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•.�. . ��r,t;r>qS•iL; '�.:.��>�:t;���. __ _ � �4r_ . .ti I�. ,�:;:..-G'• ..'{:T r - . i; .7'�.r:;r_i-.l�1^'���?��'�. . . ;��.- ,, . <br /> �,.fl �v j�Jf jt,t �j� 71F 7t U� _`� r i S c. �.� !f .- t IL�� S �`,�yr�` '� ..� � t� . t . <br /> �l . - r:?�?} M��. �t�lS{� i4.}/i�s�� ,y( j. �`��A���L ! �v� �/Y r�rr _ '.�, - '• < <1�r� Js�l..�-- <br /> � <br /> t_ ,� � j��..11��,��kn�)(���t}'s�.-� �� r.. � d��Z�r5!' tc��rt �� . , . �,4..��,�y. i .• il �I i _ {.,�. <br /> � <br /> °. . .r � � <br /> ,.-r . �'�.�rri`z t, , �� a 1 ..: ���f ic� i _ .... ::, c�tC M 1Drmjy(1n _ <br /> .�.�, ,S_ . _. _.w _......�_ _ � - M�,. - . . - .-"-----'-' F .-- ���iT�:�_. <br /> ..� <br /> '�' ?^-'-�.E'{�.'!"^:""!'F^r_^rr�.��—. <br /> `- „'`2' y�,,,q...�,.R,...,,... __' <br /> _._,,....k _.. .A. <br /> _-r.._-_.�..,.-. .... . . ._ - <br /> � <br /> _.._ � <br /> ----r _--_ ____�__�__.. � ��v_L_____.y.�.__.._....°�......_ � _� ._._.-- - - ...r ,.__:- �,.. - ----- <br /> ��' �,_ 1Q��s <br />.-;•;;�:-�*'�.�'f.�)•�, 'i'QGL?'PHFIi�1/!7'H c�ll ehe impravcinents now on c�reattcz cra;tc:d un th%',pI0pCliy��'.i�f�al�eL!SCillcnts,a,��r�i�tc<<aacc7, snt! _ <br /> ; • � fixeuies na�� or h•:�c.7i'tcr u ��a�-t af tlic �r•o��rty. /►II rcZil�:c:.+ncut� n►ul i:dditiQns sirll ats+; l�� suv�:•c�i l�y thi:� C,cu��iiy : <br /> ." I Ynr.t�w;tttit. Pdl of tlic fnr;,�;nim�ir,��fetircd to iu thi�c Scctu�ity Iii�t�ar�lc:��t�i�;tiiti "t'e•op�stY•" : . <br />_,,�il�, : .. ,.F:� t3UitE:QC✓�P.CO°JNN�1�71'a thnt Uurro�vcr is la���t'ully sci::cil of iitc cstate i�c��cUy convcycd,uid h:is ti��►i�,iu tc�1,ranA c u�1 <br /> y`;.::;,:1;;:��;�„i.;z:,� couvey die Nroperty 1nd that die Pmperty is unencurnbercd, except for encumbrm�cas af�•esord. D�reo�vcr war;ants �ind �vill h'"_..: <br /> �''f�`;�� .':�Y��s�Sr;� dci'en��eucrally tlie titic ta thc Property n�ninst all claims and demands,subject to nny cncumUrances nf record. _ <br /> .. : .�....,.�.1..:.�.._ �- <br /> - 'I'l115 SE�U[tI'fY [NSTRUMBNT ca�nbines uniform covenants for natiunal use an�non-tmiforni covcn�nts �vitli li�ni�cd <br /> ;s�`�;.::�,-.��i:�::�."•� variatiuns by j►n�isdiction to canstitutc u uniform sccurity instrumcnt covcrin�rcal property. ��,«,p_ <br /> °-----— UNIPORM COVENANTS. klarcowcr und l..cnder covenant and agrcc as follows: <br /> —� - _— 1. Paymeizt af 1"rintl�ul mnd Intereet; 1'renuyment ae►d Lnte Chacses. Horrowcr shall promptly pay when duc die <br /> -`��'f=`_�}�� principal of and intcr�t on the debt evideneed by die Nate and uny prepayment und Inte charges due under the Notc. <br /> � ------ 2. Funds for Tnxes und Insurance. Subject ta npplicable Inw or to n writtcn waiver by Lender, Horrower shall pay to <br /> -_�P=v�,�;:j� Lcnder on the day monthly payments�►re due under thc Note,ur�til the Notc is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for: (a)ycarly taxes � <br /> ='"�� � and nsscssmcnts which may attain priority over this Security Instruincnt as n Nen on the Property;(b)ycarly Icascliold paym�nu <br /> ��°�� or ground rents on the Properey,if any;(c)yetu'ly h�rd o:property insurance premiums;(d)yearly fluud i�isurance pre�uiums, - <br /> _=-H=';:`;;�,� if any: (e)yearly mortgage insurance prc�hiums, if uny; und(�any sums payAble by Borrower to I.cnder, in Accordmue witn <br /> `�"� �'`.'��;� tlie provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the paymcnt of mortgage iusurance premiums. These items are called "Escrow items." <br /> e�.3�7�';„ � <br /> , ,,�_ < �A Lender may. nt any time, collect and hold Funds in nn nmount not to excced thc maximum a�nount a lender for n fcderully = <br />_.-_°�Y:.T�irY y, ••..i�i �«_'.1. <br /> - : •,• - �;� rclatecl mortgage loan may require for Bonower's escrow account un�er the federal Real Estate Setdement Procedures Act of __ <br /> _"�Y`�>j�rk�.�n."i��k ---- <br /> -.. _�-. 1974 as amcnded from timc to time, l2 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless anothcr law that upplies ro the Funds <br /> ___.s.:i'i���4�� _— <br /> _ �- • seits a lesser amount. If so, I.ender may, ut any time, collect und hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount. ��� <br /> �".' ' ���r�� Lendcr niay cstimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reaconablc estimaees of expcnditures of future ,��Y�' <br /> `'-_=�_���j�,a: ...'" � — <br /> � --,�,.:.'.'•,:eY r1r4. <br /> __� Gscrow Items or othenvisc in accordancc with applicnblc law. -- <br /> 'Che Funds shnll be held in an institution �vhose deposit� arc insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entiry !��'` <br />-_ ,'.' `_ 5`�`�,;: (including L.ender,if L,ender is such nn institution)ar in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shull apply the Funds to pay the ��'r::`'. <br /> - :-:::�,��:.� , . <br /> • Escrow Items. L.cndcr may not char�e Borrower for holding and applying tlie Cunds,annually analyzing the escrow nccount,or �','.�:• <br />-.,...Y;�.�..�,,.,. .,�.t„ �U._' <br /> � . verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lciider pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicablc law permits L.ender to make such •,�;,: <br /> . . „:''._ . a chargc. However, I.endcr may rcquire Borrowcr ta pay a onc-timc char�e for an indepcndent rcal estatc tax reporting servicc _`.� <br /> ,• ,.�,.� <br />,�, , . used by Lender in conncction with this loan, unless applicublc law provides otheiwisr;. Unless an agrcement is made or • <br /> '' ° '. � " applicuble Inw requires interest to be paid, I.cnder shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds, ;;;,s <br /> , . Borrowcr and l.ender muy agree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. I.endcr shall�ivc to Sarrower, <br /> , - � -- withmit ch�rne. an annual accountine of the Funds, showin� credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each �` <br /> . _. __ .. . .. - <br /> .� " debit to the Funds was tnade. 'fhe Funds are pledgcd as additional security for all sums secured by this�ccuriry instrument. �"', <br /> � ° , If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitteci to be held by upplicuble law, I.ender shall account w Borrower ;�: <br /> • for the excess Funds in nccordance with die rcquirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any „�; <br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when duc, Lender may su notily Borrowcr in writing. and, in such case Eiorro�ver � `:" <br /> ` shall pay to L.ender tl�c umount neccssary to makc up the dcficiency. Horrowcr sh;ill mukc up thc dcficicncy in no more chan • . <br /> . �� twelve m�nthly payments,at L.cndcr's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secureJ by this Security Instrumcnt, Lendcr shall promptly rcfund to Borrowcr any .:��. <br /> Funds hcld by Lcnder. If,under paragraph 21, L.ender shall acquire or scll the Propeny, Lender,prior to thc ncyuisition or sale •, <br /> ; � •� of the Property, shall upply uny Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisition or s11e us a creclit against the sums secured by � <br /> this Securiry Instrument. <br /> 3.Applieutton of Poyments. Unless:�pplicable law provides otherwise.all payments receiveci by Lender under paragraphs � <br /> ' ' ! ' 1 and 2 shall be applicd: first, to any prepayment charges duc under the Nute; second, to amounts puy�ble under paragraph 2: <br /> ° " third, to interest due;fourth, to principal duc;and last,to any lute charges due under the Note. <br /> •�� � , 4.Charges; Liens. Borro�vcr shall pay xll tuxes, assestiments, charges, fnes snd itnpositions attributable to the Property <br /> � which may attain priority over this Sccurity Instrument. and lraschold payments ur�round rents, if xny. Borro�ver shall pay <br /> • � thesc obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thut manncr, Borrowcr shall pay them on time directly <br /> �� ro the person owcd payment. Aorrower shall promptly furnish tu Lender all noticcs of amounts to be paid under this par�gruph. <br /> •,y z:_,i. <br /> ° [f Borrower makcs these payments Jirectly, Borrower shaU promptly furnish to I.,e:ndcr receipts evidencing the paymcnts. <br /> - Borcowcr shall promptly dischargc any lien wh:rh has priority ovcr this Securiry Instrumcnt unless IIorrowcr: (a)agrccs in <br /> ' " • writing to thc paymcnt of the obligation secured by thc licn in a munncr acccptablc to Lcndcr:(b)contcsts in good fuith the licn <br /> '.�`��-: ,.. by, or defends against enforcement of thc lien in, Icgal prciceedings which in the L�nder's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement oF the lien:or te:)sccures from thc holdcr af thc lien an agrcemenr satisfuctory w Lender tiubordinating tl�e licn to <br /> ��� ,. ., � this Security (nstrumcnt. If L.cndcr dctcrmines that any purt of thc Properry is subjcct to a licn which nrry attain oriority o�cr <br /> ' ' ' this Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrawer a nutice iJentifying the lien. Borrower shull sxtiafy the lien or tnke onc or <br /> .i. _ " more uf the actions sr,t forth above within I U days of thc giving of nutice. <br /> �� � Form 3028 9/90 <br /> �• <br />.... .. Puqo 7 u�G <br /> � . <br />.X�� . <br /> $ <br /> j �1 <br /> �. -r- -°°-^^-•r"--'o• ._-� .._ _ ". ., . �' . �•—'�-------�_._..`..?�'��°.5—IY...:l'q.`:�;f'�•°;' . ---°;----------._..._.„_ <br /> � ..�. ., . ., ,�. .. . . . .� _ � . , <br /> � .___._ ,_-, -,,.,._ _ . _. .. ' __._ __. __ _ ` ,.__.__ _ ___ _ _-_ _, _ _ __ _ <br /> -.____- -____ __ ___ __ �._ _�__ :___.. _..._ ._.___ . _ _:.- _ ._ . -__ __" __. . ... ._ ._ _ . _ _ _. __. <br /> i .._ __.. . _ -_.__ __ __-_ . <br />�C�. , - . . .. . � � - . <br /> �. , . i. , - , ' .. � - .. ... 1i " . .. .. - ., <br /> �' . 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