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<br /> ��. 634f8tDtY�?'� �I��i2 Em ��'I61SYiiZB. 13�o�.a�+�:� (i:e�:9 ce�i?6�cc�i5:t,:;n�, L:)SiG7�39 9i:ft°�1(i.tiva t7a r���t ta n�va��"4iuGi�$i�l
<br /> C^'.^.ent:liL'Ed f�1 Crty t6i:7[3Y1�1 QJ(it�t:?Ii 3�CS:(f3)f� (41y� (C,)C,(.,".�i C,:i�i:l(::�i:rl P.3 C;;";;:�'i.'.:53 Li:S+ (.::iy Cj::.ve��u�fe:al5�y:�+�:�i�1)�::".�:�J F�.�'J
<br /> G1 fl� b'i���=�"oy �LfZ!.'";�1 IO C;iy G�:.�7 U7 C.".!.) G:,.,."Lt;::l 6l fi;I.) f:.:..,.;:� LL,Li:;�:_.:11 C7 (i)) C:::�J G9 ll �:lt�.;•�:::�;1 C;�".:::�:,:J f�J C:��S::;� I
<br /> ...._t 5h.,��rc�5��°s��rro[� L -......... ....
<br /> �;I�GZlui.nn. ^.. . .._ . _� �G��u>../1 (4) (.'.:ji��%�1(:::7 C�� CC:�:J 6ii',:;�1�;';l l:C:?'..��:3 C:'.7 l::li�.:l �u.'J l."::Clii�FJi::�Z:i�_,�� (:�� ��i9
<br /> , ., P�ote a� N rto tcceAr�ll�n ftxd ctCCUr�J; lUy cm^�r� raiy c!e!ka�q �I au;y clRt.�r �:;1'ef?s14111 i:t LK�yEL911!Yill; (r.) p�ye aN�;�w��t9 b�urrltl li
<br /> ' , 8l110tOkt() �hle FiQClliNJ1 (RAIRIIYl�Bi�l� iic0.��hp, L�t n�l w�eRett to, (K�tlitl�;?!1 RlUtii!#EyN' t��: IUll) (d) G4�:BE 6!lCII 1[�tkitl 1!� l.Hillif f111fy .
<br />. ' , � ro�•on�by r.�k. to a�un�noi�rw�n a�nr� �.cwky in��n,mM+t,�..n��� ��i. h in� rr�a �nd norraw.r� ot��uon �o �y �n.
<br /> eum� aecere+ti by thk �t�curAy InsWn���l ehAN c�+�t+roo un:h�r;�tl. 11�;:�;t ��;i;±,t�?:r.���;;1 t;/ �i�����N�r. ltl� C-!r'i:rft;l Int!run�nl Rnd the
<br /> otil�lbn� wcurod hweby th�N r�b R►1y Ni;clt,s�ii�nq�:CW��IkH� h�tA a:�::�►rMt}, 1iz►wiwr� tnw�t��l tti reniut��n�M not eppy � ,
<br /> � lh�oaW o)�CC�Rtipn u�clir p�q�pt�jlh 1�. ''
<br /> 9P. Fi�[q 01 NOI�; C11�17d! tl6 I.MII 8i1iYiOMFY. 7he Nnls �r � �NktW�l hl*N�i M� Ihs Not� (iopWh�r wRh thk 13acutNy
<br /> Inihun�ll rr�y bo eob a+» or mon IM� wMhoi,! Wbr nolfea tn 8nnnww. A�►Ir mr� rwuM N �1 eh�rpN b 1��nUty (known u th�
<br /> "LOan�nrfcw•)lh�l Colirntl m�nthN p�Yenynt� due undK Ihi NoM t���91N�1 RN�ixNy Ail��runx�n4, 1h�N Nbo rrwy b�on�fx mctr�cPwn�e!
<br /> ol tM Laan 6NVb�x unrN�Hd to� ��M ot ttN Mol�. u tt�•h�p chMnqr ttl ihW 1 r,�u�1�rW�r�Mnn�wir ww It�ptwen vwNNn na0ce N tM ..
<br /> ohaup� Yt �co0fdune�wR� pu�pr�h 14�bow �r►s�ppiterON1 Nw. YfN ni►IY� ww iMM IIN�n�er�end�tidrs+��ol tiw rww Lwn bwvR,�or
<br /> ° „ �nd th�addr�s�to wAbh �ymM�t� thouid ff�nwd4. lns no!1��wM eMn erml�M�rry Mh�e lnhin�IK,n rs��p�d by�ppMCeb�I�w.
<br /> 10. H�z�rdouo 6ubaWncl�. HorrAwev �h1q nol cw� a p�mN Ih+i ��.w+G+�, ��w� AMi►n�R, ota�, or �NN►as o1 on� ��:'�
<br /> .. N�tdrwi&ubitance�on a(n lh�RropMty. BtlrcowM OhRM n�!do,nqe NMOW Att��i(li OMA!p dfl, I�nY1l�hW�M�tkW thA Prc�te�ty tMl ls M
<br /> . ', vi01oltAn 01 I�ny EnvWnmantll lAw. TIl�ptiCidM10 tW0 6!D!1lM1CN �f�eq�Ot Ug►�!y 10 ihll�MNp�t11,ltsl,W O�tlrlig�On thY lkOpMly 01�rl'M1 �
<br /> - �• �� qusr►tAiM ot Huardou� Bub�tancn Mat �ra p�raiy�wopntaad la W►�pprop+MN fn narn+�l rMkyntYl uf� usd lo nNlnNrs�no� of Ih� ��,�,�•'
<br /> Rrop�Ay.
<br /> • BarowK thsN promplH ntw Lenda writtan npt��01�ny Yivwl�lbn, cM►n, t�+�w�d,IrwluM a oifMr acibn by �ny prriunrtwnNll or
<br /> . " ��M�o+Y �oY a prHnt�p�Ay InvakM�p fM Prop�Ay aed�n� llteMdou� 8ub�lAr�ce�x�nvYakrNr►1�I l*w ot whlCh 19MrowM hlul WtWll
<br /> knnwMdp�. tl OorrowN IMmo, or la natNMO by �ny pa�wrnn��t�l m �eyaMtO�y �uthoiNy, tlsa! �ny r«n4vNl a tlther r�rtf�tlldbn ol �ny
<br /> " Haardou� 6upitar�a� IN�Ctinp lh� Proputy M rNCNnry. BaRawsr �haN peor�ly tsk� pN MCM1w� ��r+�t1Wl �ctk�n� Rt ocCrxd�nCr wMh
<br /> � , EnvYanmmtil L�w. �
<br /> I►s uwd M t�M p�r�pry�h 20, •N�rdou� Aib�t�no��' �n Iho�� tub�uwxN MIi�NA R� lozb a Iiararrkwl �ub�Wnco� Dy
<br /> EnvYonm�nul L�w �nd lh� toNOwing tubtuns�r. p�eolim, k«ot�na, olhsr f�nrnobM a to�b �Nralaim pr4iA�cle, toxb peitkidN �nd •
<br /> A�rbbld�t, wMtN� �olwnt�, r►wtKinN contaNlnp aabnto� or Iurmatd�hytN, �nd radbscttve rrwNwwk. A� u�ad N lhq p�n�pnpA 20, '
<br /> 'EnuPOnrtw�trl I.�w' mNn� t�d�ral kw� �nd Yw� ol Qh� �utadblbn wt►W� Ihe PttH�ty M kicaMd Ih�l IiMW lp hIwNN, ieiMy or
<br /> MV►'Ofl117Yf11�) QfOn0lbfl.
<br /> �� NON•l1NIF�RM COYENANYB. BorrovrK�nd L�ndN tunhar Covin�nl ind i{�rN a�hNiow�:
<br /> _ ..-__'__ _—___ �� . •. ."' . �"_' '��__ • ._ .>" _�.'u _�"_ __.�_, �_ �_�_._.�.. .....��.. �.. �����....rJl�.. VWu.l..r ...
<br /> �, ��. wawt*r�uon; nvmea�e� ��na� �n em wvuc� w a��m� p►.vr w .�vr�..wuv.� .vr.v.....y ,;:.�,�
<br /> �� eorrow�r's bre�oh of�ny cov�n�nt or upnem�nt In 4h1� SeQUrity InNruM�nt (but not prla !o aaaol�rMbn -�
<br /> u�der perap►�ph 17 unlew �pptic�bt• i�w provld�• oth�rwls�). Tfw notta• M�il �p�ci(yi (�) tM tt�huit; ';":�
<br /> � (b) the �ctton r�qulred to cure th� detwlh. (o) � dats� nolldw ttuin �0 el�y�o hnm liN dM� ttn notle� 1� '�'a�
<br /> � �iven to Borrovr�r� by wNich tha det�ult mu�t b� cur�d; �nd (d) th�t t�lluve to eur� tN� dNlwlt on a -
<br /> � before the d�t� �pealflad In the notlae may rewlt In �ccetRnttAn ef ths eum� seaurad by /hi� Mcurlty � .
<br /> Instrumeet�nd WI� of the Pvope►ty. Th�notic• ehall 1'urlhe Intm►m Boirow�r nf th*�iqh!b r�in�Yt#�Msr '`
<br /> � �ca�feraUon ��d th� rlpht to brinq � �courR Aattore W �taart thr non•�xlst�nn• o! � d�f�ult a �e►y oth�r � �'�
<br /> detense ot Borrswer to �c�alentlon �nd alo. IQ the default 1• rto! curmd on o► b�tw� th� dAt� �qaoltlMd
<br /> . In ths notic�� L�nder �2 Ib optlon m�y requlre Immedlatt p�ym�nt In tull al all wrru� sfcur�d by tMo
<br /> Security In�trum�nt wlthcut turther dsmmd �nd emy Invoke th� pow�r ef MI• �n0 �ny o1hM rem�dl��
<br /> permltt�d by �ppiic�bt• law. Lend�r �11 b� entlUed W colitct �II �Mp�nw• Incurr�� !n punul� th�
<br /> � remedle� provided In thl� parspraph 21� Includlnp� but not Iimited to� re�sonebl� �ttom�yr' h���nd co�b
<br /> of ittle evidence.
<br /> If the pnwer oi eale I� Envaked, Tru�tee �hall record � notice of det�it In R�oh counry In which�eny
<br /> . part ot the Prope�tyr 1�located �nd �!i mNl cople�oi �ueh nottae In tha m�nnRr p��sarib�d by�gplierblr
<br /> ; lew to Borrower and to the other pertona pr��cribed by eppllaabl� I�w. Att�r tha tintw r�qulrsd by
<br /> � ey�plicable law� T►uetee ahnl! plve publla notice of eala to the perso�e end In ths �nenner pveNa►lb4d by � ,
<br /> epplicabte Isw. TruUee� without den�snd on 8or�ower� shall sell th• propa►ty et publlo �uotlan b th�
<br /> hiphaat bidder �t the time and pleQe end under tha terms desipn�ted In�l�s nolle• of Mt� In an� a n�r�
<br /> pmrcel� end In my order Truatee sfotermines. Truateo m�y po�tpon� �to of �11 or sny pwa�l ol th� ;
<br /> " Property by public announaement st the tlme ond plsao 04 �eny prevloutly �ohedultd Ml�. Lend�r a IU�
<br /> deal�rtee mey purci�tte the Property �t any ale. j
<br /> Upon �ecelpt o! psyment of the price bid� T�usteo 6hetl dell�a� tu the purohae�r Tsu�tae"� d��d t
<br /> comeylnp the Rrope►ry. The reciVl� An lhe Trustee'� dsed ahail b• prim� f�ol• wldaria• a9 ths wuth of ���
<br /> � th�e ttetement� mQde thereln. Tru�tee ahell appty the pro�eed�of the sal� In lhs tollowinp n�A�rc (�� b �II °
<br /> , � costs and expense� of exerclsl�� the powep of sele, end the �ete, Includlrp ths p�ym�nl 04 ths T�1�rINw'� j
<br /> teea actuelly Incurred, not to exceed 3 �i of tha princlp�B emount ol Ah• note Nf tha Il�ne n9 Eh� :
<br /> d�olaretion of detault, end raasoneble attorney'e fee• a� permltted b� law; (b) to all �m• a�cura� �y lhSa
<br /> Securlty Inatrument; e�d (c) eny exceae to tRe person or per�na lepell�►entilled Qn It.
<br /> 22. Reconvoyance. Upon poyment of nii sum3 eecured Oy IhU SacurNy In�Wment, l�nd[�v eh�N i�qussl Y�uats! t�rs�:esi�yy tls�
<br /> ` Proparty �nd dhYN Eurn+nd�t this 6oCUrRy InBtrumbnt �nd �A notee Yvldonchp dWl eocurad by Ihy f,lcuiNy In�Gtm�bnl t� T�u1tYe TniRiN '
<br /> , ahall reconvey the Property wRhout wartnnty �nd wNhoul cherpe to the perdqn u►pereonID bpa!y eniMMd to M. Gi�Ch p�a�n c*.��:�ecne ah�9
<br /> ' pay ony racondotbn cpate.
<br /> ' 23. SubaUtutn Trust�e. Lender. at !te onlbn. mav hcm [Im� to tln� rnmovs Tiueue and auvny�i v eucca�am �u�t� to ��r
<br /> Truatee flppohted her6undor by en hetNmenl rOCOrded In Ihe CUUnry In whlCh thi9 SeCU�ity tnslrumsrnt �� �at:wAad WNh(;ul f.(i�tivAyAr.CH C�
<br />= tho Proporty, aucce9aor truetoo ahnll auCCtwd to nn Iho Iiita,po+ver nnd dutb9 con}errcO upon 7�uoteo hc�r.hi nnd Uy ay�;it,�.,hk�t��i
<br /> 24. Requeslt fOr PIOt10ed. Elonowor rc4uosia that cophs oi tha notkoa ot datauN flnd uale be aunf to UonoKBio ertlG6r"Zp KT:F�h
<br /> � Is tho Proporty Addreso.
<br /> ' 26. Rldere to ihl�Securlty InsVumant. I� one or mure ride+e ere oxer.uted py Oouowar entl �c�r.cuwt� ic�:�ev v�hn i��u
<br /> �� Socurfry InatnrmGnl, the Covenente ond eyreementa ol euch auoli �kfer chnil bo h�coi�o�ntetl b�to and oha9 nme+�4 en0 cc����k+s�tr��� tno
<br /> .:;:�. i
<br />;; �. : 1 covonanta end ngroanante ol thfs SoCUrity Inntntmont ao N fho Nder(o)weio n paA ol lhi� wCCu�ll� InsUum�il-
<br /> ;
<br />.. �
<br /> - - � i��p.� oi u �:�,:, �•.e a�:�
<br /> � ' - Ft020.LMti(6/91)
<br />�__..!���.
<br /> � 90
<br /> J ..�
<br />