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<br /> Th�� tii1dersig;�ed Assignor shall. c�ntinue co ma.k� all payments
<br /> to be made in accordance with Assigner�s Le�<se Agreement in
<br /> respec-� to the above-described re�l estate and �ny renewals and
<br /> °::toni�i nno ;i �iiEti: LC2SQ A TE,�?
<br /> g �r�ent as th��y hecome due. �houZd at
<br /> any s:.�me a c�efault be c:ecla-�d in r��spect ta such Lease Agree-
<br /> ?�EZt� Assignee may, at its option, zidUance such sv.ms as may be
<br /> l�ece.�r�sary to cure such default and Lh.�reugon Qnrer into possES-
<br /> sic?.i of rh� Assignor'a leasehold interest. Upor� entering into
<br /> poss�ssion of �,ssignor's leasehold interest, As;�ignee shall have
<br /> trf=' r�.qht �o use, subleas� ond coZlect rentals �rom such subleas-
<br /> in.g as rnay be permztteci �y Lessor in res�eet t� the leasehold
<br />, interest hereia assigned. Al.l expenses incurred by Assignee in
<br /> taking posseasion of the leasehold interest to protecf. its secu-
<br /> rity ir.terest th2rein shall be secured by this Assignment, and
<br /> any sums so 3dvanced �ha�l earn interest from the date such funds
<br /> are advanced at a rate equivalent to that prorided in the afore-
<br /> mentioned Fixed Rate Promissory Note. It is �xpressly undarstood
<br /> that :zothing herein cor.tained shal�. be construed as a covenant or
<br /> agreement to pay any part of the rent or other consideration in
<br /> r�spect to the Lease hereinabove described.
<br /> The failure o� the Assignee to assert any of its right3
<br /> :zereunder at any time shall not be construe3 as a �aiver of its
<br /> right to assert the same at any later time and to insist i.pon and
<br /> enforce strict compliance with all the terns and provisions of
<br /> said Loan Documerlts.
<br /> This Collateral Assignment of Lease shall be binding upon
<br /> the parties hereta and their respective personal. representatives,
<br /> devisees, legateea, heir�-at-law and assigns.
<br /> Dated this 9th day of September, 19 4.
<br /> ���' --
<br /> Sha. P. McGowan, �.P.S.
<br /> tss:
<br /> COUNTY OF' HALL )
<br /> T!:e foregoing Collateral Assigr.ment af Lease was acknowl-
<br /> edged be£ore m� this 9th day of Sep�ember, 1994 by Shay P.
<br /> t�:c�:,owan, L�.D�S.
<br /> � "�
<br /> � �_
<br /> No�ary Public
<br /> My commission e:cp.ires: �-----,-�
<br /> C: 07/homefed/lsasghf �����
<br /> �Ih�a.bRWG1.�4/ � : �
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