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<br /> - { -�:::'.-j IoC..i::!:.:.::�i", r.� 4�;'; t"`;i�:�r;:+l'� ('IC:•.i� E.�)fii�, tnl:?��.i�::.:1:: ; fi:;�..lii.,;t,. t..i� "�....� ?u . ..'`� ' . • ' . . . ._- - _
<br />-- -.__.,.._,_'' E�6}tf�iW6i�11�1!1�8�l;�;fi��s�,fi��t�t;lNEl6Yidit�i�triiQi7U,`�s.tll:�"��1�7t!"�ti�+'��t�:.il��i.t�.=!;�li,�;.��tiE.E.i..i.�..tii�d�`;�.'.Ef ._ : ' ':�t ,.' � , �
<br /> qF3AND 1"�L+1tJD,h�ralsiaftir ratA�rnd to aa tha"t.mnder"�ef the a�me dRta pnd cavasin�tNb prd�erty cf�escrii,�xl in iha�ac��itY ��
<br /> �--- Irntrumen�end ioaalat!Nt:
<br /> ?231 li�".fil' 9QTI9 STo GRANI} ISl.ANO N�_,_68fi(�3 __ ._
<br />. .-. �_- _ ....,.. ....'.............. .. �..-. ___.:_-..-.............. (i-�vy:i:y�uuive.i) _ ..... .,..... ,,6/�.+'".������`» _ .
<br /> wirN�ss�rH: .
<br /> - WHEREll9, Borrow�r�nd L�nd«r hww�pread lhat�ny renta and protlta attribut�bte to ths property ahould canetit�te �
<br /> --- additlon�l a�curity to tho ldnder for th�p�yment•aP the Note;
<br /> - N�1M,7id�6iEFORE,!t In egreed th�t 4hs Sbcurity Inetrument ehsll be emanded hereby�nd deemeti to inaluds ths tollowlr►a
<br /> pravltlone:
<br /> __ 1. A�al�nm��,Qf R�nts an��e d r 4i�n��,�'��IEectlon Rlaht�„Hurrawer herel�y Absolutely end uncondittonally�aelpns�II �
<br /> r�nta, I�aue� �nd prallts af the prmperty to Benefici�ry. Le�clar shali fiava the ripht, pawer and �uthority durin� ttM
<br /> contlnuane�o!th�Securiiy Instrument to eotieot the rente,Isauns and proflts o1 the proper�y and of any peraon�t propnrty
<br /> - locatad thsrMDn wiSh or wlthout tektnp poeeeaalor+of the property sffected hereby. lAnder, howover, hereby cana�nts ta
<br /> 8nrrower's coliection and retentlon o!euch renta,i��aea and praifts es they accrua and t�ecoms pay�ble,so lonp�r�orra�r�er
<br /> le not,�1 such tlme,In def�ult wltN reapeot to payment of any indebeeri�iase secar�har�by,as!ss th�p�rferr.:wnce a!�RY• -- -
<br /> �gnem�nt h�reundsr.
<br /> -�-�-� �. 8n�u(�tment o��,�(y�if any event of defeu{t in respect 4o the Securlty Instrument shali heva occurrecl�nd M
<br /> conttnulnp, Lsedsr,�s� matter of ripht and withaut notics to 8orroKOr or anyono xtaiminp under Borruwer, and�wlthout
<br /> _-�-_,� �o��rd to the value of the tru�t est�te or 4l�e Intorest of the Borrower thereln,shall haoca the ri�ht to apply to pny Gourt h�vin�
<br /> Jurisdlotlon to�ppolnt a receiver of tha property.
<br /> �--� 3. �(�ht to PosseselQp,ln case of�fefault In the payment of the sald princlpal Note or intereat,or a�fy part thereqt,as It
<br /> �.-;�� ehxli m�tuee,or In ths eRas of lallure to keNp or pertorm nny ot the covenants or aQroements cnntalned In ths SecuNty Inatr�-
<br /> ---�"—-== ment, then the Lendsr, 14a succo3aors or assipns,shall be and ta hereby auQhnrized and empowAred to take tmmedlate -
<br /> _ — poseasslon af thu aalc!premlaes theroln descrlbad and ta copact tho rents therefrom,and to apply the praceeds thereof to the
<br />-=_-="�'"� payment of the Note.
<br /> --'�"�'� � ti- A!:rrf�M!:�!�!�;!o��nr nr th�e r�celver shall 6e applted flrst to paym[�nt
<br /> ' �{. ADDi1C�iion oi neni5 i3aU8�d��v �
<br />_.,:,.;,;;�;,� of the custa of management of tho property an�collection of rQ�ta,Inoluding.but not Iimlted to,�ecelver's fees,premluma on
<br /> �����?7t� recelver'e bonds and reasanable attorney's teos,�nd tnan to the eums secured by th�Securfiy Instrumont.Lender and the
<br />==�_��..� receiver sh�ll be Ilabte ta eccount only for those�enis actually�ecelved.
<br /> =°-- —=— 5. Gonstruotion of Provislona.Each of the provislona cont�ined Ir�thfs Assi4nment ot Rents Rider and the Security Instru• �
<br /> �"'�`�''�''� ment shall,unlea� otherwise specifically requlred,be construed In aacordance with Nebraska law, and In the event any
<br />-- ,�:I� provlalon heroln or thereln contalned shaH be determined by a cAUrt of competent Jurisdictlon to be unenforceable,the aeme
<br />__�__�.-� ahall be conatrued as thouph such unenforceabla�provlslon were not a part hereot or tMereof. -
<br />�s�4-`�'�� a. �jf�oi Rider.Except as speclflcaliy rnodifled by or Incons tent wtth thls Assiflnment oi Rents Rtder or by any other _
<br /> ��"^�s''°'�' applicabte�rtder.ail of the terms and provislons cantalned I th ecurtty Instrument shall continue In tull foroe and of4ect. __
<br /> =.a..�n.,r�
<br /> —�-'�� IN WITNESS WHEqEOF,Borrower has executed this As I m�nt of e ts d r o the date first noted above. �,r�:_
<br /> ...._W-� -
<br /> .._.._ __�`'� �;:;�
<br />='g�.."�_r� KEN ET J. DOUE orrower -' [.�'".,.
<br /> - _ -'" � �� `;;�:,
<br /> _°�`=�`� .�..�— ��`r�
<br /> :�t�:;;:j�r,.
<br />:.r;;;?�,.rr•�k,-� FRANCES E. DOUE eorrowor .
<br />.�,:,;:..�=�r�_-.- "
<br /> �'='=r-^`"' STAT�OF NFBRASKA)
<br />�.`�,�i;,�i�... (ss:
<br /> �;.-�...... COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> �.:�.;.,�_,�:..:
<br />_�!",��'�-� ��i On thls 15TH dey Q} SEPTEmBER .��g 94 before me the unders9�gned,a P1otary Public dul commissioned and
<br />::;'Y;�.�:;;�-,� qual141ed for sald coun9y,person�Bly came
<br />.:�;,;W-,•:��.c. ,to be tRo iclentical person(s�whose name(s)Islare sub�cribed
<br /> .'�:=���-�-? to tAe tAreBolnp Instn�menE,and helshe/thoy ackROwledgo the execution theraof to bo his(horlthetr voluntary nct and deed. �
<br /> s:."�.���.�i!''
<br />- ' Wltneds my hand and Notarlal Seal et GRAND ISLAND. NE8RR5KA
<br /> __•' ',_7:_.,
<br />____,-_,,;,�_.:,; In Id county,the date re .
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