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. � �.R ^ .,.�r�' i . •. _� . .. i�. .... <br /> � _ _ �.: _ �.�. . ..��.� . ,.4nfil!N?�}t.� .l � f . . .. . . <br /> .''y�.. . ,`i './i�, 1i.�4- ' . <br /> �. '. i..: _ �. i <br /> j ..� ^'�� �f�W+. =,i,"•f' �,'. . <br /> � '�:i <br /> _.:i:.lR.�' :u: <br /> � � � .�'s�-�/4'I�"/�-- . , <br /> ;� <br /> 4. Ik:llR".l��. Traqor,at N��ap�n�.wiN ��dntaln w7ih ino��n p�prowd 6y���:1fGW�In�vl�na wNA renpiM to MM <br /> " �mprp�mmts�nd p�non�l proPstry•cori�UNtf�9lhs PropRrty,�p�ln�t laa by P,r�,Iphtn�s9,tarrtado,eusd otho puik�nd h�xw�M <br /> " �,,r.n;�„f�q covatad Gy stendrrd�xtanded cov�rxpo wndorreaz�rL lr�an amaunt eq+�e1 ta�!I�nct an�hund�ad p�rtent o1 tha fufl wGlatatn�nt <br /> ; ,� :. , ve�Ns thm►af�nd insuran��gaft�tt�uch othmr h�twrd�MnA!n�uch unount�u t�cuetomeny a�utf�d by owner��nA op�rMar�oi <br /> •. �NnPI�►�prop�rtM�or a O�rt�Ac�ry nsay r�uk�lor itw nrot�lbn.Ytu�tar w�l oompy wiih wcl�4i���t�e�uttcmon!e Ge E�ne��k7 n+My <br /> karte tlnN ta tim�nqwut fa Iho prot�qfan by kHUr�na�of th�fntm�ts ot M�t�p�ctiw p�ttiN.AN haurana D��nwint�fn�d <br /> � � ' pu�wsM bo thN i?MA M YPwI�hrdl nrm�Truttar�!M 8�ns1h.^t�ry ia kuund�,M ltnk a�Wa+w k��b may��►.snd ptavMM <br /> IhM t�r��hols br no e�naNdfon a rs�odr[la�tion wNhoW no t�tM�r►ts dpn aia wrNbn noqAcRtbn Ia TwN»�nd BKnAcWy.In <br /> ,�..-t;:;.-;.:,,,,.:. th�«wnt any poiby heaund�r 6�not nn�w�d an ot abr�16 dny�prbr to�expk�fbn d�t��Ttwtw a B�n�fkrry e►W Orocura <br /> sucb inwnna M�oeord�na wiih Iho pro�alona�:pw�r�ii A.0 hc►:al.Ttu:«ar oh:.�d^_llv�t to B;nc!!�ary the ml�irtM��of <br /> Imurwna�nd ntNwaM lha�ot a m�mo�opiN of�uch PoNcM�and rsmwW th�nof.FaWun 1a f4mNA�uefi Insuru�oa by 7ru�lar, <br /> . .H�;::u,, _y ar nnwrab�o t�quk�d h�nund�r�h�A,at M�oplbn of B�n����tute�Q�t�uk. <br /> 4��1 �y'• Y <br /> '�`A"'��' 6. TAXES,A83ESSMF.NTB AND Cl�1ARC3E8. T►u�tor 4h�11 pay dl Wc��,s�wnm�nUi�nd oth�r ehrvpn,k�dudinp,wflhout <br /> +"��, �•`.�r�.��;�Y` I l�n i t a t l o n,f i n a a n d i m p o�k i o n s �t r i b u t a b N t o Ih� Pro p�A y. �nd Nu�hold p�ym�nU or pround nnU,if any,b�ton ths sam� <br /> �.� ;•,,,�: . <br /> �,,,��U;::;,,:,';x;;; l�oom�dNfnqu�nL Tnntor�hnll prompby NmNh to BrnNklery a0�otlGS of runaunb du�und�r thk puayraph,artd in t •��nnt <br /> •' "'=:� Ttuator ehall tinnit�paym�nt dir�dy,Trustar sheN prampty fumNb to 8on�flcKUy naipb�vid�ndnp such paym�nh.TtuiMr ahtN <br /> `` ti,..•' ,�..� .. . <br /> ,,�,a,:t:;:�;,t�'.f.,°, pay all Wc�r and aee�amerds whleh mdy b�NvMd upon B�mfletary's int�ts�t b�nM or 4Poqthit��TNSt witfio�et npard ro <br /> • any taw that may b��nacbd impatlnp paYmmt otth�whoM ot any p�rt thmof upon th�Ben�iCtary. ` <br /> •• B. ADDITIONAL UENS AR J PROTECTION OF BENEFICUIRY'8 SECURITI.Truetor shail mak�aN paym�nb o!iMmn�nd <br /> ,'" ,' • .- pdneipal and peym�nts of any olh�r chuQ�s,isRe and�otpmsa contretct�d to b�prtid to any�xMtinp IMn hold�m or pdot <br /> ' ,� � �;:r;, b�n�t�lari��und�r ary pibr d��d ot trwt or moAQe�y�b�ton th�dab thoy�n d�Iinqu�M and prompdy pay and dkchvp�uy and <br /> ���: � � eli othe INns,dslms or ehup�s�vhleh msy J�opudiu th���eurity p:ant�d h�n�in.If TnMor taN�to m�1c�any wch paymRM or fdl� <br /> �� .'.! to p�rtorm any of th�cownants and apr��m�nh eo�tnsd in this ONd of TrusL w in u+y prbr mortpaq�Qr dNd of husL or if�ny <br /> '�' ac4on or praeNdinp it comm�nad which mabHaNY e1Mds B�n�Rciary'� Int�mt In d�Prop�tty.inciudinp, but not ik�i�d to. <br /> , ° , �min�nt domein proc�adfnps,or proeNdinys involvinp a d�dm�or N Tn+stor faib to pay Truabrs d�bb y�mraily as they brom� <br /> dw,thm Ben�fldary,nt B�noflciary's optton and w(thout notia to or d�mand upon Trustor and without nt�e�slnp Trustar irom any <br /> obUpation h�nund�r, mey mak�weh appauanws, dwburae sueh �ums and tak� such aetion ea ts r»as�ary to prot�ct <br /> ' Benofldary'� tntorat, includinp. 6ut not Iimibd to.dkbun�mmt of notonebN attom��'s tN�, Payment,purchas�� cor�Ust or <br /> compromis�of any encumErartew,charps or Ilan,nnd entry upon th�Propsrty W mak��epaiis,in th��wnt that Trustor�haN taY to ;�.�, <br /> . procun insuranc�or to pay tex��asussm�nb,o�any oth�r charsa ar to mek�anY pe►yments to any�xisUnp pdor Iian hoid�n or �: <br /> <. � bono{�deriao,8�nsridary may prauro tueh ineurana nnd make sueh paym�nt Ar►y amounte disbunsd by 8ert�fleiaty punuantto <br /> • �� thi�Panspraph A.8 shnll b�com�eddllbnd Ind�btsdmss of Truator aaured by thie Dsed of Tn+et. 8uch nmourrte eh�il b�payabN �;i� � <br /> , upon mdc� irom B�n�ifdary to Trusto.•nqu�stl�s paymant th�roof,nnd ahap bear i�erest irom the dnto ot disburcomant at th� <br /> � �� �et�payaDU irom tlmo to dm�on outatnndtng pMcipnl und�r ths Nots unkse pnyment of interest et such reto wau{d 6�contrnry to ::T+'�,±� <br /> � " epptY� taw, in whkh svent euch emounts�haq bs+u tntereat at ths hlghost rats permisaible under applieeble law.Nothinq s; <br /> contalned in thla Paragrnph A.6 sheil nquU�Bonofictary to ineur any oxpence or take any aetlon hereunder. ���;'° <br /> B. IT�8 MUTUALLY A(iREED THAT: <br /> , <br /> /. ASSICiNMENT OF RENTB.Be�retfdnry ahnli have the itght,power nnd nuthority duting the condnuance ot fhis Oeed of 1'n+st <br /> to collect ths�erne,lsauea nnd profRa ot the Property nnd ot any personal property loented theteon with ar without tak[ng poseesabn �:�� <br /> ``���r;:... a}ths property ntfsetsd hereby,and Ttuetor hereby abaoiutey and unconditfonnUy maigns nli sueh ronte,bsues ertd�rolRe to ��..': <br /> • Benafidary.Benefrdnry.howsver,horeby conamts to the Trustor's oolleedon and retemion ot such renta,issuee end profits as they <br /> ?'-�' axrus and bocoms payabls so long nt Trustor b�ot�at aucfi time,In detauk with reepeat W pnyment of nr►y indebtedness sacurad <br /> • � h�reby,or in ths pettotmana of eny epreomoM henunder.Upon any sueh defnult Beneficiery may et eny dme,eithet in pereon,by • <br /> �`., <br /> apant ot by n mceiver to be appoiMed by a oourt without not�e nnd wilhout regard to Ihe adequaoy of eny sacurily tor the °';' <br /> Mdsbbdnaw horoby eowral.(e)antor upon and tak�poasessbn of the Property or any pnK thereot,and in rte own nane sue tor or <br /> athwrv+ls�cnlNet such renb,issuw and profRe,including thoss peat due and unpaid,end appy!he eame.less costo nnd expensea <br /> ot opsratlon and coltectfon,inctuding roaaonebie eltomeye fe�+e,npon any indebtednese sewrod hereby,and fn such order as <br /> ,,.: Bonefidnry mey determine;(bj peifotm such acls of ropalr ot protectfon aa mny be necessary or proper to consene the value of the <br /> properqr,(o)lenee th�eams or eny pnrt thenot tor such rentat,term.and upon such conddtona ns its iudgment may dktale or . <br /> „ :� � terminab,or adjuet tho terms and eonditbns a}sxlatlng leasea Unless TtusWr and Beneflciary thereof ngree olhetwlse In writing, <br /> • � ' eny ep?Ueeiion of ronts,tsauos a profRe to any indebtedn3se soeured hereby shnil not extend or postpone the due date ot the <br /> "`s " ��;� Instdlm�nt paymente na provided in entd promissory note or ehenge the emount of sueh Instalknerds.The enteArtg upon and <br /> � � �� teking possessbn ot the Prop�rly,the coUsceton of aueh ronte,laausa end profde,nnd the nppGantlon thereot as nforeeaid,ehntl not <br /> � wafv�or eure e+ny defauh or nodce ot detnult hereunder at InvNidate any act done pureuant b eueh nodee.Trustor nlao nstigne to <br /> BenoAnie� tuRher seeurity fa the per(ormence ot the obtigations seeured hereby,all prepaid rents nnd nll monfes whkh mny <br /> ., haw been or may hereaEer be depoeited wilh add Trustor by eny lessee of the sacure the payment ot any re►rt or <br /> . demagea,or upon defnuR in the peshxmenee ot any of ths provfsfons hereof,Trustor agreea to deAver such ronts and deposits to . <br /> �� genefl�lary.OeBvery of wriQen nodce of BeneAdary'a exerctse o!the r�ghts grented herein,to any tenant occupying eatd premiaes <br /> • shall be sufflelent M requlre said tenant to pay ront to the Benefietnry unril further notlee. <br /> :�� '- 2. CONDEMNATION.�}title to any part ottha Propetly shalt be teken in condemnatian proceedings,by right ot eminent domnfn ' <br /> or similer ndbn,or ehnll be eoid underthroat otcondemnntlon,ail nwarde,damagea and proceeda are hereby assigned and ahdl be <br /> �.,'r; : pnid W Benefidery who shnN nppy eueh awarde,damagos and proeeede to the eum aeeured by thls Deed of Trust,wRh the exe�aa, I <br /> H p�ny,paid to Truator.If Tmstor recekea any not�oe or other informarion repaMtng eueh aetlona or procoedinge,Truatot ehnll give <br /> � prompt written notico thereot to Bene6ciary.Beneticlaty nhnil be entiUed,at fta opt�on,to eommenoe,appear in and prosecute in ita <br /> ; own name any auch edbn or proeeedinga nnd ahep be entitled W mnke nny compromfse or settlement In connection with any sueh � <br /> • ectton or ptoceedinge. <br /> � 3. FUTURE ACVANCES.Upon request of Tru�or,Benefidnry�Beneridary's optlon,prbr to reeonveyanee ot the Property to � <br /> . Trustor,may make tuture edvances to Truetor.Such tuturo advaneoa,with fnterest theroon,sheil be seeured by thie T�ust Oaed <br /> when evldeneod by promisaory notes atadng that aetd notes ere eeeurod hereby,provfded thet at no dme sheU the seeured prt�dpat, ; <br /> futuro edvan�ss.not U+c�uding sums advenced to protect the securily,exeeed Two Hundred percent(20096)of the originni pMncipat ' <br /> , nmourtta secured hereby. <br /> 4. REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Truatee and Benefidary, and eneh of thom, sheil be entrtled to enlorce payment end <br /> petfortnnnce of any Mdsbtednees or obligntkns aecured hereby nnd to exercise all rigMs and powere under th�s Deod of T�uet or <br /> ' � undat nny othor egreement exocuted tn ConneeUOn�eremth or any iaws now or nereaimr m iorce,noiwiutsianaing avms vr an vi a�e • <br /> such lndebtedness and obligaUone oxurod h4reby may now or herenfter be othervrise seeured,whether by mortgage,deed of Cuat <br /> � p(edp6,Iian,ase►gnmant or o4henrise.fVeRher U:e na:aptnnce of thfa Oead of Trust nor ite entorcement whether by court ectron or <br /> P <br /> pureuent to ths power of eale a other powen herein contnined,ehall pre�udfee ot In any meinner aftect Truetee's or Boneftelary'e <br /> (,_ rfght to realu�upon or entorce eny other aeeuriy now or hereatter hoid by 7ruetee ar BenefiNary.rt being agreed that T�ustee and <br /> ` ��„ � Bsnefleiary,and eaeh ot them,sheN bs enMNd to entorte thia Deed of Truat nnd any ather soeunty now or herenRer heid by <br /> �• Bernfidary or Truetee In eueh oMer artd menner na they or efther ot them may!n thefr absoluto dfscretton determine.No remedy <br /> heroln eo�etted upon or rea�rved M TruaU�or 8enefidary ta fntended to bo exdueiva ot any other remady h�roin or by Inw <br /> � . provided or permflted,but each eha�be cumulatNe and sheM be in nddidon to every other remedy givan hereunder or now or <br /> heroafbr existing at law or in aquiry ot by statuto.Evory powor or romedy prov�ded hereunder this Oaed of Trust to Trustee or <br /> � ' Bensfiefary or to whkh etther ot Ihem mny be otherwiss enMled,may bo exercised,concurtently or independenNy,ftom t+ma M ume <br /> and ne often es may be desmed expedteM byTrualee or BeneAciary and enher ot them mny pursue�ncons�atent remediea.Noth�ng <br /> t'� " hsroln ehNi be eonstrued ne prohibdmg Bertet�inry kom seeMng a defideney�udpment egninst the Ttuetor to the extont such net�on <br /> � Is permitted by Inw. <br /> ' E07071 NOlMib �j���O.� �� OOlS� <br /> F <br /> � <br /> b <br />