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<br /> - •a!,i��l�.:?[c'"YM • �—
<br /> _ . . ' . , 1e. �4r{awer'� Ri�h� to R�Inat�te. N Efnrrawe►rr�(�C�teln conAl¢bn�, aarrov►�r an�M n�w �n.ra�n� eo �ww sn�a�c+�r�nt _^__.____._
<br /> � fi::f.G1�i111�(�EZ Cf�j7 ��..::1('.ii.',T tD li��C�t�'.t G;: (o)G C:�yu {Ut Ceah c:1.?�tLlID[�[9 C°jl�:.'�F)���`.:�mhy�a^��`d far r�hiYiftsrr�snl)t�attx��afe '":=��s���f���.��:-.�:
<br /> G� �i::) �tiC,".::eJ fl:iC!-'".iiE �� C.f�� �;�::�7 oi c_'� eer;�'ac:� 67 �ili:7 a�::CiJ1ii)I �li�al16��71Ei .riP ��? Gti1}7! GS 0 ('.!!�-n:�i�� C;t�C:��.i� ����7 �."..�rp�� ,.r�d*��..,r,�.5�..
<br /> �lGi�l!�L„nZ.5'h�c� cC:lt:�.".;1� C10 1�C��;GiiG::.;i: (0��av0�!;+1L�7 G)COG�3 C:illi.{1 li1�51 l':0��:�E37 (�U�Uf1L'�"7 1y�3 C�::L'1i;J�Z",ul::��:�2 Ci,f9�i:1
<br /> ' Nots �f K no I►cc�Wr�tto� h�tsi occurrsd; (b) cure� any d�lauk o} eny ofn3r Cov�nani or agruom�nt�; (o) paya e� e�v3alses L�clr�a3 !�� �.,�^k����.,_y,����,_.,..; .,
<br />� ' "' entorClnp lhh SacurMy InatNmw�+f, InClu�dhp, Out nnt Bm�ctd to, ratonnbla attarm.�e' toer, erd (d) tak�n euoh auibn a� �*nde+ rrwY d« �:.�a���' -�
<br /> ';;ar.,�.,.,,: :' na�on�by nqulro ta asaurs mm the He� of thM 6wurRy Ir.fWm�nt,L�n�� rqht� M lh��raporty and F1o►zoww'1 ob'f�tlon to p�y ih9 �g*Y""''���'�'� +`t""
<br /> :., a...�..,,. _.
<br />.� . -..—.
<br /> eoms te�ureA by Ihb BeCUrKy Instrum�r+l �h�N oonthw unohl�npacl. Upon rY4�et�tsmant by dOrrower, thf! S�CUrky In�trumM►t �n t
<br /> .r c�a:i�tbne tseunwt fl�y oti�H rai�wLi 4U��r s.�:r.Q�r��s U rio �cC�•a1t!nn h�d ccC�rrcd, Hor�c�H, thl� rk�hl to retnetete BhaA no1�ppN � ���r�^-����"�-_.
<br />:"";: " " , tha ca�ol*co�r�llon uncN�ptr�pr�ph 17. ---�•
<br /> ,� ` . . 19. 9ele o! Nate; Chenqe of Loen&erv�cer. Th� NOt4 Or � ptHNtl ht�r�st h Qh� NoW (tUpeilhor wNb thN SsCUrlty °°=�-�-----=.."
<br /> ;,ya^Sp�+wou�-r.-�.,-- .
<br />";� � In:irumw�l)m�y b� cold ona or mar� timrr wKhaut prbr dottc�to Borcowa. A a�le mny rowN h � ah�np� In th� �ntRy (known at lh� ��,.,,,�.,�.:�_'.==�_,+J
<br /> •Lo�n SQrvk�r")lhat oolMots monthy p�ym�nts du�und�r th� Noto and thl! S�autity In6hument. Then ebo m�y b� an�or m�'e ah�nQa ��_
<br /> • ot th�Lann&av�C�unrotatad to�eeta uf ths Not�. 1!thero b a ch�nao a!tho Lorn 6srv�w,8onowa wNl b�pMM wrkbn notbs ol th� •r,,-..:`{ � �'4 .-
<br /> • ohanpa In�tccordanca ukb p:tcpraph 14 ahuve�end ep¢�ic"-bb lew. Tho not�a w11 etat� lhs n�ms�nd eddrs3� ot th�now Loan S�nrb�r �'��`•�w�''� �'•�
<br /> h .. r. _.::.•�e �: '✓_••
<br /> � ,...,..;.
<br /> . ond th�addros�to whfch payme�fte ehould M mnd�. The notta wiN�Iso conttin�ny other hfortnatbn�eqstlrod by oppNc�bM�w. }�.z�-, �>t, �;.
<br /> •• �- 2tl. Hszer�ow Substenees. Borrower shaY not cwce or permk the presenco, uss, dlspoa4l, etorape, or rofPas� ot any ��,, w .�;�.
<br /> � Hnrerdouo Substances on or in tho Property. Borrower shaN not do,nov albw enyone oise to do, anythhp attecthp the Propwty that ts l� '. ��,�, .y R�.�-•;��,.
<br /> �� vblatbn o}any Envfronmental LRw. The precednp lwo sontences shan not appy to tAe presence, use, or etoreQe on tha Prapsrty o1 emaA , :.�'�^����
<br /> � quontkies of Harardous Substnnces that are peneraly rocopnized to be eppropriate to nortnal resldentisl uoes and to malntertance o}the � �j�� +�
<br /> : Property. _�.z.;-=_—__
<br /> ,_;z.;;
<br /> � (' Borrower shall promptty plvo lendor wraien not(ce oi any L�vostigotton, clatm, domand,lasrsuk or other ectk�n hy Any govanman:al or . _ _
<br /> � repuletory tpency or prlvate party hvoNhy tha PropeRy and any Hasardous Substance o� Envkonmental Law o}wh�h Bortbwer hay actual ;fk'���� y,_
<br /> knowledgo. If Dorrower leams, or Ms notN�¢d by any povammental or repuL�tory euthority, thnt any remov8l or other remodi�tbn ol �ny ,!'5;:�"�;yk'-MJ��-.
<br /> �.1=,�! .� R :4`�-'i'.f .....
<br /> ,-_- ..-_. Haxardous Substence aHectfng the Property Is necessary, 8ortawer shall promptty ttika all nocoss¢ry romedlal ectbn8 In GccordanCa w}th ,7;��
<br /> � :.:r;'.t Envkonmental Law. ,•.�j a:�;.p..
<br /> � '`4'.:.-'...�-.;--
<br /> ' A9 uaed h thla pamgrsph 20, "Hesardaus Substancos' nro thoso substances detined ae toxio or h�ardoua aubstancgs by ,;`��.. '�•
<br /> �t
<br /> I���"��, . �. ' Envkonmentel IBw end ihe ipllowinp subetances: pasoline, kerosene, other (Iammable or toxb petroieum proCucte, toxb pest�idos and .:�.�;�;;;,.,_
<br /> ' �':'�♦•'� herbfClQos, voletile ootvents, materlals contahinp c►abestos or (ormaidehyde, and radloactiva mater►ats. As used In thls perapraph 20, i�'
<br /> 'Environmental I.aw" means federai laws and laws of the Jurisdfctlon whera the Proporty Is tocated that retata to hao4h, eafety or �, ,,�-
<br /> : -
<br /> " , ';��� onvYOnmentnl proteCtbn.
<br /> � NON•UNIFORM COYENANTB. Bonowor and Lender turther covennnt and agreo as follows: .
<br /> ____.____...___ " p__.�a..�i�n, qwmndiea Lender shatl afve notice to Borrower prtor to acceleretlon tollowin� y
<br /> _ . _ _ .: :
<br /> Bo�rower's breach of eny covenent or agreemen! in thta 5ece��ity Inatr�ement (but not pric+r to acceleratton — �s.�.
<br /> under paregreph 17 unteae eppliaablo lew provides othzrwlae). The notice shalt apeclty: (a) the deteult; � �, � ,
<br /> �� (b) the actton requlred to cu�e the defau�t; (c) e dete� not leea thao� 30 deya trom the date the notloe I� `
<br /> given to Borrowe�, I�y whlch the default muat be cured; nnd (d) thnt failure to cure the deteult dn or � � �
<br /> beforo the dexe speciflod In the notice mey result In ecceleration oi the aums eecured by thl� Security , x�'� �fi
<br /> � InaVument end sale of the Property. The notice ehati fu�ther Intorm 8orrower of the right tQ rolnstate eftcr �i �''.
<br /> � eccelerntlon and the right to laring e court action to Asse�t the non-extatence oi a default or any other • .y"��
<br /> " detenae ot Borrower to acceleradoii and aale. If the defautt la not cured an or before the deta apecified �, r r,
<br /> ' ' In the nutice. Lender et Its optlon mey requlre tmmediate payment In full of ell aums aecured by thle R
<br /> Securlty I�aVument without turther demand end may Invoke the povrer of sale and any other remedtEa ����r..
<br /> �� permltted by eppliceble law. Lender ahell be entitled to collect all expenses Incurred In pureuing the .M%.
<br /> � remedles provided in thir.s paragraph 21, Including, but not Iimited to, reasonelrle ettorneys'teea and coste ��:��:��
<br /> ot titte evidence. � �
<br /> If the power of aale Io Invaked, Trustee shell record a notice of defeult i�e egch county in which any .
<br /> , part of the Property Is located and sh�ll mall coptea of such notice In the manner prescribed by epplicable
<br /> ',I,. lew to Borrower end to tt�e other persons prescribed by applicable lew. After thes time requlred by
<br /> � � appliceble law, Truatee shall give public noUce of eale to the persons end In the manner presccibed by
<br /> . applicable law. Trustee, without demand on Bo�rower, shall cell the Property at publlc auctlon to the ,�
<br /> � highest hidder at the tirno and plaee and under tl�e terme designated In the notice ot sale tn onA or more �
<br /> � �arcela end tn eny order Trustee determinea. 7ruatee may postpone sale of sll or eny percel of the �
<br /> �„ � Property by public announcement at the time and plece of any previously scheduled sale. Lender �r tto �
<br /> � designee mey purchese the Property et any sale. i
<br /> � Upon receipt of payment oi the price bid, Truatee shall deliver to the purchaser Truatee'a deed �
<br /> conveying the Property. The �ecitels in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facle evidence of the Vuth of �
<br /> � � the atetements mado thereln. Trustee shetl epply the proceeds of the sale In the following order: (a) to all i
<br /> r costs end expenses of exercistng the power of sale, end the �ale, Including the payment of the Trus4ee's ;
<br /> feea ectuelly incurred, not to exceed 3 °,G of the principal emount of the note e4 the ttme of the I
<br /> declaratlon oi default� end reasoneble ettorney's feeo ae permitted by law; (b) to all sums aecured by this `:
<br /> . Securtty InsVument; and (c)eny excesa to the person or persona legally entf4led to it. � �
<br /> 22. Reconveyanec. Upon payment of all sums st►cured by thts Securky Insbument, Lender chall request Trustee to reconvey the �
<br /> • PropeRy ond shall surrender this Securky InsWment and all notos ovldencing dabt socurod by this Securfty Instrumont to Trustee. Trustee � ,
<br /> . , ehall reconvey the PropeRy without wnrtflnty and without chergo to tho person or porsons bgnlly entlt�ed to�L SuCh porson or porsons shau
<br /> � - , pay nny recordatbn costo. �
<br /> t' �� 2�. Subatitu4a Truetee. Lendar, at its optlon, rnay Nom time to tlmo remove Trustee and uppoint a successor trustee to nny '
<br /> -_ _ _ _ __
<br /> ,�._..._ ..� i
<br /> � _ __ -• '- -----._� .........
<br /> f Trustoe appohted hereunder by an Inshumont roaoruea n tno county n w�ic� I�is Jecuriry in6irummn ra �wv�uw. ..�.�...........•.oi�.^,ro -•
<br /> �� the Property, SUCC0580f INSt08 Bhllll SUCC08d �0 flll th0 tltl9,powor and dutbs conlorred upon Truotov Nereln and by appllCebb law.
<br /> ! Z4. Request for Notices. Bortower requosts thut coples of tho notl,os of defuuk and sttle be s�nt to Borrowers oddress wh�h ,
<br /> � IS the PrOpeRy AddrOSS.
<br /> ��� 25. Rldera xo thie Securlty InsVument. It one or more ��dors aro executed by Borcawer end recOrdad tOBothor wlth thls
<br /> � Security Instrument, the covennnts erd ngreoments o4 each such rklor shall be Incorporated Into nnd shall amend snd suppbmont the
<br /> • � oovenants und apreoment6 0}thls SACUrfty Inatrumont as If tho rldor(s)were o part of thfs Socurlty Instrument.
<br /> � Papo 4 0l 6 Form 9070 9/00
<br /> F104Y.LMO(6/6�t)
<br /> l• �
<br /> , " �r I,
<br />