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<br />� (1 Yeav Trctuury Index•Ruo�:aps) !�`i•`"'�-�.� �
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<br /> • THIS AU�615TA6U8 AAT�Rti1JR ta�ISCd.1�h11 �YH Qap ot �d otT�u�t.or 3ecutity Dred(ttu"Sa�rity GutruenRnP')ot
<br /> and it It►corpor�ted Intn�nd�hQl se deer.:M tu amend anA wpptcment tha Mon��e.
<br /> the amo deta�►ven br th�undenixn�d(ehe"ttorrower")to�cciuc BoROwcr'�AdJustrble it�to Note(th�"Not�")to
<br /> . (��,djlQ(the"Lender"10!th�wm�A�t��nd corertn{the propeny Oeacdbzd in the SccuritY�����mt u►d tocued us
<br /> , r..
<br /> 2305 S. 81.AINE� GRAPlD ISLAND NE 68801 � _
<br /> r, y �,* tP�operiy Addau)
<br /> .,; .`._ �
<br /> � 'IAb �ot�eo�ttl�o oro�aloiM r�towl� Ia cM��1��I�tetest nq ad �y �a�trh
<br /> , .M'�-��,'¢ , oMyw��b.t!b�ot��bo Q�lt�tb��otin wr aee►e�i r.�e ca.c�a■ee a.■r eN ttw��d
<br /> •.,_�l�w•�+yY�r� ako tM dY���a�AIM�wud�r�e nte 1 a�wt p�y.
<br /> r'�s:',:It^-,'. `�At
<br /> �-��'��k�t '. ADDITIONAL CAVENAMS. In addltion to tha covenu�u and asrcemen[e m�de in the Saurity Iastromeut.Sorrower and Leada
<br /> ,�;:.?... .., r
<br /> ,tr:�'-;.`' '`��' fluther covenmt and a{cee as toltowc
<br /> . ,,� :,•:,.. %;»;
<br /> :�. .,. !• .;�».
<br /> i"�""�"'r��jS,+ 'R�e Note provtdes for an inldal inurat rata ot ��-O� qi.3ectton 4 of the Note prov[da tor chaa=a in the lnterest rate and ehe
<br /> iX��1.,+.�.. �w.
<br /> y�t:s�'�••:`���.X montlily psyments.a toUowa:
<br /> .,1,
<br /> ;x.`.ti?:r:... .^1':.,;:a, �1. !N7'EREST RATE AND MONTNLY PAYM6NT CHANOES
<br /> '� (A1 a��� OCTUBER
<br /> �...�J-.�...-. .,.5� ;.�' �IQIfUUCS�(��GIWIUp�ymaychangeonthaflratdayof .1995 .endontdatdayevery
<br /> � ° • '�• �2 montAs thercaftet.Each dace on whicb my tatenst rato could change is catlod a"Chan�e Oate."
<br /> � . I (D) 'rie I�da�
<br /> ,, Be�tnning with the flrct Change Date.my laterest rate wlU be bascd on aa Index.Tde"Index"is the wakly avaa�e yEeld on United Staus
<br /> • 1t+dsury eceuritip adf uatcd to a constant maturtty ot 1 year,a+made available by the Fcder�l Raerve Boud.The most rcoeat Iadai ft�ure
<br /> avallableas of the date 4S daya befon each Change Date is caUed the"Current Iadex."
<br /> . ' It the lada fs no tongn avallable,the Note Holdu will choose a new indeu which ia basM upon compnrable informsdoo.Tha Nou
<br /> � Holder wtp gtve me aoUcx of th(s cboice.
<br /> „ (cl C�icubtlosotGe�es THp F uND �NE-HALF e
<br /> ' �• &fore eaclt ChanBe Date,ede Note Holda will calculate my new inureat cate by addiag P��
<br /> � pp�u r_..3,�� 7i)to the Cunent Jndou and�ounding to thc nearest 1/Beh of 19e.eubject to the Itmita stated in Sxdob 4(D)below.
<br /> " This rounded amount w[Il be my new intaac rete undt the next ChanBe Date.
<br /> � 'iLe Note tiolder wUt then deurmiae the amount of the month[y payment that woutd be sufficient to repay in full the princtp�t I am
<br /> �� - pcpected w owe on tl�at Change Dtte in substandally equal ptsymenta by the maturlty date at my new inurest rau.The rault of this calcWatioa
<br /> • wiU be tde aew amount ot my monthly payment.
<br /> • (D) LimibontateratltaqChsnaes
<br /> TUe inkrut rate I am rsquired to pay at the Hrat ChanBe Dau wUl aot be greaur than 9•0� ��o��ss�°
<br /> hi.ThereaRer.my interest rete wGl never be increased or dareased on eny single Cheage Date by more then
<br /> � Z•0 from the rateof intaest I have been paying for the pmedtn8 twelve months.?he iainlmnm interest rate on ehis toan wUt aever be
<br /> ' , ���� 5.0� �1�aad the maximurt interest rau will never be greater thea �2•�� %•
<br /> , (L� Ettccdre Date otChsa�a „
<br /> • � My new intuest rate w1U become effective on each Chaage Data I will pay the amount of my new montlily paymeat begtnntng on tde f3nt y;
<br /> t monthly payment dste efter the Chenge Date until the amount of my monthly payment changa sgain. �
<br /> '?=�r
<br /> ' � (� NotloeotC6tnga
<br /> • 7'he Note Holder w01 a�aU ur deliver to me a nodce beEore each Change Date.The nodce w[U adviee me of:
<br /> (q the new iaurest rate on my loan aa of the Change Date;
<br /> " (ii) the amaunt oi my monthly payment following the Change Date;
<br /> � (itt) any addit[onal matters which the Note Holder is required to diaclose;and
<br /> " (fv) the addresa of the essoc[atton you crould contact regarding any que�doru about the adjustment notice. +
<br /> ;i�:t;,,�; ,�,•,�,;•
<br /> � B. CHAR(iFSi LIENS �,�f•
<br /> " , Unifvrm Covenant 4 of the Secur�ty[nstrumen[is amended to read as followa:
<br /> 4. Chu`esi���•�nower nhail pay all taxa,essasments,aad othu cherga,flrxs,and impostdone attributable to the Propaty which naaY
<br /> • � � ,, attain a prlortty over this Sec�uity Inatrument,end:easehold payments of ground renta.if any.in the manner provided under paraeraph 2 hereof "
<br /> � , or.if not paid tn euch mannec,by Bonowu making payment,when due,directly to tho payee thereof.Horrower ehgll prampdy iurniah I.ender
<br /> all nodas of amounts due uader this pareSraDh.and in the event 8orcowu shall makc payment dtrccUy.Borrowu shall promptly furnish to
<br /> Ixnder recetpts evtdrndng wch paymenu.Bonower shall promptly d(scherge any Aen which has priodty over thfa Securicy Instrumeat;
<br /> �� however, Borrower shatl not be required to discharge any such Iten so long ea Bonower:(a)shall agree In wctting to the payment of the
<br /> � obligadon aecured by auch ikn in the manner aceeptable to Lender;(b)shall in good fuith contest such lien by.or defend against enforcement of
<br /> auch tlen in,legal proceedings which tn the opinion of Lender operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Ptopeny or any ��,
<br /> �;�� � � part tfiereoh,oc(c)ahafl secure trum the holder of such lien an agrament in e form satisfactory to Lender subordlnadng�uch lien to this
<br /> , ,
<br /> „ Secudty Inatrument.
<br /> • . .. .. ... .. . . .. _. ......_..__.._,....__._._�. _
<br /> •� If Lende�determ[nes that all or any part ot ene rropeny�s suu�ecc co a uen wmcn may accan a pnun�r.,.a «��a�.���.a.�.o..��..•�.., �
<br /> . Lenda ahall give Sorrower a notla identitying such lien.Bonower shall sstisfy such Ikn or take one or more of the actions set forth above
<br /> � wtthin ten days of the givtng of the notice. I
<br /> � � C. NOT[CE
<br /> �. °
<br /> ��_ " � Uni[orm Covenant t4 ot the Secudty Instrument is amended to read as follows: I
<br /> • 14. Notice.Except far any notice required under appltcable luw to be given fn another manner,(a)any notice to Borrower provlded for in this �
<br /> -k Security instrument shall begiven by delivering It or by mailtng ft by first clasr matl to Horrower at the Propetty Address or at such othe�address �
<br /> as Borrower may designate by nwice to Lender as provided heretn,and(b)any notice to Lender shail be given by Rrst dats mail to Lender's '
<br /> �� addreas stated herein or to such other address a1 l.ender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herefn.Any notice provided for in this i
<br /> Security Inscrument shall bedeemed to have becn given to Borrower or Lender when given in thc manner designaced herein.
<br /> i
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