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<br /> ;; • , , � J nol fo excc+sd tha na;ci���u,�i Rmou�t a ii��1i� tcr a [c3darak� rektad m.e�{;�;;o E^_3n ray re�ilre tor earrawera e�row �o�xst unda th� _„_�
<br /> � [�Lt�r1 C��O f:cP:,:��':_�:.:�.�r�i l=rc�_��sr..3 1:,.r,f 1074 ca c��act�:t frtr;a t,.:�to (?t�:�. 12 U�.C. T:�39 c+. cet�.(°F�=..SPA"1.unStrss at;aUu�s t�:� �+::_.-��
<br /> , Gmt ���"�:� t} tt:� t'ir:±'� c�:� n L_cc7 c::..,.:t, II ���P�;c!_r r,::y, r.t r�y C.�:; c::`.'_c3 r.���0:3 �ua�7. �� c:+ cr.:�sr! r�3 ta e;_°e:�!!:� I
<br /> Icsc�r c.r„�sat. l.caG�T r�;,� cyf:�,�'� t�� c.��er.9 c9 t��G3 ��� G� fP;� 0��!� a?,c�sr:cat L'"� r�d �c�^_hnch:� c�iL.:�:�z c7 c';:�::::��:::a ct
<br />- � - (uturo Eacrow Items w ottarw�he h�ccurdan�3 wh'�e�phcebt�k►w. �:���;•�v:
<br />-° � � � ' � Yho Fu�db ehaA bo Bokf M�n Inatkutbn whoae dopoaRo era Insured tiy• Poderai a�cy. Y18tN�M(ItBlit�, or entYy t►nctudlrp Lend�r,M —,°�
<br /> ---�s��=,�==•;Y�� " Londer fa auch�n Mttkutbn)or h �rsy F��I Hom� I.QU�F3ank. lAnd�r th�M opPly tha Funda to p�y th�Escrow Itemi. 1.�nder rnKy not ����°
<br />_ __.-:;=.;a;..�•,?_r : --� -
<br /> � � • charge Borrower tor hofdhy end appyhg the Fund�, ennualy an�yzhQ the a�crcw �ccoa�l, or verNyLzp fho �ar,row Itxns. enk�f I.MdK
<br /> . -_-;�:.�%;�..,:,.� • P�Ya Hortow�►Int�t on tf»Fundt Ynd�pi�;�a i�.w�,:+r,ii�:Lc���:::40����:..'•� cu�h n �h��_. PSa:.�°r.I.r.�c!�r m�y a�G�.�!re Racr�►�wi►r ro �,,�-`
<br /> --;-_ -..:ts,,4�,�� M�Y�on�tMn�charp�fw an Ind�p�ndml rwl�suM t�x�porth8 awvic�u�d by LsndK h com�ctbn wNh th{� W�n�unS�s tWpl�wbM Mw
<br /> .'�-�-. , ' ..<.� provldse athwwtsa. UnM�o an a�sament fe mado or appllcabN Mw roqulr�s Irt�rat to b� p�kf, Uxidx ah�N not M r�u�vd Qo paY --
<br />�--L'` .� ', "' Borroww any Int�ral a s�mb0�an tl»Fund�.BarowK�nd l�rsdK rtHy sQrw h wrklny,hn�r, thtt htsrost th�N t»p�l�on ti» Fund�. _
<br /> . ' LsndK thaN gMe to 8nrtow�r,wNhout oharpr,�n onnu�l accountlnp o}ths Funds,ahpwhp cr�ke�nd tHbkf 4a!hs Fu�d�and tlx�purpais ;�._,.e
<br /> ,�� . tor whbh s�ch c1ebR to tPw Funtls was rr�cie. Th�Funds ans pkdp�d oa addkbntl security for aY sums aacuad by thl�S�curity InsbuminG �?;-~.�
<br /> If th� Fund� hN� by LM►Ger wce�ed tlio �our+to pum�tsd to bo h�'d by epFl!C_hb bw,I.ende► shtN account to Do:vow� for ttN �,:ti_•_:
<br />- � sxcsu Fundo In �ccordenc�wkh tho nqulremonta of applfcabk�w. If tha�mount o!ths FunBa hatd by Land�r at Mny tYn�li not tufHCNnI :'-:,c�
<br /> to pay th� Eacrow It�ns whm due, Lendar rrwy eo notKy Boreow�In w�itlnQ,e�nd, h such caae Aorrowor shRM pey to I.�ndK lh� unount -��
<br /> ' n�c�ta�ry to make up th� defblenoy. Dorrower ehaM make up ths datblenoy in no more than NvsNe monthry poyma�+te, Rt Undws wb ���.°_
<br /> dkcrotWn.
<br />- ��. ' . Upon pryment In NM oi aB suma secured by this Seaurity Instrument, I.e�d�r ehaN prompty rNund to Bortoww �ny Fund� h�W by �:�•�
<br /> �� -� Lender. If. undar panyraph 21,Len�er ahaN acquYe or seH tAe Property,Lender.Prbr ta the aaqulsRbn or sale o}ths PropNty,�haM�ppy
<br /> any Funds hetd by Lendur at the tYna of acqulsRbn o�eale as a credk oaahst the sums seourad by thia Sc+auriiy Insf�tir��t. ��"�
<br /> � 3. Appllcat0on oi Paymente. UnbsB e�ptlCebb I�w provkles othervikie,aN payments receMed by LendM unda►par�pnphe/�nd �,,��.
<br />� 2 ahaN be applled: flrst, to ar�y prepaymeut oharpe9 due under tha Noto; second, to amounts payable under parapreph 2; thfr�to btKwt ,
<br /> duo;fouAh,to prholpal dw;and lamt,to any lete chanpes due under the Note.
<br />' 4. Cher�ea; Llans. Bonower shgll pay ell tsxes, assesamente, ohnrpes, ftnes and imposkbna arirbutabb to th� Proprrty whbh
<br /> " may ettah priority owr thte SecurHy Inswmw�t,and leaeehold paymente or p►ound ranta, I!any. Bartuw�r ehnN pay thess oblip�tbna i�th�
<br /> menne► provldsd in pan9r4ph 2, or Y not pald h that manner, 8ortowsr shafl pay lhom on tYne diraotly to the peraon owed paym�nt. '
<br /> Borrower shaN promptly Nmbh to Lender aN nolices of amounta to be pald under thfa ptrapnPh. If Bortowrr maicoe th�a� �aymM�te
<br /> � direatly,Banow�r sh�N promptly tumtah to Lender reaeipts evidenulnp the paym�nte.
<br /> Bortower shnH promptly dlsoharAe eny Ifen whbh has prbrlty over thks Securily Instraiment unbse Borrower: (a)opreae h wrktnp to the
<br /> peyment ot the obfip4tbn se,^,ured by the Iten h e menner ecccptable to Lender;(b) contesle h pood fakh ths Iien by, or dMenda �ptinat
<br /> 8(I�OPClf11M11 Of�hB IIMI 111,ippal proCeedinga wh�n fn tne Lenaera opinion oPeraie iv pravMii i��a••��a���•2�� �� C!(S=°���'C�S!!
<br /> � tha holder of the Ilen nn apreemcnt satistaotory to l.endar subordlnathB tho Ilen lo this Securlty InsUUmerit. If L�ntNr det�nninn that�ny y
<br /> `J ., peut at tho Property Is eubject to a Iien whbh may attah prbrity over thls SecurNy instn�rnent, Lendur may pive eorrower a notfa id�ntiyinp
<br /> ' the Ilen. Barrower ahalt aetksty the Iien or taks one or more of the eatbns set lorth above wkhin 10 deys of the pHhp of notMC�.
<br /> �:.:�t..
<br /> . �. Hezerd or Propertgr Ineueence. BOrrOwel 6h8N kebp the Improvtmenl8 now exfstktp or herdaftet 6fe0ted On ttl� PrOplKty
<br /> ° � k►sured a�{ahst bss by tire, hamrds InoA�ded wkhh the t�rm "extended coverage' nnd any other hemrds, hciudhp (boda or I1�odiny, tor
<br /> whk:h Lender r�qufros insurance. This Insurancs shaH be mahtahed h the amounta and tor Ihe parbds that L�nder roquias. Ths hwru�co
<br /> � cartier provldlnp tt�e Insuranca shall be chqsen by floROwer subJect to Lenders apDroval whbh ahaN not be unreasonaby wlthhNd. It
<br /> � Borrow�r faYS to rtuhtain coverape desoribcd at�ove, Lender may, at Lende�'s optbn,abtnH coverape to protxt Lendsrs rlyhts in the
<br /> • Pro�ty In+CCOrdanCe wkN parepreph 7.
<br /> AN Inaurenc�policfes and renewals shaH be occeptabb to I.ender and shell batude e stendard mortpepe cMusv. I..ender sh�ll have tta
<br /> right to hold the poNafe�end renawals. It Lender requlres, Bortower shaN prompty pive to Lender aN recefpts of pald promfums�nd rt+n�wal
<br /> .� ;.� notices. In the event of bss, BoROwa ahall qhre prompt not�e to the Insurance cartler end Lender. Lertder may make proof o}bat Y not
<br /> made promptry Dy Borrower.
<br /> � . ��;,. , Unlese Lender tnd Bortower otherwise apree in writhp, hsurance proceeds shan De appGed to restoratbn or repatr of ths PropMty
<br /> dartw�d, N the restoratbn or repafr Is economkaly 1ea.sibla and Lender's eecurky Is nol lesse�ed. If the nstoratbn or npaY h not
<br /> �� eoonom{calty feas�le or Lender'B security wouid be fessened,the insurance procoeds ehaN be epplied to the sums secw•ed by this 8ecurky
<br /> � • Inauumer►t,whether or not then due,wRh any excess pald to Borrower. If Borrovrer ebendons the Proporty, or does not anawer withln 30
<br /> � days e notNa hrom Lender that the Insurnnce cnrtbr hea ottered to settle a ciaim,then Lender may colleat the hsurencs procMds. Lender
<br /> ` � rtwy use the proceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pay suma 6ecured by thls Security InsWmBnt, whether or not then due. The
<br /> � 30�day periad wW beafn when the notfce fs qhren.
<br /> �:• Untess Lender end Borrower otherwtse ayree h wrkhp,nny applfoatlon of procesds to pnc�ipal shall not extend or postpone tho due
<br /> � �� date ot ths manthy payments rehxred to in puaQrepha t end ?.or chanpe the emount o1 the peyments. If under parapraph 21 tho Prope�ty
<br /> Is acquted by Lander, Borrowar's rl�ht to eny heurance polbies end procesds resukfnp trom damaae to the Proporty prbr to the ecqubRbn
<br /> shaN piss to Lender to the e:c�nnt of the sums socured by this Security Instrument knmedietoy prbr to the ac4ulskbn.
<br /> 1 ; 6. Occupa�►ey� Preaervetlon, Melnt�nenc� and Protectton of tht Property; Borro�rer'� Lono
<br /> , � ' . ApplleaUon; LeasehOldB.Barrowor shaU occupy, establtsh, end use the Property a3 Borrow�s princlpal rosldenco wflhin sbcty days
<br /> aftur the executbn of thb Security Inswmen4 and shuN co�tinuo to occupy tho Property ae Borrower's prinolpal rasldence tor ot le�st ona
<br /> � yesr aftor lhe dats of occupanoy, uniess Lender othawtae egreos h writ►np,whbh corescnt shall not be unre�sonaby wkhheld, or unless �
<br /> ,. • aalenutthg clroumat�ncos exist which sre beyond @orcower's conVOl. Borrower ehaN not desVoy, demape or knpak the Property, eNow the
<br /> ;� Pre�e!ty to deterbnte, or aommk w�ete on ths Prop�rty. Bonower ehAN be h defauR if eny tortekure ectbn or proceedhQ, whether oN8 or
<br /> ,..
<br /> �' . � �� crimhal, ia trepun that In Lende�5 good(akh Judpment could rosuk h (orieilure al the Property or othenvise materfnNy Impalr the Nen created
<br /> •: ,:
<br /> � -���,�,;;i by thk Security Irtshument or Lender's socuriry Interest. Borrowar may ouro such a deteuk snd refnstate,as provided In perayraph 18, by �
<br /> �-------------. - r.._W ... _..��.,.. ..,, .,...,...,iw. �� � �r� Weh a n,thn �hat_ h lendera aooa!FaRh detnrminetbn� Preoktdes torlqkure of ths �
<br /> - --
<br /> ._....___ ___..._..___._.'_ � vo�wy •..� �....�.. �. r. .� .� _� _�'_""__
<br /> f ,
<br /> Borrows�e Wterest N tho 4°roperty or othcr mataai lmpaMment of the Ibn creAted by thls 3ecurky InsWment or Lenders securky hterest. �
<br /> � @orrower aheN also be in detaulf H Borrower, durinp the ben appt�atbn peocos�,pavo matodslry tnlse or Inuccurate informatton or atatemants i
<br /> 1 • to Lender (or taNed to provlde Lender wRh any materhi Intortnntbn) in connectlon wRh tho Icsn evldencod by the Note, Inoludhp. but not
<br /> t Iknfted tv, representatbns concomhp Borrowore xcupanoy ot lhe Property o.s n pnc�pal rosldtmca. If thts Security InsWment Is on e
<br /> l' �
<br /> =� " IeQSehoid, Bcrtuw�r shall Campry wkh alf the pravlslons o}the lease. If BoROwe► ecquPe�toe tttie to the Property,the leasehold end the i
<br /> i fee tMle shaN not map�uniess the Londer aprees lo the mergor In wrking.
<br /> � . i
<br /> „ I
<br />- ^ Pep�@ ot G Form 902E 0/YO i
<br /> ,. F1029.1Mm(s!W►) I
<br /> , i
<br /> „ �
<br /> � . I
<br /> �
<br /> 20
<br /> r
<br />