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All uf thc foregoin�is r(crecd ta in this Scc�irity In�trumcnt ns tlic"!'roperty." <br /> � BQRRO�dFR COVENANTS thnt Bureavicr is ImvPully sclscd af thc cstutc ficreby cunvcycd nnd has tltc right tu�;mnt <br /> and convcy thc Property unA that tl�c F'�operty is unencumbcrcd,eMCept for encumbrnnces of rccord. Borcowcr wnrrants nnd <br />` • '' �'� will defend�enerally Qie dtle to tl�e Prapeny ugninst all clnims un�demand9,subject to nny encumbrnnces of rccord. , <br /> THIS Si?CURITY INSTRUMP.N'f comhinct imiform covenants for national use iind non-unifurm covcnunts a�ith <br />_ � • � limited varintions by jurtsdiction ta cons�itnte a unifoj�n security instrument covering renl property. <br /> .. �.:;'� <br /> ° UNIFORM COVNNANTS. Borrowcr and Lendcr covenant 1nd agrcc a�;follows: �"- <br /> . l, �uymeN af Principal nnd intcrest;Prepuyment and I.ate Chaeges. Horrowcr shull prnmptly pay when duc thc -;"';._ <br />� ' � . principal of nnd intcrest on the dcbt cvidenced by thv.Note and any prepayment nnd lute charges duc under the Notc. <br /> :•�:;_ <br /> ' 2. I�l�e�ds tor'Ibxes and In.SUrnnce. Subject to applicable lnw or to a written waiver by Lender,Da�rrower shull pay to ;,;,; <br /> . Lendcr on the day monthly�nymcnt9 arc duc under the Nw.c,until the Note is paid in full,n sum("Funds")for. (a)yearly '.�" <br /> � tuxes and nssessmenty which muy aun�u priorlty over this Securlty[nstrument as a lien on the PropPrty:ib)yearly lensehold ��^�== <br /> ° paymen�s or ground rents on the Properry. if nny; (c) ycarly hazard or propeny lnsurance premiums; (d) yearly flood -_ <br /> ' insurance premiums. if any; (e)ye�rly mortgagc insumnce premlums, if any; and(� uny sums payable by Borrowcr to -- <br /> " Lender, in accordance witli the provistuns of paragrApl�8,in lieu of the payment of mongage insurance premiums. These . � <br /> items are called"Escrow Items." Lender may,at einy time,collect nnd hold Funds in nn amount not to exceed 4he muximum <br />- ' amount a Icnder for n federully relnted mortgagc loan muy requirc for Borrower's escro�v account under the fedetal Real � <br /> ' - Estute Settlement Procedures Act af I974 as amended from Hme to tlrne,l2 U.S.C.�Z601 et sey.("RESPA"),unless another <br />= law that applies to the FUnds sets�lesser amaunt. If so,Lender may, at uny time,collect and hold Etinds in an tunount not to _ <br />- „ exceed the lesser amount. Lender may estimut:. the umount oF Funds duc on the basis of cunent datu and m��sumifule <br /> , • , esamates of expenditures of future Escraw Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. <br />_ �' � The Eltnds shall be hcld in an instiwtion whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,instrumcntality, or entity <br /> ' (including Lender,if Lender is such nn institudon)or in any Federal Homc Loan Bank. Lcnder shall upply the Fur►ds to pay =— <br />: the Escrow Items. Lender may not chnrge Borrower for holding and applying die Funds, annunlly unulyzins the escrow <br /> . account, or verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Bonower mterest on the Fbnds and applicable law pemuts = <br /> . Lender to make such a charge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time chtuge far nn independent real <br /> � estate taM reporting service userl by l.ender in connecdon with this loan,unless applicable luw provides othenvise. Unless an <br /> ugmement is made or applicable luw reyuires interest to be paid,Lender shull not be reyuired to pay Bonower any interest�r � <br /> earnings on the Fl►nds. BoROwer a��d Lender may ugce in writing,howevcr.that interect shall be paid on the Funds. l.endcr <br /> shall give to Borrower.without annual accounting of the FLnds, showing credlts and debits to the Funds und the — <br /> . • purpose for which each debit to thc Funds wns made. The hl►nds are pledged as additionaS security fot all sums secured by <br /> •� ihi��ur.:,1.^.sinsr.a^t. <br /> � If the Funds held by Lender excecd the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lcnder shall uccount to -- <br /> � Borrower for the excess Funds in accordenee with the requimments of applicable law. If the arnount uf the Funds held by <br /> • Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Aorrower in writing, and, in - <br /> such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the umount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the <br /> deficiency in no n�orc thnn twelve monthly paymenu,nt i.cnder's sole discretion. <br /> �t'��' Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lendcr shall promptly rcfund to Borrower nny �-- <br /> Funds held by Lendcr. If,undcr paru�raph 21,T�ender shall ucquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the ncquisition or <br /> , ,. sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisidon or s�le as a credit ngainst the sums <br /> `.�.� secured by this Security Inswment. <br /> ' �''`'`� 3. Appltet�Hon of Payments. Unless applicnble law provides othenvise, all pay�nents ceceived by Lender ur�der <br /> paragrnphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to nny prepayment charges due under the Nate;second,to amounts paynble under <br /> • paragraph 2;third,ta intemst due;fourth,to principal dee;and last,to any inte charges duc under the Note. <br /> . 4. Chnrges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments,charges, fines and impositions nttributablc to the <br /> Property which may attain priority over�his Security inswment,and leasehold puymcn�s or graund rents.if any. Horrower � <br /> ' shall pay these obligutions in the manner prnvided in paragra�h 2,or if not paid in that manncr, Borrower shall pay them on �-_. <br /> " time direcdy to the person owed payment. Hortower shall promptly fwrish to Lender all notices of amounts to be puid under �_ <br /> this paragraph. If Borrower makes these paymenGs directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipu evidencing -- <br /> the payments. ___ <br /> Borrower shall promp[ly dischnrge any lien which has prioriry over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees <br />