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<br /> `i'UtiGl�t2 ��I ati e�o inp�avcmcnts now cr trr�fi�.-r er�t� on thr pr��F-_�-ty. r.r� rit �,�.��,
<br /> ^° � uppurtauancea,t�nd flxture,a now ot horesQter a�art a!ihc groperty.A11 ro�iacoment�end ddditIono ehsll alrxu bo c�ven�d
<br /> by tbi�Seeurlty Ins►rument.A1t ot tho foregain�ie roion�d ta in thia So�urity Ineteumantne tho"p�mporty."
<br /> A[�RRI�WRR C;OVRNAIJT3 that BorroMer�s lawfuliy seieod of tho estate haieby canvoyed�nd has tho rl�t�t to
<br /> grant and convoy the Proparty aad that tho PcopertY la unencuinber4d,except far oacumbratir,�e oi r�aeord.isorrower .,
<br /> w�naata snd wIll dofend gsnerelly the tttle to tho Property sgainst all claime and de,muvls�eubj�st to any encunn�bran�ae
<br /> oi tecord. "
<br /> - THI3 SECZJRI'lI'Y INSTRUMBNT combinc:a uniform covonants for aattonel u9e end nan-uniiorm caveaa�nta wIth
<br /> llmited vaQIattone by N' dediattoa to cc�nstitutea vniform aeaurtty Iastcumontcovarin�reel proporty.
<br /> i1IVIppgM CpVENpNTS.gorrower aad 4..endar eovensat aad ag�oe us followa: when d�se
<br /> 1.Paymeat oi Prtncipal aad Interest;Prepipment and Late Ch�r�es.Borrawer ehatl promptly p�y
<br /> tho prinalpal o!and lntereat on the dobt evIdenced by the Nota and any prep�yrnent and l�te oher�oe due uadar the Nate.
<br /> 2. F�unde for Tstes and I�svraace. Subjoot to appltcable law or to s wdtten w�iver by I.ondor�Borcower ehall
<br /> p yw Lender an the day monthlypaymente are due undor ihe Note,untll th�o Note te ptid Qn tull.a eum("Pund�")tAr.
<br /> ta)yearly taucs aad eseassmaata whiot�msy attiain prtority ovar thia Security Ineuuurant ae e lien on tho Piaperty,(6)
<br /> gearly leasehold paymente or ground rents on tho Praparty�if Rny;(c�yearly h�rd or property inaur�nco promiume;
<br /> (d)yearly ilood ineurence promiuma,fi any;�o? yarly mort���o irusurence premtume�it�ny;and tl)�ny eums poyiblo
<br /> . �� by aonower tc�I.enBec�in accordAaae with tho pravi�inn�af pir��c�ph 8t in lieu c�t tho peymvnt�!mart���e lneur�nce
<br /> ��'4� � pramiume,Theae iteme ara cailed"F.ecrow itom�v."I.onder may�at any t�me,coltoot and hold Punds in�n�mount nnt
<br /> 4 w excded she maximun� smount a leredar tar a tedcr�liy rol�ted morege�e la�rt m�y roquIro tar Hanowo�'e eacniw
<br /> � ,;>:��.;� . nccount undor the iederal Rca1 �state Sotttomant Praceduece Aet of 1974 as amended from ttme ta tlme, l2 U.B,C:.
<br /> � ��`�`�'�`-='" 8asttun 2&01 et seq. ("RE�PA"�,unle�asnthes tnw thnt epplien tc�the Fuads sets a lesser amount,It eo,Londar may,
<br /> :�;-,�:��.•.:i.^,
<br /> °•, x��,�•�;�, :<, at any time,celleat end hold Puads 9n an amount not tc�excad the lesser amount.I.eader mey eetimate the amou�nt of
<br /> . . Funda due on the b$eis oi current data end ree�cmeblo�ati�.+at�a of •xpendii�ee+:of iut�•ro F.�arnw Iteaneor otherai�e in
<br /> � accordanca wtth applicabla law.
<br /> ,'`.�`j'•��•�.`'s=#�:5,'���a� 'The Funda shall be held ia ea ineNtutionvWhoso depasits aen i�ewed bY e�ederal agency�insuumentality.orendty
<br /> " ^ •� (includiag L.ender,if Lender is euoh en inetttution)or in any Noderal Homo Loan Beak.I,ender ehell apply the Funda to
<br /> . �-'°,��•�.�;`,� pey the F.scrow Itarme.Lander may aot chatge Borrowar for holdiAg and applying tha Funds,anauelly anelyzing the
<br /> � :, .� esarow account,or verifylag the Esurow Itsme.unlese Leader pays Borrower interest oa the Funde and applicable law
<br /> � permita Lendar to make such a eherga. Howaver. Londar may requlra Burrower to pay a one-time charge for en
<br /> � indepandent real eatate tex reporting servica used bY Lenda�'ia o°nnectl°n with this loaa,unless appllcable law provfdee
<br /> � � otherwise.Unlese an agreement is mada or applicabla lea requires interest to be paid,Lender ahall aot be cequired to
<br /> pay Borrower any intereat or earaiaga on tha Funds.Borrowar end Lender may agree ta wrIting.howevar.thatintereat
<br /> sha�i ba Y�id on ihs Funds.Lender shsll givs!Q Bortoaer,aithout char�e.an annual accouating oi the Fuads.ahowIng
<br /> a1
<br /> ° ctedits aad debite to tha Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds wes mgda.The Funds are pledged as
<br /> � additionel securitq foc all sume secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> �� � � If tha Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by appltcable law,I.ender ehall account to
<br /> ' �������' Borrower for the axcess Funda in accordaacs with tha requirements of applicable law.Ii the amount oi the Funda held
<br /> � by Lender at any tima ie not aufficies►t to pay the Escrow Iteme when due,Lender may so not�fy Borrower in wrtting,
<br /> ,f' .�•�"� and,in such caso Hocrower ehall pay to Lender tha amount n�ary to�nalce up the deficiency.Borroaer ahall make
<br /> .� up tha deficleacy in no more than twelve moathly paymente.at Lcinder's sole discretion.
<br /> ° Upon payment in full of all aums secured by this Security Instrumeat,Lender shall promptly refund W Borrower
<br /> • � any Funda held by Lender. It. under paragcaph 21, Leader shall acquire or sall tha Propercy. Lender. prior to tha _.
<br /> acquisition or sele of tha Property.ehall apply any Funde held by Lender at the timc of acquieitton or eale as a credtt
<br /> � . ., against thd sume cecured by this Seourity Inetrurnesit. �'��'
<br /> � 3. Application of Payments.Unless applicable lea provides othernisa,all paymenta received by Lender uader �:
<br /> • ' paragraphs 1 and 2 ahall be applied:firat,to aay pre�aYment cherges dua undar the Note;second,to amouats payeble m.,
<br /> � ,, " under paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,w pnncipal due;and laet,to any late chargea dua under the Note. :;��,�
<br /> ' 4. Cherges;Liens. Borrower ahall pay a11 taxes, assessmante,chsrges,fiaes and impositions atuibutable to tha �:'i,.
<br /> ` '�� �� � � Property which may attain priority over this Security Instirumeat,and leasehold payments or gcouad rente,if any. �
<br /> :;..c;:
<br /> Borrower ahall pay theso obligations in the manner provided in paragreph 2,or if not paid ia that maaner, Borrower
<br /> � shall pay them on tima direatly to the person owed payment.Borrower ahall promptlq furnish to Lender all notices of .
<br /> ' .� amouats to be paid under thia paragcrsph.Ii Borrower makes thesa payments dIrectly,Borrower ahall promptly fumish
<br /> ' � to Lender receipte evidencis►g the paymeats.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discherge any lien which has priority over this Security Inatcumant unlesa Borrower: (a)
<br /> agrees in writing to the paymant oY the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to I.ender;(b)contests in
<br /> , good faith the lien by. or defands ageinat enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedinga which in the Lender's opinion
<br /> �� operate to pravant the enYorcement of the lien;or (c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satiefactory to
<br /> Lender aubordinatiag the lien tu this Security Inatrument.If I.ender determines that any patt of the Property is subject
<br /> ' ' to a lien which may attain prinrity over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Bonower a notice identifying tha
<br /> lien. Borrower ehall satisfy the lien or take ane or more of tha actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of
<br /> ".i � . notice. �
<br /> �
<br /> Form 3028 9/90 '
<br /> ' �—�(NE�cs212) n.a.:or e Inttiet�:
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