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l�'(i.. _. � . ..__�" ._. . .. ., .. . .. .. .. . . .. �. , � . . .. __ <br />, s� ' � - . . � �47P . . . •• . . . .n � ��r�' �^r r��,�s a- aJ� � <br /> , -.... . . � . „n. , ii��4�� : - ..�J <br /> . �•„c..sw:rwtJaxu*cx�... }� t���. -��'.. <br /> . a , " ... , . F�(�.� _ --... <br /> _ . _ . .�.�..uJ..=_ — <br /> . �_� .. . ' u . , � .., . :._� . .. . .�.� v:y,td!'sC!'�hPr�r:'..--R.:-��--.__ ._...- . <br /> � , . .iu'i. _ . . ...,, .�rrr..?ffMl!+ti'rMi+`�t� -.-h... v. «. . . ,.. .. .:.r-.�i�3UJ'...h- 7 1 �"'�- — .r...�-. .— _ <br /> . , <br /> .. : . <br /> � � .i ......._–__.�uy-{.n�• 'tt+4��MNt1 . .,. �4�"`� _' ' _ . .- .. �.� _' - . . ..._.... <br /> . � <br /> _ " " . .^' `'.�:–. <br /> „_ .....�:-� r .:.S�Sr.,,_.E'�_.._..:_._.�.�T—___ _ - <br /> .tL tYY.. t�"'•'� <br /> � .: - :�s� . •A(+y������ � <br /> ' (EI'"/'� -_ _ <br /> • 9�. C;.:7J�eJC7'Q C�I;�h� 4� ��ICLi'def949. N GOtt01c8T RIC�tB C£it�1k1 CtlRdii�Ot19, ElOfl0lSCf OY�Q!I h@YO Qhfl f►t�h1 t0 �19Y0 EtiilOtCl767(M� -� *f';"r� y��'_� <br /> ct::�:cr,s:��u�:.a ro c�y t�,,:��%;2r t� lh�c:e�:�t ot: (o)G ti�ya (or cuch olh�r Rcrtati no c�PPl:ca�!:�tze!may cp�ciy tor roLict2tc��rc1)[��;or�c:ta <br /> O1 1�� ('ro;;�riy �w:!s°.nl ¢4 cny pe,.:�r �f c:�!� c�nt�!�zcd ln thb C�curiry inGlPtu�z�nl; ov (b) c�try nl o �ud�rrr_nt Cn(OrCLIp t�i3 C_CU(;y <br /> ` �� ' Inntmm�;�l.Yhose uandii4ana ara thal Oorroxar: (a)paYo Le�qcr oll cur�i� ���ht�ii thcn vJQUId b� �U�llfld�f Ihl3 u�CUfily If1;,lfUPR:i21 [:nd Qii� , .a_. _ <br />�t ' No:o ae M no Rcce�r�ifon had occuriod; (b) cures any detault o1 eny othar covanant or a�reemnnta; (o) pays ell expenses tncurrad in •� � .' ---.- ��_ <br />_ ' _•::rt,o±`•.,:-.v'. <br /> - �nlorokip thb &�curAy Inttruawnt, Incbd�np, 6ut nol I'�ml:ed to, rosonnnpW nttomsye' Oaaa; nnd (d) takes ouoh actian e3 Landar may �.--� '_„�.14- <br /> ressonabry rsquke ta ee�ur�th�t t�a fNn al thi� S�curNy Inmtrument. LendK'a �fphte In the Property end Oorrow��'e ob!►�Qtbn to pYy the �._.,F �� .�� _ <br /> , •A eu���a sr:eur;.a by tha £�_utity In9tn�m^nt ehP.�l conthuo unchanpod. Upon rolnctetemant 6y Dorcowar, thle Sccurtry Inctrument and tho •,� - <br /> �: . . „ • . <br /> ,,.._�:;=_--- - <br /> obNpatk►n� s�cund hrnby ah�M r�1n fuNY�11bc1iw te M no �ccetaratlon hed nccurred. Howevor, thls ripht to rolnstete ohs11 not app �,..�N�Y� - <br /> `� ,�' , the cet�ot cca�bratbn un�er par�pnph 17. �~L,�if�-y:==== <br /> ' "�`•�#�1;�:.s R:• <br /> .. 1g. S�lo 04 Plote; Chart�o of Ln�n Sorvicer. The Nota or n psrtl�l hterest In tho Nota (topethE►r �vith th(s S�curfty „ .}s� <br /> ' Inntrument) may b� aotd ons or mora tkr,ea wkhout prbr not�e to Bonower. A erb may resufl In a ohanQu In the Entky(known ea the �.•••. ::-.;?��-_.�_--° <br /> ..,,:.,..--- <br /> "l.otn Servfcar"j thtt couect.e manthy p�ymants duo under the Note end this Socurity Instrumont. Thero also may be one or more chanpos . .•�,;�e;_Y�,— <br /> � ot the Los�� Serv�er imroktod to a Bab o1 the Note. If thero is n chanpe of the Losn Serv�er, Borrower wlll bn pNen wrkten not�e ot the ,. .... .,,:s.:.�i�:- <br /> " ' chan� h nccordu�cs wNh ptragraph 1�t above cnd eppiknble �aw. The not�a wlil gtate the name and address ot the now Loan Senr�er ,� .. ` ,.:�;;�r..: _.-':- <br /> and the address t0 Nh�h paymente shouid be mado. Tho notlCe wiil aiso ccnntah any othRr Intortnstbn requYed by appl�abb law. '' `.�':`j��=��� <br /> 20. Nezardoue Subat�ncea. BDROwOf shell not causo or permit the presenco, uso, disposal, storage, or release of any " �y-:�f:•r <br /> Marardaus Substanc0s on ar In fhe Property. Borcower ahall not do, nor aUow anyona else to do, anythlnp nNocting the Property that IS In � y. �:,•,�{:�:°;:;� <br /> vbatbn of any Environmental Law. The precoding tvro sontences shall not eppy to the presonco, uso, or storage on the Praparty ot emall _��l�,.,:'- <br /> �,:�-_� <br /> quentRlas of Heierdous Substances thot are ganeraily recognlzod to be approprtqte to normal resld�ntial usos and to maintenance of the ;,�,,,�; <br /> ., ;.�,_+�.�--- <br /> Property. . _ =='"'n.=�- <br /> •��, Barrower ehall prompt�y pNe Lender wr4ten notke o1 any invo3tlpadon, claim, demand,lawsuft or othor a�tlon by any povemmentnl or �•u;;,�;,.___ <br /> ' " re�guiatory apency or prNate party Invo►✓hp the PropeRy and any Harerdous &ub3tance or Envkonmentcl Law of whbh Bortovrer ha.s actual �,���...• __ <br /> knowiedpa• li 8orrower I�+ams, or is notHled by any govommenta� or regulatory authority, thut any removal or other remedtation oT any • : <br /> • � Haurdous SubsUnce affeatlnfl the Property is necessary, Bortower shatl promptty take nll nec0ssary remadial nctions In accordance with 4 ,�,. ,��r <br /> Enr•konmenial LBw. <br /> Aa used In this paragraph 20. "Herardous SLbstences" are those substancea detined as to:cfc or harardous subStances by :'� „, <br /> � Envbonmental Law and the (albwhg substancos: p�soline, keros9ne, other Ilammable or toxb potrol2um proSe�cts, tox� pestfcidos and �. , <br /> herbfCfdes, volatile sokants, matertals contalnhg asbestos or tortnaldehyde, and rfldloactivo meteriais. As usod In thls paregraph 20, ���:.� <br /> •Environmentai Law" means loderel laws end laws of the Jurisdiction whare the Property �s located thet ralate to heaAh. safery or I �!�° <br /> �� <br /> anvironmental protectbn. " <br /> %__.___ _ NnN•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender fuRher covenFtnt und egree as tollows: j" <br /> '---•'-- w�u_...� � ..--- �- '��. <br /> 21. AcceleraUon; Remedles. Lsnder shall give nottce to Borrowcr prior io acca�������.� .��......:s� I� _,-�- - <br /> Borrower'e breach af any covenent or agreement in thta Security Instrument (but not prtor to acceler�Uon I <br /> � �. under paragraph 1T unless eppiicable law providea otherwlse). The notice shall speclty: (e) the c�eteult; �., „ <br /> � (b) the acUon roquired Yo cure the default; Qc) a dete� not less tha� 30 days from the date the notice Is <br /> �• given to Borrawer� by whtch the detault must be cured; er.a (d) that taiture to cure the detnult on or "F <br /> betore the date �pecffled In the nottce mey result In ecceleretion of the sums secured by this Security . 4 ; <br /> -. inatrument end �ale of the Property. The notice sha01 further Iniorm Borrower ot the right to reinsta4e efter _ <br />� acceleretion end the rlght to bring e coun actlon to assert the non-existence of e defeult or any other i ;,�L'� <br /> � detenae of Florrower to ecceleration nnd sale. 14 the default Is not cured on or before the dete specHied E ,, <br /> In the nottce, Lender At It� optio�n may requlre Immedlate payment in tull of ell suma secu�ed by this I �� 1 <br /> 3ecurity Inatrument wlthout further demand and mey fnvoke the �OOwer of sale end any other remedles : <br /> permitted by epplicable law. Lender shail be entitled to collect all expenses Incurred In pursuing ttee � i ,,' <br /> remediea provided in this paragreph 21, Includfng, but not iimited to, reasonable nttorneys' tees nnd costs . ' <br />� of ttile evidence. ' ',. �i. � > <br /> It the power of sale Is invoked, Truatee shall record a notice o9 defEUl4 in each county In which eny • <br /> � • part ot the Property 18 loceted and shell matl coplea of ssich �a�tice tn th� manner prescribed by oppliceble ' . . <br /> � lew to Borrower and to the other psrsens prescribed by ap�licable law. After th� time required by <br /> � � eppl9ca�le law� T�ustee ahell give public notice of s31x to the persans and In the manner �rescribed b}� �� <br /> epp0��eble Inw. Truatee, w6t0aout demend on Borrower� shell sell the �roperty at publfc euctlon to tha <br /> htphest bidder et the time and place and under the terma designated in ihe notice of sele in one or more •k� <br /> parceta and In any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of ail or eny parcel ot the ; <br /> Property by public ennouncement at 4he time and plaee of ao�y previously scheduled sale. Lender or its <br /> destgnee may purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> . . Upo.� roeeipt of peyment ot the price bld� Truatee shall deliver to the purcheser Trustee's deed � <br /> • conveying the Property. Tho rectt�le in the Trustee's deed shall be prama iacle evtdence of the Vuth of <br /> Qhe statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of t�oc aate in the following Qrder: (a) to all <br /> costs end expensea o4 exerciaing the power of sale, and the sale, including the payment ot the Trustee's <br /> ; tees�ctuelly Incurred, not to exoeed 1096 °,G of the principal emount of the note et the tlme ot the . <br /> declerettore of defeult, end reasonable ettorney's tees es permitted by law; (b) to ail sum� secured by thts <br /> Security Inst�ument; and (c) any ex�ess to the persan or persona legalty entitlecl to f� <br /> � 22. Reeonveycnce. Upon peyment of all sums secured by this'Secu�ity Instrument, Londar shall req��est Trustee to reCOnvey the <br /> Property and shsll surtondar thfs Security Instrument and all notos evldsncinp dobt seCUred by this Sacurity Instniment to Trusteo. Trustee <br /> shall roconvey th�Proporty without wart[tnty and without chnrge to the porson or persons legt+lly ontitled to it. Such person or persons shall <br /> �> J <br /> � •. pey any recordatbn costs. <br /> .--.. - . _ �� w_����_.�T....��..� .�y. �� y. ..nH.v� mnu irn'r. f4nu tn tlm0 teMOVH TNStBB Qlld QI�OOUIt 8 SUCCBSSOf W51C8 �0 Qfly <br /> _______:::__.:__�_.._. _ ASJ. �7YY8OLYL�. ��aotav. �.m.w�� a• .� �r.._.., ..,, ._ . <br /> Trusteo Qppointad herounder by an instrument recorded In tho county (n whfch thts Security Instrument Is recordad. Without convoyanco ot <br /> . tho Propzrty, successor tnistee ehull succood to ail lho tille,power and duttes contorrod upon Trustoo horoln nnd by nppltcabl�law. <br /> i, <br /> , •� 24. Requeat tor Nottcea. Bortower requnsts thnt copbs of tho notices of detauft and sele bo sent to Borto�vers addross tvhich <br /> F � Is the Proparty Addrass. <br /> � 25. Ridere to thie Seeuri4y InaVumen� If ono or more riders aro oxacuted by Bortowor and recordnd topothor with this <br /> �� • Socurity insWment, tho covonants and agreoments ot oach suCh rlde� shull be Incorporatod into nnd shpll nmend and suppbmont the <br /> � , covenants and epret+mants o►this Security Instrument ns it tho rider(s)were e part of thfs Security Insirumcnt. <br /> 4p� . �. 1 <br /> � P�p��ot 5 Fo�m 7020 p/0 � <br /> F1070.1M0(6J04) <br /> . { '1 <br /> � . +�ooaa �� <br /> � - <br />