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f ' 4��iS;}�[�� �7J"V{�s A�4 ,-.�•t�l,• - - r' ��w�,�r .'r•' k i`r�., ��'r�;' . �.;4. ..�.. . . . N- � 1`ti'-� <br /> �i <br /> . <br /> .� __...�..�_�..,_.,e,... _.—- _-_. .. . - <br /> �.____.. . . —..._' <br /> , . . � .. ., .. . . <br />_.. .. . a .. - `/ti IC��aJ�vJ711,7�1,I . ' � . —_— <br /> e..��[4 .iv, <br />:� '��i��rs�di�.�.� �`�lR�i�« f��:�i:!�,�if':..7�: :1�.i(;;J(iY�S'i�::'�,::CS�.C:';� l..i 1�''_`��iU.i,iiy.:r ��'{-�l�:.:x.r� ..�.f yn i .�...�, <br /> nnd tixtures n�►w•or l�er�ufter u part of thc p�oixazy. Alt t�cplaic��ents ansi��idJitiu�is sYi�ili a3sn�c a�vci��Z l�y tt�ir.;��;,:w i�.y <br /> lnstn�nxnt. All uF tht fnrcgoing iv rr.lerrr.d tu in this Secur�ty Instnnnent as iQio"!'riy�reity." <br /> BO�iRQWER GU1►�lVAN'I:".thut Borrower is IxwCully seiscsl c►f thc estatc t►creb:�cvnveye�l and tiu.�d►e r�gnt to gaxuit <br /> nnd convoy if�PmExrty and U�ct the!'raperty is unencumixred,excegt for encumbrancas af reconl. Brxrower wanams a� <br />- tiitl ci.f...:S g��::.t:�:y G`:�¢ltl�L�G�t.E'rc��rty���n^i�+I�rl;+im�rr�l�mAr.d5,st►Bjcce to H��V cnzunrbra��cxs of r�curJ. <br /> TlIi5 tiECURITY IN5IRUMEN'P cambines uniform covenants for nxtional uso and nnn-unifome cavenanrs with <br /> Iimited vuriadons t�y Jud�diction ro constitute a uniform security�inswmsnt covrring real pmpercy. <br /> UN�FORi�I�OVBNAI3T5: Burcowcr anct I.end:•.r covenant a�x0 agr�c as follows: <br /> 1, i'aymant ot pt9mt��nal Inte�e..wt;Pr�p�yrnent and Late C�rgea. Aormwer shall y�rompdy pay when d��e ttw <br /> princi��!of and interost on ihe debt evidtnced by thc Note and any prepayment and late charges duc under tt►c Note. <br /> 2. F�nds for 7'axea aad InsurA»ct. Subject to applicablo luw or to a written wniver by i..ender.Aorrower shsU pay to <br /> Lender on the day monihly payments are due under the Vote,untll the Note is paici in full, a sum(''Funds")for.(a)yeariy <br /> taxes and ussessments which may attain prioriry over this Security Instrument as u lien on the P�+operty;(b)y�arly leusehold <br /> paymenrs or ground rents on th� Pruperty, if any; (c) yearly hazazd ar property insnrnnce premiums; (d) yearly flood <br /> , insuranc� premiums, if any; (e) yearly mortgage insurancc premiums, i� any; and(fj any sums paynblc by Burrower to <br /> L.cnder,in accordance with the provlsious of purngraph B,in lieu of the paymcnt of mn�tguge insurance premiums. Thcsc <br /> items are called"Esctuw Items." L.cnder mny.nt any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceect the maximum <br /> amount a lender for n tedernlly related mortgage loan may recauire for Sonower s eserow �ccount under the federnt Real <br /> - Fa[iste Setile;aer�t F:xc�ines Act af 1�74 as ameRded from time to s�me. 12 U.S.C.8 2G01 et se�. ("Rl:SPA"),unless anodier ._ <br /> law that applies to ttic Funds seu a lcsscr amount. if so,Lcnder may,at wiy time,collect and h�ld hhnds in an amount not co <br /> enceed the lesscr amount. I.ender may estimate the amouat of Funds diic on the basis of current data and rensonable <br /> � esdm�tes of expendituc�es of future Escrow 1[ems or othenvise in accordance with applicable law. <br /> The Etunds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by n federal agency, instn�mentaliry, or entity <br /> — (including Lencler.if Lendcr ls such an insdtudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply thc Funds to pay <br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding nnd applying the Punds. annually nnalyzing the escrow <br /> account, or vedfying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borroa�er inter�est on the Funds and applic:►ble law pemuts <br /> Lender to make such a churge. However,I.ender mny require Borrower to p�y a one-tune chazge for nn independent real <br /> estatc tax rcporting scrvice uscd by Lender in conncction with this toan,unless.applic�blc law provides othenvise. Utiless an — <br /> agrr,ement i�made or appltcablc law requires interest to be paid.I.ender shall not be required to pay Borcowcr uny interest or <br /> eamings on the Flmds. Borro�ver and Lender may'a�rce in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lendcr <br />- – sltt►U gi�'o to 8orrower,without annual acwunpng of the FLnds,showing credits and debits to the Fbnds aad the <br />_ _ pucpose for which each debit ro[he hisnds was mane. Tne Funds ure pi�dgcci u�aJditiuiial sa.uity far a3t sums�:.:.urr..t3 by <br /> — this Security Instnimcnt. <br /> ,s If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicablc law, Lender shall account ro <br />- - llormwer for the excess hlmds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by — <br /> Lender at any tlme is not sufficient ta pay the Escrow Items when dve, Lender may so notify Borrower in writing, <br />- such case Borrower shall pay [o Lender the amount necessary to makc up thc dcficiency. Borrower shall make up the _ <br /> -= deficie►tcy in no morc than twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discreuon. Nm <br /> -- Upon payment in full of all sums secu►rd by this Secwity Inswment,Lender shall prampdy refund to Borruwer any '� - <br /> ' �•-- <br /> ;� FUnds held by Lender. If,under pamgraph 21,L,endcr shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisidon or �,_�_- <br /> s sale of the Froperty,shall apply nny Funds held by Lcnder at thc time of acquisiuon or salc as a credit against the sums ��__: <br /> secured by this Securiry Instruarent �"; <br />. � 3. Applicaitlon of Pnyments. Unless applicabic law provides otherwisc. sll puyments reccived by Lender uy�der �,��r <br /> paragrnphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any pmpayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under = <br /> �� paragraph 2;third,ro interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under thc Note. <br />-=,a d. Charges; Ltens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxcs, assessmen�s, chazges, fines and impositions a�tributablo to the ., <br /> Propetty which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and leaschold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower . <br />,� shall pny thcsc obligadons in thc manncr provided in pamgraph 2,or if not paid m that munner, Borrowcr shall pay them on <br />=-- dme dire:.dy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall prompdy furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid undcr <br /> :� this paragr ph. If Borrower makes these payments direcdy,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lendcr receipts evidencing <br />`_.� thc payments. <br /> � Bo�rower shaq promptly dischargc any lien which has priority ovcr this Securiry Instrurnent unless Barrowee(a)agrecs <br /> _� in wri6ng to the p yment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner ncceptable to Lender, (b)contests in good faith the <br />-="_' lien by,or defen�against enforcement of the lien in,legal pruceedings which in the Lcnder's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> :�:� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agrcement satisfactory to Lender subordinuting the lien <br />;_.� to this Securixy InstmmenG if Lender detemvnes that any Part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority <br /> over this Security Instrument,Lcnder muy give Bonower a notice identifying the lien. Bonower shull satisfy the lien or take <br /> one or more of the actions set forth alsove within 10 days of the giving of sodce. <br />: s� 5. I�ezard or�t+operty Ins�rance. Borrower shall keep the i►nprovements now existin�or hereafter erected on the <br /> Property insured against lo�s by fae,hazards included within the term"extended coverag�" and any other hazards,includi�g ., <br /> _ fioods or flooding, for which Lender requines insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the <br /> : <br /> EQrm 3028 9/90 fpuge 2 oj6 pagesl <br />''_� . <br />_;-`� <br /> .i .. " � - - - -�- ^. `- . ` - � 'T^diS!�J:S°l�r a�. _��,.__�__,-_,��.; �.. . .. __ _-. .---°-- <br /> �s+`. ,�. � ' ' , �. <br /> _ -- --- - ---- -- ---- _ _ - - --- _ - --_ __-- _- - _ <br /> . . <br /> ----_- ------ ---- ----;- . �-=.�-or.���rr-�--=� - <br /> . . ,. 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