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<br /> � A�lONM�N1'OF IItN'I'�RIDf.l1 „ , . �:;;
<br /> �THiB AS9IQNMEti7 OF REN79 FdiDEFI ie►»nde�nd�cu�ed thla.�H.�.�,d�yot�5T ,4��.and h
<br /> �;, Inaorpornt�d lnto and sAail be dn�mer0 to amgnd and eu�plb mon4 tha Mort{�a��or(�e�d o"�ruet,her�lne�tler►Af erre+d ta ae th,o
<br /> • ��8eourlty lnnir►:nsant",of the e�ms Qste piven by the unci�relpned',herelnAQt�r r�terrad tA a3 the "Burrow�r'�, ta e�curs• •
<br /> Barrow�t'A In�A�bteOnei�,h�r�{n�fter nfierr�40��i,N�"N��t�"�GA ii�m�F��Ct;At.S�'1t�:3�AI�L�!L��!�!A�C�:+��'!+?�!n�
<br /> . QRANC►ISLAND,herafnwfternf�rr�d to�s th�"L�ncf�r'�.of tM�amo d�to�nc9 covarin0 tti�prop�ny d�aoripw!inth�Srcu�lt��
<br /> • In�trummt and loosttd at:
<br /> ^__._..�_..�..._.�.� �--�,
<br /> (Propo rt�ABdra�) ,j y r ���/�
<br /> WITNE88ETH: ��'
<br /> WNEHEA8�6orrower�nd Lender htve a�reed th�t any r�nte and profits�ttributabl�to ths propeny shoutd aomtitut�
<br /> additional eecurity to ths Lendet!or the payment ot tNe No1r, .
<br /> NOW,THEAHFORE,It Is apreed thet the Security Instrum�nt ahAll bs am�nded 1�enby and deemad to includeil�foilowinQ
<br /> provlalons: �
<br /> 1. Q�elanrnent ot Renta and Lender Rp��Callentlon Ri ahte.Borrower her0by abaolutsly and uncondltlonaily�[aslpns�11 •
<br /> rento, laauea and profite of the p�operty to Bensflclary. lender eh�lf have the rlpht� power and authority du�ln� ttn�
<br /> continuancs of the Security Inatrument to colieat the�ent�,leauea and profite of tM propety and of any person�rl prop�ty
<br /> Ixsted thereon with or without t�kinp poasaaefon of the propsrty atteated hareby. lender, hcwsv�r,,hsr�by cons�nta tp
<br /> Qor�owePs aollectton and retentlon of suah rents.iasue$an4 Droftts aa they ecorue and become pRyable,eo lonp as 6a�owsr
<br /> Is not,at suah tlme.In defautt wlth reapeat to payment ot any Indebtednesa seauresi hereby.or in ths perfcrm�nca ot any
<br /> apreoment hereunder. .
<br /> ;� ,��:>._.`:;•.,; . 2, �p�ointmant of Receiver. If any evnnt of detault In respaot to the&eaurity Instrument ahali hsve occur�ect and t�e
<br /> continulnp,Lender, as a matter of►tpbt and wfthout notf�e to Borrawor or anyone etalminp undsr Bvrrower;and w(thout
<br /> .T,��,:,_. 1 repard to the vatue of the trust estate or the interest ot the Borrower 4hereln�ehall have trte rtqht to appiy to anyeourt havinp
<br /> • Jurladlctlon to appolnt e recelver of the propercy.
<br /> L' ,;�-�, 3. �h�o P�se sto�e�,in eaae of defautt In the payment of the s�id prinolpal Note or Mtereat,or e�ny pirtthereof,as It
<br /> r ��":�, �• shall mature,or i�the caso at taiture to koep or perform any of tP�eaovenante or agreemente contalnsd in the6�curity instru•
<br /> ,,�3r:+.�{�'��'4'�: ment,then the Lender,ita euccessora or aselgns.ahail be and la hereby authodrsd and empowered to take Immedlate
<br /> '�•s:; ��r•�r;, •., poasesalon of the said premtses thereln descr�bed snd to collect the ronts therefrom,and ta appty the procee4�theroof to tha
<br /> .L, �r .
<br /> 1 �.�:'�.- .�� ��.`�,� payment of the Note.
<br /> .�r;- .-•••���; ,-, 4. Aoaticatlon ot Ftenta lssues and€�ofifs,�1ii rents wiieafeci b�r Lerider ui•i�in revafv�eitaii be ap�iisd##�'8t ta�i
<br /> •��� �� ' ;'� ot the costs ot management of the property and colleatlon otrente,inoluding,but�ot Iimited to.receiver'a fees,premlums on
<br /> `��� � `�� •• . receiver's bonds and reasonabte attomey's fees,and then to the sums secured by the 8eQUrity Instnimeni.Lender end ths
<br /> ' '� receiver a�all be Ilable to aacaunt oniy for those rents aot�ally reoeived.
<br /> ' � . S. Const►uotlon of Provlelonati Eaah of the provisions contal�ed In thls Assignment o!Renis Rider and the Seourfty Instru-
<br /> � ' •-,� ment shall,unless otherwise speciticalty required,be construed In accordanco with Nebraska law,and In the e'vent any
<br /> j, , __ provlslon herefn or therein contained ahait be detennirted bye court of competent juriadietion to b�unenforceabte.the same
<br /> , ehail be construed as though suoh unentorceable provisio n were not a part hereof or thereof.
<br /> . ... . .......... � 8. Efteot of Rtder.Exaept as speoificatiy modified by or inconstatent with this Asstgnment of Renta Rider or by any other
<br /> • �• •� appticabte rider,eil of the terms and provtsions contained In the Seourity Instrument shall continue in tuil force and eNeCt.
<br /> .' , .` , IN WITNE33 WHEREOF,Borrower A�a executed this Ass ent of Rents Rider o the first noted ebova.
<br /> • • RY R eorrowor �
<br /> , �� .
<br /> . ,. �
<br /> � DI XIE L WHIT royr r , .
<br /> ' . (es:
<br /> •� �. • COUNTY OF HAL� 1
<br /> �,. ..
<br /> r�°�� , On this 11 TH d�y ot AUGUST ��g 94 b�i the underslg� Nota Pub�Ie d t co m�ealoned and '
<br /> . :t
<br /> quatifled tor said counry. personatty came GA�WiI�E��D DIXIE L ���fE� H�SBAND A� W�FE _
<br /> ,to be the Identtca►personta)whoae name(s)Islau�e aubacribed
<br /> �' to the foregoing inatrument,and helshelthey acknowledAe the exeautlon thereof to be htsmerfthelr votuntary ac�and dsed.
<br /> � , . .�
<br /> ` � Witness my hand and Notarlat Sea�at GRAND ISL ANO. NEBRASKA
<br /> ° '� In eaid oounty.the date atore9eid.
<br /> .� . w�t wwnrs�r e�w�+ ��� �, K�
<br /> Q�L� NOtery Pubi1C
<br /> Oea�µO�'1�.1991
<br /> My Commisslon expires: c-a-� �l � 1 q 4
<br /> � MF�IX10(1Rl1
<br /> � u .
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