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<br /> tc:;ciCL'i t?��.:r, �G�:+:,���..{�1lir,vo liia option in ito noio r.n�7�b�oli�to�l.cection, to c pIy cU cuc;i PrGr��d�.cPQC��CaUGilats f�i�:�C��o::�
<br /> l,..u. �
<br /> e!I coste a�ed exr�ensea iiscu•rad b� it(n caimcctlan �•rith cuch Prococd�,upon a�y Inciobtedne�9 6CCUY3II SIOtOil�/B�d{�l 61C�i1 OPuBP Qa�
<br />_� , ' Linder msy determtne,ot to�pp�y ail euch Froceeda,aiter euch daduotlono,to the r�atoratio�of the P�nperty upan su�i coridixiann aa •
<br /> LSnd¢,e msy de4ernlf�ie.My npplicntion o1 f�rocaedo to tndnbt�dnoss shn,l not extund o►puetpone tha�uo dnto u1 eny paymenta an�dar � �•:
<br />-- �!+=',?;�t%*,;; �,,;;+�. th�Not�,or cure�ny d�f�ult lhereundsr or hereunda►.A�y uneppliad lund��h�ll ba p�td En Tru�tot. _-
<br /> S. Putorr:�snce by l.ond�r, Upon the occurrence o1 en Evant of Daferult hereunder, or if eny eot le teken or t�p�t proca�dinq
<br /> 091flMt4tCYG�WI1ICh Yrt0i9PIYIIy OSI8�i8 46iid67�0 fliE6(6'st IIl 4I10{�fONG11V.�.C:idG.f.lny id 12H 0�'iY1 4�:�7�:�Oti•I:LY I;.iii1:.712 G�r�:.il:..i:a(.O GJ� �•(^-
<br /> '�-`•�'-'�'�`u�,- ;.�` �rtd wkhout notia to ot d�mwnd upon�'ruitor end wlthout rolee�inp Truaror hom xiy oblipetion,do sny�ot which Yn�rtur h�a ynNd ---
<br /> • . - But f�11�to do�nd may�leo da eny other�c!it deems naceaary to protact tha��curity h�root.Tn�etor sh�ll,imm�diatNy upon dwn�n� _
<br /> thsnfor by L�ndor, puy to Londer ell ao�ts end expenaee incurred end eums expended by Latde►In connsotlon with th��xercfes by -
<br /> ��:`�; ,. lender of the for�pafnp riphts,topether with intere3t thereon at the defeult rato provlded in the Not�, wh(ch �h�M bo�dJ�d to the
<br /> " indebtedncee eeaured herety.Lender ehell not incur any Iiobiiity beaauoe o}anythinp it m�y do or omit to do horeund�v.
<br /> , y.ks:rdoue M�toEats, Trueto►ehell koep the Property(n comptience with ell applieeble lewe,ordi�ences�nd ropul�tton�telstk►y to
<br /> ' induetrlel hypiene m envlronmentnl proter,tion(colleatively reiotrod to herotn ea"�nvironmentd Lewe'�.Truator�hdl ke�p it�s Proporty �_
<br /> � •� (ree from�II eubstsncee deemed to be h�terdoua or toxfo under eny Enviro�mee�td Lew�(cqllxt(valy ref�rtnd to h�r�in�`H�s�rdou�
<br /> '� Meterlele"1.Trustor hereby wnrrants end rapre�ente to londe►thnt there ere no Heterdous Metsriel on or undsr ttie Propxty.Yru�tor
<br /> ' hereby�preea to Indxnn(fy and hold hnrmieoe Londer, its direotore,offloera, employee��d�pent�, �nd�ny wcue�on to L�d«'�
<br /> . � int�teat, (rom end epainat sny end All alaime,demapes, loesue end liebilities ntisi�i�in eonnootiorv with the pieaonne, ues,d�pot�f or
<br /> ' trantport of eny H�iardoua Msteriels on,under,}rort�or ebnut tha Property.TIiE FORECi01N4 WR�RRANTIES AND R�PRESEPITAYIf1NS,
<br /> - • �',,. TRUST.
<br /> - '. 1Q.P.e�snrt�yet ot Rtwte.Trustor hereby esei�na to 6ender the rent9,lneue�wnA�mfite�f the Property;ptnvid�d�.h�t Ttu�tor�+M,
<br /> until th�occurrence o}en Everit uf Oeteult hereunde►,have the ripl�t to colleot md tetein�uch tsnta,h�un and prolits�t th�y Moom� —
<br /> � du��nd p�ysbl�.Upo�tht�occurrencs of en Event af Qetault,Lendur m�y,either h p�rron or 6y ea�nt,whh o�wit}raut brtt►�inp�rry
<br /> �, �otion or�roceedinp, o► by s�eceivcr eppotnted by e court and without repard to th��dsqu�cy of its na.+tity. «tta uryat�nd t�
<br /> ' po�se�rion of the Propeny, or eny pett there�af, in ite own �eme or in the nam�of tho Tnuto�,�n�f do x►y�ots Nhkh k dMenr
<br /> ' ,� n�ca�ery or d�sireble to preaerve the value,merketahiiity or rentability o}th�Frop�rty,or�ny psrt th��of a�ktt�rMt th�t�+,ina�
<br /> � the income therelrom ar protect the eecudty heroof end, w(th or without teklnp poeteeafon of the Fropsrty,w�for o►otfiMwiN ooN�ot
<br /> •� �., ths rent�,bsu��nd proflt�thareof,Inoludinp tho�e paat due end unpafd,end eppry the tMn�,l»i oort��nd�ocp�n�o�of op�ratia►�nd
<br /> collaatlon includinp ettorney�'fee�, upon eny indebtndneso secured hereby,aii in nuch order o*Lenda may d�temim.Th��nt�r4+p upon
<br /> end tekinq poeeesiion of tl�e Prope►ty, the collenNon of such rente,issues end ptotite snd the ep�ftication thsno}N�torw�id,�N not
<br /> cure or waive eny deteuit or notice of defeult horeunder ot(nvalidete eny aot dane In reapon�s to�uch dstauk o�punu�rtt to woh notfa
<br /> n}defoult and,notwith9tendinp the r,onttnuenco in posaaasion ot tho Property or tho colleot(on,reoeipt end�pplication o4 nnt�,i��ar
<br /> profit�, �nd Truste��nd Le�der ehall be er+tttled to exercise every ripht provided for in�ny of th�Loan InsSrutr►�t�w by Mw upon
<br /> occurronce of eny Evrmt of Defeult,f�cludinp �vithout iimitetion the dpht to exercbe the powee of sate.Further,L�n6�c'��hU und '_,�
<br /> '" remadies unde► thh p�rayreph ehell be cumulative with, end in no wey s limit�tian on, L�nd�'� ripht� �n�d r�m�diM unda wny `
<br /> � , eaeipnment oi leaaea nnd rente reuorded apeinet the Property.Lendsr,Truetae end the rercelver�hell bs li�bla to aco�x�t only for thow
<br /> rente eotually received.
<br /> 11.Ev�nts o!D�fwlt.The(ollowinp ehell conetltute nn Event ot Oeteult under th(e Deed of Tnist:
<br /> fe1 Feih�ra to pay eny installment of principel or intorest of ony othmr sum eecurad heraby when due;
<br /> , Ib)A breach of or default under eny provlslon contulned in the Note,thls Deed of T►u�t,�ny of th�I.oan Instrwe�t�,or�ny
<br /> other lien o►oncumbrenoe upon the Proporty;
<br /> � (o)A writ of execut(on or ettechment or any eimita► procoas ohdl be entbtad eyeGut Trustor wh(oh�hatl b�oanv s W�n c+n th�
<br /> ' Property or eny portlon thereof or(ntereat thero(n;
<br />:- , (d)There ahell be filed by or epelnat Truetar or Borrowo► an eotlon under eny pre3ent or tuturo federot,etete or otha�tstus,lqw
<br /> � ' - .. or reQulatlon relating Qo bankruptoy, Inaolvenoy or other reliei for debtore;or there ehall be nppointed eny trustN, teo�iv�r ut
<br /> " liquldetor of Truetor or Borrowor or of ell or eny part of the Porperty,or tho ronte,Isnuea or prafite thereof,o►Yruato►ur 8or:ow�t
<br /> � ehell meke eny penerel asalpnment 1or tho bonefit of araditore; -
<br /> (el Yhs satn,trsnster,leeao, eaefflnmont,conveyence or further encumbronae of�II or any p�rt of or�ny intKNt In H►�Prop�rty,
<br /> • etther votunterily or involunterlly,without tha exproso written consent of Londer,provldad that Tnietor ehdl b�p�rtnkt�d to rx�out� _
<br /> •, e leaae of the Prapefty that does no4 contain en optlan to purchese cnd the term of whlch doee not exneed ona year; -__
<br /> (fl Ab�ndonment of the Property;or -
<br /> (p)1/Truator h not en indlvidual,the iaeuence, salo,trene}er,eeeipnment, aenveyana�or encumbrancs of mor�thr� �tats) -
<br /> ., of �i percatt of(if e corporation)ite isaued ond outetendiny etock or(if e pa►tn�rehip)e totel of w/A pmant of
<br /> pattnerehlp intare�te durinp Zhe period thla Deed af T►uet remeine e lien on the P�opeiSy. ''"
<br /> 12.R«n�dies;Aec�Irr�Non Upon Dsf�ult.In the event o4 eny Event of Oefault lent]or msy,without notic��xc�pt M trqukad by Gtw, �
<br /> . ��;',��' deolan ell indebledneee Becured horeby to be duo and payable end the eame ohall theroupon became dus end p�yab{t whhout �ny �~-
<br /> F_...
<br /> • " prosentment,demend,prote�t or notice uf eny kind.Thereafter Lander mey: _
<br /> (e)Danend thet Truetee exeroiee the POWER OF SALE qronted herein, ond Truetoe ehell thereefter aau�e Tru�tor'� FntsrMt -
<br />,. in tha Proparty to be sold end the proceede to bo distrlbuted,all in tho manner provided in the Nebreske Truei Deeds Ant;'
<br /> (b)Exerciee enyr end ell ►ighte providod for In any of the loen Inetrumenfe or by I�w upon ooaur�rta� oi efy Ev�nt of �
<br />� Deteult;end
<br />:� � (o)Commence en eotlon to forouloea this Dood ol T►uot os o monpape, eppoint e rocetver,oi epacltica�ty enforce wsy ot the
<br /> covenenta he�eof. "
<br /> , No remedy heroin conferred upon or roservod to Trustoo or Lendor to fntended to be exclueive o} eny other►em�dy h�tsin.in th�Lo�n
<br />: Inatrumente o►by lew provided or permited,but eech sholl be cumuletive,ehell be in e¢1ditlon to every other remedy pivon h�re�mdor,In
<br /> �'' :Ae Loan Inotrumente or now or horeeftor oxiotin{�at law or in oquity or by etetute,and mey be exercl�od ooncutte�tly,hdsp�ndentRy or
<br /> �uccesafvoly.
<br /> 13. Trust��.Tha Truetee mey ra�ipn et nny timo wrthout oouso, ond Londor may et eny ttme end wRhaut eaustl eppoint a auccesaor
<br /> ' • or aubetitute Truntee.Truotea ehall not bo lioble to eny party, Inolud(ng without limftetian Lender,Barrowar,Trustor or eny purch�ser of
<br /> i the Property. (o► eny Iqae ot demupe unleso due to reokleaa or wfllful mlaaonduot, end ehetl not be requlred to teks any aotbn In
<br /> i conneation with ths entoroement of thie Deed of Truet unlose indomnifted,in wrltinp,for elt eoab,eompeneetlon or�xpen�es which m�y
<br /> � be esaoc(etad tharewith. In additlon,Truatoe moy become o purcheser et any eate of the Ptoperty(judlclal or undet the power of aale
<br /> � �rantod herainl;poatpone the eale of ell or eny portion oi tho Property,es provided by law;or oell the Property es s wl►ole,or In esparats �
<br /> -° pncela or lote et Truatoe'e disarotion.
<br /> � 14.F�a�nd Exp�m��.In tho event Truotoe sells tho Proporty by exe►olse ef power o}eale,Trusteo ohell be mtitted to epply eny ede
<br /> • � - -- � - _
<br /> F--- -- ` ="- proceed�irtat iv peymeni ui eti coace and mcpanaos oi oaoraiamg power oi eaie,inciuoircp ett►runtae`e teee,enR Lanclet'e at10 11uaLee's
<br /> � ettomey'e fee�,entueliy tnaurred tu extent pe�mitted by eppliaabte lew.tn the event Dorrower or Truetor exorclfes eny ripht proveded by
<br /> A .. law to cure on Event at Ooteult,Londer chutl bo ontitlod to rocovor irom Truetor oll coste and exReneea eotuelly incurred es e rooult ot
<br /> Truntor'e defeult,Includinp w{thout limttetlon ell Truetee's end ettorney'e fee�,to the extant pennttted by eppli¢eble lew.
<br /> �_ 1 B.Futur�Advancu.Upon raqucst oi 8orrowe►,Londer may,at fte optfun,meke eddittonel end future edvancea and readvances to
<br /> � 8orrower.Such advaices end roedvances,with fntorast thoraon,choll bo eccurod by thia Ooad of Ttust.At no ttme chaH the principel
<br /> emount of the inde6tednt�ee�eaured by thi� Doed of Tniat,not inctudin0 sume edvenaed to protnnt the aecuriry u}thle Deed of Tru�t,
<br /> exneed ths orip(nal prEncfpsl emaunt eteted hore(n,or 8 f50.00D.00,whichover Ie�roetu.
<br /> I
<br /> •.�' I .
<br /> ,:' • �
<br /> i !
<br /> :! � i
<br /> > I
<br />'_, - -�.. .. __ . - -. «..... ..... .. ._.. .,...-._ --�--- -
<br />