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� ir�.�* n ��'I/af � y'`fi�r�{~l`''� .,,.,F `,��_ ,;.;'r ,r`.r `�'I�',u�. , , ., p <br /> • .. . <br /> ..,.��,y,<ll___ ry .�4., �j. r .�tF�•�} � �`� .�id�i .) rl�i�l�V} F, <br /> +u+Ai�M J <br /> � � �: ,.. .� ..._.-..-c.�.�•.:f.,1-+�.. .ulY.i-xv,lu.n.�.... , <br /> .Y�1� . ��� ..1..:.. _�l7"TIi�l1.-.Ulu _ . <br /> )t� <br /> iq�WM�L�pM�ty�$�����i3' . f:. '!�—�3�-�11�-_��i _" "_._..�_ . <br /> . . ��� .J A� fL. .e`tT. �'r-- .. . '— <br /> '� -__ . _ . ,� . t' :."-?_ti�. (Qf�4R�} . m �.�� _-. ._- -. __.__-__...__. <br /> t. - - <br />_-.. --�:� — �_— — _ _ _ _ <br /> __— --. . _'._._._. __-___ . . <br /> ��-_ - __..._._ . _ __ _. <br /> .__-_. _ ._- . _ _-._ . ___.__. ._ _ . . . __. __ __. - �., . <br /> � �,p� , - <br /> - Fw�=�.� �9.b.r^r«F.�•e>S t►�^�'ra��u�rty�+3•t�F�e�tc�iS��:�l'�t?tcrr:�is�Unt�.a�wE►•. Ii all m�nny pa�-t of thc t'ropexty ar ajiy i►�tcrcr>t iu it =� <br />-': .�•,•.��� •••,r•��•� I:':Il�f�I�P�i�.11)'.��'il'�'!��(7i'�f:!�I�SI^.tiICIJ�IIIQCi�St in t?nrrm�er iS::p!(�OI' (YC�12SfCST�L�.?IIi'� �ll!1'l��l9CP IS II01:1 il.:;(!!:'il�(i::l;:0ii}l'J�il:lill"L �°-�` <br /> I.�- . <br /> ., � {�iP1;�t':; �r.inr ���riflt::u cnrr:::�l, y�:nt�;r i��:�y, cct il�s o�;�i�i�. n��uir,; imi.:�c2i�:t�� psy�a�itt iu t'aU uf i!II :.i,���� �..��.��<<<:i i,y �ui., <br /> . . c �:::ci+►�ity In�.4twitcn9. F1ut:•cv�:s,�i�3r,�qrtiun titrill �mt E;::cbcrci:.!I itiy i.cyiuc�if p�:slifbttcil hy fccf;:ttt1 lu��a•�t�'r tl�::�i::tcr h+�, _ <br /> - .....,,�,�,,,:� <br /> _---__.�_ uf�Iiis Secuo�ity YnStnnnent. <br /> =--__== YF l.sudcr exersises this opticm, I,ender til�u!I�!ive I3orrowee no�lcc oP.^.cccicratiim.The notice shall provide a periai of nat � <br /> -- ICSy than 3q Jays froni thc datc the �tniire �S ctcliv�:r�d ur tnai�cd within wi�ich 8urruu�cr nm:,t pay all sitons sccurul by �lsts _ <br /> _,_ _ A,�„� Sc:curity Ins�rmr�ent. IF l;ormwee fnils to p;►y tit�sc sum.v prl�r t�tli�expir.uirni��f this peri�d, L�e�xirr nwy invokc Any remedfes — <br /> .,,�,.. <br /> p.rmltte+l hy�I�i�;��•n;i�y In•:u�m��nt�v{tiwut f��r�licr nnticc or demnnc!an �3orro�vcr. _ <br /> � lU. �3ormx•er'q Kl�ht to �tcinstAte. It' [iisrrowcr mcet�� ccrtain conditions, I3orrow�r shnll hava �hc rigiit to havo ' <br /> cnfurcenxnt of tlds Si:curiry InStniment discontlnuccl nt any time prior to the earlier at: (n) S days (or such other period as <br /> npplicable law 1111�! specify far reinst,acnunt) Ixfore snlc af the Property punuant to any �wcr of sele cantnined in this <br /> Securit,y tnstrurnent;or(b)entry of u judgutent enforcing this Se�urity Insirument Tliuse conditioati arc tf�at Borrawer:(a)pays <br /> Lerxler all sums which then wuuld be due und�.r tf�is Security Instrument and tlie IYoie as if no ucce(cration had occurrecl: (b) <br /> - - cures nny default o5 nny nthcr cnvenants or agree�nenis; (c) p:►ys all expenses incuered in enforcing this Sscurity Instn�ment, -- <br />—�� intlt!din�, btu not limited tn, rcnsonai�tc uttorncys' fees; and(d?4�kcs sisch action as Le:ndcr rnny reasonably requirc to assi►re f <br /> that the lier�of this 5ecurity Instrument, l,ender's rights in the Property a�d Fiorrower's obligatiou to p�y the sums securc�d by <br /> ------ this 5ecm•ity Insttument shull coatiilue unchansec3. U�n r,;inst�uement by Iiarrower. this Security Instrumen+t nnd the <br /> ablig�tions secur.d liereby shall remain fallp effective ns if no accelerntian iiad ucc��rred. fiuwever, tt�is riglht to reinstate shnll <br /> not apply in tlic cnsc of aceeleration undcr p.�ragraph 17. — <br /> 19. Sale ot Note; Change of i.oan Servtccr. The Note or a partial interest in ttic Note (togethcr with this Security <br /> Instnrn�ent)may be sold onc ar more timcs�vidiout priar notist to Bonower. A sale muy result in a cl�ange in the entity(krtown <br /> as tlie"I.ann Servicer")tnat callects manthly payments due under the Note;tnd tl»s Secujity[nstrument.'fhere nlso may be one <br /> ------ a;mc�,.,chr.ngcs of thc l.oan Serv:cer unrelated to a sale uf the P1ote.di th�te is a chan�e of the�I.oan Servicer,Borrower will be <br /> --- - � given�vritten notice of the change in accorclance with paragraph 14 above and applicable I�w.Ths notice will state tlle name and <br /> address of the new I�an S�rvicer and the address to�vhich paymenGs should tre made. The notice will also G��ntain any ather <br />_-;•-�.��! infarmation rcquired by applicahtc la�v. <br /> _=; 20. HAZardot�Substunees. Borrower shall not cause or permit the pmscnce, use, dispusal. storage. or n:lzuse of any � <br /> —' Hazardous Substancc� on or in thc P�operty. Borcower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to dn, anything affecting the <br /> ����`-�� Prope�ty tttat is in violattan of any Environmental I..a�v. The preceding tu�o sentences shall not upply to tl�e presence,use, or <br /> __—___� stomge an the Propeny of small quantitics of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be approprinte to normal <br /> �� - residential uscs and to maintcnancc of dic Property. <br /> _==L'="�'�'J°" Borrawer shull promptly give Lender�vrittcn nntice of any investi6ation, clnim, demand, lawsuit or other action bv any <br /> _ ._ `��1L�� <br />—_,�.�:��: governmental or regulatory a�ency ar private pany im•olving the Froperty and any Ha•rardous Substance or Environmental _ <br />- <br />