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`:��' ;_ , . . . , <br /> � . <br /> . . . . . ,�:;,!-,;^ <br /> `��,•_.: <br /> ..M:.4� . l . - . . l .. <br />. . � w� . - � � - , „ . . -_. - ."•�":.. <br /> �•r <br /> >� .Fr�::?�""�`- , <br /> ,:: ., ._ , _.. .d� -,�, _ — �. . <br /> �� � 1 � ' ,,� . ,M� ,•!.-�.St.*��.• .:v�'a�,,� � . .�. 'tif.�...�.R.��.�_����..�..m.,v.... � <br /> . . !� <br /> .�.. ..Y.iU�. �'fY Y. � .•� <br /> . <br /> . <br /> r.. .... I-..,71J1+v'^',�:�4C •l�r� - y�.��...or.e�.. <br /> ♦ <br /> . .' -.__ -..-_ - .:r -n.-. ......�.�..... -_.._.._.. . <br /> .'::�N-.� _y_�YMw!.a� II��.TS�..��i7ii1A.�'0�l:�t=�"--'c�--sme_a�_ - <br />-. _...rrnp'e... <br />_.�-_::: _�.�.. .. c�.,s-,� ���ca��u�r �9�-��,t�"��I �,�w,� =_ <br /> �.�a�r������� c��nun���y ----Y.��___ <br /> . . . ._.. .----------�-- __..._- __ .... ----�. - � - , - . , . <br /> y4tr�,��mm=_;�..N,xe_,sr... <br /> :�-_-y� ._..-('��"��:�:.Cl C.?�:'�7 C)(i,�;l(C?'r'i�i!E$7�:�".1 CG�Ei�1 fl:J�>::�L�G��I(!f_�. SYC:�:7 Ci��:1�C:::i:8`.i�Ci=�i.:S�S f;81���r_•,7,GC::7 f.l<<.�1 t:,::1 C'"i 4:".� , ' - <br /> �il^f!C�f�?L��i:'��7�1 I.�V('f��Gi:�7 f."6i�",��;7 a�CL':�1�:C�:;.J G7�"�'!�:1 C;�:�C.i:;P�:;i:��G�:,"�.)L:;':i13�:��{;':t;�cZ r�';+�':.::3 E;�(:;t,C:'1 <br /> the F''ropady�t tc�s drtw�nd p'.s�ce of bAb��d(ay it In suct�t�aNCe M Saf�,cIil�a�au a In a�parat�13i3 Of(.�5'if+:G�i1 GP(����9 Bb _:. '�.'r'r"'r'- <br /> ��.�-.-:: ,.� <br /> Tn�cMM dMm�dt�nl,rnd In euch order�a H maY d�ttrmiM�t4 put►Ilo�.�+ct��t�ths tlyhu�t btddw for caxh In kuvPW mrxMy r� �• ,.�r:�:_._- <br /> u <br /> : if�•..i: '�.N. . <br /> lh�Urtttad&LA�ev DpYaUia d Iho Nrr�s oN eala. Trua4�a thRH deiiv�tQ�tKt l�urthas[r or purehasa�u t�ser�of F�O paofl a�i�u�fc�enl d�a _, :�•�,;��:... <br /> ' cMoc1�conv�r�g ft�Wop�rtY�o tdd�bul wilfwu��ny Covwrnt or w�rt�M y,�xpr�a Irt�d. Tlw ncf4�k In suoh tYqd al any m�Wxi _ �_..:��.u��J�,��.^_.:k. <br /> • or f�cts chafl bs conclu3hro pra�o4 d Me kulMuir�f th�rM. My paaon,Includinfl udttsout Ilmitotlor�7rata,Tr�,a L�ndx,m�Y "�--�nw�.----�. <br />� pu�:,i�::iG?Gu�:1::1,). . . .__._.._s_<�bT�• <br /> , (b) M nuy br 1'��bY�w�atler dMuctleO tN��nd�o�nsw of Tru61N�nd of fhM frutt,inaua+r��o�a a w�d«+o.a ri�`_� <br /> qll�In Conn�c4bn wNh taM�Trost»�h�M�ppy ttN proaeds of al�to payn�n4 W (q�!aum�ww�ended untfrr th�MrrtK af thi�[DNd ol �,a��_�5,�.�n•�°--�-�-�. <br /> Trust a undw tM Mrrta td tta�MmM not than r�pl�id,Intls�dirp 6ut nct NmfMd to�wd Internct and Ialo cherpoa, (Y)�ll oth�tuml tt�M '''�"'� +,;� <br /> " s�cund h1nbY,�nd(tN)fh�rar►�Ind�r�N in1►�to th�plrton a P��MOUN snlfYtlsd thrnto. r,-.�; • ' - <br /> . (o) Trustw rruy in ttw mnar�providsd by taw pastpnn��1�M dl or�ny patlan W th�Rropsrty. r•;;�,.�.?�'�:= `- <br /> .�.i�:-��• <br /> R�rtNdk�Nol ExckaNvl. Yrustiw and Lendu,and Nch d ttwm,eh�11 M e+ititMd to�ntara payrtwnt�nd pertormsnoe W any IndWM�drwas .,._�.�;,�..;yN;�;,- <br /> . p►pby9YU0M 6�ClJ(id by tMS DYld d YYlrit luld�o w�cfSY W tiphb Ynd pOwY(8 Uf4G�ti'a�Gi101 Tt11A1,ur�:r tt�P:o:��undrr ar�>o!tta - �-,.;�.°.+�y;��'�-':''..: <br /> .. RNatW Documanb�a untlK�ny otMr qr�maM a any kwa now a herw�tkr In(a�:noMrHhatandlnp��ortw or aN o!such Intl�IbMdrwKt ;:1�� ;�:: ;�r.�� . <br /> and ob8p�tlons sacured Gy ihis W�d of T�usi may now a fwroatMr bw�tt�eiwiso secur�sd��t»thar bY moAp�p�v,d«d of Must.Plodp�.IMn� ';y4.,�,.�i��;,: . <br /> assfy�rmenl a otMrwlsY.Nolttwr ttw�aa�p4noo N thh�a�d 0f Trusl nor ib afliacvrr�nt.whelhar by Catxt aC�on a p�x�uAM b IM pa�t of �� <br /> s�is ur other powars conWned 1�thb Qeed W Trust,sh�M p�lludk�ar in arry martnu affact TnutN'e 0r L�nder's ripM lo rN�la�upOn a ;`.-;��•�:'r: Y�V1}�}°... , <br /> ontoroo any other securHy now or herecrter hold by T�usS�or Londlr.It boinp agread th�t Trustoa and Lender.�nd ach of ttwm,shtN bo .. •,�,'.'• '-''�;;' <br /> �ntltkd to antorc�thb W�d d Trust tnd any olhx s�u►liy now or hareatlor heid by Lender or Trtaete�In euch ardsr and mtniwt Rs M�y a - ,;•;.-; .'}�j° <br /> � eitl�ar of ttwm may la thek ebsdula discxNion detenMrw. Ko romwAl con►arrW upon or reswwd to 3rostw or La�d�.b IM�►d�d lo b� , � �;:�, - <br /> ex��ePra a!any other remedy In thls Deed of Trusl a by kw provldod cx permiited,but wch sh�i ba cumutRUw and shall ba in addWo�i to -_���_._ <br /> ovary pttwr rartwdy ptvon In lhls Oeed ol Tnrst a now a hereattar exlstlnp at I�w or in equiiy or by atntu�e. Eva�y paww ai r«��,�i Ol�i bY t�q ��,- <br /> Not�or any d ttw Re11t�d Dxum=+ib to Trustas a Lender or to wl�lch eitiwr af them may be otfie�wtsa enHtled, rtKy b�ax�rcis�d, _._�'�r�= <br /> con�cumontly a IndegonGntly,hom tlme to tlmei�nd as oMn as may bo d�med s�edient by Trt�tas or L�nd�r.Qnd oNher of tham m�y .,�iw:,;.,:> ��=- <br /> pursw Incons�tenf cemfldtes. fVothing In th(s Dead of Tn�st shall be construed es prohiblHny lsnder from saeklnD e deAclency ludpmant � � ' •-��; <br /> �painst the Trustor to the extent such ectlon Is parmltted by aw. �;y}-�+' <br /> Requost For Notky. Tnr��tor.on beha.iP ot Trustor and Lendef,hereby requests thnt a copy of any Notice of DetaWt and a copy o1 any Notlo� ��"t!�r� <br /> . . pf Sab undor this Uaod ol YruSt bo malfed to them at the adGresSes set tcrt�In the Nrct parapnph of thls Deed of Trust. ,___'-__ <br /> Watver;Ei�ctbn ot Remedies. A waivar by any party of s bretch of a ptavfsioo of this Deed o1 Trust shttl not constttuta 4 w�tuw of a � �����:=--- <br /> proJudice tha paRyfs riphb otherwfse to demand sMct compNance w►th that p�ovislon a any other provlston. El�ctlon by landor to purRw any .��=!�°'-{='�° <br /> rertwdy provided In thls Deed of Trust,tAO any Re4ted Dxument,or pro�ided by law shaY not oxdude pursWt o1 any oth�nn�edY, "- <br /> and an etection to rrwtcs e�andituros or to take�cUon to partorm an obifyatlon d Trusta under thls Deed of Trust t1Nr hlt�r�of Trustor b <br /> peAam shall not�Nect Lender's dpht to declare s default and to exe�clss any of fts rem9die�. . ' {�.�� <br /> Attome�ta'Fee�;Fx�enKe�. If Lender Instltut�s any sui!or acUon to enforce any o1 the terms of this Deed o}Tnnt,Lsnder shatl ba��tili�d lo <br /> - = recover such aum as tne court rtwy adjudpe�aasonaofe u��iu�iroj�iow ii a�i'nu vu niij'�'iria��l• u�r.o'�„'"'....�i'.CZ�!!i i`4'�S!�^N^'!� <br /> invdved,tll reasonable e�qlen5es InCUrtod by Lender which In Lendofe opin!on are necessery 8t�ny Urt►g for tho�roteCtlon d its Interast or fhs ,. <br /> eniucerteent o�Its dphts ahali become a part of tho Indebtedness payebfe on doR�and and shan bsar Intorest e19t►e Not�nt�from tlw d�T�of ; �` <br /> oxpenditure unHl repaid. Expensos covered by this parapr4ph Inctude,without Ilmitatipn,howevnr subJeci to any Umfts untMr sppiicablo kw, � <br /> Londer's roasonsble attaneYs'tees whether or not there Is�le►wsuit,Includlnp reasanabia attornoys'tees fa bnnkruptcy procoedings pndudinp ' . �. <br /> oflorta to modiry a vacate any automatb slay or InJunctlon), eppeats ond any anticlpated post-Judgment cdfecibn sanrir.�s,ttw cost d �� � <br /> � , cwrcldn9 recads,obtalninp ttUa reports(Includlnp taeclosure repats).survo/ors'r9pnAs, apprnlsel faes,I11ie insunnce,and lees lor tha �� ,• • ' <br /> Tnutee,to lha extent pem�(tted by apFlicable law. Trustor olso wifl pay any caurl costs,in addlUon to all other sums provided by law. �.�r, , <br />. � RI{�►U of Trua�e.Truslee shell haw all of the riphts and duties ot Lender as se!torth In this sectlon. . „�.::i1� <br /> ppWERS AMD OBLIt�AT10N5 OF TRUSTEE. The fdlowing provislona retaHnp to the pawers and oblipetforn o}Trusloe�ro put of tMs Dead ol � <br /> Trusl ' ' �� <br /> PoM»rs of Truitee. In tddidon to�II powera oi Tn�slee odsl�as a matter of IQw,Trustee shali havo the pow9r to teke the IoNOwlnp�ctlons � ' <br /> wlth rocpoct b ttw RroFerly upon tha wdtton roquest of Lendar and Trustor: (a)Joln In prepadnp and fiAnp a m�p or Dltt of Iha Roal Properry, , ; �, . �� <br /> �ndudiny tha dedicatlon of atr�ts or ottwr dphta to tha pubib; (b)Jdn In prtnlinp any oasemsnt a croatirq any�str�tlon on the FtaU Prop�rty; . <br /> �nd (o)Jdn in any subadinaUon or otNer aproement afhctirp thts Dead of Trust or the interest of Londer under fhhs Dwd ot Trust. , <br /> ._('� � <br /> Tru�loo. Trustee 6haH mset aD qua��Hcatlono riqulred tor Trustoo undor appl{cable law. In addition ta the riyhb and romedies 5et tath abmre, <br /> wiSh respect to all a nny put of the F'ropYrty.Ihe Trustee shall have tha ripht to foreciose by notiGe and sate,and Lender sh�ll ha�a the rf�ht to . - <br /> toreclose by Judfclal foreclosure,in e!ther case In accordance with and fo the tull extent proNded by applicabb law. <br /> guc�es�or qrus9eo, Lender,at Lend�s opUon,mny hom tlme to tlrtq eppdnt e suocessor Trustee to any Trusteo appdnted hereund9r by�n ; <br /> ' Instrument executed and acknowledped by Lendor and recorded in tho of8ce of tho recorder o}Hall County,Nobraska. The Instrurrwnf shoU ,..,. <br /> cant�ln,In addttlon to�Y olher matters requlred by sffita law.the nam�ot tho orF�lnsl Lendar,Trustee,anc!Trust�r,the book and pogn ia <br /> computer syst�m referenco)whero this Deed of Trust Is recorcSed,and the nnme and address ot ihe successor hustee,and th�instrumen!�h�N ,� <br /> bo gxeCUted and acknowiedged by ail the boneflclflrlBS undor ihe Deed o}Trust or tlwir sua�:a3sors in Interest. The�uccessor hustee,wllh0ul �. �" ;,;;, <br /> convoyance ol the Proporty,shall cucceod to ell the Utle,power,und duUes conterred upon the Trustee in this Deed oF Trust end by nQplicabb <br /> taw.Thls procedure for s�bsUtuUOn of hustee shall povern to 4ha exclusion of ell other provislons tor substitutlon. <br /> N�TlCEB TO TRU9T0�1 ANB OTHER PARTIEB. Any noUco under thls Deed of Trust ehall be In writinp and shnll ba eHecUve whon actuatty . <br /> detivered,or whon deposited with n natinnaliy recoanized overnight courler,or,it mailed,shali be deemed eNecUve when deposited in tho Unfled <br /> �' • Statos mail flrst clau,resfsttred ma���posta9e PrOpald,dlrected to the sddresses shown near the bepinninp of this�eed of Trust. My pady msy <br /> chanpa Its 4ddress for nolices un�+er 4hi5 Deed of Trust by pivinp formal wrilten notice to the other ptUtles,spec(tylny that 4he purposa ot tha notice Is <br /> � to chanpe fho party�s addresa. All coples of notices of toreclasure irom tho hotder of any Isn which has prlaity over thk�Deed of Trust shaU bo sent • <br /> to Lenders address,as shown near ttx►beginnlnp o1 thls Deed of Trust. Fer noUce purposes,Trustor egrees to ke�p Lender and Trustee informad � <br /> at ell tlmes ot Trustar's current address. � <br /> M15CE1J.ANEOilS PAOYISIOIiS. The foltowing miscellaneous proNsfons are a parl ot thls Deed of Trust: � <br /> Amendment�. TBIs Oewd of Trust,topslher crltN any Roialed Oocemonts,consfltuto�tha onUro undcr3tandinD and epresment of the ptrtto!�s , <br /> to the mitters set forth In thls Deod ot TNSt. No eltoraUon ot or amendment to this Deed of Trust shall be eNective unles3 pivon In wdliry end � . . <br /> s{gned by the pa�ty or ptrtles soupht to be chtr0ed or bound by the atterntlon or amendment. <br /> Annuat Repats. tf the Property is used tor purposes other than Yrustor's rosidonce,Tnutor shall tumish to Lander,upon request,a oartiABd i <br /> sttten�ent of nat opc�ratlnp lncome rec�ilvod hom the P�roparly durinfl Trusta�'s prevtous ftsca!ycer In such form and detall a�Lender sAa11 ; <br /> roquke. "Net opaatlnp Income'shail me�n all cash recelpts hom the Property less 411 cash e�enditures made In connoction wtth the operaHOn � <br /> � _ J ,J u.n.nn.'fir l _ , <br /> �- -- .--_ - ___ - �be pavmuid ts�►e�nd oa�struedin accordan�ce�rith tlha I�we Wsth Stete of I�bwiu. In tP�e State of Nebre�ke. 7his Oaed of Truat � : -_ - .� <br /> t � <br /> �ptia��HNd6rs�. C1?1lon headinps In thh Deed ol Tnr�t are tor Conven!enCe purposes oniy end ere not to be used to lnterpret or d aAne the ! <br /> provfstons o�lMs Uead of 7rusG , ' <br /> 6{prper, 1'h�e sh.�N be no morper o1 Qha Intorost or estata cnatad by thts Daed of Trust with�ny oiher Into�osl a estQte in ttw Property at any ; <br /> • Bms h�id by a ta 1t9s DaneTit ot Londer In sny c�p�ciry,wilhaut the wriHen consent of Lender. <br /> 3srerobtltty. It o coud cf competon!�udsd�Ctton Rnds any provislon of ihis Deed of Tnut to be Invalid or unnnfaceabte as to any persan or <br /> ctrcumsttnce,such flndlnp 6htN nnt rond4r lhat proN�on InvWd or u�ntorceable Ks to any othe►persons or clrcumslaexes. If teas�bb,any <br /> 6uch oflu�dt�prov[sion nha!I be dsemed!o be modiNed lo h�wilhln lhe limits ot eniorneebility or vslldity;howe�sr,If the at!onding provl9on <br /> • cannot bo so m�ditied,It cha11 be s�icken and ati other provlstons o}lhts Deed ot 7ius1 In ail other respar.ts shall remaln velid enc9 antorceable. <br /> '•' SucCauon�ntl As�lpn�. Subtect to:M NrrtttaLons 54ted In IMe Dsed of Trust on transter of Trustor's Interest,4hVS Deed of Trust shaH be � <br /> btndlnp upon and Inuro to lhs benefit of tM partles,lhek 6ua�ssa9 and nss�n5. if ownershlp of tlw Propsrty beCOmes vestod In a person <br /> other lhnn 7ru3tor, Lend6r, wi!houl notlCe to Trustor, rtu,y deal wlth Trustw's suCCesson9 wllh reference to thls Deed of Trust and the <br />- , w <br />