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<br /> �:��IU�fn�.YVr,11W1If5�,;ii�C:u�Uli:yltl�fi�.::i�l��:t�.i�ili:c:l.�t�(i1:t.1:�;aJ{�L'{i.�:,.. - , .� � '��-�:•••��.
<br /> 13. U+�If�e�a�.a11Y i�MeearMt:(:a'►reer�e lf.�w;tM�n4iMt�?hie fam ut SACUriry in�tn�mKtt c,xnbiues u�l(ceni co�vawta tor nNCiuo�1 use
<br /> rntl aa�h�udiana cove+�Wa wiUt 4imitaf v�ristioo�by Jurlsdkuoa t�conttltut�a uttitottl�socurlty�nurcmieat covdrix�tari{xopartY•�[L�
<br /> 5acu�(ryd�numcat ttNll he taveri�ed by�edenl law anQ the!�w at the Juti�dlcti�n in whkh the Praperty tY bcattd.la tbe avtot�M sap -
<br /> . . e .. � . . . , . � .. .-.._u._�.r.,� 7 v .t ..l��..�r..•1.. �.r..i.lwr.,wt�kt.
<br /> . . . :• . . . _..,.
<br /> Slluriswnl s»Mrw24� wiU io.u�dy u»uuu»...L.'ir..:�:v..,�,v�.::wi...:«! �u.'.�I C�:f?'�C." L_L._. ."'7 . ...
<br /> wr..�.....�.......� -----
<br /> � �fG11rI�ry IIJItIIRl1lMt d[Ill!lVWC M'A�f CiR�j�WEq CItOCt M'IIhOUt th6 00111�JCtIt1j pt�OV�tI0f1.�il�f0 S}I,�!11(I 111L p1'QY1�p0/O�lhS1�y.
<br /> �IIltlU�Iltlt I�lld t}IL�lC IiCC(�OC�Ibd t!l bC 7tYR���.
<br /> E. T�iNBF�t 0�7NB!IH)TKJtTY 1Nt A�N�1(:IAL[N'I�ST IN OUftRO'WI&iF
<br /> Uniform Covensnt 17 of thc Securlty Instrumeut is�rr.enclod to re�d�u foUowr
<br /> 17,'lY�fw�t tYelrMery sr�tiewfleW Irkn�l ir Darower.I[�1U or�Iny part af Gle Prapv�rty or an interext ttkrdn t�soid or Cracufared
<br /> tor if a beneficiat interpt in Borcower is sc�kl nr trAtwfnrM�nd Bormwcr is not a nrturnl person)widcout Lenda�'s pdor writlrn�onunt, __
<br /> I�ena�er may„at[.ender's e�ptlo�n,doclare RIl the sum+secured by thia Secudty Insirument to 1x immediatdy due and pyable.Hawr•ver.thu
<br /> cKxion ah�ll not beexercised by Lender iE exercise is not authorized by�rJe.ral l�w.Lender may v�«ive the enacire of thi�option if:(u)Borrowa
<br /> cxuse:to 6e submittal to I.ender informiUon requtred by Lendcr tu ev�tu�te the intended tru�fera u if a new lauti w�e bdn�rnede to the �
<br /> tnwfarce;nnd(b)l�endu rasonebly determtne.s duu Lenda's secudty wlll nat be Impeired by the lan uaumpllou u�d th�t ttx risk o!ttro
<br /> hrru�h pP iny�,nvtnint nr x�reetnrnt ia W is SeCUdty InSU'umrnt is urcpttbl0 to Ltndti.
<br /> To the extau permittal by�pplicable lAw,l.ender may charg�e a reasonable fce as��ursdidnn to Lender's consrnt to the loui wumption.
<br /> Lendcr may aiso reyuisn the tratufcra to krep ol the�roreisea and agrammu madc im the IYote wd in thi�Securlty Instrumeiu..
<br /> "If Lcader eaerdus such optian to accelerue,L.ender shafl mai!Borrower nottce of acceleration in aaord�nce with psradraph 14 heroof.
<br /> SucU noda shall ysovide a pa9ai of not lesa than 30 daya from tho date the notice is mnUed w[thin which Bnrrowa may pay tFrc sum�doclued
<br /> due.[f Borrower fait:to puy such sums prior to the expiration of such�►erlud,Lender may,without fur�her notlec or de�niAnd on Borrower.
<br /> invoke�ny re►nsdia permittal by this Security Instrument."
<br /> "Notwithsundic�ti snk or transfer,Bortowa wlll continue to bc obligated under the Nate and this Security Enstnim�nt unla�Lcndtr has
<br /> releaxd Rorrower in wddn�." _
<br /> F. IAAN CHANGE�
<br /> tf the loan secured 6v the Secur[tv Insuunient is subixt to a law xfitch set�maximum loan charBes.+utd that law!3 f.ir..atly interpreted so =
<br /> that the interest or ott�er toan ctwrges collected c�r to be coUected in oonnecdon w{th the loan eaaed perm(tted limits,thsn:(q any euch laan
<br /> char`e nha11 be reduced by the amount neoessary to reduce the charge to the�xrniltted limit;and(2)any sums oiready collected 5ri�m borrawer
<br /> whlch oxceeded permitted limits wlll be refundcd to Bonower.Lender mny choose to makc�his refund by�educing the prir.cipnl owed under the �"s'
<br /> Note or by m�ng a direcc�ayment ro Bonower.If a reFund rcduces priacipal,tbe reductton will be treated as a partial prepayment under the —
<br /> Note. ��-�
<br /> �
<br /> IN AYITNESS WE�RFQF,Borrower 6�e eaecntM thle A,dJp�tsble Rste Itider.
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