' . � . �x ','�yy�— . � . a.�'• � ri �{
<br /> Y� ., • . �t `�tr;�ro�M,+ +• ,- �• �, .i ,;i�.
<br />�: � �,. . •x�,t��:, �..'.`_'����;,:s s , . , _ , _ '�
<br /> � . !� <� �� -r�� ���:,
<br /> ,.�.
<br /> � . 'i
<br /> . . -
<br /> p¢,9�.,�� : OEED UF THUSY r p�0*�
<br /> do��l�Id 19� (Cantlnuedj i�9'�" q��C�t�s .
<br /> . �,. ..
<br /> a....�... ^'
<br /> dNCls eonwyuy IM pto�arty eo totd.but w8houl ony eovYnarA ar warmnly,expre:a a ImpNed. The roLitats InwRii�dMd d[nq rt�etfeM
<br /> a laotf ttW Dt contl.ualvo pr0a1 of th�ta+i'niulnes�tlwrtof. Any parsOn,Ir�SUdlnp withoul limitnfton 7�uafur,Trus1N�br L�ndrr,m�y
<br /> puroha�elsuoAsab.
<br /> (b) b may ba pxmilt�d by I�w.�Mt d�ducttnp oA Cost�,tois and�xptns�of TtustN and o11NS Truut,i�c+ua�com a wiae�o.a
<br /> IiMr tn conr�ealtan wNh saN.Tnwt�e sfwN�ppty lhrproce�ds o!aM to ptym�nt ot (i)�II sume oxprnA�d und�r ItN flrrtw of tl�N QNO o1
<br /> Trutt a undM Ih�prms d tM Noh aot tlun rp�ld,lnetudlrp but no1 Qmit�d to ltocrw4lntrat tnd!�N ch�rpu, (�)eM ot1M►sturw te�n
<br /> es�ecured hereDy,end(N�Ihe rematncl�r,M�ny,to tM p�non a p�rsonr bBaW snUtwd tMnto.
<br /> (o)Trw1N may In th�rnmrnr provkbd by(�w PoslPOrw saN ot�q a any podlan of the Propwty.
<br /> R�n�dbs Ibt E�cccWeiv��7 nrs1M snd l�ndn,and�acb of th�m,�hRd b�eMitt�d to�ntoro�OtYrt�ent and p�rfamtnc�of any k�bMdnMo
<br /> or obNp�tlon�a�ound by 1►�!a Owd oP Trus1 and to tx�cis�aN dphta and powKe undor this Oeod ot Trus4,und�►Mt Nds.undw an W Eh�
<br /> r
<br /> l�tat�d Documrnis,a w�tny o1Mr�tpromem at any lawa now or t�eiftw in tap�no�rNhstandinp,sartN adl ai woh Ir►d�b
<br /> and ablipwtbns s�aured by tlds QNO ot Tnnt may now or h�r�arter b�otherwla�sacured,whether br moriaay�. d�d of huat,plcdpa,lisrt�
<br /> assfpn�nMa othKwis�.��t^M������projudbi a in iny rtin�a�t TNatee�'s a I,ertd�r'i ripAt tot��iRYx�up�a
<br /> �ntaa any otha security now a�ttar held by Tnntaa or undet.it h¢Inp aCraed thal7ruste�tnd lender,ane�an a in�m.sh�l b
<br /> �nUtbd to�ntora thb W+d o1 Tnnt and any otMr aeourlly now a haroaRer held by Landor a Trustw in such arda and mtnnK a ih�a
<br /> Nther of tMm m�y in thelr ebsotut�disccraqo�determino. No�emedy confarmd upon a rosavad to Tmste�or Urtdrr.b Int�nd�d to b
<br /> " �1` •y �xclusiw of�mr othar rqmedy In this Ooed of T�us!or by law provlded ape�mItted,but each shtil6�aumnlWv�tnd ehW ba In sddftlon to
<br /> ��s," �wry olhw rosMOy ylvaa ln tNS Qead ot Trust or now a hersattar Wd�Unp at taw or in aqulty a by etotuia. EvYry powlr ot tirtwdy ptwn by!IN
<br /> r' � '�:�:'� F NoU a any of tlw Reixtod Oocumonb to 7rust�eo a Lender a to whlah either ot them rray ba olAawiso��d,may b� �ardso0,
<br /> concurr�a indop�ndmt/y,from Nme to dms and aa otten as may be deemed axpodlent by Truafee or l�nder,and eltlwr of tham m1y
<br /> p�xau�I�islenl r�medie9. Nathlnq In ihis Deed af Trust shell be construed as prohlbiAnp LenEer hom seefclnp a dMlcMnoy judament
<br /> 4. = � eqeirtst the Tru�ta to tbe extent Euch ncilon M permdled by ktw.
<br /> .... :�!"�'�°'�+':=';.
<br /> �' ��';;'t�����' � Raqw�t Fot Noike.Truslw,on behall o!7rusta and Lender,hervby requests that e copy of any Nodce ot Oefautt tnd�copy ot arry NoUa
<br /> ,,��l�,�l-i�l�n�;:��,, ��
<br /> �i�.J,,,.:: ��,�,�,�cy:, of SaN under thls Deed otTrust be malled to them at!ho addr�set PoRn in the flrst paragreph of thls Desd ot Trt�sl.
<br /> �� ` :':ff: Wdven Efeetton of Remedltes. A walver by any parly ot a breach ot a provisfon of Ih(s Deed of Trusl shall not eonslituto a wahrer of a �_
<br /> '��;�,2;f;°;;�`1 prajudics ttN puhra rlphb oft�xwtss to demand sMot compliance w8h that provislon or any other provblon. £leotlonby Undor to puiu�any ��.
<br /> � •' �� ?'��,; rentady proNded in iMs Oead Ot Ttust,the Noie,in any Related Document,or provided by law ehatl not oxctude ptnbuf!ot rny othK romsdy,
<br /> �;�•��� ` � ��, artd nn eteetlon to meke expenditures a to teke aclion to pertorm an obllgaflon ot T�ustor under this Qeed of Tr�sl�fter tailura of Tnistor b �,
<br /> �''r�'''• pertarm shaA rtot aitect l.enders�tghl to dectare a defeult and to exe�dse eny ot its remedtes. :�;��
<br /> :i.j.A; . ``-,.�'r:,- 'i)
<br /> �'.'f
<br /> ':`1�1�°��:,�-• .'� x� Attorrnya'Fees;Exp�ntes_ If Lender kisdluta any sult or actlon to enforce any of the terms of lhls Oead ot Taat.Wnder ahaU b��nUtled to �'S;'•
<br /> '!'�•:^e � recow�r aueh sum ea the court may adjudya reasonabte as attomeys'fees et hial and on any appeal. Whether a�ot any oourf aaNOn b �
<br /> �:��;",s��?� ,; ^ , .� invotved,aV reasonable e�eraes incuaed by Lender wt�ch in Lender's opinlon are nc�cessary at any Gme tor the proteetion of ib Intwost or th� ,� .s
<br /> � �'•'«' � anforcement pf Hs NqMs ahalt become a part ot the Indebtedness payabta on demond and shaq bear Interest at the Note rate hom tM dita ot �
<br /> '""'�' '' sxpsnditure unU7 repeld. Fxpenses covered by this pa►agreph Include,without timitaflon,however subJect to any Qmlta undsr applk�bM taw, .
<br /> ��`•� �` t.ender'e aflarwya' tees whether ar not there Is a lewsult,Indudinp attorneys'tees for bankruptcy pra;eedngs((ndudinp eNorb b modiy ar 1;���
<br /> =��`- ;� - vacate any�utam0.tic etay ar InJuncNOn),appeals and any anflcipated post-ludgment coReatlon SerNCes,the co5t of saue�inp recaQS.obtalntnp .�.
<br /> •• . � � � dtle repoRs pnciudlnp foredosure reparts).surveyore reports,appmtset fees,dUe insurence.and lees Por the Tnistee,b the axtsM permittad by �g.
<br /> ' "'.•_" '.'`•' . � �� applbcabie taw. Trwta elso wd pay any couA cosb,In addRion to sll other suma provided by law. ��
<br /> " • ' �� ,';.• Riphts of Truetee. TrusteB she0 heve all of 1he�i8hts and dudes ot Lender as set fodh in this seclion. '�T'`
<br /> ' ,;� •�� ibYVERB AND OBLIQATIONB OF TRU8TEE. TAe tol�owing provisions releting to the powers and obligatbns oi Trustee are per!at fhb De9d of
<br /> . , ',. Ttus�.
<br /> '� . Powers of Trustee. In edQiUon to all powe�s ot Ttustee adsing as a metter ot taw,Trustee shaq have the powet to leke the tollowlnp ecttOns ��
<br /> ""°•`• '"' ' ' with�frspect W the PropeAy upon the wdRen request of Lender and T►ustor: (a)Jotn in prepadnp end f�ng a map a O�t ot the Real Properly, .•�;,•,'`
<br /> �r,^� �-` • • lnCtudlnq thg dedfcadon of streels or other dghts to the pubilc; (b)joln fn grenAng any easement or creaYng any resMCYon on lhe Reet PtopeAy;
<br /> ;�T..;, ° f':,,,;�.`- and (o)�dn in any subordin��On or other apreement aftecUng this Deed of Trust or the inferest ot Lender under this Ooed otTiusf.
<br /> "���' �� �� Yrltstes. Trustee shaU►tieat a0 quallBCatlons requiretl fa Trustee under appUCable taw. In addiGOn to the dphts 8nd remedies set fortA above, �;.�.'
<br /> ';�;f;:•,• � ; wltA rYSpeOf to al o�any part of the Properly,ihe Ttust98 sh811 heve the tl(�ht to foteClose by notlCe end sflle,snd Len08r Sh811 ABVe ihe tiQlt!t0
<br /> r
<br /> .� ,�•: �, faredOSe by judidal fOredoswe,in BHher cese In aoCOrdance with and to the fult extent provltled by appNcBbte law.
<br /> �., . ..••,. .
<br /> �'"`�"'''"'�'"' 8u�xesto►Tnutee�Lerv1�;�t taAder's optlon,may kom time to time appalnt a successor Trustea to any Trustee eppointed hereunde►by an
<br /> �`�""�' �� �°'�� tmtntment e�ce�AeQ and��rp�rledped by Lender art0 recorded In the otftce ot the recorder of HALL County.Nebreska. The ir�shument ahaA
<br /> `�"�".`•.�'.`,.`. '�, . - eont�ln,(n addU n to aft otf+6r,matt�i requlred by state taw,the names of the odginat Lender,Trustee.and Trusta,the book and pape(a
<br /> � ° cort�putK syaton►rotororqej where thb Oeed of Trusl is recorded,and the name and eddresa of the suxessor trustee,and!be instrumeM shell •
<br /> ".•`•"�� � b�e�cacutad and adcnowi�dqed by att the beneflcla�lgs under the Oeed ot Trus!or tAeir suCCessors In InteresA The waxssor trustee,w8hout
<br /> 'f i�'"�': '• conveytnq ot th� Properly. S�all succeed to ati the ritle,powar,nnd dutles conferted upon Ihe Trustee tn Ihls Deed of Trust and by applkab�e ;_:•`:'
<br /> „�;;�•' •� kw. This procedurofor cubamWon of trustee shall govem to the exctuslon ot eU other provisbns tor subst[fuNon.
<br /> `'�`�' NOTICES TO'1RU9TOR AND OTIiER PARTIHB. Any notice under this Oeetl of Trust ahstl be in w�iting and sha�i Oe etfective when ectuelry -
<br /> deNvared,a when deposlled witn a natlonally reCOgnissd overnight courler,or.if maited,shall be dee�ned eHecdve when depos�ted in the United ,
<br /> •• Stateg maN flrst dasss,rep�tered �nel�,posfage prepald,directed to the addressea ahown near the beglnning of thFS Deed of TrusR My poAy mey
<br /> �°` '`� chtnpe Ib add�xs ta nolbes under this Oeed ot Trust Dy giving formel wdtten notice to the ofher paAles,specitying that the purpose ot the notiee is '
<br /> r',��' � to ahanpe tl►e patt�s address.Atl Coptes of notfces of foreclosure from the hotder ot any Ilen whbh hes pdority over thts Deed of Ttust shall be sent
<br /> to Lendera address,es shown near the baglnning ot this Deed ot TrusL Far notice purposes,Trustqr agrees to keep Lender end Trustee intormed
<br /> ,,. � ,� af all Urtws of Tnutars curront address. `
<br /> �.. ; a
<br /> ' �'`r� MI8Ct1LANE0U8 PR�VISIONS.?he foll0wing miscellaneous provislOns are 8 part Of lhis Deed of Tnrst:
<br /> .��t�•_" , AmenCments. fils Deed of Rust,topether with any Related Documenb,constltutes the eMire undersfanding and epraaemant o!the pardes es
<br /> • �� to tha maMrs sat t�lh in this Oeed ot Ttus� No alteratlon o}or amendment to thls Oeed of Trust ahaN be effeclive unte�qiven in viMUnp and ,
<br /> � , • stpnad by the paAy a paNes sought to be oharged a bound by the atterqtlon or amendment.
<br /> �` Mnu�l Report�. It the Propedy is used tot purposea olhet then Trustors►esidence�Trusta sheN furnlsh to Lender,upon request,a cerfifled
<br /> ".1.'��"�. " a t a t e m e n t o f n e t o p e r a 8 n p f n e o m e re c a i v e d i r o m t h e P r o p e r t y d uri n g T r u s t o r's p r s v i o u s fl s c a l y e a r i n s u c h t o r m e n d d et atl e s L en d e r s h eN
<br /> �r�` � reqWre. '7�et operadnp ineome'sliell enean all cash reeeipts hom the Property tess etl eash expendHures�nade fn eomeetion wNh the operation
<br /> �."r'.... ` 0}�IY PfOpW�. ,
<br /> , � � Appticable Law. Thb�eed uf Trust hea baen detiverod to Lender nnd eccepted Gy lender fn the State of Nebraske.This Oeed of T►uat
<br /> ' • aheq be povemed by and construed In escordnrtce wflh the tawa of!he State ot Nebraska
<br /> , ' �Qap�Fktdi �tlOn headings In this Oeed of Trust are for convenlence purposes oniy and are not to be used to IMerpret or deflna the
<br /> �.
<br /> .� t�erper. Thene ohNi b0 no energer ot the interest or estete ereated by Ihls Oeed of Trust wlih any other interest or estate in ihe Property at any
<br /> ., 8ms haid by or(or the baneHt ot Lender in any�pady,without the written consent ot Lender. �
<br /> - �� -• - f.1utliple?artlCY. All obNpations ot Trustor undar thls Osed ot Trust ahall ba Jolnt and severel,and nU retorc�nces to Trusfor sheli meen each end �
<br /> .,'. evory Trustor. This means that eaCh ot the persons Slpning batow Is responsible for all obtlgatlons In tNS Deed ot Trust. `�
<br /> ' ` ' 8�verpbliNy. I}d Court Of�qnpetent JurlsdlCNOn flnds&ny provision ot thls Oeed ot Trust to be InvaNd or unentorceebte as to any pere0n a I
<br /> � , • drwmstance,suoh flndirp sheli not render that provlslon invaUd or unenforceabie as to any other persvns or dreumstanc�►. If teaslbie, 8ny
<br /> •�, � suah attendinp provislon ehaq be deomed to be modifled to be wllhin the Ilmib ot enf'orceabllity or veYdlty;however,If ihe oNendlnp proNston (
<br /> ' " Cannot De so modifled,H shBN E8 sMcken and 81I other provfsions ot this Deed of Trust in ail olher respects aheli remeh valid and entorCeable. �
<br /> . o ..
<br /> ., i, �� Su�Gra a�d A�slpne. Subject to the qmftatlona otated In tMS Oeed ot Trust on transter of Truslors Interest. Y�s Oeed ot Trusl shall be
<br /> birtdtnp upon and foure lo the berrefit of tha partfes,thelr successors and essigns. If ownershfp ot the Property becomes vested i�a person
<br /> � �" other than Trustor�Lender. wlthoul notice to Trostor, may deat wNh Trustor's suaessora wilh relerence to thb Deed ot Trust and ihe
<br /> • ° ��� ��`�' Indebtednoss by waY at for0earanco a extonslon wilhout reteesing Trusta hom fhe obUpstlons of�hiS Deed Q!Trust or IfabUlty under the
<br /> • . . Indebtedness. 1 �• •
<br /> w
<br /> ,7A . �:l
<br />