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<br /> �, is�.uld or t��.n�sft��;ecl(u�if a�,;;n�.Eie:wl intcrr,t ii�tlo�r�ce;.t•is snid a�u�,�;i:,f,:rr�+l asz�f i?��c�•u�scr is aii�t n u:�t���,il Ejc�.n;i) �•�it9in:�� - _r
<br /> , Mf t:i?i_f''>� �n•ic»• �t A iit��it cuu�c•ut� I,ti��nl��� �u�y�. at ir� e��id:�;i� �,-��iii�.� it�:tiutali�;l;: ��:tyu�:+U iii S'i•il uf' all �,t+�u•, �:�'i��r,l icy thi.
<br /> 4rc►etiity I�i�.ti�wu_:i1.llu�S�V4`I'.this uptiun�hall n�st Ir;c+ccr�f�cd hy�.��rtlf'Y II�CRCi�;i�.c i�.��iuhi{�itr.il i}y fc�lc�,d I,����m�uf 31t�it.•.(•�
<br /> ",. ;,.,, , ::. .�:r,,: of ihis tircuriry lii�,lrutiicnt, ---.'.
<br /> ?s���:� •,;. If't.�n�tcr cxcrefscy Ihls optfun. l.cndcr si►:�ii glvc Hurruwci�notecc�►f'+urelcr,�tiun. 7'lic ewticc sh.ill prnvidc a periiul of ttnt --
<br /> _.. _ ___._,.�; ' Ich�; Ih;u� 30 day>, frncu tlic d:11C (�1C IIl1Ill'C IS I.�CIIYCII'i�DP m�iilcd will�f�� �vl�idl� {3uir���ecr mntit nay nll sums :,ccurcd hv tlds _
<br /> .. _. ,�,♦,_ ., Sccurity fnaUt�menl.�f tlurra�vcr fails lo nay ihesc�uii�ti prior to d�c c.rpirtuinn of�hi,periud, I.ciidcr m:iy invnkc a��y r�:mcdies
<br /> ��zrmiucJ lay thiti ticcutity I�i+,Irun�Lnt.ailhm.�t fuUhcY tli�flcc�or dc:ii�a�t�l��u[is�rra�sc�•. ���-.:
<br /> .���-�s».v,��:;.. ... IN. Ito�•rn��cr'ti Etl�ht to itciu.t�tc. if t3orrc���rcr mccts ccrtam runtlitiuns, i�uuu��ei ,h.�N ha�c thc �i�;:rt t.� h::ee �----
<br /> -,-•_;:�:�•�= cnfiirccmcnt of tiwis�ccurity Insuwnent discon!irucd at ui�y �imc Rrfor h► U�c c:►eticr ��f; lu) S di►ys fur 4uch uthcr periotY as
<br /> -._-`:'^��" --•': appY►c:ihlc haw m.�y ,pecify for rcintilatcmcnt) bclorc ,alc of' 11ic Proprrly piirsuant t�� any powcr of salc contaiiud in �his --
<br /> i��-. :•`,�.y;::_,�T ' Security In,lruin.�ni;ur lb)cn�ry of a judgm:nt cnfarring Ihis Sc�:urity In�,truntcut. '1'liosc cmiditiunc urc Uiat Norru�vrr: (�t pays =
<br />---•'"`'�""�� [.cndcr all tiums wliich tlicn �sould hc�luc undcr thi�;Sccuriry In�trununt oud Ihc Natc as if nsi ucccicratian hnd uccu�red: (b) _—
<br />_ �i�:�.��:.. �: `���yR:: cures.my dcPault oP any nthcr covrnants ur ngrccmcnls:Ic)pays all cxpcmcs incurrcd in cnforciug �his Sccuriry lnstrumcnt,
<br />=T-=�r;;`."f'.=:°=°.�.,:� including.but not li�nitcd w, rcasunablL atlimtcys' fcc�:;ind ld)�akes ti��ch .�ctinn as l.:�ndc�•may rcasonably rcyuirc to arsur�
<br /> •-=;__`;r�.s�:.,,1,�^'.' that thc licn of this Sccurity Instrumcnt, l.ci�dcr's right:+in Ihc Peopcny and f�orrmvcr's ubligu�lun to pny thc tiums cccurul by �
<br /> l� --L•°-��` this Security Instrument sliall rontinuc imctuuiged. Upon rcinst,itement by 8o7rower, Uus Se4urity [nstruntent and Qie
<br /> �'•�>;'t-,;;:. '':;°e oblisation5 secured hereby sitall rentain fulSy cf'fective:is it'n��acceleraiion hnd nr�urced. Hmvever, this ri�;ht to reinstate slinll ---
<br /> • ' - -� • not apply in thc casc�.if acccicr.uiai undcr paragr,�ph 17. _.
<br /> ',"' ''` �° ' 19. 3ale of Naie; Ci�nn�e uY l.u�m Servfcer. "fhe Notc or a partial interest in Qie Nnte U��geiher tivith this Security
<br /> '�� . : • • ,•1 --
<br /> 3;�,?�;,:Y�,,�;,. �;�,�� Instnuncnt)mny bc sold onc or mnrc timcs�vithc�ut pri��r nuticc w Borm���cr. A s:de may result in a changc in tlic cntity(known
<br /> -••��••�•�;+•,� ns thc "[.oan Scrviccr")that collccts munthly paymcnts due undcr thc Nutc a�d this Securiry Ins�niment. Thcrc also may bc one
<br /> =��'s�;:�•.;• � ,.; F
<br /> - . . ,. or more changes of the Luan Servicer unrclated ro a salc of ti�e Nute. If therc is;�change oi thc I.aan Scrvicer,Borrawer will bc `__
<br /> -- �• ' •'• givcn wriuc�noticc of thc changc in accurdancc wiih paragraph 14 a6ovc and applicablc law.Thc ni►ticc wiii statc ti�c namc a�� ._
<br /> ;�' '� , •;� �"1:;� address of thc ne�v Loan Scrviccr and the addr�.tis tc� �vhich paym�nts sliould bc madc. Thc noticc will also contain any othcr ��'�=
<br /> -' � � information requir�by applicablc la�v. tr,,
<br /> -�• 20. Hautrdous Substa.nccs. Borroa•er ,liall not rause or �ennit the pmsence, use, disposal, storage,or rcica�c of any �:.
<br /> • � � � Hazardous 5ubstanccs on or in thc Propeny. Borrower tihall not do, nor aUo�v anyonc clse to do, anything affccting tl�c �'
<br /> Proper[y that is in violation of any Gn�•ironmcntal La�v. Thc prcrc�ing t�va �cntcn«s s6a11 not apply tu the presence, use, or �-
<br /> `•_.�" ` � • ' storage on thc Property of small q�:intities uf Hazardous Substances that are gener.dly recogni�.ed to be appropriate[a normal �"�''
<br />� residcntial uses and to maintcnancc of thc Property. =====
<br />-� Borro�vcr shall promptly give Lcndcr wrinen notice of any in�•estigation.rluim, dcntand, lawsuit or other action by any —
<br />�•-, ' govcrnmental or rcgulatory ugcncy or privatc party invulving thc Propcny and any H;uardous Substancc or Environmcntal Law ��°;�
<br /> � of which Borro�vcr ha�actu:il knowlcdge. if Borrowcr Icarns,or is notifial by any govcrmnental or regulatory authority, that '�-:
<br /> any removal or otl�er remediation of any Ha�ardous Substance affecting the Propeny is necessa�y. Borrower shall promptly take ,�4'
<br /> �_
<br /> all necessarv rcmedi:il actions in acwrdance witli Environuuntal Law. �'.r�-';�
<br /> As uscd in this pangraph 20, "Haiardous Substunces" are those substances defincd as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Q;,.:,.�:.
<br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: ga+oline, kero:;ene, other tlammable or toxir petroleum products, toxic �;,,
<br /> �� pesticides and herbicides,volatilc solvents, matcrials comaining atibestos or formaldchydc,und raJioacdvc materials. As uscd in �:
<br /> this para�nph 20. "Environmental L;sw" means fcder.il laws and laws of thc jurixdirticm whcrc thc Property is located that �,:_
<br /> � relatc to health,�afety or environmental protection. �'�id
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barro�vcr and Lcndcr furthcr covenant and a�rcc as follows. �=:r
<br /> , 21. Acceler.ttion:Remedies. I.ender shall give notice to 8orra�ver prtor to ucceleration following Borro���er's brcach ,,,
<br /> of any covenunt or ugreement In this Security Instrument (but not priur to ucceleration under par+�raph l7 unless �`r•-
<br /> , i applicublc law provides otlter�vlse).The notfce�liall spe�ciiy: (�) the default; (b) the uction requlred ta cure the defuult; � ,
<br /> (c) a date, not I�ss th�n 30 days fmm the date the not[ce is�iven to Uorrotr�er,by «•htch tlie default must be cured; and ,U_
<br /> (d) thpt failure to cure the default on or before the date sperified in the notice mav n�ult in uccelcrntion of the sams .
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument und sale of the Prope�K��.Thc noticc sl�all funher inform I3orro�rcr oP thc rifiht to ,
<br /> rcinstate nfter acceleratton and tlte ri�ht to bring :�court action to asscrt the non-existence oP:�default or any other
<br /> " defense of Borro�ser to accelerntion nnd sale. If the defnult is not cured on or before the date s{x�cified in the noticr,
<br /> ' Lender, nt i�i optlon, may requim immediute paymcret in full ol'all sums setured by this St�urity Instrnment without ,
<br /> . ft�rther demand and mt�y envoke thc po�vcr of snle and tmy other remedies permitted by upplicuble I�w. Lcndcr shull be .
<br /> ' entitled to collect nll expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph Zl. including. but�tot limited
<br /> ' to.reasonAble attorneys'fees vnd costs of title evidence. .
<br /> If the power of'sa�e is invoked. Trustee shall record a uottce of default in cach wunty in �ti•hfrh any part of the
<br /> `��� Property is located nnd shall mnil copies of sach n�t(ce in the manner prescribed by applicable la�s to Borro�tier�nd to
<br /> „ the oiher persons preticribed by applfc:�ble la«•.After the time requlrcd b�•�g�;�licable I��s.Trustee shall give�ublte nottce
<br /> , of sale to the persons�nd in thc manncr presrribed by .�pplicublc la��. �rusiee. «•ithout demand on Borrmver,�biill sell
<br /> • .. . � the Prag�crty at pu6lic naction to the hi�hest bidder at the time snd place und under the terms de+i�;nated in the notice of
<br /> ;,;,�:,:; snle in ane m•mm•c parccls xnd in i�ny ordcr Trustcr dctcrmin�.5.Trust��e ma��postpanc sule of�11 or nny parccl of the
<br />:;,i Property ber public s�mnounccment at the time nnd place of any prcviously scheduled salc. l.cnder or its desi�nee may
<br /> •: , . l purchase t�e Propep¢g•at any ss►le.
<br />.::: ,
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