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YiU�iu i..,.�E:ii....�)• I <br /> �;9:����R3(iiii[;.Jit•�.7 oU Si 9��iir�i i�.G;t����o��:a��:,� �� `1 �I' ,� .�' .-, � � •-•-?�.iC:i�y� YFii�ii;;.i r� <br /> ' � tly fumiRh to�e��:ficl��r al!��aticai cf a���cu��i3 Gua u��Ca'r Shi��i;iCd7t`,g,�(:.i �i S��]CJCn�IfUJSi,'1 Eii.:. f�.�.{0 'i� i�..�e i I <br /> = prorr►Dtly furnish to Rer►e91�l�wy r�c�iass eyid�ncinq sueh puyr,�its. YruStor t�+�N pay aii taxei and cssasan�n9�whish m�Y be lavletl u�,n �'-=-�::��_: <br /> _„ . : . @er�ikiary's intKOSt hw�in or u�pon this De�i o4 tYusf without teptsvd to orry law th�t moy bm encECtMd imysasfnq Gr;ymant of fhe M"�ole u any �"�;_'_.%�'. <br /> -=..,. ... .. <br /> -_'.'. ' tw►P tP�au}upon th:bsn�fkis►y. <br /> � ' �. ���,�-��'��'_���-.��-�•y��e��•Yeust�r shall au.lce ail p�yment�o1F int���t�nd priixlp�l ard pcymenSs oE anY �.�;:��°:�- <br />- - . . otf�chapes.fet3 ond��p�ns�s co�tractad to b�paid to any oxistlrp N�nholdwa or prlor b�n�fklori�s urKler ony pria ti�d of 4�ust or mor• ���-_ <br /> tpnpo�tae the date they we cNiinq�nnt anA prompt�Y t�Y a�discharye ony ond all oth�+•li�ns, cbims a chorQes whkh m�j+�opardi:a the ��r <br /> tn <br /> � se�rrity qranted her�in. li Trustor fails to make any s�ch popment a fails to ptrfam any ot th�coverants ond opreemant�contained in this �'� <br /> ' Qftd of Trust,or in aey�rior mortpaqa a deed of trust,of ff any actlon a proc�adi�Is comrtwnc�d wh1ch motKidlly c�ffects Btnefkiary's f�►- R�u; <br />� ,. terast in the Property,including,but not limited ta,eminent domaln procetdinps,or praeadings involving a decerv�ent, ar if Trustor iails to poy �; <br /> Trus9ot's debts gcncrally as they bxeme dua,the��Benaficiary,at Benaficiory's option ond wftfiout notice to or dstnand upon Trustor ond �.'=,�;;__ <br /> ' without releoslnp Trustos from an�r oblipmion hereundar,may make su�h oppeorences,distx,rse such sums,a�d toke such oction as is necessnry .� � <br /> to protett Benefido�y's+nterest including,bu�not limited to,di�bursement of reasrxwbb ottorney's fecs,payment,purchase,co�test or com- _*�ny�: <br /> !!� , promise of any encumbronco, chargs or lien, and entry upon the Property to make repnirs. In the ave�t that T►ustor shall inil to proeure in• - .:_S;_ <br /> surance or to poy rones,ossossments,or any other charges or to make onq pay�nents to existing prior lien haldtrs or beneficiaios,Beneficiary •�;-k� <br /> ; muy praure such insuronce ond make suth pnyment.Any amo�nts diseursed by Beneficiary pursuant to tlis Paragraph b shall become additianal ":,;F"j�. <br />: indebtedness of Trustor secured by this Qeed of Trost.Such omounts shall be payoble upon notite irom Beneficiory to Trusta requesting pay �..,,.__;. <br /> ,. ,,.J. <br /> ment thereof, ond shalf bear ioteres4 from�ho da4e of disburscmcnt at the rate pnyaDle from time to tima on outstanding printipal undrr the :_. <br /> Note unless payment of interest at such ratd would be contrary to opplicable law,in which event such amounts sholl bear interest ot the highest ;s <br /> ' rato permissible under applicable law. Nothing contoined in this Garagroph 6 shall reQuire Beneficiary to incur any expense a 4ake any attion <br /> � hereunder. ^ <br /> 7. Atfisn�n+nt of Renti. Deneficiary shall have the right, power and authority during the continuance of this Deed of Trust ta collect the � <br /> rents,issues and profits of the Property ond of ony personol property located thereon with or v�ithout taking possession of the property affe+:ted <br /> hereby,and Trustor hereby obsolutely nnd unconditionally assigns aH such rents,issues and prafits to Beneficiary.Beneficiary,however,hereby <br /> consents to the Trustor's collection and retention of such rents, issues and profits os they actrue nnd became payuhle so long as Trustor is not, <br /> ' ot such time,in default with respect to poyment of ony iRdebted�ess secured hereby,or in the pesforrr�nce oE any agreement hereunGer.Upon _ <br /> any such default,Beneficiary may at any time,either in person,by agent,or by receiver to be appointed by a courf,without natice and without <br /> regard to tha adequacy of any security for the indebtednoss hereby secured,(o)entor upon und take passession of the Property or any part <br /> tnereoi,UfY�IO Ii5 OYVO flOITIC SUB iut Oi�iii�i iii56 C'vi�c:.Z�;::.h rsn!s.'•s=a°s"-"'!"!^fitc,ineludina those nast due and unpaid,nnd apDty the same, <br /> � less costs and expenses of operation and collection, including reosonuble aYtorney�fees,upon any indebtedness securad hereby,and in such . <br /> order as Beneficiory may determine; (b)perform such acts of repair or protettion as may be netessary or proper to eonserve the value of the <br /> Property;(c)lease the same or any port thereof for such rental,term,and upon such conditions os its judgment may dictate orte►minote or ad- <br /> � � juss she terms ond canditions of ony existing leose or leases.Unless Trustor and Beneficiary agree otherwise in writing, any c�plitation of rents, . <br /> issuns or profits to any indebtednoss secured hereby shall not extend or postpone tl�e due date of tfu�installment payments os provided in said <br />. promissory note or chonge the omount of such installments.The entering upon und taking possession of the Property,the collection of suth <br /> rents, issues and profits,and the opplicotion thoreof as aforesaid, shall not waive or cure ony dofault or notice of default hereunder,or in- <br /> , volidate any act done pursuant to such notice.Trustor alsa ossigns to Benaficiary,as further security for the performance of the obligations <br /> secured hereby,all prepaid rents and all monies which moy hove been or may hereofter be deposited with said Trustor by any lesseo of the Pro- <br />: perty,to securo the poyment of any rent or damages,and upon default in the performance of any ot the provisions hereoF,Trustor agrees to , <br /> '� '; deliver such rents and deposits to Beneficiary.Delivery of written notice of Beneficiury's exercise of tho rights granted herein,to any tenant oc- <br /> ' cupying said premises shall be sufficient to require said tenont to pay said rent to the 8eneficiary until further natice. <br /> B.Coel��ndbn.If title to any part of the Prnperty shall be taken in condemnation proceedings,by right of eminent dom6in or similar action, <br />, ,;,� , or shall bo sold under threot of condemnatiun,all o�ards,domoges ond proceeds are hereby assigned and sholl be paid to 8enefieiary who shall <br /> °� npply such awards,domoges and proceeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trust,with the oxcess,if any, Trustor.If Trustor raceives <br />' � uny notice or other information regarding such actions or proceedings, Trustor shnll give prompt written notite theroof to benefitiary. <br /> ' '� Beneficiary shall be entitled,at its option,to commence,appear in ond prosecute in its owa namo any such action or proceedinps and shQll be en- <br /> titled to make any compromise or settlement in connection with any sush action or proceedings. <br /> 9. R��dia Not E�cluzire.Beneficiary shull be entitled to enforce pavmerit ond performance of uny indebtedness ov o�ligations secured <br /> hereby and to exercise all rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under any other agreement exetuted in conneetion hFrewith or any taws <br /> now or hereaftor in force,notwithstanding some or all of the such indebtedness and obligations setured hereby may now or hereafter be other- <br /> wise secured,whether by mortgage, deed of trust,pledge,lien,ossignment or otherwise.Neit�er the occeptance of this Deed of Trust nor its <br /> ereforcement whether by court action or pursunnt to the power of sale or other powers herein contoined,shall prejudiee or in ony manne�•affect <br /> ' „ Bflneficiary's right to realize upon or enforce any other security r�ow or hereafter held by�eneficiary, it being agreed thot aeneficiary shall be <br /> enritled to enforce this Oeed of Trust and any other security now or herQafter held by Beneficiory in such order and monner as it may in ifs ab- <br /> � . solute discretion determine.No remedy her�in conferred upon or reserv�d to Beneficiary is intendQd to be exclusive of any other remedy herein <br /> .. or by law provide�or permitted,but each shal!�e tumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter <br /> � existing at low or in equity or by stotute.Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Denefitiary or to which it moy be i . <br /> otherwise entitled,may be exercised,concurcently or independently,from time ta time and as often as may be deemed expedient Beneficiary <br /> and it may pursue inconsistant remedias.Nothing herein shall be construed as prahibiting Be��eficiary from seeking a deficiency judgment against <br /> the Trostor to the extent such uction is permitted by low. � � <br /> 10. Tne:t�r of haperry;Asswnptkn.If all or any part of tha property or ony interest therein is sold, trans4erred or conveyed by Trustor I•' • <br /> , without Qeneficiary's prior written consent,excludinp(a)the creution of a lien or encumbrance subor�inate to this Deed of Trust, (b)tho croa- �_ <br /> - --- - - _ . . . •. ._.____.t__�....yb1...,..I:.wee r���*����far hv daviso.dnseQnt or hv oneration of law uDOn the death of a <br /> .*.�.--._.."� `----------- f100 Oi 0 pUrCt105@ rtlOnOy SecUrny�mc�ca��v�nvwQ...��....rr••••••••��••-•-..- - - �• . . . - <br /> joint tenant or (d) the grant of any leasehold interest of threa years or less not eontaining an aption to purchose, 0eneficiary may, at ('� <br /> ' Beneficiary's option,declore all tho sums sacured by this Deed af Trust to be immediately d�ie and payable,or cause the Trustee to filQ a notice <br /> F of default. (ienoficiary shall have waived such optian to accelerate if,prior to the sale,transfer or conveyance, Bereeficiary artd the person to <br /> ;� �l whom ths prope�r is to be sold or trans�erred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person is sotisfoctory to 8eneficiory and that <br /> t� �ho inrerost poyable on the sums secured by this Deed ofi Trust shall be at such rate os Beneficiary shall request. , <br /> i „ <br /> } <br />_ � ; <br /> i <br /> a , � . <br /> 1 <br /> I <br /> . ._. .., <br /> , .. — -��_– =--_— <br /> � ,� . -�–.° – . _ _ __ _ _._ —___ <br />