` '_. •�fai,i�;i(�w wr� �.Pi,w,uf'r' . '��,�.'� . � . _ �t��#'r�'-'��.S,��ul"�y�• ��'- � �iA � ���I.JfY•'H� .���yty.�. . _ �.lr '?,hA�—���n__(„�}��{7 J4[�r'°s5l�`.:.
<br /> .... J"SiR ,t
<br /> . .._' � \�:�'. _ . . .. J:�; _ff'l��1'h'i�1�Y�!!,+"'2:�.....�.�...��.�������.s���.,�_ '_
<br />� .._._..____•J� • Il'. �5- _ _ .
<br /> -__'
<br /> .-�-.; _.i� __._.
<br /> .._ .f:R:�.!y'�L_T°.�'g���'I_• . _--
<br />_ , ' a�-��,�s; ' p��� oF TRUSr 9 4�" � �t��� p�,,� �
<br /> �_, ,-;';,�,�x� �.��ea��n?.ts� (�o�tt�:�taet99. .. .. . -. - - .---. -�- .. ....- . .. "=- - �. -`""�.." ----
<br /> , ,... ..___.----...._ . _ ..._..---..----�--�._------------ -----:...._ .. � .__ . . . ._ ._. . .. �
<br /> " � �:i���i:;�:)v:",'.::7(:::•j:.i;�J GI(il�f:{��J G7 C.".'.J� YOU:::;J LPt,".:l G�.':L':7 l0 LIl.^,h(IIJtCit°�C::Y C!�fUiCit"�::7:i(it::1�,5!(:)(:ti�I�Cf i:I f,!!;:i:�:';�1(�:;°:1 5:' .. �,,, � � . . . •, ��•; �•..
<br /> L'+Jfi:13 COi�L'a�4Si�11:5�pFCij)IIi1j!C6 G4fi1,IJUI V:�!itflU1 Qfiy GObJR.3�11(s:IY�7J7at1I��GnpfC.:'J Gi'�(i1Fl:iuf�. Yli�7 PF1Gi�3���tl GUi.�I(iu"J�Op 81ij1 1�7a��Ai3 �!.�.-�s�,._i�.;..::1:.::='��"-!s=
<br />_:_,;_,�;:^-�'-,�r,;� aX 1iSh t1NIM b�Cuntl�Nr9 proUl Of Ih0 trNhluirtttS�IherAUl. Any pbe5an,Intludl�p wllhoul IImI1dL'or�Tru3lor,TruSeae, br LenJer,mAy .��
<br /> purch��e ai ot�ch e+�b.
<br /> :._.�;� .u�..i:•�y ' �
<br /> --=-- (b) As+nwy b�p�rmilbd Ay law,�fttr d�dUCHnp iN Cosfe,IMf�nd�xp�ns�s ot Tr;t�Iao�nd of Ihb Trvttl,Ir�Clu�irp CosG�W�vld�nC�c�
<br /> ���`r�� tflN In ca�r►�cMpn with saM,T�uf�l�ih�N Nq�pty lPN proc�fde al eals lo paymenl o? (q�II suma expend�d undor th�termt of It�Qsrd ol
<br /> .'. .''. . .. .� Tr�rt n. �in�±-r!M t�rrtrs�I ltr,R'a!�nZ!Ih-n r�!fc��,lrt*!«t"rt�but nn11lm:!+610 r.ecr���rf!n!,.fC�l end►�t�r,h'tw`�, (!!)C4 01h^!!!7T'f lhRp �-- ------
<br /> ._",----- _ _
<br /> --=�"��"Q=� ucur�d Mnby��nd (iN)Ih�rarr�tnd�r�If�ny,lo Ils�s p�rson or pw�aone NpQfir enl�ltad Ihonto.
<br /> �---�'"���$•1� (o) Trtnlw m�y In 1!M mmn�r proWd�d 6y Ipw posfpor►t sal�ol all a�ny pallon ol Iho Pro er�
<br /> --,;,..,�ar�*v P Y•
<br />�'�;�;,ir:<;,.','jf~��� qHe�d(�a ttol f]ttlwttrl. Trut11N�nsl L�ndM,tnd w�ch ol lh�m,ehall b��nlltkd!a onlac�paymenl�nd pertormarx:�of tny Ind�bt�dn�s�
<br />---`�-_,�*°-�,a�%-�, tx oblfptUone oPCUr�d by thh Ue�d o1 Trtnl pnd 10�xorclse�N rlgMt�nd pow�rs under Ihds Deed of Trust,und�r tn�Noto,s:ndsr�ny ol th� __.
<br /> �"'���•• RNNW Dxur►knb,a und�r�ny oih�r�q�Nmenl or any laws now or fwreariar In lorco;r+olwllhslandlnfl,soma or ea of such Ind�blodnass
<br /> � �y - =' � �;'`� � �nd ot� Naq sactx�d b l�h Uaed M Trust rn� now or herea8er 6a olherwlse:secured,whelhor b mort a deed oi trusl, Is
<br /> .��r::.._.�,y:. � Y Y Y 0 Os� P dpa�Nen, _
<br /> r,.•. :� •: as�lpnmenl a othNwfs�. Neilher Ihe ar.cent�ncn�f Ihls Oeed ol Twsl�or Ila entwcemenl,whelher by court ectfon a pursuanl lo Ihe powa�f � --- -__-... . -: , ,
<br />_ _;,;�:`• :;��s;;",� sft�or olhsr powws cor►ttln�d In Ihh Owd ol Tcusl,ah�M pnJudlca ur In any manner eNecl Trusloa's or Londer's rlyM lo�aeza upon a '�`
<br />_�;"••�°' '�:� ontorco any elh�r c�curity nuw a horeafl�r h�td by Truslo�a LenBx.II belny a�roed Ihal Truslee end Londer,and each oS Iham,sheN be —�
<br /> :,;s,�J .%'. ,��.,•�;. °} enllt{sd to antOrce l�+h DeeJ ol Yru�l and�ny olhev eecudty now a horeattor held by Londer a Trustae In such ordnc and manner as Ihey w
<br /> - ellher o}lhem may In tAek�bsduls dlscretlon detsrmlr�e. No remedy confer�ed upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender,Is Intendod to be
<br /> sxcluslva of eny olher temedy In lhls Deed ol Trtn!o��y law provlded a permllted,bu1 aach shall be cumulativa and shaN ba In a�ldiUon lo
<br /> ,. . . .� Q
<br /> - .,,., ewry other rertwdy plven tn lhls Oeed ol Trusl or now or heroaftxr exlsunfl et law or In equiry or by slelule. �vory powar or remody given by lhe �_
<br /> ,":=•q� .»;-�~ .;Y� Nole or any of ths RNated Oxumenls lo Truslee or Lender w to wh�h eHhe► ol lhem may be olhonxlsR en1I1'�ed, may be exerclsod,
<br /> ���w',' ' " ,;.':, aorwurronity or fndApendenlly,hom Ilmp io Urt�and n5�oflen es may bo deemud expadienl by Trustae or Lender,and ellher oi Ihem may -
<br /> - . -. ptxst�e Incor►5!�t�n1 rem�di�s. Holhlny!n Ihl�Desd of Trusl sl�all 6e conslrued es prohi6itinp Lender Irom s�kfng e del'�!srtcy�uclpmenl . --
<br /> `�-� . • epalns�the Tru:ta to Ihe axtenl such acUon Is permSQod by law. --_
<br /> '� � �• iiequES)Fa Notke. Truslu�,o�behall ol Trosta and Lender,hereby roquesls Ihnl e copy of any Notice ot Detaull and s copy o!any Nol�CO =
<br /> ol Solo undnr Ihls Doed of Trusl be malted to them at Ih9 addre:sos sel torlh in Iho Crsl pnrngreph of Ihls Oeed of Trust. �r�`���
<br /> �t'u<'�+r-
<br /> ,.. W�Iver;Eleclbn of Remedles. A walver by eny party o1 e breach ol a provlslon ot INS Deed of Trust shall not constitute o walver of w �
<br /> ' � pteJudlCe lho pnrty�s rlpht9 olhetwlse to demend striCt compllance wilh lhal prpvlslon or pny olhpr provisfon. EleCtlon by Lende►lo pur5uo eny '�T"�"��;-
<br /> "'.,. remudy provlded In Ihls lleed o1 Trust,lho Note,In any Retnled Documenl,or provld�d by law shatl not exclude pursull al nny�ther romody, �>'��.��LL�=�'�"
<br /> and en etecllon to make expenditures a lo take acllon to perform nn obtlpaUOn of Trustor under Ihls Deed of Trust aNer tallure of Trosta to •;,�-�__-
<br /> „ , pertorm shaN not affecl Lenderp rlphl lo declare a detaull end lo oxerclso any of Ils remedlos. `°'--
<br /> ;����r:
<br /> Atlomeys'Feea;Ezpesaes. If l.ender Instltulea��y sufi or actlon lo onlorce eny of Iho torms oi Ihts Dued of Trusl,Lender ahall be entiSled to
<br /> „ , ncovsr such eum es Ihe courl may edJudQs reasonabto as aNanoys' lees el Irfnl nnd on any uppenl. Whelher or nof flny Co�ah aCtlon Is r��`.1�4' .
<br /> •• Involved,all reasanabb expensns IrtGUrred by Londer wh�ch in Lendsr's opinlon are necc�ssnry nl nny ttme lor the protec�lon of Its Inleresl a the ��,"*'" �
<br /> :.,.y�t_
<br /> enforCemo�t ol It9 rlphls ShaB become a paA o(Ihe IndQbledness paynble on demand end shall bear Interesl al lho Note rele from the dale ot :;y;_�,, �a;�'.,,
<br /> �� expenditure unpl repflld. Expensas Covered by Ihts parapraph Inctude,wilhoul Ilmltallon,however sublecl lo any Iimlt;.under eoplkable law. �:,."•'�_.--- `
<br /> Lendwk eHorneys'Mes whether or nol there Is a law5u11,Includlnp ettorneys'tees for bankruptcy procoedings(including etforts to modiry a d:�Rt*,
<br /> vacale flny automat)c 518y or In�unctlon),appeals and any enticlpaled posl-Judgmenl Collecllon servlces,lhe cosl of saerching records,obtelning ; �;�
<br /> tille reports(Includlnp loreclosure reports),surveyors'reports,eppralsal tees,Illle Insurance,and teos for Ihe Trustee,to Ihe exlenl pormllled by Y=,'`�'�'
<br />, applicable law. Trustor also wiJ pey nny courl cosls,In addillon Ip all olher sums provlded by law. �` M1' ;�'<, •
<br /> Rlphls of T�ostee. Trustee shflll heva all of the rights end dulles of Lender es sol toAh In Ihls secUon. •
<br /> .. POWERS AND OOI.IGATIONS QF TRUSTEE. The Iollowing provfslons relaling lo the powers nnd ohllgatlons of Truslee ere pari of lhfs Oeed of �' �
<br /> . Trust. � .. � '-�
<br /> : , Powe�s of Truatee. In additton lo all powers of Trustae nrising as a maller o�law.Truslee shall have the power to fake Iho tollowinp acllons �V
<br /> wllh�espeCl to the Property upon Ihg wrftien requost ol Lender and Truslor. (A)Joln In prepadng ttnd filing n mep or plat of Ihe ReAI Property, � ' "
<br /> Inctuding Ihe dedkallon of Btreels or olher rights lo the public; (b)Jofn In grenllrtg any easemenl or creating any reslrlctfon on Ihe Rual Properfy; { • '���
<br /> � •• end (o)joln In nny subadinntlan or othor flgreement eHeCling Ihis Oeed ol Trusl or Ihe Interesl ol Lender under Ihls Oeed of Trust. ' � �Y �
<br /> � ' .•. ..�I;
<br /> �� TNSiee. Truslee Sh31I meet elI quali0catlons requlred lor Truslee under epplicable law. In oddillon lo Ihe righls und remedles sel(orlh above, , '• •.• . '
<br /> wllh respeCt b all pr 8ny part ot the Prope�ty,lhe Truslee Shall have Ihe rlghl lo foreclose by nollce and sflle,and Le�der Shall h8vo Ihe nght lo , ,y�t.•r,=�`9
<br /> ioreClose by judfclel toreClosure,In eilher Case In eCCOrdance wilh and lo Ihe lull extont provided by epplicnble Iaw. j � 'T�,�� ��
<br /> Succe95or T�ustee. londer,al LendoPs optlon,may from tlme lo time appofnl e successor Trusleo lo any Truslee eppolnled herflunder by an � . �,'. ' �
<br /> :'.
<br /> �� Inslrumont exeCUlfld end eCk�owledgod by Londer and reCOrded In Iho olfice ot Ihe recorder of HALL County,Nebreske. The Inslrument shall I ;�::;��; -• '
<br /> contaln,In additton to alI olher melters requlred by slale Inw,Ihe names of Ihe origlnal Lander,Trusloe,nnd Truslor,Ihe book and puge(or I �
<br /> computer system reterence)where IhJS Deed ot Trusl Is recorded,nnd lhe name end flddress of lhe successor Irusleo,and lhe Instrume�t shall I
<br /> be execuldd end ecknowledged by e8 Ihe benefic!t►�les under Ihe Oeed ol Trusl or lhelr successors In Inleresl. The successor trusl9u,wllhoul ; ��
<br /> , conveyanCe ot Ihe Paoporry,shell sucCeed to all Iha Ulle,power,and duties conlerrod upon the Truslea In this Oeed of Trust and by eppl.cuble �
<br /> , lew. Thls proCedure fa substllullpn of trusloo shaU govern lo Ihe exclusion ot alI olher provisfons(or subslllulion. +�
<br /> • '. � `.'°•• HOTICES TO TRUSTOA AHD OTHEF7 Pd1RTIES. Any notice under Ihis Deed ot Trust shell be in wdling and shall be otleCtive when aClually �
<br /> �� delivered,or when depostted wllh e nntionally recogntzed overnfghl courier, or,ff mailed,shall be deemed eHecfive when deposlled In the Unftad I '
<br />• Slate9 malt Ilrst ctess,repislered mafl,postago prepAfd,dlrected to Ihe addresses shown nesr Ihe beglnntng of thls Deed of Trusl. Any parly may �
<br /> ,. ChBnge lts flddre5s lor nollceS under lhfs Oeed oi Trusl by glving formal wrlllen notice to the other parties,specilying that the purpose of lhe nollce is i
<br /> � to chsnge the party'S eddress. AI!coples of notices ol loreclosure Irom Ihe holder ot any lien whlch has priority over Ihls Deed at Trust shall be sont I
<br /> to Lende�'s address,es shown near Ihe beglnning ot Ihls Oeed of Trusl. For noHce purposes,Trustor agrees lo keep Lender end Trustee Intormed � • . .
<br /> al all tlmes ot Trustor's curranl addrnss.
<br /> , . . < <'` :
<br /> MISCELLANHOUS PROVISIONS. The followinp miscellaneous prOVlslons erp e parl of Ihls Oeed ol Trusl: � ' ���{'°��'
<br /> � .. I '
<br /> Amendme�ta. Thls Dead of Trust,togelher wllh any Refaled Documonts,constllutps Ihe onliro underslnnding and agroomonl of Ihe partlas as ! ��"'� •
<br /> tq Ihe matters sot torlh In�hls Deed of Trusl. No altorallon o}or amendmenl to Ihis Deed ol Trusl shall be elfecllve unless glven In wrlling nnd �
<br /> , stpned by Ihe pttrty Grpettles sought to be chnrgod or bound by Iho allernllon or pmendmenl, ':�'�
<br /> . Appttcable Law. Thls 08ed ol T�usl has been dellvGred lo Lender anU nccepted by Lender In fhu Stale of Nebraska. Thla Ueed of Trust �
<br /> ' aha�l be Qovemed by 1md C�nsirued In accerdanee wtth the laws o1 the State of Nebroska. .
<br /> ,
<br /> - CAp11on Headfnps. CeptlOn hesdtngs fn lhls Deod of Trust sro(or convenlence purposes only end nro nol 10 be usod to Intarpret or tleflna lhe �
<br /> ± -� � provtslons oT IA�Deed of Trusl. :
<br /> T� Merqer, thore shall be no morger of the Interesl or oslata creatod by thfs Qeod ol Trust wlth any other Inte�ost or estele In Ihe Properly al eny '
<br /> E, tlme held by ot for Ihe boneflt ot Lendor In eny cupncfty,wllhout tha wrillen consent ot I.ender.
<br /> L -. ---- ��- ----- - -
<br /> , ... _.__.. _.
<br /> ' - Muitlple PaAIls. All obllgatlons a}Trusta under Ihls Oeed of Trus1 shatl b0 Jolnl nnd sovernl,nnd ell raferences lo Truslor shall mean each and
<br /> � .. pvery Trusta. Thls meens IhIII paCh Of lho poBOns slgnfng below Is responsible for aIl obligaLlons in Ihis Deed ol Trusl.
<br /> '�. 5ovcrabUlty. If A courl ol compolont juriShccllon tinds any provlston at Ihls Doad ot Trusl lo bo invelid or unentorceubl�as lo nny person or '
<br /> ' Ckcum5lHnce,such findlny shall not rendtar lhul piovlslon lnvalid or unenlorCeable es lo any olhwr persons�r clrcumstances. It feasfbte,eny
<br /> �° , suCh ONending provlslon shalt be deemed to be modifiod lo be wllhln Ihe IImIIS ol enlorceabilily or validdy:howovor,if Iho oflending provision
<br /> CinnQt bo so modilled,II Shall be�trickan nnd all olher provlslons ol lhls Deed o�Tr�sl In all ulher respecls shnll romain valid nnd onforcesbte.
<br /> SUCCCSlor�snd Aa�lpny. SubJoct lo Iho Ilmftullons statod In Ihls Deed ot Trusl on IrQnsler ol Truslor's Inlarost,Ihfs Deod af Trusl sha11 bo
<br /> binding upon�rtd Inute to Ihe bOnOfi!of Ihe parllea,lhelr succossor9 end osslpns, It o�vno►shlp of Ihe Proporty becomos ves(ed In n porsan
<br /> olher Ihen Trustar, Lender, wlfhoui noltCO lo TruSlor, may deal wllh Trusior's succossors wilh raference lo Ihls Dopd o( Trust and Iho
<br /> �, IndaClednoss by way ol forb�arnnCO o� oxlons�on wllhoul roloasfng Truslor Irom tho obiigalions ol Ihis Dead ol Trusl or lin�mly undor tha
<br /> Irtdnbted��oss.
<br /> Tlme Is of lhe Hasence. Ttme Is of the ossonco In tho pertormnnce ol Ihls Deed al Trus1.
<br /> • �, W�iYErs M�d Comente. Lettdctr Shall nol bt1 deomod lo hevo w81v¢�d any rlphts undor Ihis Doed ot Trusl (or untler fhe Relnlod DoCUmonls)
<br /> � ' un{95!St�Ch walver 191n wdling and stgnsd by Londer. No dolay or omisslon on Ihv part ol Londor�n oxorclsmfl any righl shnll oporato As t►
<br /> � . S .
<br />