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-_�--------� torl�e!+�.Any n+�1lch pr�vld«d icr In thls Dard of Tru�t rh�il ba M(actlw upoh mallln�In the rtuinner dai�nafed henln.H _ <br /> Truaior Is mon thsn on�psrwn,notl�e a�rit tn the nddr�at torth abo•w eh�ll W�ndce to all auch p�►w�u. <br /> --- (ry kwp�eNon.Lsnder m�y maks or uue�to br,mede rea�onAFd�eroMew u�on and In�p�ct�ons of 1M Propwi�,provkS�d <br /> that�endbt e}u�lt alve Trustor nottco prlbr 4o eny eu�h inapection speclfylnp reaonnpble causs thbrefor relalW ta Lenri�r'a <br /> lnlerwt In the Prop�ty. <br /> (yp qoeortw��nc�.Upbn p�yment o1 s11 sums aecured by thls I7eed of 7n�a1,Lender shall requeat Trurlre b�eabnv�y th� <br /> Prop�rey�nd rhall�urr�nd�r th4�Dred of Trast�nd sll notea evldA�clnq Indebtedneea sscured byr tNls O�f af Tro�t to Trw1a. <br /> Truubs sh�ll r�conv�y the Property wlthout wuranty nnd wlthnut cher�e to th�psrson ce peraons Ict�a:ly enlld�d tMrrtc• <br /> - 7r!e!or eh�!E�y�II c�a�!c��rw�:ordation,It any. <br /> �' (h) PKSa��I Pro{Hrty;�ac�r{ty A���M.Ap eddlponal securlty ior the payment o}the Note,Truetcsr�terM�y 9renta <br /> L,ender under th�Nebraeke Unl4orm Commdrelel Cade a socurlty Intera�t In ell Hxtures,equlpment,and oN�er penonal propsrty <br /> us�ad In connectlon wlth the real eatate or Improvemonts located thereon,and�ot othenvlae doclared ordeemad to be a pen ol <br /> the reeil e�tete secured h�reby.Thls Inatrument ahall be conatrued as a Securlty ApreemenY undar aald Code.and the I.ender <br /> ahalt haveall the rfphts and remedtes of a secured party undmr sald Code In nddliion to ths�Ipht�and re�nedle�crwted und�r <br /> and accorded the Lender pu��uant to th(s Deed of Truet;pravlded that l�ender'a r)cJ'hte and remedles undet thls parayraph�II <br /> be cumulat(va wlth,and In no way a IfmfUtlan on,Lender'e riyhta and remedf�a under any other securlty e�r�t si�nod by <br /> 8orrowsr or Truator. <br /> � (I) LIM��nd Eneumbra�cn.Trustar hereby wsrrar�ts end repreaentr!thatthorA la no dafault under the�rovl�fons o1�ny <br /> mortsu�e,deed oi trust,ieaae or purchaae contract deacrlbing E�II or any paR o}the Properly,or nther contraot,(n�trument or <br /> apreemant constltuting a Ilen or encumbrance ag�sinat all or ar+y part ot the Property(collectively,"Llena"),exletlnp as af the <br /> date of thle Qaed of TnisL and that any and elt exlstlny llans remeln unmodltled except es dlacioaed to Londer In Truat�r'a <br /> --�-- W�iNn�rii�r__In.urw nt lian�and oncumbrancea Qrovlded for herefn.livator shalf tlmely qeNOrm aIl ol TroaiaPa obllfla6ona, <br /> ------ co�ensnte,representattona nnd warrantlea under a�y and all exlslting and tuture L9ena,ahall qramp�y torward tp Lend�r caple� <br /> -----= of etl noticea of defeult sent In conneatlon wlth any and all exlatl��g or future Llens.and ehall not wlthou!Lender's prlor written <br /> consent In�ny menner modliy the provlslons of or ellow nny tuture advances ureder any sxletln9 or future Lfens, <br /> Q) AppMc�tlon o4 P�ym�nb.Unleas otherwlse�equired by law.sums pald to Lender hareunder,Including wlthout IimlMdon <br /> paymenta of princlpal and Intereat,inaurance proceods,cnndemnatlon prcceed�and r�nte end prollta,ehall be ap�lled by <br /> --__-_� Ld�der to the amoursis due and owing(rom Trustor snd Borrowor Irr auch order es�ender In Its eole dlscreUon deems dealr�bte.' <br /> ------ (k) 6w�nbMlt�r.It any provlslon of thia Deed of Trust cantllct�wlth appllr,ablb lew or Is dectared irna�W or o4herwlse <br /> __-,`�;�Ty;,,� uneMarceable,auch contllct or Invatldlty ehall not affect the othe►provlsons ot thls I�eed of Truat or the Note whlch can b� <br /> --- ��-=���i��_ glveneftectwlYhoutthecon911ct1ngpraviaion,andtothfaendthe�rovlalonsolthlsOeedo4TrustandtheNoteanedectaredtobe <br /> _�._�.....-__� <br /> " <br />