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r ^. Rr�C �V:�-•-^•'F•etra+i�a-nra C . . wOpARw R'�m ��i • ,� ' .. <br /> ,�:1•� �fyiMl�� I� r 57,�f'+h�wrY{•n.�i� Y;G}�}:i`�r�... - ���l�l, M , Rt- `� '• <br /> '�Mjl�� �"✓�'�"�f5w'��ifwtt�iev���r.+ti...w._ ,. �,,.�,'r�.lV _ _' " _'__._ _ '__ _ ' _�.Lt�-"�'�-�.3sst�.�mtiv�erm_„_.._... <br /> �i�' , - �..n.. 1f�Clil�l��..saV e...�_�..-�. <br /> t.aWtir.r�. _--- -���-m���...:��. ,.�.�o.-T..,om.u�.�....�....,-----� <br /> � . .._..s. ���'�` 1 ,. ��� .. <br /> �� . e t ' . �„ �� W <br /> � � �.:. ;�A L. �,i�. ,i,y �. .7. , . �L1aYii:'..� (.tl•-`� l�"��l �,.�, ii!!}iRi�'Ciii::iiti C�fil'J Ci'.'.fCI,� �:}� ��•+e�i{i{:T C'it{�r!� i171 ��ti' - <br /> -,° R•e.wn . , . . <br /> ry '".yhn1A� ., .� , . . :.: .: ._ ^ - i . .� �. �i. � .i...... <br /> .. I ���.� '_11y 1. :�It:,( �Ili.? lU... �i� �ln.� �". �•>Ir..�t..'•..A CJ1� Irl:Ei._'�, nl �i`:i�h���i�i C'14���,;�:�� ' : 'i�/(-..;"7�7': r�� �,' �i'� ..,� .. <br /> ' �! 'il1P Ciililil K,Citt�;:Y i'�`hli.::;iS ❑!:"tii'::. �lYij; !il':f 5,'.iiC�`.SI:'��{::;!�!'.;IYII�:��:'+1 9U 41l'J f�i:Il!u�:i i•',:� ScIY 9�::�,L.iU.'.'., <br /> �.....'....�..•,.n ��7t:::��U:'i�1iU;i.":;� � ��� � ' <br /> ��` � tliat l,cndtr reyuires.YI►c:ir���u►.uiuc currir,r pruvidiu,n,tl�c insuraucc EF13�1 IlC C�1liSCil IlY I�011'LIWCY!�UI)ICCZ IG �.Ctlttcr°s:����;tiuv��l '`=-- <br /> ----- «h+rh str�dl not bc anrcntinnably witl►l►ctd. If Korrow�r rai3s tc�maintnin coc�rac;a�Ic�crihcFi uhnvc, [.cii�lcr nzay, at i.c�Hir,r'R __ <br /> c�tiun,abtain cuvexuge to pr�te�:t I.e�xter's riAi�ts i��thC Propcny in auorJaiidc widi para�r��pli 7. <br /> - <br /> Ali insura�tce �alic�es and re,9ewals shall be acceptnble to l,r.�xler ai�d shnll include n ltancln�Y1 murtgag�elause. l.enclrr = <br /> � shaii havc ii�o right tw hoid thc policies ar�i renewuls.ii C.c��dGr rcqui��.������wcr tii�al:ja�.,..�!::�r gi� Lt,d�r�l r._i�ls oF <br /> paid pamiums and renewal notices. [n the evcnt of tosq,8orrower shall give prutnpt nottce t��the insuratx;e carrier asxt[x�uter. <br /> l.ciider rr�ay mal:e prvof of toss if not made p►tirnp�ly by Cio�rower. <br /> _ Lende�•and Borrower atherwise agcee in wr3ting, ii�surance procrecls shafl be applieci ta restoiation or repair of the <br /> --- Property damagaf,if the restaration or rep2lr is econonucally fe�sib).e wxt Lender's security is not lessened.If the restoration or __ <br /> repuir is rat economicalty feasiblz at ixnder's seturity wuuld be lessened, 1he insurance proccecis shull be applied to the sums <br /> `° sccurcd i�y this Security Tnstrument, whcther ur rtot then due. wit;►auy excess paid to Qorrowsr. If Borro�rer nbansions the -- .. <br /> Prnperty, ur does nat artswer within 30 aa�s a notice irom d.ender that tho insurance carrier has offer�!to settle a claim, then <br /> Lender:nay collect the insurance proceecls. Lender muy use the�roceals to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums _ <br /> sccured by this Sccurity Instrument.whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. <br /> — Untess I.ender and Borrower otherwose sgree in �vriting, any npplb:,ation of procecds to principal sh�U not extend or <br /> post�one th�dae date of the rnonthly payments refernd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of tne pnyments. If <br /> -- -- -_ <br /> under paragraph 21 tha Property is acquired by Lender,I3onower's right to:uiy Ansur.uice policies and praceeds resulting from <br /> -_ = damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to C.ender to the extent uY the sums securcd by this 5ecunry Instrument - <br /> — _ immediateDy priar to the acquisition. <br /> _-------�-�-= 6.(➢ccnpnncy, P�+eservatfon,Maintenance ancl ProYecHon of the Property;Borrower's Loun Ap�llcs�t[o� �r,_ <br /> Borrower shall occupy,establish,nnd use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the excc:ution of = <br /> -�_ ___- -- this Secu►ity Instrument :uid sh�ll continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal r�sidence for at Ieast ane year after ��_ <br />���r.� the date of occupancy,unless Lender otherwise ag�es in writing. which cemsent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless '---•- <br /> - ----.-- extenuating clrcumst�+nces exist which ar� beyond Bonower's control. Horrower shal! not destroy, dnrrmge or i�tepair the ��::_ <br /> =i�_�;,*�� Properiy, uUow the Froperiy tu deierio�ate, or commit wastc an tt�e Properry. Aorrower shal! be in default 8f any forfeiture '"`-'= <br /> -_�_�.;r.ui►n� <br /> netion or proceedin�,whether civil or begun that in Lender's good faith judgment couid result in forfEiture of the �' <br /> ----��' Property or othenvise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower may �n' <br />-��—_=��"� cure such a default and provided in paragraph 18, !.y causin�the action or pmceeding to be dismissed with a ruling �;�:. <br /> ____ .e_.,�.��� that. in I.ender's goad faith detcrmination, precludes foifeiture of the Bonower's interest in the t'roperty or other material =-_ <br /> _"���=�;, impairment of dte lien created by this Security Instcument or L.ender's security intemst. Borro�ver shall also be in default if =__ <br /> _'+l�'�Gfi:"-.'�. - _--_ <br /> :i.. Borrower.during the loan application process,gave materially falsc or inaccurate information or staterttents to Lender(or fnilecl -""" <br />"-'',�'� +� to provicle Lender with smy material information)in connection with thc loan evi�ienced by the Note,incfuding, but not limited �%%f� <br />`w��'-�. " te,r resent��tions concernin Borrower's occu anc o3 the 1'ro rt ns a rinci al residence. If th[s Securi Instiument is on a �'��� <br /> a,: eP S P Y Pe Y P P n' <br /> ��-.3G�:c;_t ... <br /> ° <br />