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'.�.I� +ift 1� q�dC7�: ..��.. rl�Et�y.,-,�,a ��t'��1\Z7 F��� V �`� �5�,��, . � � .. ./l 'i��` <br /> • F�1�'�+�K�6�.,��.r �...�����r1�.. . � �(j 4�yy,� <br /> �f�,t�.��5�� l � � IY,•.'4is � <br /> , •.� +{y / �f . <br /> ,, i' �a. ;tio.m: - ��'. <br /> �.' �+ <br /> . f�/1�� �V.�q/ <br /> .. �qT,•'t'�ti <br /> 9.M���daw Mat�tlat�.Truator ehall keep the Prapsriy in complisnce with a!!eppl�cbble awa,ardinanca�and rs�ulsetions <br /> ��I�tinp ta Industrlal hypi�ne or snvironmenml prote¢uon(coli�attvety r�terred tod�ereln as"EnvironmenLl 1.arrs'?•Ttustor�haU <br /> kMtp t�s Prop�rty hse�t�om�II�ub�tances deem�d to M hu.�rdou�Ar toxta vnd�r any Environmantel uWStca�o�vay r�Nrrb b <br /> hKSin�ts"Hwrdoaa Mtt�rl�ls").TrueW r hsreby warrant��nd�eprqsanu to Lender that lhere are no H�urdaua MalKial�on ot <br /> underth�Prop�ry.Truator h�reby��r�s to Indemniry�nd hok!h�rmt�l.�Mlsa,Its air�oWn,offlcen,�mpby�and�p�n4.�nd <br /> • --' =� •-��•�- nny auccesson to�endePa InLeraat trom and ayatnst any and alt atnime,dam�Qe�,to�sss�nd���bllltbs u!W^p t^co^^�ctl�^w� <br /> ths pnsanc�,use.dl�pout o�uanrpoR of��sy H�rardous Materla{s on, uncfer,iram or akout tho Prmp�rlsr.TMF FOREt3�INCi <br /> WAARANTIE8 ANO REPRESENTA710N8,AND TRU87'QR'808LiCiAT10NS PURSUAt�T T07HE FORH4CINti INDEMNITY,$HALL <br /> .:•.�t:' ;1..'.�.:, SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br /> .r_��('' ,�' 10. ANipnm�nt al R�nt�.Trustar hersby aaipn�to Lender ths ronb,Iswes and pra9lb ot the Prop�Ay:pravid�d that Tlv�tar <br /> r�,��' �� ehatl,untlltheo�aunenceofanEventmOsfaulthereu�der,bavsthsriahttocotlactan4��Lln�uahrenb,Istuesesnd�xofltsaslhaS► <br /> .� .�.;.��•. <br /> ac�:�a;..;�:::�.`'. becoms due and payable.Upon the ocaur�enae of�n Ev�nt of OeMutt,Lender may,e(ther in psrson or by ap�nf.wtth or wi aut <br /> �`"'�'-�w."'.'. bdnpin�any actlon or proceedtnq,or by a roaelver appolnted by s couA and without repard to th�adequ�c�►of ita�eaudty.�ntK <br /> �� _ <br /> ' wZ���:C,�,:�;r' upon and take poaaess�on ottho P�operty,or any ib ow�nartaeor In the ne�me of 1hs T�u�tes,and do any aab whlon It <br /> �=� deema neceseary or desirable to preserve the value.marksbblliry or rentabflityo!ths Ptope�ry.or any paR th�ereof a int�rs�tthereln, <br /> �',;'�`';:�a'�#�?�" Uerease the inaome therettom or proteet the aouudty hereot and,with or without takinp poaneaelon of the�tor or <br /> w���:=•••r •��. •�F' otherwise c011eot the r6ntB,�ssues 8nd prqf(ta thereof.lnoludinp lhose Deat due and u�petd.and apply ths same,leas costs and <br /> °�> ' ;�' °�''r� expenseo of operaUon and coileoUon lnoiudlnp aKameys'teas,upon any indebtedneae aeouresi hereby,alt in suah order as Lender <br /> ;;�ti,;,;'.�, :;;:�,+ may determtna The enterinp upop end tekinp posaesslon of the Praperry.the coNeotlon ot auch rents.laeuea and profits and the <br /> .. ti= aPP���don thereof aa aforesatd ehali no2 oure o►waive any defauit or notice ot detault hereunder or tn�alidate ru►y�at�dans In <br /> '�- ��'�'� �`��- responseto wab detaultor pureuentto aueh no�ce ot cietault and,notwithaESndi�pthecontlnuance in possesston ottbs Propsrty or <br /> 1:, _ . <br /> " `� '" ��'�' the ooiteodon,receipt and appitaaQon of rents,issuea or proflte,and Truatee a�d L�ender shali be endUed to exsrclss evory d0 t <br /> , "x ° � • prowldedbNnanyoftheLoanDooumentaorbylawuponocaur►enceofanyEve�totDefauit,(nciadinpwithoutl(mitatlontMrlphtto <br /> `' �� •' ` � exercise the powet of ae�e.Funher,Lender's►ights and remediea under thta paregreph shall be eumulative with,and in no wey a <br /> Iimitatfon on,Lender's�ighteand remedies underanyesel9nment of leaaaa and rents rec�rded againatthe Properry.Lender�Truttee <br /> end tha�ecetver shait be liable to account only thase►ents ectuaily rec�lved. <br /> ' ' t i. Ewnts o10MauN.The following shali co�stitute an Event of Oetautt undsr this Oeed ot Truat <br /> �� • (a) Fallure to pay any inslaliment ot pdnatpal or Interest ot any other sum seoured hereby when due; <br /> �• (b) A breach of or default underany provision contained in the Note,this Deed of Truat,anyof the Lonn Documenfa,orany <br /> � other lien or encumbrance upon the ProperM. <br /> ' (c) A writ of execuUon or attachment or any similar procesa shatl beentered against Trustor which ahail become a Ifen on <br /> the PropeKy or any portion thereof or interest therein; <br /> �� (d) There shall be flled by or against Trusto�or Borrower an actian under any present or tuwre federal.e�te or other <br /> atatute,�aw or regulatlon relaUnp to bankruptay,insolvency or other relief for debtors;or there sheil be appointed any trusteo, <br /> rgsetvar os!lqtsldslar o!Tru92or�r!�rrower or ot ell or any paR of the Ptopedy.or the rente,issues or proflb thareof,or Truator <br /> � or Bonower shalt make any general aseignment tor the beneflt ot creditors; <br /> (e) The�eale,transter,lease,assignmen�corneyance or turther enaumbrance of all or eny paR of or any intereat In the <br /> _ , petmit d to execute a er�es ot the P�oper,r y tha daes not contai�n opdon t purchaee and the�rm o whioh droes not ea'xceed <br /> ' one year,' <br /> � � � (� Abandonmen!oi the Property;or <br /> �.;'I (g) {f Trustor ts notan tndivldual,the issuance,eale.transfer.aealgament conveyance or encumbrence of more than a toffit <br /> p}�_percent of(it a aorporaUOn)ita is9ued end outatending atook or(if a paRnerBhip)a total ot percent ot <br /> pertnerahip interesls ddring Me periad thls Deed of Truat remains a lien on the Property. <br /> � . �2,R�dUs;Acc�leation Upon DNauit In the event of any Eventof Detaurt Lend�rr may,without noUce except as requtred by <br /> law,deolare ail indebiedness eeoured hereby to be due and payabte and the same shell thereupon become due and pa�rabie <br /> , wNhout any presentment,demand,prot�st or norice cf any klnd.Thereafter Lender may: <br /> (e) Oemand that Truatee exeraise tha POVYHR OF SALE grented heretn,ersd Trustee sbail thereatter cause Trustor'e <br /> , .,;1, , Interest in the PropeAy to be sotd and the procseda to be diabibuted.all in the manner provided U the Nabn►aks Trust Oesds <br /> Aak <br /> � ' (b) Exe�iseanyandallrightaprovidedtorinenyoftheLoanDocumentsorbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEventofDefa�ut� <br /> ���;��•�:, 8�d(c) Commence an acdon to torecloae this Deed of Trust as a mortgapo.appoint a receiver,or apecifloaity eMorce anY ot the <br /> " ''' covenenta hereot. <br /> No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Truetee or Lender ia lnYended to be exclusive of eny other remBdy hereln,tn the <br /> �. .. , h��r,n the Loan Documen o now or hereafte�xelstl g at t w or n equiiry a by sWtute�and m Y������^� <br /> independentty or succ�ssively jpt 8 <br /> 13,Tru�,The Truatee may resign at any tlme wlthout cauae,and Lender may at any time and without cau�e appo <br /> u <br /> �� auccessor or subsdtute Trustee.Truatee shali not be Nabte to any party,Inctudi�g without Ilmitadon Lender,Borrowor,Trustoror any <br /> purahaser oi ttte PropeRy,tor any tosa or damage un lesa due to reckleas or wiiltul mleconduot and shali not be required to tske any <br /> , aatlon in conneation w{th the entorcement ot thls Deed of Truat unless Indemnifled,U wridng,for alt coste,compensatlon or <br /> ' expenses which may be assoaiated addltlon,Trustee may become a purchsser at any sate ot the Properly Qudialat or <br /> ueder the power oi saie granted herein);poatpone the sale of ai�or any portion ot tAe Property,as provided by taw:or aetl the <br /> � Property as a whoie,or in separate parcels cr lots atTruatee's discretlon. <br /> • 14. FMS and Exp�nas•�n the event Truatee seils the Properly by exercise of power of eale,Trustee shail be ernitled to aPDiy <br /> � any eale proceeds flret to payment of alt eoste and expensea of exerclaing power ot sale,includinp etl Tnoatee's teea,and Lender's <br /> and Truotee's attorney's tees.actually lncurred to extent permitted by epptieabie�aw.ln the event Borrower or T�ustor exeretses any <br /> � �Ight provtded by law to cure an Event oi Detault Lend�r shall ba entltled to recover from Trustor ali costa and expenses aatual�y <br /> _� incurred as a result ot Trustor's defautt,inc�uding without IimitaUon a�l Trustee's and aitomey's teas,to the extent permitted by <br /> eDDticeble�ew. , <br /> _ -- -� � 15. Futuro Advanc�s. Upon request of Borrower.Lender may,at fts opUon,make additlonai and tuture advances and re- ,� <br /> advancos to Borrower.Such advances and reac:varsc;es.with Interest thereon.ahatl be secured by this Deod ot Truat At no Ume shali <br /> ,; the princfpal amount ot the indebtednesa secured bythls Deed of Trust,�ot including sums advanced to proteat the seaurity ot this <br /> w�J J T..� e,...�e�,�.,.���nal nrinrinal amount st8ted hereln,Of� ��0�•� whiChever is 9reater• <br /> . . — voov v� . ..a.w. �� ..o. ._ .. , <br /> • 18. Mbnqan��Provitiont.� <br /> (a) Borrow�t Not Releassd.Extene�on of the time tor payment or modiricatlon ot amortftadon ot the eums secured by thfs <br /> ! Oeed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor i�Int�rest of Bonower shall not operate to release,in any manner,the IlabtlNy <br /> E ot the original Borcower and Borrower's auccessors�n tnterest Lendershall rtot be requlred to commence proceedings against <br /> auch successo�or refuse to extend tlme tor paymentor oMerwise modly amortl:adon ot the aums aecured by Mis Oeed ot Truat <br /> '� by reason ot any demands made by the originat Borrower and 8or►ower's successors In interest � <br /> � (b) L�ndK's Powe».Wlthout eHecdng the Ilabi�ity ot any other pereon Iiab�e tor the payment of any obNgaUOn hereln <br /> ► ,, mentlonad,and without aHecting the Ilen or charge o}this Deed atT�ust upcn any poRlon oi Me Property notthen ortheretofore <br /> . roieased as seaurlty tor the tuti amount ot all unpald obtlgaUons,lender may.irom tlme to tlme and wlthout notice(i)release any <br /> person so Ilabie.(ii)extend the maturiry or a�ter any of the terma otany such obllgatlona,(Iily grant other Indulgences,(Iv)retease <br /> or reconvey,or cause to be reieased or reconveyed at eny tfine at Lender's optfon any parcel,portton or ell of the Property. <br /> � (v)take or reloase any other or addiNonal'securlty for any obligatlon herein mentioned,or(vf)meke compositiona or other <br /> � anengementa wIM debtors in reletlon thereto. "; • <br /> . � ' <br /> � - --.. .__ ---_.._. . ._. . „ <br />