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<br /> "-"``� '� •�S�CU�ity sr►airurrM�nt , qf iM e�1�m�e dKlK y;vtti b�r ihrr urr�]a,al�pnot3, IHt�tn.9lt�lr ;aSrrr��J iu$e itai 3c,frt�w�r , tu aBC.U+w
<br /> . �lwroMr�r's I�sdn�i.hmrelnaft�r�Mt�rrsd ta aa thr"NOt�",to HO#dE FED�IiA�;�A ViN'f3l�AND�Q/�N A�SOClA7t�')N Uli � _
<br /> lI1R�Np 4&UIPJU���nafG�r r�fured to s�ttw"�..st�drt",a�!M sam,s da�t�a�nz7 c�vr►in�the Pt�ap�rtY d�sCrtba�l Jn'tAn�c+aNty
<br /> -- IrMtrurn�►t�rt�el�acatod ar. 7.755 ST. PATRICK, GRAt�iQ Y5l.AN[� N� 69803 �.
<br /> � T� - . �7.�.-^� w !�rl�qrl f*�lq•�. Tfl w�1� •�r' }'t5ftf11 ..............
<br /> ...__..__ ___._ tJGU 1�• LLVn�F� is+iry��t7 i.x•�.� �..� ......J. ._"._�
<br /> • • +�Y A�a��
<br /> HUITt�fE88�eTH: '
<br /> WHEREAg, dprrqw�r and I.�ndsr ht,vs�qr�sd xhit arty R�t�and ptoflts�flrEbutabls to th�propaiy shc�uM!conatltul� .,
<br /> additlonal�cur�ty ta tl�s Lendar fw!he payment of the Noa; —
<br /> -- _._--_' I�d1N,THEREFC)RE,{t le s�n�d that tM Securtty tnat�um�nt ahali be am�rW�d her�tay�nd dsKr►�d to Incluch Iha fdlvNl�p
<br /> p(4YI6kN1�:
<br /> t. �il�nm�ntot�nl�,�1,tAS1lLl�.ti�t co�l�ctiQg„�ila�Borrowsr hKrby abeolut•�y a��ncw,a�c�or�uy usbn..11
<br /> nnt�l, Ifsu�l and prof{t:af tM p�oprrty to Ben+Nlcl�ry. L�ndsr sh�tl h�w the ripht, powur and authorfty durin� tM
<br /> contlnu�nc�04 tM S�cutlly In�tracnMt to call�ct tM nnts,isaues xnd profits of tM prop�r►ty ar�of any p�►eanal propKty
<br /> _ _ locatarf th�rwn with ot wltt�out t�klnfl poee�asi�n of ths prop�►ty�ffrct�f hereby. L�r,howswr, heraby coo��s!o sr.
<br /> • Borrcorwr's coll�ction and r0tentlpn of eucfi rants,Icnue�s and profits�s tt�sy�ccrue and b�crxns pa�y�bls,ao lonp a�Borrow�r
<br /> li not,�t auch tims,In�(�utt with napect to paymsnt of�ny Indeht�dnssa�cur�d hereby,a In tM p�rform�n�ol�ny �
<br /> aflr�sment hsreundBr.
<br /> 2. �ntm�nt QJ�tt any evsnt of dafault i� respect to ths Sscurity Instrument ahall havtl vccurred ar►d bY
<br /> -� Gontln��lnQ,LencMr. �a a matter of ripht and wishaut notice to Borrower or anyone clriminp undsr Qarroarer,and without
<br /> musanf to tCN v�lue of tha trust aatats or ths Intereat of the Borrower therein,shill h�ve th0 ripht tu Apply to any�swrt harinp
<br /> — ji��rl�diCttoa�to appolnt a recelver of the property.
<br /> 3. �t to Paas�aston_. In caas of detault ir�the payment of the�ald principal Note o�interest,or any pRrt thereof,�s It
<br /> ehall matura,a in tM c�atl of fallure to keep or pe►form ony of thA covenanta or a�reements cuntained In the Sscur�ty Inetru•
<br /> ---- msnt, then the Lendlr� ite aucceaaore or aa�ipn3, ahall be and la hereby autt�orized and err�powared to t�ks Immsdiate
<br /> ____ posaeaalon of the eald premiaes therein described and to collar.t tho rents thorefrom,end ta appiy th�proceede thereaf to ths
<br /> �,;:����.zt�!.`.o lS:..a.
<br /> �. A Illp ICRt�On af ente._I�sues and�roflts.All ront�cotlected by Lender ar tha receiver she�il be applled ilrot to paymsnt
<br /> ofi the costs o}man�pement o}ihe tsroperty and collectlon of rents,Includinp,hut not Ilmite�to,rec�lver's faea,premluma on
<br /> ,�;`;� recslvePa bonde arsd rsaaonabte attomay'u fc�es,�nd then to ihe sums secured by tha Securlty Instrument.Londer and the
<br /> ���1- recel�sr aha�1�ba tiable to account only for those rents actual{y recelved.
<br /> ��;ii
<br />------�-�"' 6. Conat�uctiQn ol lyrovislone.Each of the provlslons contained!n this Aasignrnent ot Rents Rider and the Security Inst�u- __
<br /> 7nant shall,enle�s othenrise speciilcally req�ired, bo construed in 8ccordance wtth Nebrnska law,and 3n the event any
<br /> --�....— provialon hereln or thereincantainecl ahall be determin�d by a aourt of compatent]urtsdictlon to be unenforc��bte,the�ame
<br /> _.,,.�,:,a-�� sAali b�conit�ued as tbough auch unen4orceable provisiun wer�r�ot a part har�eaf or Shoreof.
<br />---- -- 8. Eitect of Rider.Faccept es spe�lticelly modifled by or inconslstent with this Aesignment of Rents Rider or by any other - ---
<br /> - appllecbte ritier,�all of the tarms and provislone contained In the Seeurity Inst�um�nt shall continu0 In full force and eNe�t. _
<br /> ____�-� IN WiTNESS WNEREOF.i�lorrower hes execut•ed this Assig�meflt of Rents fiic3ar on he date first noted abc►ve. �,„";,
<br /> --- -..,,:�::;s ,�, L � ,�.,.,�,�.,,_ €�__�
<br />---- _ --'"�� JA�i AN RSflN � � k'<�
<br /> -- Borrower
<br /> �:�.
<br /> `�;"�%� � � � -
<br />°-';;�,�T�;�• GRACE E. ANnEflSON eorrcover F;'�:��
<br />.. .�uX�
<br /> ^�"'„xi� Y-' STATE OF NEOAASKA)
<br /> :�:.�r,:�":;'. ls�� ,`,
<br />_;,�.,,;• •_., : COUNTY OF HALL ) ) .
<br />- -� -�•�r.-,,� On Qhla �6TH dayot �EPTEmBER_ �8 94 -before r►ae,the undersigned,a Nota��Public duly commissloned and t.:
<br /> '-'.v i:���,... � "i
<br />�-.«.,_,�;;�;;,.',;.:: quellfled for�s�ld county,personatly c�►me 7AmES C. ANDERSON AND GRACE E. ANQcR50N, HUSBAND AND WIFE f
<br /> •�,•�;�•� . ,to bn the Identical persorai�)whose name(s)Islare subscrl,'�ed �
<br /> • • "� •; to the tort�ofc�p Instrument.end holshelthey ack�owledgo tl�o executlon thereof to be hlslAOrlthefr votuntary uct aRd deed.
<br /> � .
<br /> � '� � �9ltne�s my hand an0 Notarial Seal at GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA _ �.
<br /> =.�. I
<br /> ����i�G,::;•;::�� ' On county,thedate ato alc �
<br />.,i_a..f.-'a��", �Af',AIMl1��'r'�il� i �
<br /> .. ' ' x ��[�►w'11,1� N ry Pub11c � � �
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<br /> . ._. . -� HF A�0 i7AD .
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