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<br /> " aE���lic,ihle I,nv may ti�s:ci�y fur r.�1n�;tatement) I�zfc�re �.ale of the Pmpeny punua�is tn �ny prnver of snle contained in this
<br /> tic�ttrity lutitrut�►�nt:oi•lh)c�ury uf��Jud�;mm�t cnie�rcinL ihis S�curity Instrument. 'fii��sc conditions�rc tl�at Burrovmr: (n)
<br />_. p:►ya l.eniler nll sums e�hich then wctiuld b� due under Ihis Security fnstrument a�td �he NUte ,�s if na accelention i�ad
<br /> ' ' occurr�d;(b)curr.s iiny defnuft of nny c�ther cavenants or agQCCments;(c)pnys nU expenses incurred in enforcin�this�aecurity
<br /> '" � Illtilflltll�01, inclucii���, b4u n�rt limitcd to, rcason�h�c c►ttur�cy;' fccs; and (d) takey such action�s l..cndcr may rc�sunably
<br /> --'_T�:��;t.;;.;, ��ciµ�irc to ns9urc that tltc lic�of this Sccurity I��sirument.Lender�righis in thc Propeny and(iorrower�.s obligation to pay thc �
<br /> ` ' "`'' " tunts sccur�d hy ihis Sccurl�y Insin�ntciit shnll conlinuc unch�m�ed. Upon teiustntcmcnt by B�rrower, Qiis Sccurity "'
<br /> ;..:..., ..- In,t�u��izm and 1(�c ubligaziu:is nccur�J licrcby�hali rcu�:iln fully c(f��liv�as if no acccicration had occurrcci. 1-[owcvcr.iriis
<br /> �`` �" �K �ight to reinstnte shsill uot iipply in thc casc of c►ccelendon undcr paengriiph t7.
<br /> .-�._a�.rbt � w
<br /> �=.--r.+�,.,,.n . .
<br />_- • --- '°�:; 19. 4ule uP Note;ChanRe,of l�a��ervlcqr, T1;e 1�Igte ar n partial intcrest in thc Notc(rogcthcr with ti»s Security
<br />_ '� " Instrume�u)miiy be suld one.�at,�eh'crflf�4R".t�WWthbdt+�fritrr nDtice to Horco�ver. A, �ale m�y result in a change in thP enxity
<br />- `�''��"``'�"-�''�•� (knawn ns Qie"l.o:m Scrvicer"),Ihat ciAYcM!R'Hli��itfety h:tj�mehts due un�er the Nnte and this Security Qnstniment. Tiacre also �: _
<br />_ ., ;;;•�' '" ,'...�, may Ix:one ar more chnnges of the L:Gtm Seiviccr unr0iated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, � �
<br /> .-�� ,;- = �'• D�r�ower will be given written notice of thc change in cicc�ardanee with paragmph 14 above und applicable taw. The notice �t+-
<br /> wili stnte the namc and address of thc ne�v f,oa�i Serviccr�md�I�e sd�ress tu wl�ich � ments sliould Ue mnde. The noiice will �"'
<br />_°�,,�r•.•... ,.. :. . p,y �
<br />_-.'�L::�� �. .. also conuiin any other infomiation required by applicable law, =�v
<br />_ � � : � 20. Alau►rdous Substance9, Borrower shall not cause or pertnit the presence,use,disposnl,stenge,ur release of any �'_
<br />- ° ,�� Flazatdous Substances on or in thc Praperty. Borrower sholl not do,nor allotiv anyone else to do, anything affccting Qhe _
<br /> , ' Property that is in viola�ion of any Environmental Law. The prccedin�nvo sentences shall not apply to the prese�ue,use, or �.;;;-.
<br /> 1, �„� ��_..i_._��.' stomge on the Pmperty of small quantities of Hnzardous Substances that are generally recognized to be Apprupriate to nortnal =--
<br /> residential uscs and to maintenance of thc Property.
<br /> - �.'. .^ Borrawcr shall promptly give Lcnder writtcn notice of nny investigation,claim,dcmand,la�vsuit or othcr action by any _ _
<br /> . �' , � govemmental or regulatury agcncy or private part��involving the Property and any Hazardous Subst:uice or E»virvnmcntal ____
<br /> :�; ;,,"�-> . r Law of which Bonower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulutory
<br />, ' . • authority,that any remuval or ather rernediativn of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> _ shall promptly tuke a!I ne�essary r�mediul actions in accordance with Environmental Law. —'-
<br />__ ����'°t• As used in this paragra�,h 2�."Hawrdaus Substances" are those substances defined t►s toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> � ' Environmental La�v and the following substartces: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum pralucts,toxic
<br /> - . "�' ' :" '`:' pesticides and herbicides. volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formald�ehyde,nnd rsdioactive materials. As
<br /> �� � used in this paragraph 20."Environmental l.aw"mcans federal laws and laws uf the jurisdiction wlie�the Property is Iceated
<br />`� '� � � ' • that�elatc to health,safcty or environmental protection.
<br /> . _ NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant nnd agma as follows:
<br /> 21. Accelerntion;Remedies. Lender shall give notice to 13orrower prlor to acceleratlon follo�ving Borruwer's
<br /> ' breuch of nny covenant or agreement in this Secarity Instruenent(but not prior to a�celeration under paragruph 17
<br /> -- L���,o_�F�to,oM�lgp,�,p�yi��Q�h�'a��. Tho»��w g.n 1 c��,F�. fo\t�ia rinf��ytt•/h�tha�rtinn�av���i�o�1 M[�urp the
<br /> ` defnult;(c)u date,not less thun 30 dnys from the date tlie notice is given to Bo�•rower,by which the detault must be
<br /> � cured;and(d)that failure to cure the defnult on or befure the date speciGed in the notice may result in acceleration of
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale a►f the Property. The noticc shall further inform Berrawer ot
<br /> ' the rlght to reinstAtz atter acceleration and the rtght to bring a court action to assert the nomexiste�ce of�default or
<br /> , any other dePense of Borrower to accelerat[on and sale. If¢he default is not eured on or before fhe date specified in
<br /> the notice,Lender at its optton m�y require immedlate payment in full of�11 sums secured by this Security Ynstrument
<br /> without further demAnd and may invoke the �anwer of sale und uoy other rentedies permitted by appllca6le It�w
<br /> •� ' "' " ' Lender shall be entitled to collect �ll expenses incurred(n pursuing the remed[es provided in thls paragraph 21,
<br /> �"�` includi�ng,but not li�6ted to,rcusonuble uttorneys'fees and costs of t[tle evidence.
<br /> '•.°•K. '• : " • iP the�o�ver of sale is Invoked,Trustee shall record a nodce of default in cach county in wh�cd any part ot the --
<br /> - � °:opPrty is located and shall mAil copies of sucB notice in tl�e manner ppescribetl by uppllcable law to Borrotiver nnd to
<br /> . the ott��r persons prescribed by applicable law After the time required by applicable I�w,'IYustee shall give publk
<br /> • °`� �• notice m!sale M the persons and in the m:u�ner prescrihed by appl[cable law 71�ustee,without demand on Bc�rrocvPr,
<br /> "�. ���t6 +" shall sel➢the Property at pnbltc auctton b the hi�hest bidder at the time nnd pl:tce nnd un�ler the terms deslgnat�:9 in
<br /> .... n.,-. . -.
<br /> ,;,,.,ti,.;,, tl�e notice of sale in one or more pae�cels und in any order 7}�ustee determines. 'Ilrustce may perstpone s�le of al!or nny
<br /> •`�� - parcel of the Property by publtc�nno�ncement at the time 1nd place of a�.y previously scheduled sale. I.ertder ar it� —.
<br /> designee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> ' . . Upon receipt of payment of t0�e price bid, 'IFustee shull deliver to the purchaser 7Mustee's deed conveying the
<br /> ''�;:.���` Property. The recituls in the Tra�sieP's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statemer,ts made therein.
<br /> r,:
<br /> � ' 'IFusiee shall apply the proceeds of 4he sale 3n ttce following order: (a)to u!1 costs and expenses of exeecistn�;the power
<br />