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. . ......... .T.�,,,, ., �:tF. ,>. ,:jj;t•..�y@� ' .'f'�it:.;:':(rCS�'i'.:��. _� , .� .:_ .,.:�+:c, .-;-. . .. _ . <br />. ' ._�� ., i`''I,t�i:�,,. � Q • 5�'I�� . , . '��'�rJ�•�AJG►va{P0�44P�aee�t.,::r.�:y"' . � . ;` . <br /> �� " ...e.wrM�M..`w'MSrw�Lt/.',rnr.-• <br /> . .. ' ��]�j� . ;1 YY.�. , . . ..�. � �lY�i�-TMdr.r�ihY+.- ' � ' :f� ._.Y� ._�i/iu`{)i.�.�a -..T. <br /> , • rn <br /> . � <br /> � � . a _ ._ .... _�•4�w —` �_ — _ ---� ._ . _-. ... .—� _—.. <br /> . � �i'f���i <br /> . <br /> , . -1 /i� ",C1�tVt)J�ra!-✓ r7.:�My'b�►iY�*FI+� _ F _ <br /> ' <br /> . ,� ._ . � <br /> ._..____ <br /> . �_` <br /> ,� _.__-. <br /> -� -- .,_ . - .�.. . — s'r"''^Z._ ''"c'�.,"",�' ^� _ � _..u...�� _— _..��__ .. <br /> --=�. - ���.�w.�.�....,...�.e..... ——-- - --- ._.. <br /> _,�:��.- _____-_.__ � ,J 4-��0'�`�1 . <br /> � ���-��— 7 F�rate+�tlan�i Lender's HlgtrN In ths Pr�p�ety. u ec,rrouwr rax��o t�.•rtcrm�n�cownan►�and�ra«rnn�o�on�aks.a �n <br /> ,,;��-��-� . . <br />" ' , lhl� ^CCltiity ln;,itttt:t.^.11, �i lh:.'i�l�fl i'^_^'1 p78C'�d!n�lk.'+.1 n;*�y sV�nYk:pn9t��ftact l..�NUles'o r�phts 1��tha i'rGpa,ty (eJ:3i+gta�prrx�00k� 4� vn;=. <br /> ,� h:'f[:'i71;i:i7y,l�ic7''.S:^_,tcr ccnc_:�:�:?l�n cr fes��'t��.J Ut lel Cii�Jtr.J 1"::JJ Of f�:�9:'1�JIt9),IhCil I G�d"►fl13y (l0 PAII�l9y W► W!IE?O.ct lil fSr;fiBS&(y � <br /> � , f0 �IiG:::;i lil� V��'!:) Gi fil�f�iu"f�;iy C.�E�IrRI?�i';} li;��b Ill IitLa I�iQ(I:�;iy. Ir�t�"7'0 C.Sl;��e ra�y irt�hif.':�p:�yiil(j ftip Gf16t� CC�itc;.:l Ci� (;l::,1 <br /> . whlah hK9 p��eEty tider lhl� �.,sturiSy Ii�sGvri,��1,a�aaar4tD Li�cu�9,PaY��rcasona.nW nttos���g'o t;,;a c�d c�t���,�;� ca Gta E'�c;:::iy to rr�`:� <br />- - .. r�aN�. AMhouph l.and+SP nuly I�kn toti�n uttdir thlq psrpgr�pl� 7, L�ntNr dot�not havr to do eR, �.^=`; <br />= ° Any prnounta cilrburmW by Ler��lw undw thl� p�r���ph Y eh�ll hecorne addNlorr�l del�i oE Dorrowar c�oused by lhl:�Eiacur8y Irxlrumrnl. m� � <br /> --n_x.a i'"�'�"�, L n k�� B o n o+u�K n s l L a�d M t n o U f e r t N m o o f �—•LL.-y: <br /> _4;.- �q n,e p�Y rt a n t,Ih�N�mounto �h�N bMr IntK�fl kom Ih� d�te ot dNburw�nNr►1�t Ih� Na1A <br /> . � reto anci sh�ll uA p�yabfe,wNh Litersft, upon nol�s from Lencicr t�8orrowM rec�uasllnp p�ym�nt t�-�. <br /> - " � 6. iwort��pe In�+ur�nas. If LAnA�1 r�quYid motl�tQ1 lneur�nc��� s onhddWn oi nwkiip tii� h7w�i �:�.uta:l hy IC�3 C::.4��+; ��_,„;s <br /> ;�'_.i,t.'�;,���+ -_ <br />- =_:;�,•tYt,h c':'�_ ImtrumK►t,Barrow�r th�p pay Ih� pr�ntums r�qulnd to mthtan th�mort� Imuranc�h Wkai. p,tar tny ra�ion,th�moApn�hfunnC� V_vY <br /> • ��� '` .. cowr� nquk�d by 4ondn Mp�u or cwuf ta b� in �M�ct,dorrowrr �f�Qtl p�y tha pnmium� qqufnd ta obt�b eov�rnp� substaniM�ly --- <br /> Op <br />= , � pulv�Mnt to th�mnrtpep�Insur�ncs proriowy In Nf�ot,ot�noat eubst�nl4ty oquh+�Mnt to th�catt to eorcow�r ot tho mudp�Inruruu� ��;:'• <br /> � 1 , reviausry In etirot, Ram �n �r,KnRt� mort�bsurer� prowd by Lenci�r. U eubatuiti�lly squN�tlnt mortQ�,� Insur�tnc�eovsrp� fa not °'- <br /> p P �r::.Y <br /> ' `� , . awft�ble, Borco►ver ah�N p�y to Lsndor wah month a sum equal to ortehvaHth of th� yaary mortpa� In�unnce Grwnium boSnp pab by �t�s�, <br /> � • Borrower when the Inaurence covere� M�sed or coased to ba In etfect. Lender wlll accept, ue� �nd nt�in lhese paymenta ts a bss - <br /> "` ' rossrvs h Iieu of mortpage Insur�nce. Loss reserve p�yments may no tanper bs requked, at ths op4bn of Lend�r, M mortp�p�haunnce �`�� <br /> �=�,�'. <br /> - coti�ernqe (b the emount end tar the perbd thtt Lender requires) provlded by an Insurer approved by I.ender pgah becortx�s avtilehfe end Is n�,^�, <br /> , obttined. Banower shnll puy the pramlums requYed to malntah mortgeye tnsurance h etteCt, or to provido a ioss reserv3►, untfl the - _ <br />' � reQukement for mortg�pe Incurenca ends in accurdance wNh any wrEtten agreoment behveen 9orrower usd L.endor or appl�abie law. � <br /> .�,'-: : <br />" 9. IItE�f80U0�. �.ender nr ks agent may makc�reasonabb entries upon and hspectbns of the Proporty. Leode►6hell ptve Borrovrer ���T <br />+,'� .; .., _ , <br /> . not�e at t�e tfine o}or prior to nn Inspectbn specNyhg roasonebte cause tor the hspectbn. ;;_:=- <br />- �, ' � 10. Conderrone�lon. The proceeds of any avrtrd or cleim for domages, dkeot or ConsequentlYl, In conneCtbn wRh any °'�h:- <br />� �• candemnntbn ar oiher taking ot sny part of the Property, or for conveyance In Iiau ol condemnatbn,are hereby asslgned and s�aa be pakl ;��� <br /> � . to Lerltf9f. ._�y't' <br />_ � � In the event of a total takinp af the Propcxtyr, the procue�s shnli tre applled to the sums securod by thfs Security Instrument. whether or <br />__ not than due,wkh any excess paid to Bortower. In the event ot a partlel takk►g a}the Property b wh�h the faY mar�e!valuo of the Property <br /> ` � knmediatey betore the taking Is equal to or preater lhan tho amount of the sums secured by thls Security Instrumont knm�9d4tely before the -�-F�'. <br /> �.:, <br /> ' takhp,unk,ss BoROwor and l.ender othorwise eyree In wrking, thd sums securod by this Security Instrument shail be reducsd by the amount � <br /> „ �:"•_,,,,�, . of the procaeds muRplfed by the fo!bwing iractbn:(a)the total amount o!the sums seCUmd Immadialey before the ttklnp, dkidad by(b)the <br />. . , �:;.;;,;;"` falr marfcet value oi the Property knmodlaloly before the takhp. My balance shall be paki ta Borrower. In the event of a partal takhp ot the ,,�.,i,,, <br />, � , Property fn whbh the tair maAcet vatue Of the Propertyr Immediately before the takln8 i�bss then tiie emount o}the sums secured immedktely <br />- Cetore the takhy, unless Borrower and Lender otherw�se agrae in wrBlnp or unless applbable Iaw olhorwise providee, the proceeds shaY be '�;�'��' <br /> ep{►Iied to the sum�secured by thls Security Instrum9nt whelher or not the 6ums aro then due. <br />, , .. , : •: <br /> " "_ If the Properly Is absndoned by Borrower,or ii,after not�o by Lender ro Borcower that the candemnor oNc►rs ta make an award or aattte <br /> :.. <br /> •• ; a clalm tor damaQes,9orrower Iails to respond to Lender wNhin 3D dayc after the tlate the no:�ce is gnren,�enaer is autnorueo co coi'iaci and ..+s." <br /> , � eppiy tt�e proceeds,et fts optan, efthor to rostoratton or �epair of tho Property or ta the sum� secured by this SecurNy Instrumem, wh6ther E� ; <br /> or not then duo. <br /> , Unbss Lender end Borrower otherwise epree In wdt(ng, eny appl�atbn of proceeds to prinatpal shall noi aAen�7 or postpone iha�ue ��:+�� <br /> date of the monthy payments reterrad to h pareprephs t and 2 or chanpe the amount ot suCh paymonts. . <br /> � 11. �orrower Not Releaaed:Forbeerance By lender No1 a Woiver. �cens�on of tne ums tor P�yment or "��� <br /> ,...*. <br /> modHicatton of emort7atbn of lho sums secured by this 6ecurity Instrument prantod by Lende►to any successor M hterest ot Bortower shall <br /> not opernro to rokase the Ita6flityr of the ori�hel Borrower or Borrowers sucCessors h Interest. Lender shall no!be roquked to comrnence <br /> � procesdhys apthst pny successor In Intorest or reNso to extend time lor payment or otherwise modify emartizatbn of the sums 6ecurdd by <br /> � • " thfs Securiqr InsUument by re4son of any demand made by the orlpinnl Borrower or Borrowets successors In Intaest.Any forbearanca by <br /> Lender In axerclshp eny rlpht or remecfy ehall not be e wahre� ol or preck,de the exerclse of eny right or remody. <br /> ..,,� ., . 1�. Successora and Asalgns Bound;Jotnt ond Several l.inbitity; Co�atgnera. rne co�enancs and a�reer�,n ot <br /> � � thla Security InsWment shiN bbd and benefR tho successars and 65alpne of Lender and BoROwer, subJect to the provisbnE at parayraph � <br /> „ 17. Borrower's covenants and apreements shall bo joht and soveraL Any Borcower wP�o casfgns thls Security Instrument but does not <br /> ' ' exacute the Nole: (�)is casipnhq this Security Inswment only to mortpage,grant,and aonvey that BoRawer's hterest h the Property under � <br /> � � the terms ot thls Security InsWment;(b)Is not personely obli��ted to pay the sums secured by th(s Security Instrumont;and(o) eprees that <br /> ' � . Lender and any other Bo�ower may aflroe to extend, mod'dy. forbear or mflke eny nccommodatbns wfth regard to terms of thfs Security <br /> InsUument or the flote wRhout that Borrowero consent. , <br /> 13. �.oan Chargcs. It the ban secured by thls Security InsWment is eubject to a taw whiCh sets maxtmum ban Charp9s, antl that <br /> '� Inw Is tinely interpreted so that the Qrterest or olher ban charpes coflected or to be calbcted In connectlon wRh tho ban exceed tha <br /> , ° " permkteal links,then;(a)any such ban charpes shall be reduced by Ihe amount necossary to reduce the charge to tho p6mitted limit;end <br /> • (b) any sums elready collected trom Bortower whkh exc2eded permitted I'mks will ba retunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make <br />�'.•�.�• tnfs retund by reduchp the prinCfpal owed under lhe Note pr by makhg e dkect payment to Bortower. If a rafund roduces princlpa4 tho <br /> "`�� „ '" reduatbn will be trented as a p�rtal prepayment without eny propayment Charge under tha Note. <br /> ` � 14. Noticea. My not�0 to Bartower provlded for N this Sacurity Instrument shall b9 given by deliverin�7 tt or by mnil�p it by ilrst <br /> , C4�ss mail uniess applicable law requlr�es use of Bnother method. The not�e shall be directed to the Properly Addres5 or flny other address <br /> � Boaovror desipnst�s by notice to Lendor. Any notfcc� ro Lender shall be gAren by first class mail to Lenders address ste�ted here�n or any i <br /> _ � other addreys Lender deSi�rr►atos by notlCe to Borrower. Any notfce provided tor in thls Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been <br /> �' gNen to Borrower or Lender when pHen es provkfed In this pamgraph. I <br /> ; " 15. Governinp l.nw;Saverebility. This SeCUrity InsWment Shttll b0 gOVOmed by tederHl Isw flnd the 13w of lhe JurisdiCtlon ht <br /> � whiCh the Property Is toctted. In the ovent that eny provisbn or clausa ot this Security Instrument Or th0 Noto conllfcts with npplicabb law, f <br /> � such caniGCt shaB not otkici other provistons of this Security Instrument or the Note wh�h can be glven oHOCt without tho contl'ethg � <br /> :" pravisbn. To thls end tho provisbns o}thts Security Inshument end tho Note are declnr�ed to be severabb. <br /> �.�.� 16. Barrower'a Copy. Borrower sheN be given one conformed copy ot tAe Note Bnd oi this SeCUrity InsWment. I <br /> L:. 97. Trantfer of the Pra�preriy or a �eneficial In�Rereat in �orrower. If 911 or eny part of the PrOA�Y or eny intorOSt In ; <br /> � -- ---------------.--- k !n scld cr tnnsfertad (�U a 6maticlal tntere.! h 6crr�nurar Fs sotd nr tnnsterrad and Bnrtower is not a nehufll nersonl withoul LenQer'S �-- - <br /> f � prfor written consent,Lender may, flt its optWn, requ're knmedafe payment h tufl ot all su:ns secured by this SecurRy InsWment. Howover, ; <br /> ' - - . .. .... <br /> thM opttan shati not bo exeralsod by Lcmder M exercls�Is prohtbkod by tederal l�w ns o}tho dato of thts Security tnswment. <br /> � �� � If LcmdAr exercises thts optbn,Lender shell gNe BoROwer not�CO of occeleretion.Thp ��otfco shall provido a period ot not less thnn 30 <br /> deys from the date the notiCe�s dollvered or malled whhin �vhicN tho Bortowet must pey all Sum9 SoCUrod by thls SeCUriry InSVUment. If <br /> � Borrower falis to pay theso suns prbr to t�e e�iratbn ot thts period,Lender may invoke any remedles permittod by this Security Instrument i <br /> without turther notice or demand on BortoMer. ' <br /> i <br /> . „ Ptp�J ol S Fo�m 302�YlGO . <br /> •, � Ft020.lMO(S!W) <br /> !�' . <br /> _ � � . " ; . <br /> +�aom <br /> . _ 1 �- - " <br /> _ <br /> . .. ... _ _. ............._____.._....___..___..---- ---. .. ._..._.. _ _.�. . .. _ �-- --------,-� ---_-----_�-._ ..�.__ .--.---.----. <br /> f f�� <br /> � <br />