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<br /> -�'�„���;�,:�_ .;;.� Qr.uds d►r ilcto�liug. POl'1VIIfCI1 LRlitlCl' CiC�U�fCS til�ll"�[il'C.'Phis intiarc;atc.�ledl ha iir.�'sutaincd i�i tiis:mu+n��its c�s�{I fizr tlic ti�i�n?�, __. __
<br /> . ��
<br />_ -��=`:`;:,i���, th;t I.citdcr r:iiiiires. 'CGc im,LlY,llli'C raci•lcr pr+►vidin�tl�c iEitur,mc�sh:i11 Q�e cEin;c+� hy 13�m'att•cr �uhfcct tn I�:nd�i'r;uE�p������+f --
<br />��::,.iti_';,_�_,_„'„
<br /> -- - - — wl�ich nhall uat l�c u�ircason,�ldy �viihBcld. If iinrruwcr fuils to maintcds�cuvc�ubc ilesc�'llkd ubovC, tAnd::r n�+y. •rt A.tixir.r's
<br /> -- opilun,nhsa's�i an�c.ra�x c�ti pr�►tc+:t lAn�lcr'�;riglliS IIl lI1L`I�Y�i�H:l"ly IIl itl'Clfl�llan�:.:�vith n:3ragraph'l.
<br />_—�_-�-....:•.-'T� Aii in�;ur,uuc Exdicics arnl irtrw�us siudi i!u m:�r:ptut�l�ts� fxi+de� n�it1 tiittill iiiilliil,: ��tit�;ia3�i.i ��i�+�i�;,�h.:el..,�:.::. l.:,t:!:� =- -
<br /> ----- sha11 h�vc thc right to hi�ld Ihe�mlicics tind renewals. If l.cixlcr rcyuircs, Ek�rrowcr slcdl prumptly kivc ro l.cixlcr afl r�xcipts of
<br />-,__-�'�� paici premiumv c�nd renc�val noticcs.Iu thr.cvcnt uF luss,tii�ri•o�ccr sh;ill E;ivc pri�mpt nnticc�a�i�c intiurcincc carricr ami lAiKt�r.
<br /> ,.vs'�_�--_'°°'— Lcnder niay �nakc pruof c►P loss iP nut madc proji�pdy by 13��rruwc:r.
<br /> -_�i:;��:��`�=��� Unless l.ender nnd��rm�ver uthcrvrise ngrcc i���vri�ing,imurrmcc�r�xceds shaU be nriplicd tc�rctitamtion�r rpair i�f'ific
<br /> -° - F�--� Pro;xrty damagcd, ii'dtc rcstomtian ui�rcpair is cco�wnxic.dly fcatilblc i;nd l.endcr's sccurity is ncu lcsscncd. If Ihc r�,tnr.uiou or
<br /> _L�vi i�71?.J%'�,fYidifa
<br />—_ ;-_,;:��n,� repair is nat econoinically featiiblc ar l.ender'�:,ecurily wuu1J L►e I�sseitc.�t1.U�� insurnnce p�eicc..ds shall!►;, applic.t to�ln�::unu =
<br /> -"�°`��'� sccurcd by this Sccurity Instrumcnt, whether ar not thcn duc, with imyr excess p�id tn Elorr�t�ver. If[3��r�•aw•er ubancluns tlle
<br /> - ----��z�' ,i• ., .
<br /> -- � �'�� � • • Property,ur docs nut nnswcr �vithin 30 d:►ys n noticc from IAndce that the insumucc careicr hns ofFcrcd to sctUc�clni�i�,the�i
<br />�..�...�;�-:; �-.. t,.,
<br /> '��;��v;;:4ty�:_"_";;�; [.c�tder �nay collcct Ihe 'snsurance pnrcctds. Lcnder m�y use the procecds to rcRai�ar reston: die Pn�perty nr to pay sums
<br /> ==-'���_:;a.0:,.,:�,;;' sccurcd by this Sccurity Instrumcnt,whether ar��ot tiun duc.Tl�c 30-day pcti�xi will Fe�in�vhcn ths�todcc is givcn.
<br /> __���;'€��!�?" Ue�less Lender and Borrower oth�r�vise agrce in writing. any iipplication of puKCeds tu princ�pal sliall not extend or
<br /> -'-""�'�'_'�L7 sc itic the duc datc ai thc monthl � nunts rcfcrccd to i» �r� r� hs 1 and? or chun c thc amount of thc mCnts. If
<br /> ?�'�.. P� P� Y P�Y P' S�P 6 P�Y
<br /> - •4� .�+��s undcr paragraph 21 thc Property is acqui�:d by Lendcr, B6IT01VM�S CIbII[IO IIIl}I IOSUI�RCC PllIICICti aI1lI PIOCCCtIS t'C3UIIIIIb li'011l
<br /> ..,��:°^',:;p�,,'�4. d�image to the PropeRy prior to the acquisi�ion shall pass to Lender to tlte extent of tiie sums secured by this Security Insttun�nt
<br /> inur�iatcly priur to thc acquisition.
<br /> �;s;s;s4;-,�,�n•+�;:� " 6.Occupancy, PreservatEon, Diah�tena►r�e nnd Protect:on of the Property;I3orro�rer's r.oan Appltcatlon; I.easeholds.
<br /> — ��� Borrawer shall occupy,establish,snd use the E'mperty as Borro�ver's principal residence within sixry days uft�r the exccution of
<br /> ^-.�.r.��� • '"••.,.. this Sec:urity Instnimcnt and shall conti�ue to accupy the Propeny as Borrawer's principal rcsidence for at least une year:�fter
<br /> � ; the date of occupancy,unless L.ender othenvise agrees in writin�,which consent shall not be unrcasonably �vithheld,or unless
<br />� � ' extenuating circumstanc:s exist which are beyond Borrower's control. �arrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> �� Property, allo�v the Propeny to deteriorntc, or commit �vaste on the Property. Borro�vcr shall be in default if any forfciture
<br /> . action ur proceeding, whcther civil or ctiminal, is bcgun that in Lcndcr's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br />— Property or othenvise materially imp�ar the lien created by this Security fnstrument or Lender's secm-i�y interest.Borrower may
<br /> %:`. cure such a default nnd reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to tx:d�sm�ssed with a ruiing
<br /> �,�: • that, in L.ender's good faith detcrmination, precludes forfciture of thc Borro�vcr's interest in thc Property or other materiaf
<br /> _ , impaimunt of the lien created by this Secu�ity Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall ulso be in defaalt if
<br /> Boreower.during the loan application process,gave materially false or inaccurate information ar st��tements to Lender(or failed _
<br /> to provide Lender with any material information)in connection�vith the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited
<br /> '�' to, representations concerning Bonower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residcncc.If this Security Instniment is on a --
<br /> leasehold, Bonower shall co�nply �vith all thc pr�visions of the Ieaee. If Borrower acquir.s fee titic to thc Propeny, the
<br /> Icasehald and the fce tide shaU not mcrge unless Lender agrees[o the merger in writing. �`
<br /> - � � 7. Aeotection of Lender's Righ�S in thc Property.If Borrowcr fails to perfortn the covcnants and agrecnunts contained in ��Z`-
<br /> � ' this Security Instrument, nr thete is a legal proceeciing that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a . .-
<br /> proc�•ading in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeiwre or to enforce laws or regulations), then l.ender may do and �';_"
<br /> • :: pay for whatever is necessary to protect the v;ilue of the Properry and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may ���
<br /> � ';�'!' include a in an sums secured b a lien which has riorit over this Securit Instrunient, n earin in court. a in �"•°`
<br /> t::,-:-:'. P Y � Y Y ' P Y Y PP S P Y �
<br /> " � rcasonable attorneys' fees and enterin�on the Pro��zrty to make repairs. Al�hough Lcnder niay take action under this paragraph ��-.
<br /> . 7, Lender docs not have to do so. �
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this parngrnph 7 shall become additinnal debt uf Borrotver secured by this �:;J
<br /> Sccurity [astnimcnt. Unlcas �orrower and Lendcr agree ro other tern�s af payment, thesc amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Notc ratc and shall be payable, with enterest, upon noticc from Lender to Borro�ver requesting
<br /> payment. ,'�.
<br /> ���,,. 8. blortga�e Insurance. [f L.ender required mortgage insurance as a cune�ition of making the lo.u�secured by this Security
<br /> t'� , ' Instruix�ent, Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuirecl to maintain the mortgage insur,�nce in effect. [F, for any reason, the ,
<br /> • mongage insursnce coverage required by Lendcr lapses or rwses to be in effec:t.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> ' obtain cover.�ge substantiully equivalent ro the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a mst substantiaUy equivalent to the
<br /> � cost ta Borco�rcr of the nwrtgage insurance previously in effect, from un alternate mortgage insurer a�proved by L.ensier. If
<br /> substantially equivalent mortgage insurancc covera�e i�not svailable, Borro�ver shall pay to Lend�r cach month a sum eyual to
<br /> � � ., on�-nr•clfth of the yearly nwttgagr insuratuc prcmium 6ein�paid by Borro�ver�vhcn thc insur.anre•roverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> , � be in effect. Lender will urrept.use and Rtain these payments as a loss rexerve in lieu of mc�rigcige insurance. Luss reserve
<br /> " Form 3028 fl190
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