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<br /> a!;.rv�,>;�,.�..tr_,�r. (1 �Jcae'►'ezasuay ia►dex—E�ate Ca��s) �-,-�-.
<br /> -_. .--�:������:.:•-:.._ 002007.7?.t70 --
<br /> --�_�rxx?'�`r�,�+ . __._
<br /> -` "`°"^�°"'� THIS AD�USTAmLP,RATL ItIDFR is niadG tlt1� �5�W day of g�p'('�',��3�f2 . i9 g� �anci is
<br /> ---- :�-_= incornurated into and shali bc d�emed to nmcnd ttnd suUpYemcnt thc Martgaga,Deed of Tn�st o�Securlty Decsi(tbe
<br /> _.,_�..,�. �� �,
<br /> f F':�_
<br />- =�i�:;;�;;:a "Sccuift�r In�t�vmcat")of'ti;:�a.�ie date g�ven by thc un��rslg�►cd(Ghe"�ore��:�er")ro�;�rurr,Nn�rrower�s Adj�astai�te _
<br /> -- RateNote(the��loce")to The Equitable Building �n� lo�� As�ocietion of dr�nd lslend,Htbreek�, A
<br /> ���=��Z� federel Ssving5 9enk • (the"�.endcr")of the same date und covering the property described�
<br /> --- - - in die Security lnsuument and lacuiecf at:
<br /> --°�t4�i�r�:ra,.1
<br /> --=v��:�:�'��' S19 N WMI'TE QRANO ISLAND� NEBfiASKA �8803-4656
<br /> � ��
<br /> N-�t.!�'it!►�t(�i (Prop:rty Addtea�J
<br /> -_ -- --�_yFt�� --
<br /> ---.-P.-,n,s�s
<br /> .-_ ��.;��•�.,^�,.'� AND TFL@ MOMITHLY PAYPdEIYT.THE N04E LIN'lIT3 THE AMOl1NT TtiE BOAROWER'S __.
<br /> -'_r�t�?,,•, r.>� ROWER MUST P�1Y.
<br /> ---_•'�a �,`:�;•
<br /> ��:;��'• - -
<br /> �_.:= ����.-�. -"
<br /> ��''"�''�y`�`�k ADDITIONAL C�VENANTS.In addition to the covenants And agreements made in the Sectuity Instrument, °��,:-�_
<br /> �}.�.. r
<br /> . ��F'.�':�;:2;4�� ° _
<br /> �. Bonower and Lender further covenAnt and agree as follows:
<br /> : 'ii�-
<br /> .�:�,�^..� ,••, � A.INT��RES'Y'ItATE AND MON7fflLY PAYM�NT CHAIW�ES ,S=
<br /> --'"�"����"�'• The Note provides for an inival interest rate of 5.?5 p %.The Note provides for changes in the interest tate and the � --
<br /> : '' .� Y 11!r;•�.
<br /> ';.�„ .-�r.-�a. ;�.�;,Q monthly paymencs, as follows: �'�,�_
<br /> :y.:.a::'. "r 4. �:�.'�_
<br /> �,;:�:,,,,: �... _ . (A)CLange DAtes :�.
<br /> .,- .
<br /> � � 'Che interest rate I wiU puy muy change on the first day of OC70E3ER ,19 �5 ,and on thAt day ,,,,::
<br />, .
<br /> ' every lZth month thereafter.Each date on which my interest rate could change is called a"ChAnge Date." �� �
<br /> . . .: ,.
<br /> _', �� 'ji.
<br /> _�-. .._.� _.__,- .
<br /> a;" ,� (B) rhe Indea n •
<br /> .. Beginntng with the first Change Date,my interest rate will be based on an Index.The"Index" is the weekly ` "-
<br /> • • , average yield on United States Treusury sesurities adjusted to a constant maturity of 1 year,as made avnilable by ;
<br /> � the Federal Reserve Board.The most recent Index�gure available as of the date 45 days before each Change Date �''` ��
<br /> ' �� is called the "Current Index." '�� �'•
<br /> ., - •� If the Index is no longer available,the Note Holder will choose a nc�v index which is based upon coniparable �
<br /> °� • '�t inforn�ution. The Not� Holder will give me notIce of this choice. •
<br /> :,.;,t,,. ., - (C)CA1culwUon ut Chstnges .�;
<br /> ��•�� Before each Change Date, the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding �
<br />� percentage points( 2.000 %) to the Current Index. The Note Holder wtll then round
<br /> �-���_°� • the result of this addition to the nearest one�eighth of one percentage point(0.125%).Subject to the llmits stated
<br /> ..:.r.,�rta .
<br /> in Scction 4(D)below. this rounded amount will be my new interest rate until the next Change Date.
<br /> ...,,.. . . . �,�:,:, . The Notc Halder will thcn determtnc the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay
<br /> the unpatd princtpal that I am expected to owe at the Change Date in full on the maturity date at my new interest
<br /> , rate in substantinlly equal paym�ents.The result of this calculation will be the new amount of my monthly payment.
<br /> ,:, .;�.�, ,
<br /> (D) �,Imlts op In4erest Ratc ChAnges
<br /> � The interest rntc I am req�to pay at the first Change Aate will not be�eater than 7.7 50 %or less than
<br />' - 3.750 °lo.Thereafter, my interest rate will nevcr bc increased or decreased un any single Change Date by .�
<br /> ;-',n,..�� ' more than two percentage points(2.0%)from the rate of interest 1 have been paying for the pr�cx�ling twelve months.My
<br /> -k.;,.•.
<br />.,��'"°•� : interest rate�vill nevcr be grcater than 10.7 50 °10.
<br /> • , ' ,�� (E� £ffective Dxte of Chum�ss
<br /> i � My new interest rate�vill become effective on each Change Date. ! will pay the amvunt of my new monthly
<br /> payment beginning on the�rst mon4hly payment date after the Change Date until th�amount of my monthly pay- ;
<br /> ` ment chrmges again.
<br /> (�D Noticc of Changcs
<br /> ��. � . Tt�e Notc Holder will deliver or mail to me a notice of ac►y changes in my interest rate and the amount of my
<br /> � monthly puyment before the effective date of any change.The notice will include information required by law to
<br /> �� � be given me and also the title nnd tclephone numtscr of a person who�vill answer any question I may hnve rcgarding �
<br /> �. � the notice.
<br /> �' �• �. UniForm Covenant 17 of the Security Instrument is amended to read as follows: I
<br /> ° �" Trorclm n►�rn P.n.udu�..n Raw�fWn�iafmm�tn An.v�.anr. If�11 nr anv nart nf rhr Prnnenv nr�nv interect E
<br /> ` ' --
<br /> - -
<br /> -- �,---------�-:------� �...���. �.�...��..��.�,....��.'�_--��'--"--••'-- -• - -- ---• .--.. . . .- - � - • r--..
<br /> �" in it is sold or tra��sferred(or if a beneficAal interest in 8orrower is sdld or n�ansferred and Borro�ver is not a natura!
<br /> � . � person) without I.ender's prior writtcn consent. Lender may. at its option. require ivnmediate payment in fuli of � .
<br /> � • all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Hotvever, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is
<br /> � :, proh'rbited by fecleral !aw as of the date of this Security instrument. Lender also shall not exercise this option if: �
<br /> - . • (a)Horrower causes to be submitted to Lender information eequired by Lender to evaluate the intendrd transferce
<br /> • ' as if n new loan were being made to the transferee; and (b) Lender rcasonabiy determines that Lender's sccurity
<br /> will not be impaired by die loan assumption and that the risk of a breach of any covenant or agreement in this Securi- ;
<br /> ty Instrument is acceptable to Lcnder.
<br /> To thc cx�cnt permittcd by applicable law,Lcnder may charge a rcasonable fec as a condition to Lender's con-
<br /> �. sent to the loan assumption.Lender may also require the transferee to siIIn an assumption aBreement that is uccept- •
<br /> ablc to Lender and that obligates the transfcrce to keep ali thc promises nnd agrcements made in thc Note and in
<br /> � „ tl�i�Security lnstrumett:.tiorrower will continue to bc obligated under the Note and this Security Instrument unless ,
<br /> .: �� Lender rcleases Borro�ver in writin&. , ,
<br /> - , MULTlSTA78 AU,tUStQBIE RATL•R��fR-QRM G�-S�nplo Fomdy-FeiinH htruF�Qdb Mac UMform Infrtrcmem �rorm 3111 3�A5
<br /> • ��822A�ccc�� Vld�f1!JnTQAGE f0ii1d5•��u�z�3 0,00•�cooui>>�9� ,
<br /> , .
<br /> r . ._ . ....--. - _ . . _.....-----� --.__ ._.. .._.. -- �-��-- —----.—u,�.�-_—•-- —. __. _
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