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<br />,. ' 9U�. L��rca�°J�r'a E�l�ht 4o S��ln�te4o. u eanati:cr rn�s�ta c�RnN cond:tlono, earra�,�G�il,hsva��r h to hsre enfar,c,r�uit ` =---
<br /> � d'�coat�la:r7 G4 Cny IL�t�prtm to th� C��'�r ot: (o) 8 d3yG (or vuch oth'_� pat�d ca ngpl;cflbG3 �r��ay r,p:�i,y tor rcnotatc.�rs��t) bc'�sa c�b { ..�:.
<br /> 01 th� Rrr,g�riy purcuc,�9 to cny poucr of C�:� ContaLicd L� thl� E�C�cfiiy t�oDUrent; or (b) cnt�y mi n j�d�racnt cnfarChp thb :Y'CCUl�ty � a,, .
<br /> list�un�t.Yhose aondRlons rJV tiist �orrov:�r. (a)payo Lcndcr eA aure;, eihlyf�lh�n erauld b�dua und:r thla &c�curity Inatruri�nl cnd Si;a i ��
<br /> � Note ee N no �ceel�xatbn h�d accurred; (b) cur�e any default ot an� olher covensnt or apreamante; (o)pnys aN e.�nses hcurted In ; .-^_
<br /> entorolnp thb �ecurky Ineuument, hcludinp, b�t not 14nkod to, roasondbk► ettomaya' foas; andl (c�) takee ouch aollo� ae Lendxr�ay ! ���
<br /> roeaontbly r�quire to aesuro Ihat th� M�n o1 IhM &�eurky Initrument,Lend��rfpAte in Iho Prop�rty ard Borrow�a oblip�tbn to piy ih�
<br /> �um� s�ured by thh &ccur�y Instrument shaU conthuo unahanped. Upon rohotBtomont bY Bonowor, thl3 3acurfty InSWment e.nd ehe ; *�•�_;.
<br /> obft�.tbna a�CUrod hrnby ehtN eNnaln tulty etf�ctN� ae R no accNerilbn had occurred. However,l�ls r{pht to rehat�te ehoH not�Dy h i "�,4�'
<br /> . the c�os ot�acel¢�itlary under panpnph 17. � �`
<br /> 19. �ale ot N�te; Cheonqe of Lo�n Servicor. Tho Noli or � partkl Mtteteat h Ihe Mot� (4opether wkh thle SeCUPity
<br /> IneUumont) may be aa W one or moro t h i e s wKhout prbr notbe ta Borrow�r. A eak rtKy nsuk in a chanps h th�ontity (known u the , .�'`��'
<br /> •Loan EervhK')lhat coNects monlhy paymante due under lhe Note ena thb Security mswment. '�here�Ko rt�ay be on�or moro chmpe� i �
<br /> of tho Loan Sarv�er unrsktsd to 4 sab ot th�Noto. It thare Is e cl��nge of ths Loen 3erv�Cer,Bortower ww be pFren wrNten not�e of the i �,
<br /> ' Chanp� h tccordanC� wkh puaq'nph 14 abow snd appAcabb law. The notke wiN atete tha name nnd address of lhe r�w Lonn 5:+vi��r
<br /> and th�addrs�tg to whioh paymenta shnuld be made. TRa notfco wfN also conteh any other htormatbn required by applicabk kw. �
<br /> a0. Hszerdous S�ebstnna�a. Bortowsr sheH not cause or permR the presence, use, dl�posal, storaqe, or rets4se of eny ;
<br /> HerBrdoua�bsuncss on ar h the Property. Bortower shau not do,nar nuo�v nnyona else to do.anythhp nffocthp the Property thet f3 h ,
<br /> vblatlon o}any EnvYOnmant�l Law. Ths precedhp two ¢entenCes ehell not apDN to tho presonce. use,or atorage on the Property ol cmeY ,
<br /> quantRles of Hertrdous SubslanCes that are penw4ly recopnl�ed to bo eppraprtate to nom�Al r�sldentfsl uses �n�J to mahtenance of tho ;
<br /> P��y , �, �..
<br /> Borrowar shall ptompty pive I.ender written not{co of any Investip3tbn, ctalm, demand,lawsuFi or other aatbn by any povemmenlai or
<br /> hvaNinp the Property and an Hatardoue SLbstance or Envkonmentnl L.aw of whlch Bortower has Ictuti �
<br /> repul�tory epency or prhr�le party Y —
<br /> Icnowfed{Do. If Borrowet iaams, or Is notHied by any govEmmentnl or ropulalory euthority, thnl eny removel or ather remediation ol any �,,
<br /> ti
<br /> Herardoua Subetance afiecthp the Property Is necessery, Bortowor ahall prompty take nll necessery rer»edfal acttons h acaordnnce wfth .�,Y:_n
<br /> Envkonmental Law. , �'�
<br /> As used h thb puapraph 20, 'Mererdous Substances" are those substances dflfhed es toxb or herardous substances by
<br /> .,'�
<br /> EnvMOnmental I.�w and ihe lolbwhq substances: pasolk�e, kerosone, other ilammable or toxb petroleum products, toxb post�►des and ,:
<br /> herb�ldes, volatRe solvants, materhis aontahhp asbestos or fartnaldehyde, end radtoactNe mat5riels. As used In thls parepraph 20, � . /
<br /> �;t,..
<br /> � 'EnvPonmentai Law" meens tederal laws and laws of the Jur�sdictbn where the Property Is located that relete to health, salety or / ���-�
<br /> envkonmental protectbn. - �,)��
<br /> NOA!-UNIFOFISN COUENANTS. k3orrowor and Lendor further covenant and agree as folbws:
<br /> - - 21. Accelerstion; Remames. i.ender anaii gevo .�uii�a t� ��.��a:::.r p::ar !a u'��°!wr�tinn {ntlew�na _____�
<br /> Borrower's breach ot eny coveneni or agreement tn this Security Enstrumemt (ba8 not prlar to ecceleretion . �
<br /> � under peraqraph 17 unleas appltcable I�w provides otherwfae). The notice sheol apecity: (a) the defnutt; .':� �:: ,
<br /> (bD the ecUan requtred t� cure the detault; (c) e date, not less than 30 deys irom the dete the notice le . , . �;
<br /> q�yen to Borrower, by which the deteutt mu8t be cured; end (d) 4hat teilu�e to cure the deteult an or � ��:�"'.x�
<br /> bet�oro the date speclfled !n the notice mey reautt In eoceleraUon of the sums secured by this Security �'�;,���`
<br /> , .;;(, �
<br /> � � Instruenent er�d aate of the Prnperty. T he nottce ahall iurtFur Intorm Borrower of tha right to relnstete elter i;,nl
<br /> eecele�stlon and ttie right W brin� a court acUon to essert the non-exiatence ot a defeult or eny other �, J;
<br /> defense of Borrower to eccel��etlon and sale. If the detnuit la not cured on or before the date epeclfied
<br /> in the noUce. Lender at its optlon mey require Immediate payment In full of ail auma eocured by thi�
<br /> Seaurlty Inatrument withaut furthcr demand end mey (nvoke the power of aale nnd any other remediea ;
<br /> permitted by epplicet►le lew. Lender ahatl be entlUed t,o coltect ail expenaes incurr�d In purauinp the , ;;';:�
<br /> remedlea provided In thia paregreph 21� including, but not Itmited to, �ea�onebte ettorneye' feea and coaU •�
<br /> of titte evidence. ,..
<br /> "" If the power �f eale la Invoked, Truatee shall record a notice of detarrlt tn eaah coun4y In which any „
<br /> part oi the Praperty Ia loceted end ahail mall coptes o� euch not(ce In the rnsnnPr preacribed by applle0ble f ^
<br /> law to Borrower end to the other persona preacribed by eppliceble lew. Aiter the time requfred by �;
<br /> epplicable law, Trustee shail yive pu�blic noUce of at+le to the pe�aana and In the menr�er preacrlbed by �
<br /> appllcable law. Truetee, without demand or� Barrower, shall aell the Property et public auction to the %�
<br /> h99h�st bidder a4 the t3me and place enci under the 4erma deeigneted in the noUce of aade In one or more � '�- j.
<br /> pareels end �n any order Truatee determinea. Trustee may poatpone aale ot ell or any per�el ot the
<br /> Praperty by public announcement et the time end place of any �revioualy acheduled eale. Lende� or Ite
<br /> deNQnee nisy purchaae the Properfy at any aate.
<br /> Upsn recetpt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shell detiver to the purchaaer Trustee's d eed
<br /> � canveytng the p�operty. The recitela in tha Trusteo'a deed shell be prime Sacie evidence o4 the Uruth of
<br /> � I the ntatemente made thereln. Trustce ahalt apply the proceeda of the aale In the followim� order: (e)to ell
<br /> coats and e�qoenses of exerclsing the power of sale, anc! the aale, IncludtnA the peyment of the Trustee's
<br /> feea ectuatly Incvrred, not W exce�d 3 °,6 of the pri�tcipal emount ot the nate et the time of the
<br /> declarAUon �f detault, end reaavnable attorney'a feaa aa permitted by law; (b)to nll oums aecured by thfa
<br /> Security ImtrumenQ; end (o)any excea� to 4he person or peraonm lepally e�t�tled to it.
<br /> �2. Reconveysnce. Upon ptlyment o}oN sums securod by thb Securky InsWment,Lender shaa request Trustee to reoonrBy the
<br /> Property�nd sha9 surtnnder this Security Instrumont end ell notes evldencin0 debt secured by t�b Seaurily Inswment to Trustoe. Truslee ,
<br /> shaA reconvey Iho Pre�perty wkhout wartanty and,without charyo to the peraen or pe�BOns bgalry entitl0d to ft. Such person or persons shali
<br /> pay any recordatbn caata.
<br /> n� a.ti.�t�.*� Tru�.w i�.mr at Its nntbn. mav irom time to tYno remove Trustee and appoht a successor trustee lo eny
<br /> �—..—__—_- �... ..���._� •------- . .
<br /> Truato9 eppointad hereunder by an hctrumaN recorded fn tho counry h whbh this Securky Inswment Is recorded. Withoul convoyareco of
<br /> • tho Property,sucCessor tru6lea shall suCCOOd to all tho tRb,power and dutbs conferred upon Tnist6o herah and by appl�nbb laer.
<br /> 24. Requeat for No4lcea. Borrower requosts that copWs of Ih�not�es ot detauk end sab be sent to Bortower's addrr�ss whfch
<br /> Is the Proparty Addross.
<br /> • 26. Rlder�Ro thBa Ser.urtty Instrument. It ono or moro ddare sre executed by Borcower and recorded togsther wdh thh
<br /> �' Security InaWment, the covenenta �nd agroert�enN3 of oach such rlder shall be hcorporated into and 5ha11 emend end supplement lho
<br /> � coven�nta Qnd aflreert�ents ol this 5ecurity Instrumont os N the rlder(s) were a PuR ol this Secur3y Instrumant.
<br /> � � I
<br /> � Paq� 4 0l 6 Form 30YE OlCO
<br /> ! , - Ft02Y.LM0(0/W)
<br />_i 60 f — I
<br /> —
<br /> __.
<br /> �
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