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� ''�ti�� ' � ' r `'•". s "� � , t� 4, , <br /> �1 ti,. r�Y�!r '•.�; ..w:Y+ �� � r J��h"'..,,.,.��..� �j .�1�: . (il ��'fu��'�J)��. . <br /> ���.i ����..� , r=.�}�/ _. iK*�i „...5� . .`j�. _. �I�j _ <br /> ..��. � ,. �- .j��', ��,� - <br /> ; ��ti�. , �� ,,:. <br /> N. <br /> .; . <br /> 09-»—t� DEED 0�TRU�T � P�^� <br /> troen tir�y� (Co�iilwue�i) !��(�',�.59'�" _ <br /> �______�� _.�_....._ _ ...._ � �.��� -•.��- <br /> Ati�itr�a. TM ma�Alnp addr�sses of Trusta(debta)�nd Lqnda (slcured parry),trom wh�h tnfamalion cor�ernirq!h�ueur(IY MoiM�ii <br /> oreMM by thk LtMd alTrust m�y b��Wn�d(aach ot r�quiad bylFw Untfam Comm�ctAt Code),ars a ttatW on ih�Mt pp�of thi�W�d <br /> o1Tru�t. <br /> F�N1Tb�R A$SMiAMCES;ATTOANlY-tN-PA�T. TM falowl�provlstam�etatinp to further nsswances and a4faawy-IrWati;t iri�paA o!th� <br /> MIO Of Tniq. <br /> Fwtlwr Asatrana�. At any�rr�,end hom dme to Ume,u�on�equee►at Lsader,Tn�sta wRi make,exacut�and dolivrr�or wHl oKt�to M �'7 <br /> madR�CUMO a d�M4wW�to Len�t or to I.�ndM'ea d�sipnN,and wl�n reqwst�d by LendK,eause to tw fii�e7,i�catkd,r-�M?d,cr <br /> ��ncard�Q.a fM cat�may b�.at wah Wna and in�uah MAC�s�nG P���Landw may d»m�PProprkll,��1►�nd iM Woh mOrfp�O'�� <br /> d��sl�af Inut,s�cu�ilY Owd�.t�eurHY�0►��ts,llnonde0 tt�temerib,corr�111nuttton stattr►wnta.t►akume�s of Uxth�r a�eur�.owtMctln� <br /> and dtiM documMts a mty.In tM aoN opidpn.of�wcassary a dasknbN In order to sitectutb,aompbM.p�aticl.coMinw,ar <br /> P►�v� (�)!Iw ob�tloos of Trusta und�r fh�Not�.this ONd m Tiusl.and!1�Rsiat�d Oaea�rwnb,and (b)tM Y�ns and waurltll�Mb <br /> enaMd by ttib�MO dTnnl as Arsl and prlor Nua on ihs FropYrty,wheth�r now own��ot hereatter�tcqukod by Trustor.Ur�Nst pro�afoi by <br /> t�w or�prwd to th�contrary by L�ndar In wriHng,T�us4a shaA relmbursa lender(or aM cost�and exponsw incurnd In eonn�ctlon with tMl <br /> matt�M�rt�d to In thb pea�r�ph. <br /> AttonNy-bt-Faat If Tnistor hNs�o do any o1 ttw Ihinps referrod to N tAe precedrq puayraph,I.ondw msy do�o ta tnd in th�ntnM ot <br /> Tnista and at TNator'r s�nsa. Fa aucA parposas,Tn�sto►hereby frtsvacabty appoints Lender aa Trusta's attan�y-In-aa1 tar th�purpoa <br /> o/RsUdnp,ax�eutlr�.depwrinp,tilirp.recordin@,and ddng ap other lhtnys as mey bs necesaary or L�ndwa aoM opinlon,fo <br /> �ocortrsASh tta mttlara ratlxnd to In tM praaedtnp puagreph. <br /> ijW.PERFORMIWCE lf 1Yttsta pays�N iM Indebtedr►ess when due,and olherwtse performs cJl!he ohligaUons imposed upon Tn�ator unda thb <br /> ONO at Tru�t. �nder atW wwcuta and deilwr to Trustee a requost ta tuA reconveyance and shall exeeute and dolivor to Trusto►suihbN <br /> shbm�nb of terminatlon af any flnandrp s�torrNM on fil�evidenctng lenders security iMerest In the Rents nnd th�Paaonal Prapaty. Mp <br /> :.�s,�».. �eeonwyanr.�tae requlred by 1aw ahnq be pa10 by Tntstar,N pennttted bY apPUcabte law. <br /> � �'�' OEFAILT.E1�ch ot the followlnQ,at ttie optton o!Lender,shall cor+stRute an event of defauft("Event of Oetautt'�under thb Deed ot Trus� <br /> �,``s rS.��1���• D�faWt allndebtedrNts. Fellure of Tnnta t9 make any payment when due on the Indebtedness. <br /> e . ::.� . r�� <br /> '`" tf�huH on Othet Pa�lmente. Faflure of Tnistor within the Ume required by this Deed of Trust ta make any payment ta t�xes or(nstuanoe,ar <br /> ' t 1.� .Y�, . <br /> :,,.r�'�.�.�5� ury oth�r paymant nsoess�uy to pr�vent 6Nnp at or to eftect dlsoharya d any lien. <br /> �"•• '� � ' � • Complt�:e Def�Wf. Fatiure to compry w8h any other term,obtipa8on,ewenant or condiHOn contefned In tNS Deed ot Ttt�st,th�Not�a In �:. � <br /> ` ���,�.„ -�,r.';��� airy d lhs qWted pacuments. It suoh a faNure b aurabte a�d it Trusta has npt been given a notice ot a breBaA af the aartw provision of tt�s _ <br /> "��-,�.- ';;,•.:. . Di sd af T�ust witNn the precedirq tweNe(12)moMhs.ft mey be aured(and no Event ot Oetautt wUi have aaourred)H Trwto�.attx L�nder ��•'•._ <br /> ;:�ri�.; : , . • tNfQs wrttten noUos damandinp cure of suah feiture: (a)aures the faYure within ten(10)days;a (b)it the cure roquira!mas than fen(10) ;;�:' <br /> , days,Immedttery Initletes eteps su(Ncient to cure the teilure and thereatter condnues and compietes ati reasonabte and nsqessary ateps <br /> �,�'�'f,`:.` � ",; sulffoMM to produ�a eornpWance as aoon as reasonably practical. <br /> :.'.� � . <br /> falM Statamentf. Any wartanty.represente'kn a st�tement made a lurnished to Lender by or on bahall o!Ttostot under tNS Oeed of Tiuet, <br /> ��'� � tho Note a tha Ralated DacumeMs�a talse or misleading in any materiel respeat.elther now or at the Hme made a fumished. <br /> =��' � • Otath or Inwlvme�I. The deoth ot 7rusta or the disgotuUon a termtnadon ot Trustars wdstence as a palnq Dusinesl. th�t�uelwno►r ot .` <br /> �"' : ,, -. L < Tiusta.Uw�pPamrtwM o!a receiver for any pa�i of Trustar's ProPertY,any asst9nment for the berietit of creditona.any typ�o�f asditar wakout. ,;�,.�,� <br /> .�;.�::,'�;•; a.� . or tM ComnNncemsnt of any ptoceedirq under sny bankroptCy a InsoNenay taws by or against Trustot. t� <br /> `����'� ' ForeCiOMr►�,Fatelttm,eto. Commenoement af faectosure or fptefiure proceedirgs,whether by Ju�Cial prooeedinp.se11-h�ip.npos�sion :r:.J:;: <br /> �y:-. ': or any alher amt ereditor of Tnista or by any 9ovamrr�fal agenay agalnat ar�y of the Propedy. However.tht�subssosaUon shat not ,: ,.�:: <br /> �i:':� , appry tn the�yer�Ot�pood failh Eispute by Trustor as to the vAGdity or reasonab�eness ot lhe dalm which Is the besb of th�foredosurt a . -:� <br /> � . � forefeitun proceedinp,provided that Tnrsta gives�ender wdden notice of such clalm and tumishes reserves or a auroty bond ta th�e41m <br /> � ` � � Siti�Ctory tO l.endK. <br /> .:3;.-:.`:.•, ;. <br /> " ' Brsseh of Qlher A�eement. Am breach by Trustor under the lerms ot any other agreemant beiween Trustor and Lender that is not ron�edbd '���� <br /> �3� �� � �� within nny�rece perfod provlded fhereirt,induding without Rmitation any agreement cor�ceming any indebtedness a other obOpaUon of Trtnttor <br /> w.;..r,r•.•.:_. ....;. . <br /> ��,a...< , . ,. . to Lender.whettiere�dsltnp now or tater. <br /> ' �:�::,:.,.. Events Aifaetinp Quu�ntoG Any of the preceding svents oocurs with respect to any Quarantor of any ot ths tndebtedness or s�eet►t3uarar�a <br /> ok.:�-•��.• • ` di�s a becomes k�compeleM. lende►.at ib optlon,may,but sha0 not be required to,permit the Ouarontor's estate to assuna unCOndtttoneAy <br /> `���r,�p.,,_, . <br /> .�1�;,,,,,., th�obY�ntlons arbinp under the puaraMyr In e manner sat�taclory lo Lender,and,in doing so,eure the Event ot Oefaull. , <br /> a-i*•°.;:.��°�°°:� InseaMlly.Lendlr in 9ood faith deems itselt Inseoure. <br /> "M"°`"°'' `" �"�• " R16tIT8 AND REIAEDIES ON OEFALLT. Upon the accurtence of any Event ot 0¢tauit and at any tlm9 thereaftet,Tnistee a Lende►.at Hs optdon, • <br /> "•-• ` mey�zwdso any one a mae ot the totlowi�p riphts and remed�es,in additlon to any other rights or remedfes provided by law: <br /> '� '�`� �• As�eeqraUon upon Oet�ul�Adllitiond Remedles. If any svent of deteuH accu�s wh�h is not oured wlthin fifleen(16�d�ya ntur aoUoe.�s per <br /> "7: .• : <br /> ;,, : . ttw tams o}t�o Noto socured Aereby,lender may deetare all Indebtedness secured by lh�s Oeed ot Tnist to bo due and payabb and ttq same ., <br /> . . . ShaO thereupon boeom9 due and payabte withou4 any pnseMment,�emand,Protest or noHce ot any klnd.Thereafter,Lende�may: . <br /> "�' y' , ' <br /> (y Eith�in peraon a by apent.with ar wtthou!brinplr�g e�l adfon or proceedinp,a by e receiver eppoi�ed by a court and wrihout ° <br /> �-_' � ropard to tM adequaoy of its security.e�er upon and teke passesslon ot the Properly.or nny part ib own�mr a in ths�mrt� <br /> of Trustw.and do amr acls wNch tt deems necessery or deslrabte to preserve the vetue,marketabitihr or rentabAlly of lhe .or Wrt <br /> .��'•� , .. ot tha Propsrly a Inferest in Ihe Properfy;fncrease the income trom the NropeAy or proteet the seeurily of the Prope�ty;a+M,�v►itAotA <br /> s . ttic(rp po�ossion of the Prope�ty.sue(a or o�nerwise cottect the rents,issues and profits of the Pro�eNy,tndudinp thoss past dtw Qnd <br /> ' anpatd,and appry ttw same.less cosb and oxpenses ot operation and collectlon,inctudinp atta•neya arry Mdebtedness 6ecured <br /> - �":,�;�1-: ,: by this OeeO of Tnut,olt in Bueh ader es Lender may deterrtJne.The er�edng upon and taking possesslon of tAe Propedy.ita cWleeUOn <br /> � ::�;ji� ot such rente,isstws and profits,and the appltcadon thereot shatl not cure or waive any detautt or notice ot detautt under Ws Oeed ot Trust <br /> . ' or InvaYdate ury Qct done in respo�e to such detauit or pursuant to sucb noUce ot tl�tault;and,notwtthstandinp tta conBnuanoo In <br /> ' poss�sslon d tht P�roperty a t1w coYeation,recelpt and applketton o}renTS, issues or proftb,Trustee ot LerWar shot ba aMitled to ," <br /> � e�urdsesv�y�pM provEdsa•K in tAe Note or the Retated daumenb or by law upon t�e occurtence of amr ove�d of dsftWt,indudinplhe <br /> ,� ' rlpht to ds�ttia power of sete; <br /> { (b) Comm6nCg in eCllon to tOnec�ose 1Ns Oeed ot Trust as e mortgflge,appoint e recefvet or sped8catly entqc6 any O}!he covenanb <br /> `�;�:, .. . herocf;and <br /> ••�.... <br /> ;,4;r•�°�� � . (o) OeNver to Tnntee a wrNten dedarafbn ot defautt and demand ta sate and e written norice of defauit a�d e►ectlon fo Caus�Tntstore , <br /> �ry;•:^: �' Intenst In the P�hoperly to be sold,whbh rtotice Tnrotee shatl caus9 to be duy fiied for record in the eppropdate of(bas of the County in <br /> ` �� . ` , wt�ich the 6tropeA�r Is txated:and s a <br /> . - �N btaska Un f�otmtCommerolef pCOde f the Personat Property.Lender sheli havg atl Ihe righb and remedies of a seeured PaAy under the <br /> C...wiwuw Lu O/r�rr nf 4ab d1 I nnAer dmtn fn GrurJne.o!fv owrnien nf Ihn Arnvnr n}Celn herdn�telnntl t onelur ehslt neNlu Tn141DO ntld <br /> �.���.__�.... ..�_.__- '-^—----'^°---• ---''-- -..._. -'-- - -- - - - -- -- - - <br /> sher dqostt wilA Tnuteo thls Oaed ot Ttust and lhe No1e and sueh receipts and evtdsnce ot expenditures made and secuned by thls Oeed of <br /> .. .> Ttust es Ttus6eg maY ro4�. <br /> ' ' (t) Upon�eoolpt of Suoh notfa�from Lender,Trusstee shail cause b De reco�ded,pubtished and dsUvered lo Tniatot such Notice of Oetautt ' <br /> tnd NoUCa of Saii as then r�equtred by law and by ihis Deed of Trust. Trusto0 shali,wilAOUt demand on Trusta.eRer such tlme as mey � � <br /> . . . ttan b�requlrsd by law and arter recardatlon ot such Notk:e of OetaWt and atter Not�e of Sale havinp been qlven ea requtred by law,seA ; <br /> � � „ the Praperly lt the Hrtw flnd ptace of eate ttxed by it In such Notice ot Sala,either as e whole,or in separate lots a pueels a ttoms as I <br /> ��° Tmste�shet deom e�edfent,a�d(n suct�order as It may detormine,at publt¢auction to!he htghest btdder tor cash tn IawtW money of <br /> � ' ° fhe Unlled Sletes pay�ble at lhe time ot eate. Tntste9 shali deUVer to SuCh purChas3r or ptkChesers ther80f its pood 6nc16utHdent dood a <br /> a <br /> �� deeds con�inq the property so sold,but without any covenant a or tmplted. The redtats in such deBd ot any malte�B <br /> ° �� or tacb slql O�Cot�dus.hw proof of the truthfulnoss thereo�. My pe�son,Including without AmiteBOn Tnistor,Tntst06,or Lender,may i <br /> purch�s�at sucn sak. I <br /> ° � ` "� (Dj A3 may be pxmitted by taw.after deductlnp eA cost.s,tees and m�penses o!Tnrstee and of thb Tn�sf,tncludinp cosls ot ovldgnoe o! <br /> ;?�; .; � tltl�In oonn�odon w[tA s�lo,Tnisteo 9hYM appf�r the proceeds of SeiO to peymant ot (I)sV sums�xpende(!y,eder the te�re ot thb Oeed of <br /> ' ° ' 1he4 a tmd�r tM tem�s of tho tJote not then repat0,�ndudinp bul not Itmited to ac�rued fnterest•and tat�Cb�?yes. hq et other sums then <br /> �'- .. <br />