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<br /> �::�yi��.:�t;��tay nn lun;;��4:.�t�:�;nii,��l,c4 �h�uptiun�l'(r�nEi;r, if nmi•cr,^�c in�,llfFtllCC G1VCYt1!!C(lil III�1111f11q1�and far dt::p��iccl
<br /> .. ..,...y ot..._._:� tlt,lt I.c ricl::r n:i�ufres)��r,�viilcsl by c�ai iir,iu�r.!tff,s•o��uil by I�ttdci•���,iin bccnm�s av�iflablc aita is nDtaiiicd. i�u;�Yn:.:�:,ti::ll ��:�y I`.'
<br /> ---- �I���pr�iufiu�tis rei���i��c!to m�lntnin aiorrgogc insurancc in effect,ar to pi-ovide i�loss�-es.rve,until tite rct�uiceyiicii2 fut•raari};a;e �-�,:=-
<br /> --"---- IIISUI.UICC C:HIS Ih[ICCnP(I:SIICC WIUI CIIY\V[Ilt�il A�'fl'CillCllt I1E114CCi1 BOf[Q1VC[Alt(I I.CIl(ICC OT 0�7pIIG7bIC IALV. —
<br /> 9.[nspKCalon. 1.ender ar iis iigcnt u�ay make reayonablc cnirics upo� arid inspccti�ns uf thc ['roperty. Lcndcr sh�ll Sivc
<br />_---_-.:._��- G�rr�n:�er+tnticc nt the lime of or prioe ta nn ins�stction specify�ng reasonabtc cnuse for the inspecKton.
<br /> --
<br /> -_-_
<br /> 10. ConcfemnuEta��. Tl�e p�uceeds uf::ny award oc ciaim for dama�ss, �lirect or cnnt�quential, in conneeiinn wit any ,
<br /> candemnatian or otiicr tnking of nny part of ti�e Yropeny, or fur convcyana:in Iieu of candemnatiori,arc hereby assign.d and
<br /> '� shail bc p.tid to Lcr,dcr.
<br /> ln tf�e cvent af u total rnking of the:Property,tite procecds shnll be appliccl to the sums secured by this Secority Inst!vment,
<br /> whether�ir not tlicn clue, WIlII illl�l CXCCSS P1I{I!o T3orrotivcr. In the event of a partial tuking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> - markct vnlue af thc Froperty immedintcly beforc thc taking is equat to or grcater than thc nmoant of the sums secured by this
<br /> •----.,
<br /> Sccurity Instrument imuiesliAtely Uefare the tuking,unless Borro�ver and LenQer nthertvise agn;e in writing,the suins sccur y �, _
<br /> this Security Instn�ment sh111 be reduced by the amount of the procecxls multipliecl by the following fraction: (�t) the totul
<br /> nmaunt of thc sums securcd immedfately bcfore the tllcinG, divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately
<br /> - � -W��_ before the tnking. Any balunce shall bc paid to Borrower. In the evcnt of n partial tnking of the Propc:rty in which the fair
<br /> - markct value of thc Pmperty immediately�efore titc taking is lcss than the amount of thc sums secured immediatcly b�fore the
<br /> - taking, unless Borrower and l.cnd�r otherwise ag�ce in writing or unless applicablc law othenvisc provides, the proceeds ahall _
<br /> - _, be applied to the sums securcd by this Securiry Instrument whether or not the sums arc then due. �
<br /> If the Property is ubandoned by Borrower, or it,nfter notice by Lender to Barrower�hut tts�cundemnor offers to make an
<br /> nward or settic n claim for damages, Borrowcr fnils to respond to Lender �vithin 30 days after the date the,noticc is given,
<br /> �.--'���a� Lender is authorized to collect and appiy the proceeds,at its option, either to restoration ar repair of tl�e Property or to the sums
<br /> � secured Uy this Security Instrument.�vhether or not then due. -
<br /> W�_�t;;n�f` Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrec in writing, uny appiication of proceeds to principal shall not extend or ��_
<br /> -__-_-____— postpone the due datc o1 the monthly payments referred t��in parAgraphs !and 2 or change the amount of such payments. �-..��`.
<br />:�a:���� 11.Barro�ver Not Relc�n.sed; ForbearnRCe!ly 1.enaler Mot u Watver.Extensiun of the timc for payment ar modification �A;�„_
<br />,=`�,���y���; of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by I.ender to any successor in interest af Borrower shnll = _
<br />-
<br />