. t " '�RRv�vsR7ii::.;��3'�r .-� r .�„n,�),,�n,.�...�. --�r ie,.,, .•,; . , �
<br /> _O�+L7,.w1��M�Y1M�.' ."y!Y.MLkt-Y�MM+Ma+. � -�..• " - - �.� �ti" �� • -
<br /> •- r N, .�. ..... _. . IMI� • }tirt'
<br /> . . �. , . .
<br /> . . . .:�wps � qwu.e.zi � _-....
<br /> . . �, .. -. �� �� _ . .
<br /> --
<br /> ...rl�'�"� ,"� . ..... :.._ :� __
<br /> i<, — —�_-� -_--
<br /> L_ . — — -•'---� -.-=—__— -- - --------- __—_ -- - -- - -
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<br /> �..-._r.�. �^�`tF..i�. .2�:
<br /> ' .. .i ��f; t;i Itl C�i u�,i��i.,��IEt;:C:a;u:. �r.l:.p Cj��'.It;��, 1 e41�r:3 fL';:I iate�:� c;wCuli: i��we:itli,c�:.'f;,E,.::i.:,tt::�:t�. ...i.:,� I;:.�L :.:: -- __
<br /> . � �a�i:�tS t3���IL::R.;1a B�r�ii�,:a �u.:.lc;• Ilu•i 1�::inl itv i�:i c�i;(H➢oi� Ihsy C:e��ire�::{un 9)c`e� 0 t:�;�_4 t��,3 li;� fu cl.:l::�;I: e;r.::,.r : ,.
<br />�-`---- "'�""� Uie fVutr ur 11ic 5tru�l�y lei,lrumtut, lili�by v��1nle Uiizeifle,�by Ihe�lole r ioldc:r,l��wtis���y ihe{Vut�Ylufiler n cuidve�si�m ''"`�."
<br /> ���.-_�� fzr t►f 11.5. S g_5�<� <nnd(Ivj I 1nu�1 �t�n au�cl give Ilir.Nule{IU1des-n�iy d�r�tnnents Il�e
<br /> Note Ilcslder req�i�ea fc�ef�ecl Ili� cur�ve��iou.
<br />;.�,.:�a.:z,�;:� • .
<br /> - --,.----�--, (11� f:t!t���teli!�►a�sB 1�lKCd !!l�ie!
<br /> - My r�c�v, fiaecl Inlerest rnlc�rtll Ur ecqunl lu�I�c I'cda�al I�InNonel �durlRngc Ass«cinlloo's rcquhecl ncl ytcld aa -
<br /> - -- ol'n dnte nncl N�ne uP Jry s�reclfled Iry the i�ole I luldcr fur(1�If Uic uriginn!Icun uf Ihla Nula b a�calc� Ilmu IS ycne4,
<br /> ��--=`�-� 3U•yenr fixed rnle owrlKnd��covei cJ by n�ipllcnbic GU•d�y n�nndnlory dcllvery cummilmenl�,plu+flvc•elghliis ul'v+�e
<br />�,_=—- --_ pe�ceiU�ge�xvii�l(U.f,25Sb►�rounded I�t Ilic nearzsl oue•elghlh nf uirr peicruln�c pui�d(U.12Sli).or(fi)(P Il�e��i�tFnni
<br /> —=-_ --- Ierm of Ilds Nole I� IS ycnrs or Ics�, fS•yenr flxed r�le nwrlgnsca cuvercd by appllenble 6U•dny n�atultduty dclivery
<br />-_--- _ -`-�'=?`'`�� cun+e►lUue�tta.plas iivaelghth�af vne ps•reen�uge puhd(II.G2Sy6),roandcd t��tl►e nenrcsl nne•ciglqh nf une perccmnAc
<br /> ����� �winl(Q.11,5�h),If Ihit rcqnirecl uc� yleldcenuol he clele�ndetcel I�ccm�xe Ihe��ppl3rul�le cununil�neuts�uc not nvnilabic,
<br /> ----- �he Mute I lulcler wq0 deicrmine ury h�triesl �nle by aaing conqmrnble i��fa•mtulim. My o�c�v rnic cnl�ul�elcd widcr 11ih.
<br /> '�"'=`-`��� Scctlai+ S(U) wlll ne�t be d��ciucr Ihm� 1hc Mnxlnium Ila�c stnleci In Sccilua d�i)�ul�nvr.
<br /> �,���.�,,..�
<br />----• �w.,-.r;'�-'M
<br /> �.:��e��� (C) New i'Nymeul Amvunl Rnd t;fleclire UMe
<br /> -:==��a. If 1 r,haose to exe�ctse llu Canversiou OpUun,lha Nole Ilolder wlli dcicnninr Ihe amnut�t of Ilie n�outldy peymc�it
<br /> =�-'-�'°�`�OL� Ihrt �vuuld be nufficlaut IQ ren�sy Uie u�ipalcl princi�inl 1 nm e�cpeeleJ tn awe nn the Cunve�slon Unle in tull na U�e --
<br /> �=�;���'+�li�� mnturUy dnte at my new�Ixed iulerest tele In subslnnttelly equa)peyu�aRs-'fhe restdt o�thie vnttuieti�n evlii be Ine =_
<br /> • .'�z ucw mnouotl of�ny ntnnll�l ayn�a�l. Ue hmhi wllli mY rital monlid ►nymen! e(le� the Cvtiversia��Uate. 1 �vfll�
<br /> - "°+��`+}� Y p 6 B 91 _.
<br /> �" pay tl�e ncw niuounl e�my monll�ly paymcnl unlll the wnlurily d�Uc.
<br /> rt.i����ii!���..'11:'. _.
<br />---nr:�Yr•�;�;��. c. •ri�n�vsrEn ur•rn� ��uui►c�ci•x uie n u�:N�:ric�ni. �N�r�.�u�s�r irv nuiuurw�.n _—
<br /> �.:+_�,..r_..,:�.:-fi+�au I. llntil Ilorru�ver exerclsea 11�e Canverslnn Uhlton under Uie canJlliunn slnlcd'Ih Secliu�� U nf Ihla AcIJuslabie �`�_=.
<br /> _"'��''�: ' . • ;•�t'" IlAte itlJcr� Uutfnnn Covcna��? 17 of Ilie 5ecurfly innitwnenl i� eme��dcd Io �encl t�� iotlowe: _-
<br /> �_,1__
<br /> :�--v.
<br /> _;��°,�4,;;:a i ... ,�..;s, �. ,
<br />��.;;;;.. ,,:., . . . 'frnn�Icr u!9U�e 1'ropeviy urn 1{euellcirt)ioleresl(n Ilorrower. If all ar m�y pnrl of Ihe 1'ro��crly or e�qy�I�Hetesl �,_�-"
<br />�-'��'� bi 11 la sotd or Irnnsferred(vr if n beneficiel fnle�est In Borrv�ver Is sulcl o�- I�m�qfer�ed aud Uorro�vcr is nt�l�nntur�l "�'"`
<br /> . E�'.
<br /> � � � per5oe) wit0�uut Leuder's prtot wrillei�consent, Leader mny�al Ue uplio��,rcqufre Ium�eJi�le��ny�ne�d bi fnU���all
<br /> �.,`. . . - • � �1 .� �� ricwlS:ITC!!}�141�t! ���:;.
<br /> bttnl3 6CCUtCU Vy iID�icc'tiiiiy IiiStiiiiiiceil,:=Si'rc7ci�S!s!;:ti�S3C:s�lt:s!!iiv.!;c.x:scl.;rt!!ti tss.! r!S ts
<br />°" }, " „ by federel Inw ns of Il�e cl�Ica�ll�i��ecuthy Inslrtnnc��l. Lender nlsn al�oll uc�l e:cetclsc Il�ls oplinu If:(n) porro�ver t_:_v
<br /> cnuses 10 be submilted lu Lender f nfu�omlinn�eqohecl by I..e�uler la�evnlua�c�he h�lendecl Irm»fe�ce nt{f n ne�v Icvan _
<br /> � '� tivere beiug mncle Io Ihe Iraaafe�ce; and(b)Lcndcr�e�isonnbly deterinhict Uml I.cnder's securlly wHl nnl be Impnircc! �-
<br />- �" by Ihe(onu assum�►Ifou nnd U►nt lhe�Isk o�n b�encli o�nny evvennnl or agreement i�i Ihls Securily Inst�unte��l IS ncceptnble .�r,:;
<br />� • , lu l.e��der.
<br /> �:;:'.
<br /> • 'Ib lhe extent pctmltted by Ap��licnble Inw,Letider tnny cl�atge n ten�o��able fee ns n conJitlnn iv I.ende�'s conxent •;�;��
<br /> •. ° lo lhe Ioan assumptlon. Lender nlsa��my requlie Ihe lrai�sferee ln sig�i nn a�sumntion ngreement l��al is accepinble -..
<br /> ' '� � � lo Lender anJ lhat oblignte�U�e Irnn�fr_tee to kcep oll Ihc prou�ise�m�d egrcenunl�mnJe(n Ihe Note nnJ lo Ild�Secu�i!y
<br /> � Ui�l�ununt.Uorrower wlll cot►tinue Io bc obllgMeJ tmJer U�e Nole outl 161a Secu�lly Inslrwnenl unless LenJer rdeoscs
<br /> _ , � Unrrower In writing.
<br /> , If Lender exetcisea tl�e opilon lv require IiumeJinle pnym�n! In full, Len�cr sholl give Uorrower notke nf
<br /> • , ncceletntion.'i'he nolice ab�ll pro�We o perivd of nnt Iess Ihnn 30 clnys frvm lhe dale lhe notice I9 JellvereJ or nmileJ
<br /> � " � �viUtin whlch �orrowe►uou�t pny ell sum�secured by ilds Sectnily Inalrutneot. If Ilnrro��er f�ils lv�my lhese s�nns �
<br /> � ' � p�br lo lhe expb�nilon of Ude perloJ, I,endcr iney invoke any teo�cclies pe�millcd by tlds Securily inslrume�+l�vilh��td
<br /> - •� futther n�llc�e or JemenJ on Uutrower.
<br /> 2. If Uorrower exttcise�ll�e Cnnverslon�pllon anJer Ihe cnuclfllans slnlcd lu 5ection U nf It�is Adjusiable Rale
<br />= ItWer,lhe nmasJment to Uniforn�(;oveum�l 17 of Ihc SecutAy Inslrumc►�t conlnined In Secllon C I above shall then
<br /> cesse lo be li�effecl,c�nJ ll�e pravislona of Unifvrm Coven�nl (10�tlie Security Instrumenl aball inslend be hi effecl, '
<br /> ns fallowa:
<br /> ' '1'rauafer uf Ihe 1'roperly nr a Ileneticln)Inlere�l ht Ilo��uwer. If nll vr m�y pml of Ihe Propetly or ony inletest
<br /> -�i �� in It Is�old or Irnnsferrcd (or{f n bencflc�nl inleresl h� Uorrower is snlJ ur Unn'sferred[�nd Uortvwet!s irol e nalurnl
<br /> - � persvn)wllhout Lencier'e prfor w�tllen consen�, Lender m�y, �t IIs o��if�n,req�dre immed{nte pnymen�i�i full of all
<br /> ;•, smns secured by llds 5ecurily Inslr umenl. liowever.ll�{s optlon sh�ll no1 be eaercised by LeuJer ff exetcise Is prohlbileJ
<br /> ' by fcJcrnl la�v n� o�Iltc date vf tld� Secu�ity Insltument. I
<br /> ' � If Lender exetcise�lhis opllon�l.enJer shell give Uorro�vet noi{ce af nccelernU�n.'1 he nolice sball provicle n perind �
<br /> � nI not lea�tb�n 3i1 J�ye f�oie� Il�e elnle Il�e udllce is JellvereJ or inailed wllhi�► which Uorro�ver must pny all su�ns i
<br /> -= " securec)by Ihta Secu�fly Instrumer�l.l f Uorro�ver f�ils Io pny U�ese aume prior�n Ihe expirntl�n o�Ilda perlod,Lendcr
<br />-S iuny Invoke nuy remeJie� permllleJ by lUte Secotily Instrumenl wl�houl further nollce or demm�cl on Uorto��er.
<br /> -: ..•�;; . i
<br /> ' � ' . UV SIUNINq UC{I,OW, l�ot�o�vcr nccepts nnd ngreES�u �he�erms nnd cc��ennm4 contained in tliis Acqus�nble i
<br /> , .
<br /> ,.. „ =
<br /> �-- - --- - "-=� icniv tcwet.
<br /> JC
<br /> ; „ '�IM�T�iY K S �FN (Senl) �
<br /> � ttono�rcr
<br /> �� .. • --I�ERLY K S vxaaFN (Scnl)
<br />_ Uotrnw►,r
<br /> . T.._,_.� \< ��,ti. (5eal)
<br /> � ��� Onnm,p
<br /> `1
<br /> . ., ° . ,�11\��a•L�.1�,�1`.Zl k.t 1,�(S�Vnl) '
<br /> , .
<br /> + . Onnnaer i
<br /> .
<br /> i - �._
<br />