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<br /> _ --,.W� i�y law;lb)to all han��sccurnl by thls gecority I�tslrumc��t;nnd(c)Any c�cc�s9 to thc per�on or pe��on9 leF;aliy entltictl tu _
<br /> - -- :, --
<br /> � _ :. ' ...
<br /> — Z2, Keconveyance. llpnn payme�tt of ull sums securecl by this Security Instrument, Lender shat! requcst 'frustce to -
<br /> _ re�Yn►vey 1l�e Pro�krty nnd s(tull surrender this Security Instn�mem nnd atl notes evidencing debt �ecured by this Scrur�ty
<br /> ---� Insirumcut to'frustcc. 'Crustcc ti{rdl rcconvcy ILc Pro{�erty evithaut�vnnanty and wiUiout chargc ro thc person or per,.ons Icgally
<br /> ' cntiUcJ tu lt.5uc1�persan c►r pcnons sU:dl pay uny recordntion costs.
<br /> -- --- �3. SubstllutE'i'r�stee. l.cndcr, nt its option, muy from tima to tim� remove'�rustee and ap�lnt a succcssor tnistee to
<br /> - any'Crustcc ap�intec!hercunder by un instniment recordecl in Ute counry in which this 5ecurity Instrume«t is recorded.�Vithaut
<br /> _ canveynnx af tlie Pr��F:ny,t�ir successor trustee shnU succced to;dl the tide, pnw�r or.d duties canferrul upofl 1'rustee herein �___
<br /> -_= n�id t�y u�spficablc luw•.
<br /> -- _ _ 2A. Rc�uest for Nnticr�. Br�rrowcr rcquests that copies of tl�c notices af dcfault and sale bc sent to Borrowcr's addr�ss
<br /> _===;:r;�,_,� whirh is Uic Nroperry Adcl�ess. _-
<br /> =T' i� 25. Kidet�to ibl9 Se�curlty Ir�Strumeni. If ane or mare rlders are executul by Horrnwer and recorded togethcr aiiti�this
<br /> ----__..,•,�.,d, —
<br /> --��-»�+a Sccurity Instrumc�t,the ca��cnnnts und agrrcments of cach such rider shall be incorporated inro and shali umend and supplement
<br /> Ittc cc�vcnantn:tnd ngrccanc�us of this Sccurtty htstrumcnt as if thc ridcr(s)wcre a part of this Sccurity instrumcnt.
<br /> [Chcck uppllcablc box(es)]
<br /> ..___;����c,>>,ow �t•.:=
<br /> --�-� Adjustablc Rntc Etidcr 0 Condominium Rider � I-4 Family Ridcr ___
<br /> -��9,�, 0 Planncd Unit l�cvelopment Rider 0 Biwcekly Payment Rider
<br /> L��t C_. Gc�aduateJ Payment Etider ��
<br />-.,:�.��;,..•,z ,�.
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