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•. :t• ; .:. •;t.,.,:::,_......,.._ .. .� ;•N.. • - •��•::u;}:;�tNF�,6e , ��tsrr.�c����� �9 <br /> . .� .. ,R .... . .,. . . .. ..•�.... � '�{i'r .,.1 _�'Ii1�fA+ •p:.:,y.. '•/' , : <br /> .- .r �-,-.:.r . .. . , ._.1 y!-�+�r�V�,yW�P+WtMn�.., � 'S�,�. <br /> - . ��1.Y(M RL['w- .. . ` � — <br /> . .,al �.�. _ ..�.'�'ctY��'��c.�.� �....-.��r.:..���.s " 4 -� �__ �__.--'--`-'-- <br /> , ., • <br /> , " ....�.� --.........,..._.._�. ,.,.- -- _ . _ . . �...�� --— - <br /> ...---'--,�,__,,,� �.�.sRr.n..� ��mrsiromwaa-7u: �_ -----'— <br /> - -_ --,�:, ���...�..,�..R;..�,-�.: — <br /> .�....:-..�.._.� _ �.r�*Sr.-,�.,. ��...,,....� ,�,. ...�_.,5'°'��iff4.'St�':�P"+n*n'_'±+�,.`�7` ��^_.. <br /> � ���� �,0",���x <br /> -'-' '""';����:f�.,� � 19. '6f�c�u:�ic�c�P tE:::E':���t_i•iy o�•u L?:.tefD�le! 9ntc.:,t ir{�nf•�'o�•rcr,if all or any�art of thc Property or�sny intcrest in it ``,°!` <br /> is;nld ni•t�•�����;fc�i�r�l(�s�•if a I�cn^.ticitd intcrc�+t in parro�vcr is sotd��r trans°crrcd and Ilormv�cr is not a n�tural��;.r.�a�n)��i�hout <br /> , l.�usicr's priur �vritte❑ cunscnt, l��ulcr may, cu Its a�tinn, rr.quirc immcdiatc paynicnt in fuU of�dl sii�; :.ccurul by t6is <br /> .:<<�.� �.�,, Sccuri�y lustrruazei�l. IlU�vever, �liis uNtinn sli;dl not he exercised by[.ender�f exercise is prohlbitcd by f'ec!cral law ns of tiie dlte <br /> „�::�::. �..,�_: <br />- -��:,='•.. af�his Sccurity Instrumcnt. .�--._ <br /> - �`PF If I.cndcr cxcrciscs th�s nption, I.cndcr slitill pivc Bnrrawcr noticc of accelcrntion.Thc n�ticc simll proviJc a peeiod uf nflt —° <br />_::,�>>-:`ti;. .,. .. --._._ <br /> .� �..�l.r.a\.ul�:�.'.'= 61AY!!:� <br /> ---- — Icss Ihan 30 dnyr front dic datc tltc nnticc iv dclivcretl or ntailcd within which Borrowcr must pay all sunts :;cc�rrcd by this <br /> _ -___.-�� Sccurity Instn�ment. (f f3arrowcr fall,r•t��pay Ihcsc tiwns prior to thc cxpirati�m of this period, l,�ndcr►nay i��voke nny remedics - <br /> �:_�_- <br /> � ""' p.:���►iU�.!by thl�.5�;�;urlty Iu�,t�u���c+2t s:ithuui furthcr noticc or demand on 13onrn+rcr. � <br /> ---�--�:..,�.��,.,,m. <br /> 18. BPrrmwcr'e Iti{�ht �o RclnsQnte. If liorrowcr mccts ccrtnin conditions, Borrowcr shnU tiave thc ribht to havc <br /> ����'f;�� enforcement ��f ihis Security 1 struuuut discuntinucd nt any time�rior to the earlier of: (a) S days (or sueh other peciai us <br />--"=°:��i� •ipplicabie In�v may tipecify for rsin�tii�ement) before sule of the Prapeny pursuant t� uny power uf sale co�ntnined in this _ - - <br /> _ -----=--- Sceurity Instrumcnt;or(b)cnt�•y af n Judgnient enforcing this Security Instrument.Those wnditions nrc that Qorrawee(a)pays _- <br /> ;:�w?�s,t�°�,���� Lcnder ull sums�vhich thcn wouid be due undcr this y�curity Instrumcnt�nd the Nc�tc as if no acccleriition hud ocr,urccd: (b) '__ <br />-���'.=� �� c►+res an detault of'un other covenunts or a reements; (c) pays nll eK enses incurrcxl in enforcin this Securet Instrument. —_ <br /> - •. -,4�:�:g��. Y Y S P B Y _ <br />-_"==-;y��� including, but not limitcd to, masonablc attorncys' fccs;�nd(d)takes such actinn a,Lender raay rcasonnbly require to assurc =_ <br /> �� thnt the lien of this Securiry Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrnwer's oblisation to puy the sums securcd by <br /> ,,�._,...,..,. <br /> '���=�,��•,.:��,-,-, d�is Sccurity (nsrrument shall continue unchangcd. Upon reinstatcment by Borrower, this Securiry Instrument and the - <br /> `w�"��-'� .,,f obligations securred hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However,this right tn reinstute shall --?� <br />--'=�=3*^`���'�����::y not i�pply in thc of ucccic�ation undcr paragraph 17. .�':. <br /> � ��''''" '`�" '} Cl�nn e of Loan Se�wlccr. Thc Note or u artial intcrest in the Note (to ether v�ith this Securit � <br />-=`,:�;�;..�;�.._,�r. 19. Sslc of Aiotr; g P' g Y �':;t'. <br /> =�-�, ��,;,`�`„�;: histnnnent)may be sold une or more rimes withou[prior notice to Borrower. A sale mny result in a chan�e in the entiry(known �',�;_ <br />_:���k^���.��:,�3<�. as the"Loan Serviccr")t hat co l lccts mont h ly paymcnts due un der t he Note an d t his Sccurity Instrumcnt.T hcre u lso may be one ^;'�: <br /> r;;:�:�;:,-�",;'_:�. :.� or morc chxmgcs of the Laan 5crvicer unrclatcd to a sale of thc Note. It'tnerc: is a+ehuiigc of lhe Luu�i Servicer,Burrower wili be <br /> _;.>���,fh,,.,....�.}, given written notice c�f thc chunge in accord:mce with paragraph 14 ubove and applicable law. The notice will state the name and >..,,A, <br /> _, • address of che new Lnan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will idso contain any other <br /> " � informution requircd by applicablc law. <br /> ;T.:�„•yr-•.=�;f ZU. Hauirdnus Substunee.v. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any �-'�; <br /> °' � �' ^ Hazardous Substanccs on ar in thc Property. Borrower shalt not do, nor alloa• anyonc clsc to do, anything affecting �hc <br /> -::.q:;�. , : Properry that is in violation of any Envirunmentul Law. The preceding nvo sentences sfiall not apply to the presence, use,or J . <br /> . �' storage on the Properry of sm;dl yuantitics of F-la�ardouti Substances thut are generally rccugnizcd to bc appropriate io nrn-mul <br /> . . . residential uses nnd co maintcnancc of thc Property. <br /> Borrower shall pmmptly givc Lcnder writtcn notice of any investigation, rlaim, demand, lawsuit or o[her action by :ury <br /> '�� " � '� governmental or regulatory agency or privatc pany involving the Property and any Hazardous Substnncc or Environmental Law ' <br /> `" . � of�vhiclt Borrower has uctuul knowled�e. If Borrower Ieams, or is notified by any governmentnl or regulatory authority, that <br /> any removal or other remeclintion of any Ha�ardous 9ubstance affecting the Property is necessary. Borrower shall promptly take <br /> , ,> - alt necessary remcciial uctions in accordance with Gnvironmental ,.. <br /> As uscci in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substanc�s" arc thosc substunccs defincd iis toxic or h:�zardous subs�anccs by <br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: gasolinc, kcroscne, other flammablc or taxic petrolcum products, tozic �' ��.`' <br /> pesticides and herbicides,valatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formalJehyde, and radiaactive materials. As used in �; . <br /> ;' this paragraph Z0, "Environmental Law" meuns fulerul luws and laws of the,jurisdiction where thc Property is �ocated that <br /> • rclatc to hcalth,safcty or cnvironmcmal protection. <br /> � �� ' NOIv-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L�ndcr furthcr covcnant and agrcc as follows: <br /> , . . 21. Acceleration;Remedtes. Iknder shall give nutice to Barrower prlor to ucceleratiun f�liowing Borrower's bre.ach <br /> .� of any sovennnt or �greement in this Security Instrufnent (but not prior to ucccicrntion under paragraph 17 unless <br /> , npplicable law provides otherwise). The notice sh.ill specify: (n) the dcfault;(b) the uction required to cure the defnult; <br /> . (c)a datc,not less than 30 dnvs from Nie date the notice is�iven to Burrowcr, bv which the default must bc curcd;and <br /> • " (d) tl�at failure to cure the defuult on or before the dnte specifled in the nottce mAy result in ucceleratton of the sums <br /> � � secured by[his Security Instrument and sale uf the Property. The notice shull further inform Rorrower uf the ri�l�t to •. <br /> �.';.:,.;;.. ,_ reiustate ufter acceleration und the riqht to brinF u cou�K acttnn to assert the non-ex(stence of u default or any other <br /> .;, „ . . defense of I3orrower to acceterntion und sale. If Nie deYault is not cured nn or beYore the date specified in the notice, <br /> , Lender, at its option. mnv require immediate payment in full uf ull sums recured by thts Securitr� Ii�strume�tt without <br /> � further demnnd u�nd may involce the po�ver of sale and any otlier re�nedics permitted by applicuble luw.I.ender sh�ll be <br /> � ��� entitled to collect ull expe�ises tncurred 6i pursuin�the remedies provided in this p�ru���n�h 21.Including,but not limited <br /> � � to,reasonnble attorneys'fees nnd costs of title eviden�c. <br /> �� „ . '' If the po�ver of sale is invaked, TruStce shall r��cord a notice o( def�ult in each county in wl�ich uny part of the <br />. . Property is locuted nnd shull mail copie.s of such notice in the manner prescribed by npplicable law to liorro�ser and to <br /> �;,�;;,� the other persons prescribed by applicable law.After the time reyuircd by s�ppl[cable It��v.Trustee shal!�;ive puhl(c nntice � <br /> �"'r`� of sule to the peiyons imd in the ir�anner pre�;cribed by applicuble li�«�. 7'rust��c, a•ithout demund on Borro��ll sell <br /> - the Property at public aactimi to the highutit bidder ut the time nnd pince nnd undrr the terms d�.ri�nated in the notice of � <br /> -� ' ' sale In nne or more p.ircels nnd in any order Trustee determines. Trustee mny postpone sale nf.tll or uny parcel of the <br /> :�';�. �'� , Property by public unnouncement nt the time und plucc of uny previousl�• schcduled salc. Lender or Its desi�nee rnuy <br />,`, . <br /> ' purchnse the Pra�erty�t any sale. � , <br /> �• :�: <br /> � Form 3028 9190 <br /> . . Pngu G u�G . <br /> ei_ I <br /> ��... ... .. I <br /> �. <br /> w <br /> ..� _�._�__..,__�_._�.._'.�'_"'"'_"�..�__"'....�.'__�.. '_"__._"_-• ---.. �T u .�,_'_—...__'___'_"_"""'_ <br /> ..-. �—._._._._._ <br /> �--•- <br /> ..... . . �i _uN."1"""""".._...._...,' '_'..._.._.._.._ �__. _..'..."'. .._.. .....JS-�s..7. ...t _ "1Lb'!1!...._ . <br /> � � .. . . .. . . ) � .. . .� ,. . � <br /> � " . " .� . . - .. <br /> `1 �. . " ��. .� . � ,� ., .. <br /> .. . �1 � . l• •, •> ,. . <br /> .. •.1 ., .. . <br /> .• ` ' . � .. . ,. .. ' .. � , „ �� l. . � . .. - <br /> _ ,� , ". U .. � c� . ... <br /> � <br /> ., � <br /> ' , <br />