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<br /> nS��i,flca3�lc l,��•, ut:�p:.r,-G:ify fui•r�i��sEat:,racnt)b,.f��r-a �.:ilc of iiic t�ro�i:�ty p�i�;u:��t ro nny p�r�cr af sr:le cant:!inr.d in it�is �"� -
<br /> Si•curlty fu�;hunr.:ul;ur(G)aitiy oi'n fisxa{�,�ncnt c�itaselu�;tlds tiacnriry I��suu+ncnt. '1'iio,c conditirnts A���that ljuim��cr: (a)
<br />-_ �=�'��� payv I,enrtcr c�ll �;iu►�v �vhtdh dicn �voutd ba Quc undcr �ids Sccurity Inst�urnci�� niid tho Notc as if no �:cccicr;ition iiad �._,."
<br /> --""�"�`" — os�curr..d;(N)c«rcv imy�icfuult of nny athcr cuvcnai�ts ue ngrcemcnts;(c)pays all�xpcnscy incurrcd in.cnforcin�this�ccuriry �.
<br /> --°_�"° Ii�sE�wzicn�, ln;;lu�l(nk, but eint Ilinitcd to, rcnsanablc nttomcys't'ezs; nnd (d) tnkcs sush actiar� uy I.endcr ��iay rec�sunably _�._
<br /> rcyu(rc to azsiirs thnt tt►o Iicn of this Sccurity lnstrumcnt,Lcndcr's ri�hts in�hc P�nperty nnd Bvrrowcr's obllgution ta pay ehe
<br />-_="=�"n""i'►� ss�iu:� �;ccu��ai by �iiis 4ecurity Insuvmenl shnil cantinue unch�nged. Upan refnstntement by Borcmver, this Security ��. .
<br /> --- --�-� h�stttmicnt a�iJ lhc abligAtians sccurcd hcreby shnU remnin fuily cficctiv4 as�i no i+cccicratiur�liail uu:u�rcd. ilo��rc��cr,thrs �__:
<br /> right to reingtat�c�hull not npply in the cuse of accelerntiun under pamgmph 17.
<br /> - 19. �Aie of Note;ChwnRo of Lc�w�Servicer. The Note ar a parnal interest in the Note(to�ether with this Secudty __
<br />--- Instn�m�nt)muy bc tiold onc or inorc�imcA without priar nuticc to 8oaowcr. A salc may result in a changc in ihe cntlty =
<br /> (known ns the"l.u�n Se�vicer")Ihat coltc:•.ts monchly puy.me��ts duc under the Note und this Security Instrument. There:�lso =
<br /> inay t�e onc or more chnnges of thc Lo;ui Scrviccr unrelutcd u��,salc of thc Natc. lf then:is a chnn�e of thc I.oan Scrviccr, m�..
<br />_ _ -__-,_____� Borrower will tx:given written uotIce of the chnnge in accordance with puragrnph 14 Abave and upplicable law. The natice �-
<br /> will Ftate�he nume nnd uddress of the ne�v l.oun Senicer und ttte uddress tu whtch pnyments should bu mude. The uadce will �
<br /> ----- also contnin nny athcr information r��uircd by npplicable Inw. �
<br /> 2I1. Haxwrdous Substances. Sumnwer shall not cause or permlt thc pre�ence,use,disposal,stora�e.or rcleuse of any �,�a.
<br /> ----- Hcuurdous Subst�nces on or in the Pruperty. 8orrower shall nat do, nor allow anyane else to do.unyd�in�affecung d�e ;
<br />--=-`rt Property that is i��v[olation of any Fnvlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use.or ' �
<br /> -_-- stornge on the Pcoperty of small quantities of Nazardous Substances thut are generally recognized to be Appmpriate to norm�l �;"
<br /> •----- nesidential uses and to maintenance of the Property. v:
<br /> -=_===-_= eaarowcr shalt�romptly give I encler�Yritten eiotice of uny investigatinn, claim,demand,lawsuit or other ncaon by any . ,
<br /> °°���a���� govcmmcntot ar t�cgulnt�ry ngency or privute party involving the Property und nny Elaztudous Substancc ar Environmental �'�
<br /> -�� Lnw of which Bonnwcr has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns. or is notified by uny govemmcntal or regulatory
<br />.�'?i.`���n,j; authority,that:►ny removal or other remcdintion of any Hazardous Substance affecring the Property is neccssnry,Horrower
<br />___�_:�� shall promptly talce nil neccssury remcdial ucdons in accordance with Environmcntal Law.
<br />;��; As used in this paragr:►ph 20,"Hazardous SubsRnnces"ure those substances defined as toxic or hazardous subssances by
<br /> "'`"��F� Environntentnl Law and the following substnnccs: gasoline,kerosene, other tlammable or toxic pctroleum pmducts,toxic
<br />_._-�.�:����� pesticides und herbic3des, volntilc solvents, materials containing asbestos or farmaldehyde, and rndioacdve materials. As a
<br /> --�_:.
<br /> _.f,,; � ussd in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"mea��s federal lnws und laws of ihe jurisdiction where the Properr;is located
<br /> ---•,��;'��` that relatc to hcalth,szfcry or environmental protecuon.
<br />�n"'=�X��'`3�x. 1\ON-UNIFORM COVENAN'I'S, Horrowcr and Ixnder further covenant and agrec us fopows:
<br />-�Ei�;�,�N:•,��'.; 21. Accelerattun; Remedie,9. Lender shall give aotice to Borrower priar to uccelerntton following Dorrow�er's
<br />-�=';��� •�_4�i y�' � brcach of sny covenent or ngreement in this Security Instrumeni(bnt no!prtor to nccelaratton under puregrnp7� 17
<br /> ° :.:���,.,. I unless appticabie'taw pruviues odierwisej. Tt�e nouce niiuii npec'u`y: ta�j t�e�efau.�;{�j t:s:;aM:ar.r.:�sire�!u�:sr�thr �_...
<br />��"'``^`�' '"" defaulE;(c)a datc,not less than 30 days from the date t6�c notice is ven to Dorrower,b whfch the defAUlt must be
<br /> -• z:�;F,t���� � y , ,
<br />_����s.,,.,,..�( I cured;and(d)that fuUure to cure the defeult on or beEore the dete spec(fied in We nottce mny re.4ult in acceleration of �,-• ;
<br /> '`"''��' ' the sums secured by thps Security Iitistrument nnd sale of the Property. The notice 5hn11[urt�er tnform Barrower of
<br /> '�;-�y i.''X i;•� . '� �,
<br />";;����.w,: i the r(ght W refnstate ailter accelerndon nnd the rigt►t to bring a court acflon to ussert the non�existence of n default or .;
<br /> .�_..�,�, ..r_,_ any other defense of Borrower to acce[erntion and sale. If the defnul3ls not cured on or before the dute specified in `�
<br />"`r;��„•n�z•;�; i the notice,Lender ut tta optlon may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> `�--���?=��—=' wW�out furthcr deraand and mny tnvoke thc power uf sale und any other remedies permftted by npplicnble law.
<br /> :.�:�,:,.
<br /> -___•��y,;,��,� Q.ender shal! be entitled to wllecf sll expe�ues incurred In pursutng the remedfes provfded in thts pursigrc�ph 21,
<br /> -����'" ine(uding,but not Iimited to,re:►soneble uttorneys'fees and costs of t(tle evtdence. ,
<br />--�=--,L',;�.v���� If tlie power of sale is Invoked,7lrustee sf�all recard A aoitce of defuult In each county In whIch nny part of the `"f,
<br />,_'.,�„r�.,.x��,t„�_ Propex�ty Is located and shall mull copfes of such notice In the mnnner prescribed by eppltcable law to Borrower fln�to
<br /> �- __'� ..�i the other�ersons prescribed by npplicuble In�w After the time requ6red by appltcable IAw,'[Yustee sh�ll give pu�blic {
<br /> 1 '° `°' natice of sale to the persons and[n the manner prescribed by applEcable law. 'dt�ustee,without demand on Borrowcr, }
<br /> __,.:,q.=.�u �� shall sell the Property nt public auction to the highest bidder at tlie time and pince and under the terms designated in
<br />;::,�:��_�-;� the nofice ot sale In one or m�re parcets and in any order'[lrustee determines. llrustee mAy postpune sule of nA or any
<br /> :a;�:�_��•p�� � parce'ot the Property by public announeement at tBe ttme und pluce of any prevtously scheduled sate. I.ender or Its
<br />=- `_;•' � � desiguee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> - '"'`'"°' Upon receipt uf poyment of the price bid,1Mustee sht�ll deliver to trie purchnser'I�ustee's dced conveying the
<br />_
<br />