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200410690 <br />State of Delawaze <br />Secaetazy of State <br />Division of Cozporations <br />Delivezed 02:27 PM 0910912004 <br />FILED 02:19 PM 0910912004 <br />SRV 040654353 - 0633217 Frr.0 <br />CERTIFICATE OF LEMMD PARTNER. MP <br />OF <br />MAGELLAN PIPELINE COMPANY, L.P. <br />Thee undersigned, desiring to form a limited partnership pursuant to the Delaww Revised <br />Uniform Undted Partnaship Act, 6 Delaware Code, Chapter 17, doca h mcby ocr* as follows: <br />I . The name of the limited parbimh ip is Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. <br />2. The address of the Partnership's registwed office in the State of Delawam is I209 <br />Orange Shvek Wilmington, Delaware 19801, and fire name of the Partnership's <br />rvg Owed agent for service of process at such ad&vw is the Coq ondon Tnrst <br />Company. <br />3. The name and mailing address of the general partner is as follows•. <br />Magellan Pipeline OF, LLC <br />M-�Aff Add= <br />One Williams Center, Suite 28W <br />Tulsa, Oklahoma 74172 <br />IN WnNFSS WIIBREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of Limited <br />Partnership of Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. as of Septenber 9,. 2004. <br />By: Magellan PhWbe GP,LLC, <br />as Genera! Pwtner <br />By. <br />Name: Lonny Townsend <br />Title: Vice Prudent: Geteral Counsel 8t <br />Assistant Secretary . <br />