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<br /> , ' ~��� • I�i.�orrower`s�opy.Hor�ror�ezehnll be given one conformed cr�pg oP thc�Note��nrid of t1u�c�ft���lYi�rnent, �
<br /> � ' ' I e',Te�ne�er oY 4ho Pempaety.nr o Be�c�4iciol Isa4crest an Dore�E�or. Y?all or nny��rt of 8ho Prap�r2y or nny
<br /> iH�tcrc:.;4 in it io colc�ar tr�iiaec�rre�(oa iP a UonoPieial in¢cre�E in Aorra���er io�old oe tean;?ereed nne� I3as-�oue;�m ��t n
<br /> • „ r�aCurn�e p�r�on) ��lithout Lender'e prio�riritton canLent,Lend.er rsnay,aY ita op4ion,rcquiro imr-.icdintc pay�ncnt in Full��
<br /> : n:l surne secured by thie Security laetrurrnent. However, thia optian ahnll not be axercised by Lendar iY exarci�o io �
<br /> - � prohibited by federal lnw ae of the dat�ot thie Security Instrument. �*_,";
<br /> • 1P Lender exercises thie option,Lender ehnll�ive Barrower notice of acceleration.Ti he notico shall provide n period ��',;.:
<br />=:>�r`�::��' af not las then 30 daya trom tha deta ttho notice ie delivered or mailcd within which Borrawer must poy sll Rume securecl --
<br /> by thi�Sec�rity Instrumen4.If Borran►er ft�ile to pny these sucne prior to tho expirntion of this period,Lertder may invoka �`�`:`
<br /> eny rerneAies permitted by thie Security Instrumant without f urther notice or demand on Borrower. �:�-�:.
<br />+� '' •, "�` IA.Boxrower's Right to Rain�t�te.If Bonowee meets certain conditione,Borrower ehell have the right t�have !.__,,
<br /> enPoecement of thie Security Ix�atrumentdiscontinued at any time ptI�r to the earlier of:(a)5 daye(or euch other period ,:-;;
<br /> ss applicab]e law may epecIfy for reiRatatement)before aele o[the Property�ureueat to enypo wer�f eale contained in «6:�
<br /> " " thia Security Instrument; or (b) eatry of a judgmant enforcing this Secunty Inetrument. Those conditions ara that ��=`�
<br /> � Banower: (a) psys Lender sll surns which then would ba duo under thie Security Inetrument and the Note ae if no �,�'�,
<br /> ' accel�ration had occurred; (b) cures a�y default of nny other covenante or egreemente; (cy pays all expanses incurred in
<br /> enforcing thia Security Inatrument,in�luding, but not limited to,reasonabla attorneys'fees;and(d)takes evc h action ae
<br /> Lender ma�reasonably require to essure that tha lien of this Security Instrument,I.ender'e righte in tlio Property and _
<br /> �. Honower's obli�ation to pay tha eume secured by this Security Instrument ehall continue unchanged.Upon reinetatement � �
<br /> , by BorroHer,thie Security Inetrumant end the obligutions secured heraby ahall remain f ully effective as if no accaleration �'•:`
<br /> had occutred.However,thie right ta reinetateshall not apply in the cose o4 acceleration under purugraph 17.
<br />° 19.Sale o�Noto;Change of Loan Servicer.The Note or a partiol interest in tha Note(to�ether with thie Security �.�:
<br /> Instrurnent)ma�r be sold one or rnore times without prior notice to Borrower.A eale may result in a chango in tha entity �,;�'
<br />� " (known ae tho"LOan Servicer")that c oqecte monthly paymente due under tha Nota und thie Security Instrument.There
<br /> �� alsa may be one or more changPg ot the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Nota. IP there ie a changa nf tha Y.oan �
<br /> Servicer,Borrower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with paragr�ph I4 above and applicable law. -
<br /> ,� The notice will atate the name and address af the new Loan Sorvicer and the address to which paymenta should be made. "'
<br /> ' The notice will ulso contain any other i nformation required by applicable law.
<br /> 20.Hazardous Substaaces. Bonower shall not causa orpermit the presenca,use,dieposal,sturage,or release of
<br /> . any Hazerdous Substunces on or in the Pro�erty.Borro�ver ehall not do,nor allow anyone else to do.anything afiecting
<br /> � the Property that ie in violation of eny Environmentel Law.Tha preceding two sentences shell not epply to the presenca, ,t.,
<br /> use, or etorage on the Property ot small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generelly recognized, to be
<br /> appro�priete to normal residential uses and to maintanance of tho Property.
<br /> Borcower ehall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demnnd.laweuit or other action by
<br /> any governmentel or regulatory ages►cy or private party involvin� the Pcoperty and enY Hazar3ous 3ubAtence or •
<br /> Environmental Law of which Borrower hes actual knowledge.If Borrower learne,or is notified by any governmentel or .
<br /> _ reeulatorv suthoritv. that anv removal er other remediation of any Hazardoua Substence affecting the Property ig ;'�
<br /> •• necessgry,Borrower ehall promptl�ta3tea11 necessary reme�ial actions in accordance with Environmental I,aw. �
<br /> � As used in thie paragraph 7A, Hazardoua Substance�"are those substances defined es tuxic or haznrdoua substaYtcea �`�`
<br /> by Enviranmental I.aw end the following aubstances:gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic patroleum producYs, -�,:
<br /> toxic �eaticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing nebestos or formaldehyde, nnd radioactive ,�.
<br /> '' matenals.As vsed in thie parsgraph 2Q,"�nvironmentel Law"means federal lawe and lawe of the jurisdiction where the �'
<br /> Property is located that relate to health,safety or environrnental protection.
<br /> IJON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender furthercovenant and agree as follows: „
<br /> , 21. Acceleretioa; Remediea. Lendar ahall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following
<br /> Borrower's breach of any coven�nt or ugreement in this Security Iastrument (but not prtor to acceleration
<br /> undor paragraph 17 unless applicabla le�v providea otherwise).The notice shall specify: (a)the default;(b)tha
<br /> ' action required to cure the defeult; (c)a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice ie given to
<br /> .' Borrower. by which the default r►iust be cured;and (d) that failure to�ure the default on or before the date
<br /> specified in the notice may result in acc�leretion of the sums secured by thia Security Inatrumont end sale oi
<br />- the Property. The notice shell furtl�er inform Borrower of the right to reinstste after acceleration and the
<br /> right to bring a court action to asscrt the non-existonce of e default or any other defense of Borrower to
<br /> acceleretion and sale. If the default is not cured on or beiore the date specified in the notica, Lender, at ita
<br /> ; �� option,may require immediate paycnent. in full of all sume secured by this Security Instrument Nithout
<br /> �' further demend and may invoke the power of sele a�d eny other remedies permitted by applicable law.
<br /> Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in purcuiag the remedies provided in this paragraph
<br /> � 21.including,but not limited to,reesonable attorneys'fees and casts of title avidance.
<br />• If the power of sale€s invoked�Trustee shnll record a nntice oi default in eacb county in which any part of
<br /> , the Property is located end ahull anail copias of such notice tn the menner Qrescribed by applicable lew to
<br /> , � Borrower and to the other persoas prescribed by applicable law.After the time required by applicable law,
<br /> Trustea shall give public aotice ot selc to the persons and in tha rnanner presoribed by ap�licable law.Trustee,
<br /> without demend on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and
<br /> , placo and under the terme designated in the notice oi sale in one or more parcels and in auy arder Trustee
<br /> Aeterrnines.Truatee may postponc sele of all or nny parcel of thc Property by public nnnouncement at the
<br /> titne snd place of aay previously scheduled sale.Lender or its deaignee may purchase the Property at any
<br /> salc.
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