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;;�n� ._. �_' _.-'" ..1R._. �;•-:..��:. �_��+-��..nwvr�.�w��Rinre..._�. , .� <br /> �-s�wA�Mr ,. - .. �r�WMcrrw.s�e*-,! <br /> . <br /> rt..• Mrav��p ., ,JnndrQ.�1W rk�••_..•• -� <br /> ,,�1.'"�. ��, , . ,. :.�".r�... . ._ . . _ ��v wwY...•w'-'.�.., .. ' " _!'F �_ .. <br /> . . <br /> __ ' . ,t" .T w i p...n-31... _ _ _ � . ..__. .�...._.__.-. <br /> �, �+�; r ,y��1�fc ....._ ..:..r.... �` .�..._ -����=^,-� ,. �.,.= - <br /> -- �.� _ •�,.�.m„��^.,,t� .�. �r��c-�-�es�a�m!.�srcnr_���r�--=��_.�c.x _... .._ <br /> _�_.yy.. w.._.._____.._. _-- - <br /> :�,,�-:'-�,�,;�....��. ���1eA ��}d��a�'��� <br /> C. {Pc,z��►•r� n�� G':a�i�i'd,y B31C1�5':?IIC�. T3nrrutvice �:h:�ll Icccw lhc ii�?prnvenicnt�; no�� cxistint; or ItcE•:.�ftcr ci�cctcil an titc � <br /> Prn�triy i�i�,urt� n�;ain�:t la�:s by (irc. ha�ards inclutled �vilhin Uic tcim "cxfcni�cd co+�a�ayc" ,md 7Ally Ih'lur f�aruY(5. iucl�sdin;; ' <br /> ` n;,,� �Ilitt(I4 pT fI00lll�ij�, fiu•�shfch l.cndce rcyul�•cs insurance. 'lhis insurancc sicill Ir�maintninr.d i�i thc amoimts nrid fur thc t�;:�-iuJs �.. <br /> `"'�-•��;F x, ,,�- that I.c:nJa•rcyuires. Thc Insurancc carricr proviAin�thc in,uraucc sliail Uc zliosen by �aRawcr suUjcct to Y.r.i�ticr's upprovul <br /> s;.%z,;r V•.'., . • <br />•.��.,:.,���,n,,;.�;�,;, �vliicli �;hall not hc unrcasnnat�ly witlihcld. If Borrnwcr falls to mczinhiin covcra�;c dcscrribcd nbovc, I.cndcr may, nt L,cndcr'S <br /> , option, nbtain cc�vcragc to protcct I.cndcr's ri�hts in thc Property in uccardancc with parugraph 7. <br /> .,..w.:w:.•m�;.. <br /> /�ll i�nur,u�cc pnllcics and renewniti shnll bc ciccc�tublc �o L,cndcr anci shull includc a sta�z�a�d murtgn�;c dnusc. l.cndcr <br /> —4���'°r SIt�II ItAVC Q1C PI$IlI�O IIOI(I tI1C[lOI1CIC9 ntl(I(CIICWAIS. !f Lcndcr ecquires,l3on•nwcr yliull prontpdy givc tci I.cndcr nll rcccipts of � <br /> ',',';;,�' ,, paid premi��ms and renewal naticcs. In thc evcnt af loss,liorro�ver sbnU give prampt notice to the insar.mcc carricr and Lcnder. <br />-��4���=?ie�a."'`` Lcndcr mcry maicc proof of loss if not mad�promgtly by Qormwcr. <br /> .�=T��•���'��� Linletis Lcndcr and porrawer athcrwisc ngree fn wrlting,insurancc procccds shall be applied to restoration or repair of thc <br />_�e:�''.�;:°',�,,.�;�.,, �. <br /> 1��t,r:,,,;4,c•,..r�. Prnperty dan�aged,if the restar�.tion or repair is economically fcasible and Lcnder'S security is not leascned.If the restoration or <br /> -->:;"_�:.�:��:::``'�' repair is not ecunomically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance ptoceeds shall be upplied to the sums <br /> -.'�?�aeri� <br /> _ „��� _ sccurcd by this Sccurity Insteumcnt, whether or not thcn due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrowcr nbnndons the <br /> ��'�9l��';".�-` '�"'+ <br /> --^.�,,s.�.,�.?;�. Property, or do�s not answer within 30 days a notice from I..endcr that the insurance careier has affered to settte a claim, tl�en <br /> '_�;.:;;.�;,„;', �.''. Lencter may coilcct the insurancc prorccds. Lendcr may usc the proceeds to repair or restorc thc Property or to pay sums <br /> �--"•r�+�''.5� � `���: sxured by this Secu�ity Instrument, whether or not then due.The 30-day period woll begin when the notice is giver. <br /> .y�,,. , �f�.:,�,,. . <br /> °•.�'.��� :�, Unless Lender and Bc�nower ntherwise agree in writing. any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> "�"�''�:`.`:.""' pos¢ponc[he d�e datc of thc monthly payments referccd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change tlie amount of'the paymcnts. If <br /> °=.�%s.;..�..,,. <br /> :�s`:.;:;,;,.�"u�q�• under�arag�aph 21 thc Property is acquiral by T.ender,aorro��rer's rigl�t to any insuranc.�pnlicics�nd proccc>.cis rc;ultinn, f'rom <br /> ;::r.7,�,, ,.,•��R.,4;� damage to thc Propenv pr;or to the acquisitinn shall pass to I.endcr to th�extent of the sums sccured by this Se�urity Instrument <br /> ` ,`:.`•"•.:".';•:° � immediaicly priorro[I��a�,�uisitioi�. <br /> " 6. �ecup;►ncy,Prese�Nation,Mainte:�nnce uad Protection�of the Propc�rty; I3urru�ser's Loan Appltcatian; Leuseholsls. <br /> �`?��*-�����';�.'.+�",*�.' Borro4ver shall occupy,establish,and use the Propeny as Borrower's principul residence within sixty days after the execution of <br /> ,. �,. ,_J ., r_�� this Security[nstrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Burruw��'s principnl residence for at least one year aRcr <br /> `"'�''�' '� . the date of occupancy, unless Lender othenvise Agrees in writin�, whieh consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless <br /> .� .. extenuating circurostances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shatl not destroy. damage or impair the <br /> � .� Pmperty, allow the Property to dctcriorate, or commit wr,ste on the Property. Rorrower shall be in default if ariy forfeiturc <br /> � � action or procceding. whether civil ar criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiturc of the <br /> Property or otherwise materially impair the licn crcatcd by this Security Instrument or Lender's secudty interest. Horro��ver may <br /> �� o�• mv'risvi i � oranh 1R h��•ausinn the action or nroceedine to be dismissed with a ruline <br /> - ,. _, .LL�. ° :ar��a.l,�s!^.f�u!:»r.d r�i^s�.te.....�....:.._...n p��o__r.. ._. <br /> � , that, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forFciture of thcyDorcower's interest in thc Property or ather material <br /> ' ' impairment of the lien created by this Security lnstrument or [.ender's security interest. Borrower shall �Iso be in defnult if <br /> Borrower. during the loan applic:itic,n process,gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements tQ [.sRder(or fatled <br /> . , to provide Lcnder with any matcriai0 information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Notc,inctudi��g,but not limited <br /> - ' to, representatiuns coneerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. [f this Security Instrmnent is on a <br /> - ' leasehold. Borro�ver shall comply with all the provisions of the le�tse. If Borrower acquires fec title to thc Froperty, tlie <br /> leasehold and thc fee titic shall not merge unless Lender agrces to tl�e merger in writing. <br /> � 7. Protection of Ixnder's Rig�ts in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the cavenants and agr�cemcnts contnined in <br /> this Security Instrument, or there is a Icgal procceding that may signifcantly affect Lencler's ri6hts in the Property(such as a <br />: proccedin� in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeimre or to enf�rce laws or regulations), then i.ender may do and <br />- pay tor whatever is necessary ro protcct the value of the Property and [.ender's rights in ihe Prapertp. Lender's actions may <br /> • include paying any sums scrured by a lien which hati priority over tl�is Security Instrument, appeuring in court, paying <br /> reasonabla attorncys' fecs and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take action undcr this paragraph _ <br /> . 7,Lendcr dces not havc to do so. _ <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragrnph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower sccured by this <br /> ' Security Instru►nent. Unless liorrower and Lcnder a�;ree to othcr terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> date of disbursemera at the Note iate and shatl be payable, with intcrest. upon notice fn�m Lender to Borrower requesting = <br /> payment. <br /> ��•,� if. Viortga�;e Insurnnce. If Lender requireci mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security _ <br /> Instrurnent, Borrowcr shall pay the prcmiums required to maintain thc mortgage insurance in effec[. Tf, for any reason, the <br />'t monguge insurance coveragc required by Lender lapses or ccases to be in effect,Borrower shafl pay the premiums required to _ <br />' ohtain caverage substantially equivxlcnt to the mortgage insur�utce previously in effect, :tt a cost sttbstantially equivalent to the = <br /> cost to Borrowcr of the mo��tgagc insurance previously in effect, from an altematc mongage insurer approved by Lendcr. If = <br /> substantially equivalent mortgage insw�ancc coversge is not availablc.Borrowcr shall pay to I..endcr cach month a sum cqual to _ <br /> • � une-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or eeased to <br /> � be in effect. Lender will accept, use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mvrtgage insurance. Loss neserve _ <br /> Form 3028 9180 - <br /> Pogo�01 G _�. <br /> . `_ <br /> , _'_ ._.�-.__' _ ' "_,._"_'-__"'_"'".--__"____—.._ ;'..";'� . _ . _ . . .-, a=..:s'�:L�iS:L.:w.-_.�.�_�. . <br /> "��_�-____ __-______..__.._ __ _.__--____._.__ .._... <br /> _. .____- .—__ __� r'___- '___ _.___ _- _ __ _ __--_ <br /> ____-_'______ _.._-__-____-_.__._. <br /> C� _ .. <br /> ., n <br /> i .. - . .. , ,. ' , - . . <br /> ,, . „ <br /> il , <br /> .. .. - . �� . � . ..`� . <br /> .. . .. .il i. <br /> ' ' .__.��.__! __. .. ___._.. <br />