh�tlier or no[thcn due. The 3Q•duy period�viU begln when .
<br /> � the naticeis givcn. _
<br /> ' Unlcss Lendcr nnd Borrower othciu+ise ngree in writing,any appliciition of procceds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postponc the due date of the monthly payments rsfcrrcd to in parugruphs l nnd 2 or change the nrr►ount of the paymcnts. if
<br /> under paragrnph 21 the Property is acquired by Lcrtdcr, Horrowert right ro .iny insurance policies nnd pra:eeds rcsulting _
<br /> from damage to the Property prior to the:tcquisition shall pass to Lender to the cxtent of thc surns sccured by this Secarity
<br /> Instrument immediutely prior to the ucquisition. , —
<br /> •� fi. Occupasney, Preservetinn, Mnintenunce and Protectlon of thc Property; Borrower s L,oAn Appltcat[on; _.
<br /> Leaseliolds. Barrowcr shall occupy,establish,und use ihe Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty duys after
<br /> the execution of this Security Instntment and shall conlinue to occupy the Property as Burrowec's prin�ipal residence fnr nt
<br /> least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lcnder otherwise ngrees in writing, which consent shall not be _
<br />. unreasonnbly withheld,or unless extenuating circumsti►nces exist which are beyond Borrower's conaol. Borrower sh;ill not __
<br /> ' destroy,damage or impai�the Property,111ow the Property to detcriorate,or commit�vaste on the Praperty. Horrowex shnll
<br /> be in defnult if any forfeiture actinn or pr�ceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender!s goud faith judgment _
<br /> ' could msult in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise rnaterially impuir the lien created by this Security Instrument or
<br /> ,� Lender's security interest. Borrower may cuce such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action
<br /> or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in Lenderk good fnith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower?s
<br /> � interest in the Property or other mnterial impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or I.endee's security
<br /> �- interest. Borrower shall also be in default �f Borrower, during the loan application process, gave materially fnlse or
<br /> inaccurate informntion or statements ta Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any material information)in connection with
<br /> ------�- Ij1@ j0$p CVIUCIICCII Ily IIIG ivvtC:, ii'i:.iu.'�Silb, �w: .^•OS !�.^.'SS:°.'� !^, �c�rrc�ntationc concernine Borrower's occup.lncy of d�e
<br /> _ _ . _:-.:...,
<br />, . Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a lensehold,Barrower shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> of the leasc. If Bonower ucquires fce tiNc to thc Propeny,th�Icusehold und the fce tidc shall not merge unless l.�nder agrces
<br /> � to thc mergcr in writing.
<br /> 7. Protectton of Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreemen�s
<br /> contnined in this Security Instrument, or there is a Iegal proceeding that rnay sigmficantly affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> Property(such as a procecding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnution or forfcitum or to enfot�ce laws or regulations).then
<br /> Lender muy do and pay for whatever is necessary to pratect the value of the Property and Lender's righ�s in the Pro�erty.
<br /> Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by s lien ahich has priority over this Security Instn�ment.appearing
<br /> � in court,paying reasonable uttorneys'fe�s and entering un the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> under this paragraph 7,Lender does not havc to do so.
<br /> , Any amounts disbuned by Lender under this paragnph 7 shall become additional debt of Bomower secured by this
<br /> Security Instrumcnt. Unless Borrower and Lender agrce to other tcrtns of payment,these amounts shall bcar intemst from the
<br /> diuc of disbursement at the Note ratc and shall bc payable,with interest,upon notice from Lender ro Borcower requcsting
<br /> • puyment.
<br /> 8. Morfgn�*e lnsurance. If Lender rcyuired mortgage insurance as a condition ot making the loan secured by this
<br /> Suu�iry instrumcnt, Bortowcr shall pay the pmmiums rcyuired to maintain thc mortgage ins�uancc in effect. If,for any
<br /> reason, the mortgage insurance coverage reyuircd by l.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> �, premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivnlent to the mortgage insurnnce previously in effect, at a cost
<br /> �. substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgxge insurance previously in effect,from an altemate mortga�e
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent rnortgage insurance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> Lender euch month n sum equul to one-twelfth of the ye:uly mortgage insurancc premium biing paid by Borrower a�licn the
<br /> insursnce covemge lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use:u►d retain these;na�nients as u loss rcserve in lieu
<br /> " of mortgage insurance. Loss reservc paymcnts may no longcr be required, 1t thc option of L.ender,if mortgnge insur�nce
<br /> covcrage(in the amount and for the penod thnt Lender requires)piovided by an insmcr approved by Lender agnin becomes
<br /> available und is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiurns rcquircd to maintain mortgagc insarnnce in effcct,or to provide a
<br /> loss reseive,until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accardance with any written agreenient t►etween Borrower
<br /> and Lender or applicable law.
<br /> 9. inspection. Lender or its agcnt may make�tsonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> . give fiorrower notice ut the time oF or prior to an inspection specifying masonable cause for the inspection.
<br />' -j 10. Condemnatiou. The proceeds of any a�vurd or claim for damages,direct or consequcntial,in connection with unv
<br /> f, Singlc Family--Fhnnfe Mac/fY�cddle Muc UNIFORM1IINSTRUMENT--Unitortn Covcnan�v 9I90 Q�nge,i of 6 pages)
<br /> � crcat Intce I3uc:ooes Fame,toa■
<br /> 7o O�dR Call:I�BOOL3P0393�Rlf7t 61G�9014131
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