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•. ^ Y 1't ,+ .; �rMMrN��� lit�'.'.� ul..-..-.+�.r,'a.c �c '+, �Tif�1��v .i•\?�, _.fV�,l;..t.�t�. �.-�- -�,q�... 'Fi".:t4: J _. <br /> ' . �y f � .� �� .t7wR ? ��•� !� <br /> P' ° <br /> - � F�M!tt¢RtW1 �� ��qlW < +• __ <br /> . ,, , _ <br /> . ,� } <br /> p. . ' � .���. . ' .. .. - <br /> . .... .� . <br /> . .... ... �_ . i. . , _ :.-.-. .......<c..—.-.c_ _.._....__....____ — <br /> � � . <br /> . . _W.�_ — - - — __ _-_ ` - _ <br /> _�} .t _._. --- —_ - _--_'_—______ __—__ — _- - - —_. <br /> ` -'-�._� .. .pr..vq �`A ] ,,�.�1 p _ <br /> •-3�+.v::��.illA�w� �� �/�i:8 1��' 9 •w�`� .... __. <br /> 5��� u � r G�;:: )�.: <br />. _. _� ��;.�� �L'a�i�1Ax�k•Co�����IG'�u��I�i.^.�I.t����:L'i.iG::ii'li iii1G li71C:[i:'ili"lfl��ri.'7�fi:l�il':EiiG�<<iiy�.1t!!a 7���C'..4i': i:� . �.:, �-�,e� . .:. . .— <br /> -�"-�--=--- aad fixwres now on c�reafter a�ra��t of tlie prolxny. Ai!rr.pla:c�izcnts qnd udditios�s eiiall r�.iso E;e ccrv�icd Ly tiiis ti,tL,+;if <br /> _ Instrwntir.t. All of th�forcgaing is refenetl tu in th±s Sccurity Instnmicnt us the"Propercy." <br /> -- HURROWER.COVENANT5 diat Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate i�rcby canvcyed nnd I�as thc rigtu so�ra�it <br />__-____ ;_�__�, und convey tli��rd�perty and that ttbe Property is unenr.umbercd,except for encanabraixes af rxord. Horrower�vaxTan�;a�xt <br /> ---- wiil cl.:Fcad gca::ra?ly tt:�titic ta t1�P Prnr^rty�;,�ainst�1!clnims aiid demansls,subjcct ta any cncuu�6r:tn�oirc,�:urd. <br /> THIS SECURTTY 1NSTRUMBNT combines uniform coven�uits for nutlonul use t+nci non•uniform covenants <br /> linuted varlatdons by judsdiction tQ constitute a uniform security iustrumcnt covering jtinl pmperty. . <br /> _-_-�� UIJI�ORM COVENANTS. F3onAwer and Lender cc�venant and a�e as fullows: <br /> ';;�;i,���,y�Y�; 1. Payment ot Pr[ndpal wid Intcrest;Preps►yrnent wtd f.ate�rge�. B�rrower shall prompqy pay when duo the <br /> • princ9pal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Nota aad any prepAyment and late charges due under the Note. <br /> - �.,.�; <br /> - <br /> ���� 2. FY�+ads for'ilaxes snd Iacurance. Subject to applicuble law or to e written waiver by I.ender,8orrower shull pay to <br /> -- --_:_�..,,;. <br /> -' I.endcr on the dny monthly�ayments are due under the Note,unti!the Note is paid tn full,n sum("Funds") ur:(a)yea;�y <br /> ' tuxcs And assessments which may attain�priority over this Securiry Instrument as a lien an the Property;(h)yearly laaseholJ <br /> � payments or n�raund rents on ttie Propcny. if any; (c) ycarly hazard or property Insurance pren�iums: (ci) yearly flood <br /> -�-- insurancc;preniiums, if cu�y; (e) yenrly mortgnge insurance premiums, if any; and (fl nny sums payable by Borrower to <br /> Lendcr, in accordance with the pmvisions of paragrapfi NGU af dic ps►ymeut of mortgagc insuruncc premiumv. Thcse <br /> items are enlled"Escrow Items.' Lender any time,collect and hold I7unds ir►an amount not tq exceed the n�aximum <br /> - nmoUnt A lendcr for a fedcrally relnted mortgi+go toan may reqaire for Barrowor:g escrow account under the federaE Rcul <br /> - - -- = Esu�te S�ttle�cnt['rac;.ctu:vs Act af 197�3 es emendcd frorn t3�ne tn timc,l2 U.S.C.$2G01 et sea.("RESPA'7.unless nnoti�er <br /> law that applies ta the�nds scts a lesscr amount. If so,Lcnder may,nt nny time,collect und huld Flinds in nrr amount nut to <br /> — - txeeed the lessec c►mount. Lender may estimute the amount of Fwids duo on the basie of cureent datu and reasonable <br />_,,,�,;;,�;,,;;;;;;YH� estimates oF exp�nditures of future Escra�+Items or uthenvise in accordance with npplicnbte 1nw. <br /> - The Fun�s shall be licld in an instiwtion whose deposits are insured by n fe�cr.�! agency,lnstrumentuliry. or cntity <br /> --P-,,���� (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in Any F�ederal Hojnc Lonn Hank. L.ender shnll appiy tlze Eunds to pay <br /> the �scrow Itcros. Lendcr may not chargc Borrower for holding �nd applying tlic PUnds, a�mually analyzing the cscrow <br /> _�,,,�,�, accoun� or verifying the Escrow Items, urdess Lender plys Borrower interest on the Funds and �pplicable law permits <br /> -~-°-°� Lender to make such n churge. However,Lender may require IIoaower to pay a on�-time charge for nn independent real <br /> -==�'�''�� estate tnx reporting service used by Lender in connection with this loan,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an <br /> _�-.,,�.-�.'� ugrcement is madc or applicuble law rrquires interest to bc paid,L,ender shall not be required to pay Borrowcr any interest or <br /> .-�w:.;. � eamings on the Funds. Boaower and L.ender may agree in wridng,howevcr,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lcndcr <br /> 't'°i ���,�, shall give to Bonower,withaut zhargc,an annual accounting of the Flmds,showing credits nnd debits to thc Funds and the <br />__T,ar.r'-;=`=�,= nurpose for which each debit to itie Funds was madc. Tiin i�m�ds iue p1c3�;;c3 ns a3�ticna.oc:,ur.r� fcr:ll�Lms°.�..^:ir��; <br />--_-r• �^'`d'��`+ thls Securiry Instrument. <br /> �-='`."''�'�":,�:� ]f the Funds held by I..ender exceed the amounts permitted to 6e held by applicable law, Lender shall account to <br /> -�..�:............•,�:, <br /> ;ikrk'.;::' �: .r" Borrower for the excess Funds in accardunce with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount uf the Fuads he4d by <br />;��r�;�;��..;��r;��;� Lender at any time is not sufficient to pny the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borro�ver in�vridng,und,in <br /> ';`ti� � �''�'�•' such case Borro�ver shall pAy to Lender the amount necessary to make up the de�ciency. Borrower shctll make up dic <br /> _- ....:�:_., �.,.. <br />�°-�;v� -;;- '.s." •' derciency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at L.ender's sole discretion. <br /> --°„_::r:;�-:,�:F�;;l�� Upon payment in full of all surns secured by this Securiry Instntment,Lender sh�ll promptly refund w Boaower nny _ <br /> ,,-:�,�a...: � ��• Fhnds held by I.ender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or seU the Property,Lender,prior to the ncquisiuon or <br /> �'�,..,,,,�;:..•-,,.R.x•. sale of the Properry. shall apply ssny Funds held by Lender at the time of acyuisition or sale As a credit against the sums __ <br />-°°��r°�• ,�•�-°�F secured by this Securiry Inswment. �'' <br />"::��`: .:'� ��-''"`� 3. Appl(cation of Puyments. Unless applicublc luw provides otherwise, all payments receive� by Lender under ��w <br /> ,.„e.�_-: .:�;.�: <br /> -�f---•.F..,:,X,�� paragruphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to nny prepayment char�es due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under <br /> �-�''�� '`' paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due:and last,to any late char�es due under the Note. - <br />_. �. �r...,�,�;,�.. <br />�'���:���-^� °"'° ' 4. Charges; Lten.9. Bormwer shnll pay all taxes. assessments, charges, fines and imposirions attributable to tlte �-�: <br />-�x;-;^'^!^"`�• ^��`;� Property�vhich muy uttain prioriry over this Security Instrument,and leaschold payments or ground rents,if tmy. Borrowcr �';==` <br /> _- _:, � ;; shall puy these obligaxinns in thc manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrowcr shall pay them on �.�-_- <br />��;�'v.� ._;,;. time directly to the person uwed payment. Borrower shall prflmptly furnish ro Lendr,r ull notices o�amounts to be paid under ,;,.. <br /> . • ��` '�"� this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly. Borrower shall promptiy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing - _ <br /> . • the payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly dischlrge nny lien which has priority over this Security Instn►ment unless Borrower: (a)agrecs <br /> , in�wdpng tu the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the __ <br />=.���,`(,,-t lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,lcgal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> . • enforcement of the lien;or(c)secums from the holder of the lien un ugreement sntisfactory to I..ender subordinating the lien : <br /> ;•.x ., ' to this Security Instrument. If Lender dctermines that uny part of thc Property is subjcct to n lien which may attain ariority <br /> ��' • ' over this Security Insavment,Lender may give Borrower a noticc identifying the lien. Bonower shaU satisfy the lien or take <br /> _- ° one or more of thc actions set fonh above within!0 days of thc giving�f notice. <br /> ^�� ' S. I�aznrd or Property Insurance. Honower shall kcep the improvements now exisqng on c�reafler erected on thc <br /> Property insumd ugainst loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazazds, including <br /> ' tloods or floading, for which Lxnder requires insurance. This insw�ancc shall be maintained in the amounts and for the <br /> Ibrm 3028 9/40 (Page 2 ojb pageal <br />: .•-- °............ .._.._ –.�___..—.. -- ----._�_._.��__.__..- �- ---- <br /> „ ,-r--�------.�.. ---- i. •;ryr¢��-�;n�y��.k;�.,...., _ ; '_' <br /> -, <br /> ' `� ,, ,. ,. , ' . <br />_ ' , � , .. � <br /> � . <br /> , , <br /> � <br />