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nr�ll"'..�.�'°"'"'�` �``i'�'A'���'__'.'�.f'...u„sT.rr. ��#rr.�;.�■ . . . , <br /> � . %�ry. ..a'' ✓A JtUi',.'�,.i �7i• MII� . <br /> � i <br /> L • � <br /> KwarD� i'i + ,..�r Afw��arR.rwMV�KT"" �i:.�n... . . ��, ._ .. <br /> �M , � ... . ��/!.-�1�'+�E1.n�FiFr •_� <br /> �„)���{ _. - . . _ .��� ___ <br /> ' . •" � I �f�tt�.Y..�1=—_ <br /> ` • ' . . ,�f••P.i�l�rinr+�f[I'LL'/Ja,l.L1�3'3H'.r�u� _.w.s�wav�n...������. — _ <br /> - • ' _���—��.�.� ���- �� <br /> �� .. ._� , .—e�Rr�w� — _ _ . .. ..___—_ _"_ _ - "___"___" <br />....�./..�.-��_"� —__ _ _ ���r — ��_ <br /> ._....��..��.�...:v�� �. <br /> ..__... .. ..... . .... . . ._. _ ��—�—.��.+.,.—..���..� ._..._ .. ._ <br /> ._...._"-_."_._. . _ . .._."_' �. <br /> . , .i�„4-- . <br /> ..not to+a�os�d i►� rtwdnwm �rr�ouM ■ I�nd�r tvr � bdrrwH 'rYl�d monp�p� lo�n rryr nMiu�+� lor Sorr�ovi�s �ec+iow aooaaK w+Nr ths � <br /> .-._'"=,;��;:��=.�r� tedw�a7 f'�I E'�tat� SMtterrN►rit P�t+�eduru Act al 197s aa �decf rrum�w�w to tan�, 92 M�.1,'R�S��.'b �nho�p enotMr 11nr - __ <br /> . ^� Qi;SI $j�::+d$ Q:: �li� ��Ui�GS} �Eli W �dS£w+ tYLi4�S1�i7. {� 6A� �Gdiu!f��w'f� 42 �.��` t::,��� Gii�d.i G,ii) {:i1�:) i�IS.;t.� ��t .:J L...-. .i:rl S:: �e. �.t :�i•. <br /> . . � ��°:..;!C,..;1':�2. 1.�..... 6:::� (,.::... _, (�;.. C;...,.,�2 G: [P;..�.1 [`.:] C.:i G.'] �� ._, +.7 (."�. �� (�_ . �.. �. . ._ _ , l .: .. . U . . .. . . ,. .... <br /> �:7:1::J�':,`:iu�J�.'•:�F�CP(i�ii:;;::::2��i C`::i.Ri::_:I;;e1 t'.,.�1 G{:y::.�:����J [,i'Y. <br /> �_'��"�;.°rs n'� 'ite�Fund� ehaN bY hafd fn�n kv�tilutb» who��depo�A� aro inaurad by A�daral o�ncy. fns;runan;aGtY. oe�ntXY (�cl�dirJ�e�n�;:�, � ~ � <br /> - -=-�°W��?;i'� Lend�r Hs euoh an hst�utbn)or in any FoAeral Harry�l.oxr�B�cth. la�rkr th�N c�p.y ths�undr to pty the��crow N�ems. L�onda'rn1►Y nat __ <br /> --- — �h� llarow�r 1or haklhq and aOPh►�q th�Func:���nnwry �yxinp ttw�wcrow MCCOUnt, or wrMytr�t ttN Ef�crow H�ma� untMS l�nd�► — <br /> ��-y-_:;,=:�•a::�� pay�eoc�n•Mar tnterest on tl�o�unds �nd �plfc�.bl�Nw permke�en�to maks euoh p�eharpe. Howrra,Lsnd�r axy requk�Baror»r tu --- <br />- - - ---- __ _ <br /> ----- - q�y a on�tirM Ghlup�tor en hc7�pindent rql�RUl11 Wr.r+Iportinp ssrvk�u�W by Lend¢�in connactbn wRh thb bere,Uf1lfl69�1q�IW�i�w <br /> --- provid�s othMrriq. Uniat �n �pnMnrnt la mac1� cx 11ppNct6b M►w Nqufrre inl�n�t tu b� P+�Id, i.�n�r eP+�N �a1 W �WMrd to P�Y <br /> � _--- — OoROw�c�nY in►�rpt Or Mming� on tM Funda.8ortowsr�nd L�ntf�r may�rM h wrNh�,t�ow�wv,that IntKql eh�a bA pltid or9 Ih�Fun(f�. <br /> __-- L�ncNr eh��plw t4 sarrowK.wNhout charp�,An u+nut!recountk►q of th�Funde, showhp cndka�nd d�hA�to ll►r Fundf�nd IM purposr <br /> __=.� for whbh MCh dobN tA th�FunEs wae made. Tlts FLnds u�+pbdp�d A��ddRlonal aocurityy tor oA sums s�cured by thb S�cvrky Inshur:��t. <br /> - ----= If th� Funds hNd by L�ndr txcNd tM emounta permkt�d to h� hNd by applicabis kw, LondK �h�M �ccaunt to E3orcov�w for lh� <br /> ----- trw;�st�Funtis In accorcfu►ca with tha nqukertMnta of�pplic�bN kw. II th1 smount ol tM Fundf�eW Cy Lrnd�r 4t�ny tirne is not suf��cirn4 °° <br /> =_=��-� to pey tha �scrow Itnms when due, Lm�ier rtu�y so notNy Borrowsr in wrRhfl, and, In auCh cl�ss Barowsr shtM pay lo I.ancNr ths �rraunt <br /> _----`_- — nece5sary ro mdcs up ths deticEency. 8ortowe►6hall maks up the doNcbncy tn no man thtn MroNe montNy payme�►ts, at l.enda�'e toN <br /> _�,_;,��;,� dkcretbn. <br /> --�- �--------- Upon p�ym�nt ki tua a1 a9 sums sucured by thb Security Inutrument. Londer shaA promptly relund to Borrower any Fundy hNd by <br /> ==_-�:�� lendar. It,undrr pu�qnph 21.L.qider shaY�cq�ilro or seA Ih�Property.Lenckr,Prbr to th�icquisklon w sab of th�Propsrty,ehaM�pply <br /> _-.�j_L,.�.T�_t�i�� r.ny Func19 h�►fd by La�niiw at th�time ot scquLSklon or sab aa a credit�pQlnst th0 sums securod by this Security Instrumo�t. <br /> �r�fitCa <br /> -._:,n������ 3. Appllcatlon ot Puymente. Unless oppHc[ble W�v provldes otherwlse,eN payments receMed by Lender under puapnphs 1 and <br />=..iy,=-,,:�:�-;�-�z� 2 shaN be appliad: (irst,to any�eramayrt�ent chupas du� ur�der the Note; seco�d, t0 smounts payable under p�r4proph 2; Ihkd lo InMrest <br />_T_ui4M.` ;;; ,: d��o;fouRA,to prk�clpal Oue;ond i�st,to any bte charp�as due under the Nota. w <br /> ��.��,.R:;.a; t` � 4. CF1K9ES; LIE11�. Borroww sh�N pay all tixes, assessments, chupes, fhes and 'mpaskbns atUibuUbte to ttw PropKty whfch <br /> • • - may attaln prbrity over Rhb Securirly tnsVument,and le4sehold payments or ground ronta,M any. Borrowe►sheu pay these obligatbns In th� __ <br /> �`':"^�"�. mu►ner provlded tn h 2, or N not pefd In that menner, 8orrower shsN them on tkne dtrecty to the son awed payir�ani. <br /> �;�c'.. (lnraprep PaY P� <br /> :'`.��.ik Jy.,:•': .'�� <br />_-•;�;,,, .•;,��,�;;.�.t_�; 8orr9war shaA promptiy tumFsh to Lender ¢!I notbes of emounts to be pafd under thls paregreph. If BoROwar makes these pa�s�ents — <br /> ' , . . d'rectly,Bort�wer sholl promptty fumish to Lender recelpts evldencfnp the puyments. � <br /> ` "" � BArrower shaH promptiy dY�cha�pe any Ilan whfch has prlordy aver thls Security inswment unless Borrower: (a)egret►s In wr�infl to the _ <br /> • . �� � payment ot the obllyatbn aecured by the Ilen b e manner acceptable to Lender; (b)coniosts In Qood takh the lien by, or detends apahst <br /> � entorcert�ant of the lien In,lepal prxeedln0�wh{ch In the Lenders ophbn oporeto to pre�rent the entorcement ot the Ilen; or(C)secures frarn <br />` '..' lhe hotder of the lien en epreement satlsfactory to Lender subordhathp the Ilen to thls Security InsWmsnt. If i.ender determhes that any <br /> � pkt Ot the Property is sub}ect 2o e lien whbh may atttln prbrity ovec thls St�curity Insuument,l.ender may Olva Borrower a not�e Identiyhy <br /> � the ibr►. 8ortower shnll sallsty the Nen or tako ono or moro ot the aCtlons set forth abave wkhn 10 days o}the pHfnp oT notice. -�-- <br /> �, <br /> • • 6. Hazard or Property Insur�rtce. Borrower ehefl ketjp tha Improvements now extsting or hereafter erected on the Prope�ty �,`. <br /> ' inaurad epalnst bss by (Ire, hazards InGbded withkt the term "extended coversge" and any other ha�ards, includhp Ibods or floodhp, tor �'�„�. <br /> ,, . .. ,, whf�h Lender rAqutres hsurence. fiHs hsutance shall be malntalned[n the amounts and tor the periods that Lender requWs. The lnsurence ¢!'"` <br /> .. cartbr provldfnp the fnsurence ahell be ahosen by BonoN�er subJect to Lendars approvnl whlch shall not be unreasonaby wkhheld. If <br /> ,,. , ,.�� Borrowel fafls to rtwhWln coveraLle descrioed above, Lender may, et Lendor's aptlon, obtaln coverage to protect Lender's rlghts In the �. <br /> •" Property in accordanae wfth paregrsph 7. <br /> All Inaurance pollale3 and �enewek shall be acceptable to I.ender nnd shall Include a stsndard mortgage clause. Lender sha�hava the <br /> ��•���1~ rlqht to hoW the pollClas and renew�ls. 1�Lender requlres,8ortower shall promptty gNe to Lender a!I recelpts ot pald premY�ms and ren9wal <br /> ��,. q � , �� notices. In the event of loss, @ortower shflll glve prompt notfCe to the tnsurance cartlar und Lender. Lender may meke proof qf b5s (f not <br /> .,, made prompily by Borrower. <br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower otnerwlse aproe In writlnp, fnsurenca procoeds shall be eppllad to restoratlun or repatr ot tho Propar4y <br /> , . ", dnrnaped, R the rostoratbn or repfllr Is econom�aly tea5ble end Lendere security (s not lessened. Ii the restorntton or repatr Is not <br /> eCS�nomlcaly feas�le or Lender'6 seaurity wou{d ba lessenad, the tnsurnnce proceeds shall be epplled to tho sums secured by thls Security <br /> � Instrument, whether or nat then du9, with any excesa pald to Bonower. If Borrower c�bandons the Property, or daes not answer wkhln 30 <br />-����� days a notbe(rom Lender that the Insu�anca carrler has oHered to settle a clalm, thsn Lender may collect the Insurance proc�eds. Lender <br /> � . <br /> , may use the proceeds ro repair or restore the PropeAy or to pay sums secured by thts Socurlty Instrument,whother or not then due. The � <br /> - 30-dsy period wi�l begfn when the notl�e Is gWen. � •� <br /> ''F, �,� <br /> ;R*�; Unless Lender and Borrower othernlso agree h writinq,any qppllcutlon ot proceeds to princlpnl shall not oxtend or po�tpone the duo I,'t',;� <br /> � dnte ot the monthty payment� ►eferred to fn paragrflphs 1 and Z ar change the amount of thv puymc�nts. If under parsgraph 21 the Property <br /> m <br /> IS ecquhtHf by Lender, Dorrow�s rfpht to any Insurance pol'�cles and proceeds resultNp from damage to the Property prlor to the acqulsklon `�'.�'� <br /> shsll pp5s tu Ler.der to the�xtent of the sums socured by thls Security Instrument Imrtwdlately prtor to the acqulsltian. <br /> 6. Occ�pancy, Preaervatlon� !�llelntenance end Rrotect9on of the Prop�rty; Borrawer's Loen <br /> . AppllceUon; I.eaaehotde.Borrower shall occupy, establtsh, and uso tho Property as Borrower's princl�al resldonce withln slxry deys <br /> � after the executWn ot thls Securityr InsUument and ahall contlnue to occupy thv Property as Borrowar's p��clpnl raslde���e (or et least ono <br /> , • � year after the date of ocCUpQnCy,unless Landor otherwlse egrees In writing, whiCh Consent shell nat be unreasonebly withheld, or unless <br /> extenuatlnp clrcumstances extst whl¢h are beyond BoROwer's control. E3arrower shall nat destroy, damage or Impatr the Property,albw the <br /> propwry to deteriorate, or commit waste on lho Property. Borrower shall bo in detault If any foAeRure ac[lon or proceeding, whether clvll or � <br /> . .. � <br /> �� Crimindl. IS t1epun that In lendor'e pood lelth Judgrt�ent Could rosult M ►oAeiture ot the Property or otherwiss materinlly�mpatr tha I'ren created � <br /> • , � by thls Securityr InsWment or Lendets seCUrity hterest. Borrower may curo such e dotautt and relnstate, as provlded In ptungraph t8, by � <br /> uusNp the actfon or procead'ny to ba dlsmissed with e ruing that, In Lende3rs good taith detertnhatlon, precludes foAekure of tho I <br /> � _ -- ---- <br /> - -- -- - - norrowers nieresi it ine rroperiy or oiitar rtraiwini irrtpaimmii oi iiro nan craaiea uy mis aevvray ins'vumani or i.enuer s sec.v�iry iiieresi. _- <br /> Bortowct shall atso bo h detauN H BaROwar,durinp the loan applfcntion procoss,euvo materlulry tulso or In¢ccureto Intorrreatlon or stntoments <br /> to Lender (or faifed to provld9 Lender with eny material IntOrmatb�) In connoctlon with tho ban evldenCed by the Noto,lnctudhg, but not ' <br /> • • linited to, represantatlons concernhp Bortowc�a accupancy at the Property ns a princlpal resldence. it thls Security Instrumont (s on a � <br /> - . � Iensehold, Dorrawer shnll compy wRh atl tne provl5bns of the I:a:>e. If Barrower acquires fea title to the Property,the�asehold and the � <br /> teo tltte shall noi merpe unleso tho Lentler aDraoa to the merger In writing. I <br /> - �� " } P,tp�2 0�6 Form �OYE 0;00 � <br /> � � .. � � Ft02o.LM0(BlC�) . <br /> �F � <br /> ., ,� <br />�� ,. � V� i� , <br /> , <br /> �reo�a • <br /> - . <br />�„ _ . _ .. _ _. ... . .. _ .. _..-_ .�_ ... . ....- —_—.....____.�__�_ <br />